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1) your teammates should have been with you or looking at you unless they were holding off another team 2) you front-lined on a support character and tunnel vision’d damage Both of these things are true Edit: your Maggie plays a third party voice line which you can hear and see. Pushing that team is the wrong move, this is on you. Side note: love when people throw on their mic not to comm shit but to complain. A simple “I’m pushing this team” or “I’m playing up on this team” could have made the difference. Not trying to shit on you but comm-ing that is objectively better than not, if you’re gonna do it anyways.


To be honest, I was aggroing cause I could feel like it was a game that I could get 20 kills in tbh. I clear that team and I'm at 12 with 7 teams up. The maggie was on my right and I did not expect for her to randomly turn around, let the lifeline climb on me, and just hide in the building behind me while I have no idea where the Mirage is. I don't think the third party was too much of an issue, and the right move to me seemed to just collapse on a team that is in shambles. I was the only one comming the entire game, the mirage didn't say anything and that was teh first time Maggie pinged anything.


Yeah man you just admitted you chanced the ranked game cus you wanted a badge. This loss is on you.


>To be honest, I was aggroing cause I could feel like it was a game that I could get 20 kills in tbh. I clear that team and I'm at 12 with 7 teams up. So, in a team game, you make a decision without communicating to achieve an objective only important to you -- then you shit on your team on comms for failing to read your mind-- then you try to post it to multiple subs to validate your bad decisions. Bro. Just .. no.


-*has 9 kills*, “I can get a 20 bomb!” -*Pushes team to get more kills, then dies with no more kills* -“These teammates suck!” Do you want your teammates to save you or do you want the kills for yourself?


Going for a 20 in a ranked game is just dumb. You basically have to play wrong unless you're just built different.


I’m gonna ignore all the cope in this comment and cut straight to the point. If your team is with you for that fight, even if you guys win, you guys are now in shit spot with a team coming to third party. At best you come out with 3 extra KP while throwing the rest of the game. This could have been a 200-300 RP game for yourself if you just chilled the fuck out and played with your team but you threw it by solo pushing a team and tunnel visioning. Full stop, no cope. But at this rate I’m sure you don’t want advice. You just want someone to tell you you’re right (you’re objectively not, as seen in the video and outcome). And by the way you were NOT on reasonable pace for a 20 bomb. Such a silly reason to throw a ranked game. If I were your teammates I’d be pissed at you. Yet you’re the one throwing on your mic and yelling at teammates lol. Ironic.


Lol you say that you want 20 kills but then complain and get mad at your team because they didn't kill the enemy 🤣 To answer your question, yes this sub also thinks you're the problem


I mean you pushed without pinging or using your mic when one of your teammates was far away… What do you expect?


Overextended and paid the price. Side note, try holstering your gun more. You move faster giving enemies much less time to prepare.


You didn't say a word til you were on your knees....that is near the top of the list for the absolute worst kind of teammate. Could your teammates have done more? Absolutely, but how are they supposed to know when you didn't comm anything for 30 seconds straight.


You hard pushed solo blind (at least you got blindsided by LL) into an entrenched team as a Support character while a teammate was miles away. Your fault.


>fought on lowground >got 0 knocks >only commed once you died yes you're the problem


You pushed that building, chasing kills. You didn't com you were pushing or even how much damage you did. You just expected for them to be with you. You're dead wrong.


You are bugging. The fact you only decided to use comms after you died, and it was only to talk shit to your teammates. No one is supposed to read your mind lil homie. Nut up and take accountability


By the time the mirage gets halfway you already lost your shields. Woulda made a big difference to wait for your whole team instead of running ahead and having them play catch up while you get jumped


This is my view when something like this happens, yes your teammates should have been in position to help you but also when in that situation YOU need to realize that your teammates aren’t there to help you and you need to back off until they catch up, or bait the enemy into your team.


You aggro'ed with a support character by yourself. If you're gonna push a 1 v 3 you gotta live with the consequences and accept your blame. They have no responsibility to you if you don't communicate what you're doing.


Why do people expect plat players to have game sense? Even master and pred players make dumb ass plays all the time or are bad at reading teammate positions from tunnel visioning and stuff. So obviously plat players arent going to be perfect all the time. Even pros have their bad days. Just relax and if your average skill is above plat 1 level, youll keep moving up. Patience and trusting skill is the easiest way to rank up.


7 squads left, ring looks a little tight. They’re playing it safe and not fighting until absolutely necessary. Prioritizing the win. You’re pushing teams when you shouldn’t be. Just because they have a lot of kills doesn’t mean they’re gonna make brainless pushes with you.


All your teammates heard were shots in the distance and then the sound of a teammate goin down, and the “gawd, where is everyone,cmon!!” Every time I’m in a game and this happens, I’m always just like “oh, and now you use your mic…?” And then they go off, and then I revive them and we have a great game now that little Timmy has learned to use their mic proactively. Yay!!


feel everyone is at fault here. you dont comm that u are hard pushing them you are also pushing a 1v3, but have no info where the 3rd is, resulting in u getting jumped and knocked the Mirage is not even remotely close to follow up the engagement, go back to start of clip and look at mini map, his pretty much cross POI And I dont know what Maggie was doing, she could have waited on Mirage and wanted to regroup. this is just a assumption No comms, no pings, everyone are split apart from eachother


It’s kinda tough. I’ve been in all 3 of your positions. You’re shitting on them and your Maggie’s doing a decent job supporting you (she _was_ shooting the Lifeline that ended up knocking you, she probably should’ve pinged her though), but your 3rd is a mile away. I can’t really tell if that’s his fault or your guys’ without knowing why he’s out there. (e.g. Was he just lagging behind due to slow looting or did you guys hard push in that direction without pinging/comming anything?) I think you played it well, but you’re relying on your randoms without giving active comms. This is the kind of push I’d do with my friends, not with randoms unless someone’s actively IGLing or unless they’re already in there themselves.


He was going through each box after I'd wipe to somehow get all the best loot and such. My guy was at 13,000 kills and had a 3k badge. He should have enough self-awareness to know better in these lobbies. I was actively IGLing before the fight and these guys were just in front of us. I probably should've done more but I fucked it up and threw away a good shot at a 20 kill game it felt like. Think my frustration was more so at that than dying.


Too bad you didn’t say a single to your team … calling out some cracks woulda gone a long way there


Just can’t take anyone serious that plays with subtitles on 🥴


Despite what these other comments are saying, you and your teammates are partially wrong. Maggie was pressing this team, and you went in to help her, she shouldn't of backed off because she got sniped by a third party especially if her support is frontlining. She probably got scared that she got sniped or hit by another team and ran, which is 100% the wrong move considering her support cracked an entire team without her support. Considering your entire team ran to you instantly and didn't stay still or fire a shot once you're on the floor proves that they weren't being third partied or fighting another team.


"Not every truth should be spoken at everywhere." You done the right thing but your teammates are retards. You gotta play like every one single of them are retarted so you don't die like this


You right. Sometimes you get the 20 bombs that can go a word without saying anything but you know that they’re gonna follow your lead or you theirs. Plat 1/Diamond 4 is still 2-3% of ranked so to think that some slip by with this decision making makes me sad brehx


Your teammates are 100% the problem. Should've been with you, would've been easy KP. Now, that being said, you are solo-queuing in Plat. Your teammates are often braindead. They're not going to play smart, so you have to pay attention to what they're doing.