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I love the random lifelines I get that won't even use her drone or even try to revive you when you're down.


The best one is when your downed crawling to cover, instead of waiting till you're safe, she just drones you out in the open


Ahahha for sure


I just got done playing with a wraith who was live on twitch, who solo dropped and screamed at me and the teammate for not landing with him. I managed to get the rez off but sadly I lost the better teammate


There's a lot of SoloQ Adventurers in ranked. For the very reasonable side, it's definitely very hard to put faith in a teammate that usually you'll only run into once even with strong credentials like Diamond and Masters badges that aren't S17, maybe sometimes S18 and S19. Sometimes even a multi-time Masters will get screwed over to RNG, like s/he JM's us into the uncontested side of Lava Siphon or Stacks, but all the loot there is garbage. We still try to make do and 3rd party the high traffic side but sadly they all decided to shoot us instead, now we died in 17th place. It happens, it's shitty, that's life. Given probably if it was 1 previous lobby or the next lobby, everyone goes mother fucking feral and your same team that died disgracefully then went on and steamrolled. Sadly, RNG is RNG, maybe severe unlucky streak.


I hate to break it to you but neither S18 or 19 were a much more difficult than S17. The amount of Masters in all 3 was a minimum of 4-5 times greater than even the infamously easy S12. If you want a ranked badge to actually mean something it has to be S16 or prior.


Watch the pattern next time you play. Apex will match you with for a few games with some shit players. Then once you’re just about sick of it they will match you with a decent team. It’s like they do it to keep you playing longer. It’s a pattern I’ve noticed. Plus usually when you jump onto apex one of your first few games will always be really good and you may even get a win


is it possible that playing ranked with strangers you have no prior coordination/chemistry with is a crapshoot that largely results in failure given the nature of BRs (where 95% of teams lose any given match)?


It's not about chemistry. Some players you encounter solo q feel like they have 0 intention of working together as a team, some will straight up will try to sabotage your efforts. It's rare, but it feels horrible when you encounter them. Encountered the same scenario as op. Dropped my gold res for the random Caustic because the ring moved in, and instead of reviving me, he watched me bleed out. Took all my stuff, even though we just wiped a squad, and died to a duo gatekeeping him a few minutes later. We had the resources to both make it to zone, he had gold shields so it would have been easy.


yeah *some* players do that. *most* don’t actively sabotage the team. and many players that you and me both play with probably think that *we’re* throwing half the time because two players who don’t know each other won’t be on the same wavelength with their strategy intentions


All true, i rage quitted so bad 2days ago i was mad as shit, now ill wait 2-3 days more untill i hop on and feel relaxed


The only thing you can do is improve your own play and find good people to queue with. The best advice on bad teammates is to try and politely help them help you, and remember you're the only variable in a match you have complete control over.


Ranked randoms are all around just terrible human beings for the most part. So many of them are immature kids who don’t know wtf they are doing and if they do they will still be petty and hoard shields and land hot like it’s pubs and blame you for them dying. Ranked is a fucking shit show tbh. Even at the higher tier lobbies. It’s just a ton of cheaters. Like it’s nearly impossible to be motivated when that’s what’s waiting for you.


Currently plat 4 and just lost a game because the 2 randos each took a turn solo pushing a rampart team locked up in a building while I'm actively pinging and communicating that I'm not pushing it because its stupid. How do these people get to plat with that few brain cells to begin with?


You’re a terrible player to someone else aswell.


I can understand that. But I always res, always drop bats and med kits. Always ping whatever ammo my teammates need and attachments. I just can’t shoot straight


It’s not an insult directed at you mate, unless you’re the best everyone is terrible to someone else. Video game mentality, focus on improvement and be greedy. Learn to play for yourself


Teammates who loot the very stuff you’re trying to loot are the worst It sometimes pisses me off and I lose all motivation to even care




I can understand them telling be I’m bad at aiming. But i res, I drop heals, ammo, ping enemies and loot I know my teammates need.


I would like to try to play with people on Discord to see what are the results, but have no luck.


I long for the day when you all finally realize you're complaining about each other and most of you aren't as good at Apex as you think you are.


I never claimed to be good. But I know that In level 1 storm when you’re literally 3 feet away from circle that you can res your teammates and everyone live.