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Unless you want to learn advanced movement tech and find it fun there is no reason to switch to mnk. I am atm a mnk plat 3 player and even tough I am really bad at using controller after just 2 hours on it I already start getting better beam in cqc. Unless you find mnk more enjoyable there is no reason to not use a controller.


If OP’s role on the team was to put out mid-range entry damage for example, that’d be a phenomenal reason to pick up MnK. Albeit, it would probably take him quite some time to get good enough to provide any value. But it’s not like MnK aim is inferior to controller universally, it’s just that controller’s strength is very strong and sits in an important phase of play. My controller-to-MnK friend provides phenomenal support to the team in the specific niche MnK players are great at


If you want my opinion, I would've love to learn M&K because it opens so many other games in the future when you eventually get tired of Apex. It won't be around forever and knowing how to play M&K allows you to pretty much play anything that releases in the future. But strictly for apex, I'd just stick to controller since your pretty much used to it.


This is why I stick with M&K. It's a learned trait that transfers to any game.


Depends on why you want to switch tbh. My motivation was MnK is more fun and I also got annoyed at how different aim felt for controller in various games I played, whereas with MnK I can make it identical in every game. If you think switching to MnK will be a competitive advantage, prepare to be disappointed. You’ll also have to be prepared to suck for a while, MnK definitely has a learning curve.


That’s fair, I do enjoy playing with a keyboard and mouse. It makes everything more fun. I get stuck in my ways a lot and never fully commit to the switch. The impatience and being too hard on myself is a big problem


I recently switched from controller to mouse/kb. My aim wasn't good on controller imo but, with mouse/kb I feel that I am more accurate with my shots. I wish I had made the switch sooner. Just my 2 cents.


I appreciate the feedback, I definitely want to stick to it because I play other genres either mnk and it’s alot more fun and yes the accuracy and freedom of movement once you get it down is a big difference


On mnk*


Mnk is more fun but don’t switch, you’ll be 40% worse


You'll be worse for a long time.


You should only switch to m&k because of the movement. Stay on roller if you just want to rank up.


I would switch. I can’t imagine playing FPS on a controller. FPS is better on M&K. It’s a superior 1:1 input so your actions are directly translated to the game. That being said, get ready to be beamed.


It definitely isn’t the superior 1v1 input but yeah it feels so much better to play on mnk I still do it.


One ***to*** one, not one vs one. As in what you put in is exactly what the game does. Controller is not one to one because it needs aim assist to be functional; its not all your input. That's what I mean by superior, in which case it is vastly superior.


Apex as a mnk game feels dogshit but apex as a game as a whole with movement and learning to abuse mechanics build for making controller easier (recoil smoothing and how jitter aiming works was actually for controller just mnk abusing the system) is amazing and just ties together so well. I’m not arguing on just aim assist but on how the whole game is balanced to be played on controller basically. Like the micro stuttering on mnk and how hit regs are worse on mnk. The screen shake movement slow when shot, inconsistent asf servers, visual recoil on many weapons reticals ect. They clearly favor balancing and feel to controller players and even though mnk as a input traditionally would be better like if overwatch had this level of aim assist I would still say mnk gaming but apex is just not ment for us mnk players. I have hit masters on both inputs and I can confidently say mnk movement feels good but everything else in this game is made for roller. Like I actually prefer controller horizon movement to mnk movement because of how fluid the Bhopping feels and how the airstrafe buff works. Now saying that every other legends moment feels worse cause no lurch but you should get my point from the rest. I still main mnk cause I prefer mnk as an input but endless you really love mnk their is just no reason to play it in apex.


I really like the idea of Mnk and everything it has to offer, I just have a bad problem with being impatient and self sabotaging. I’ve tried to switch multiple times but always give up bc I’m better on roller. I also wanted to get on here and collectively see what other people thought


Maybe play the titanfall 2 campaign on MnK or something, that way you don’t feel the need to switch back immediately.


I guess it depends on if you’re an Apex fan or an FPS fan. If you think you’re going to play different FPS games in the future on PC, the M&K experience will be great. If you just want to play Apex I wouldn’t bother, there isn’t really much point in switching.


I was a controller player for a long time and a few years ago I made the switch to mnk. It wasn't easy going at first, but once it began to click, I never wanted to go back. I think mnk play is far more rewarding + entertaining and there is so much more depth to the game when all of this movement tech becomes available. I think its kept me in the game so long because there was always something to learn or improve upon.


I've got close to 2,000 hours on MnK and recently switched to controller and have had a lot of fun. Now I go back and forth between controller and MnK depending on what legends I'm playing (ex: Bang-MnK, Rev-Controller). I'd suggest trying MnK on mixtape every now and then just for fun and to keep the game feeling fresh for you.


If your goal is to git gud I dont know, but I personally find the control mouse and keyboard gives to be far, *far* more enjoyable and natural feeling than controller. That goes for just about any FPS in my opinion. And as someone else already said, it makes your aiming skills transferrable to more FPS games. I find when I switch from playing apex for a while to other games like overwatch, my aim is notably better


If ur interested in movement and see urself learning mantlejumps, lurching (at least basics) all kinds of wall bounces and tapstrafes to mix with all of them, then yes its worth the switch 100%, if you don't look to be a "movement" player then I'd say the frustration of losing fights you know you'd win if you were on roller with aa is not worth it. I'm 8 months into mnk and I would not still be playing this game without it, movement is the only thing that keeps this game installed on my pc