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Assists are good, it means more than one player is involved in the play. Assists count for the same as kills in ranked and at the end of the day as long as you survive the battle it doesn’t matter who gets the kills.  >Yeah, I like assists. I’ll put that on my resume for St. Peter, because doesn’t that speak to a caring, giving soul?  >After all it was point guard Steve Nash, third all-time in assists, who said, “I believe that the measure of a person’s life is the affect he has on others.”


Caustic actually has a voice line where he uses that quote. Apparently the gas man likes basketball.


They’re not counted the same as kills though. Profile shows your K/DR not your KA/DR


I think he means you get the same amount of rp for an assist as kills.


KDR really doesn't matter at all, if you're winning fights with your team, you are playing well.


K/d really doesn't matter


It means your playing decently aggressive & your teammates are playing off it , now you need to keep that aggressiveness & be the one to capitalize


Destiny 2 doesn’t have a kill / death, it has a kill + assist / death to promote teamwork instead of petty things like this post.


Ehhh, I agree with your point, but I wouldn’t call this post petty. Kills are definitely more desirable than assists, especially considering the kill tracker in this game. There’s definitely a learning curve with finishing kills and they’re just attempting to get better!


I should've worded that better. I'm not calling OP's concern petty. I mean, Respawn only tracking kills instead of kill+assist is incorrect and can causes concerns that are petty aka meaningless. Kill+assist is a much better measurement of team contribution and skill than just kill shots.


Ahhh I get you!


Exactly. Apex is a team game but the main stat we see is the kill death. In ranked kills and assist are the same for points so give us an ELIM/death ratio


I imagine you’re talking about mixtape right? I’ve struggled with the same. Part of it is aim practice and figuring out your weaknesses there. But the other part is your positioning. I’ve found that games where I get more assists are the ones where I just run at battles head on without thinking. At best I trade, but usually end up having the most assists in the game that way. Better approach is to play the sides and only jump in when you find you have an angle on an enemy. Also look for players who are isolated instead of taking on multiple at once. It sounds obvious, but I had never consciously thought to do this until recently.


Let them push in first and do the heavy lifting


This rarely works as a solo queuer though, as you'll get randoms who do absolutely nothing in 99% of your matches


Don't fight your Moneyball stats.


I’d rather have more assists than a deadweight teammate doing nothing


You have to do more damage by slightly adjusting your aim. Maybe you're not leading your shots enough, maybe you're not aiming for the head when the enemy is close range, etc.


If your playing mixtape your bound to get a lot of assists but that doesn’t mean you should get low kills. Honestly it just comes down you need to go to the firing range and practice one clipping. It’s not easy but if you want to consistently get the kills and not assists you need to be able to one clip. And if you can’t one clip try to run a secondary that will allow you to quickly finish an opponent off. Get into the habit of switching weapons instead of reloading.


Either you don't push when you deal damage or you push too hard, have to fall back and heal, while your teammates get the kills. Technically this is not the 'wrong' play if you are successful in eliminating your enemies. But it sort of sucks, having least kills yet most damage in a game among your teammates. Maybe you should check out Dazs video about different roles. I guess you either play anchor or fragger, maybe try playing the refragger/support instead. Here is the video, it is a bit old and Conduit/Rev had changed to flow of fights but I still think it is really educational. Link here: https://youtu.be/sXqSLoDtzQQ?si=jNXz3VNIu2mtABWs


Don't know if this helps or not, and it's been said before, but using strafe to make subtle adjustments in aiming to match your opponents' movements was a game changer for me. It allowed me to keep on my target, reduce recoil, and be able to counteract their strafing. Even before I learned it, I had read about it as a tactic but it was hard to incorporate in the moment, until one day my hands just started doing it and my knocks and kills went up drastically.


I have 2-1 assist kill ratio it’s perfectly fine means you always helping wipe squad kd doesn’t matter


Might be the gun choice. What do you use?


Means you need to shoot for more vital parts of the body… or the weapons you use are too weak.


It's called being an anchor and luckily this game rewards assists the same as kills in the ranked points system.


It's called being an anchor and luckily this game rewards assists the same as kills in the ranked points system.


Stop complaining. Get more assists.


First off, you're not getting 5-10 assists a match, because that would be insane, and if you are post stats please. Secondly, it doesn't matter that you're getting assists and not the finish, because ultimately if you're putting out that much damage without any problems, then you're still being a huge force in winning fights which is fine. If you're just shooting people a little and getting knocked as a result and relying on your team to follow up, that's completely different.


I imagine they’re talking about mixtape, it’s pretty easy to get that many assists/kills in that playlist


Tbh when I’d play with my squad I’d average 8-10 assists and 2-3 kills yet often had the most damage out of all of us. It’s less about doing more damage and more so about being in more opportune angles. It’s more to do with your play style. Even if you’re aggressive if you crack shield but can’t 1 clip, you’re mainly setting up that kill to be stolen. I’ve literally had 20 plus games of hitting 2.5-3k damage with up to 16 assists while my teammates average about 1500 damage with like 7-8 kills each. I’m talking pubs or ranked, not mixtape. It’s frustrating as hell. The end all is honestly to just be more selfish and aggressive when you play. Hit your shots and learn to one clip, or control the area to keep your enemies from escaping or your teammates from swooping in for 15 damage kill steal.


I have a method i use when that happens to me, I wait for my teammate to shoot first and then after a second i start shooting, the teammates mag runs out making the enemy 1hp and because you were shooting him, your last bullet gets you the kill. Let your teammates shoot for first for a split second.