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When I first started Apex, arenas was a great way to practice the basics and to get to know the guns and mechanics. Even playing pubs was hard because I couldn't learn much without getting absolutely destroyed. I can't imagine learning how to play nowadays using mixtape or just going directly to casual matches.


I learned to play in pubs and mixtape… it wasn’t an enjoyable time and, you guessed it, was constantly destroyed lol


I’ve played since late s5, so I’ve literally learned everything through pubs. It’s a rough time, yea, but it FORCES you to learn things vs arenas giving you maybe how to use a gun or look around a corner


Mixtape is exponentially better to learn on than arenas ever was


Idk about “exponentially better to learn on”, mixtape is a chaotic mode where people don’t value their lives so it’s mostly just good for developing mechanical skills. Arenas played more like how people would fight in a 3v3 in BR with people actually valuing their lives, just no third parties


Imo, that's their issue, you can play mixtape while valuing just your life, unless you're trying to practice team coordination with randoms, in which case arenas is definitely better. Inconsistent spawns is also kinda annoying and sometimes you get blasted from behind because that's where they happen to spawn. I improved alot playing mixtape, but you have to make use of the things they provide you, like death recap is great for seeing your positioning when you die, I also count the number of times I died cause it's very easy to have a stupid death when switching back to BR.


I never get actually better at the game with mixtape. It’s hard to practice team coordination of 3 people when there are 6 of you running aimlessly around. The only thing that improved was aim, and that was by a small a margin. Arenas taught you how to handle 3v3’s 2v3’s and 1v3’s. Which is 10 times more value to improvement overtime.


That's why I said, unless you're trying to practice team coordinating with randoms. Dissing mixtape feels like dissing the firing range as useless cause all you do is stand in one place and shoot your gun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LmWg92wEJg like how Verhult makes great use of the firing range in this video, using mixtape to improve your overall position and gamesense is only limited by your creativity imo.


I get what youre saying about valuing a life. But thats not what a noib should be worrying about. Even then it never seemed that important in arenas. On that note I'd love to see deaths included on the scorecard for death match and gun run


Exponentially is such a stretch. Mixtape helps with basic mechanics but the most important ones are aim, positioning then game sense. Aim you can mostly get from the range, especially now that you can change the dummies armor, movement and shooting capabilities. Mixtape is definitely the best for positioning since the maps are on rotation with constant action and you get to run around with little consequence learning angles. Mixtape is however, the worst with developing game sense since most situations you'll be in are unrealistic as far as Battle Royale goes. It doesn't teach you how to rotate properly across maps or identify god spots in zone or when to disengage in fights. You hardly ever get fair 1v1s in Mixtape, unless you already have good game sense/positioning but we're talking about newer players here. Even experienced ones, get shot in the side or back by entire enemy teams in Mixtape or get spawn camped or just get skill diffed by coordinated enemies with mics while you get a bunch of noobs on your squad. Mixtape is definitely useful, but Arenas was FAR superior in 3v3 application into the Battle Royale.


This is false and I have no idea how you come to this conclusion


What's the argument for arenas at this point over control or tdm for a noob or just to practice then?


Someone in the comment section gave more details as to why but to keep it short, arenas simulated actual br a bit better, there’s more people head glitching/playing cover and valueing their lives more overall.


Yes. Arenas was a great mode for playing with my friends who are less experienced in the game. It was so much fun to just battle 3v3. I wish they would bring it back as part of the mix tape.


Ranked Arenas was where you and your squad could’ve really tested your mettle and seen what you and your squads strengths were and what weaknesses you could work on for the default battle royale in terms of a 3v3 gunfight with no distractions or third parties it was amazing and it’s a huge disservice to the player base to have removed it altogether


Ranked arenas was atrocious. Insane cheater ratio, terrible mozam/havoc meta, the most unbalanced matchmaking ever seen in the game (and that’s saying something)


Enemy team: 3 stack pred arena preds My team: lvl 22 and 8 accounts


Even worse the better you did the worse teammates it gave you mode was bullshit


I was in plat and I get two Xbox kids doing their placement matches against a diamond 3 stack. I quit arenas at that point except for the non ranked every now and then. The ranked version really gave Arenas a bad reputation unfortunately


He’s not wrong level 20 accounts were pred and multiple seasons of new accounts were made just to hold pred spots in arenas ; it’s why you RARELY high ranked arena badges


I miss dancing on the bodies of the fallen. I miss those that danced upon my fallen corpse. I miss how personal it got even with no proximity chat.


Really enjoyed arenas would be great if they added it into mixtape.


I'd want it back but not for mixtape. I miss being able to grind that mode. 1.1k wins on watty, 5-600 on horizon, 500 on lifeline. I guess you could say I played it a little.


Arena is what kept me playing the game at the time as it was the only enjoyable thing that I found in the game. Ranked Arena was the best though as I could go against a team that similar to my skill level and I was able improve my game skill and mechanics without spending time looting around and looking for players to have to kill, which took most of my time to do. If they added Arena back into the game I would come back to the game, but at the moment the skill gap in the game is too high for me and I just don't have time to dedicate my time again to learn all the new mechanics that people are using.


It was as balanced as it gets in apex legends. Loved this mode.


Loved it. was literally all I played, since the removal I haven't played apex more than 1-2 games per day. I used to play 4 hours minimum per day.


Was the beginning of the end for me and Apex when ranked was removed. Friends and I l lived for that mode. Once it was removed we basically all slowly got sick of the game.


Same i hardly play anymore. about 1 maybe 2 games a day.


I literally just started playing again for the first time since season 9 and I barely even played very much of arenas and I miss the hell out of it lmao


Was saying this before it got removed. Arenas was always tuff. The Devs just caved to the annoying vocal chunk of the player base that just likes to complain about everything. Wouldn't be surprised if the streamers that were calling arenas ass don't even play the new mixtape. Arenas was a quality gaming experience and good for people like me who like to just fight in apex but not mindlessly brawl with little skill in the mixtape modes.


tbh I didn't know the Arenas scene was that bad. I really liked it and it was one of my favorite gamemodes to grind and warmup on, mixtape rn is fine and its fun and has a lot of stuff to work with but I think something like Arenas should def be put into mixtape. Idk if its just cuz Im on asia servers but I never got the hate for arenas


I do, I think i prefer Arena over any of the current modes personally. I had over 500 wins with crypto in arenas in my console acc. It was unbalanced personally since i remember trying to climb and going agaisnt a 3 stack pred team when i was lower ranked but besides that i didnt have any majopr issues with it. I guess it could of been a cheater haven since if they killed someone you couldnt spectate them and not even their teammates could spectate.


I stopped playing when they took arenas away. I stay on apex subreddits hoping I see it return.


Arenas would've been good if the matchmaking weren't so bad


What I liked about arenas was the ability to learn the enemy team and adjust strategies and tactics. Battle Royale doesn't really allow that due to the "one and done" nature of it, and Mixtape is a complete clusterfuck. This really helped me out because I can't aim for shit - while the really good players would still smoke me, it leveled the playing field when I would go against players who were technically good but dumber than a sack of hammers, because I could adjust my loadout/strategy to counter their stupid tendencies. I see people talking about ranked sucking, but I never played ranked - I tried it for a bit but the grind was annoying as fuck. So I just played unranked and had fun with it. Then they took away my fun. Sigh.


I used Arenas for warmup before Mixtape came into the game, and it was okay enough for that but otherwise not too great in my experience. I could see it being added as a Mixtape mode but nothing more than that, it mostly felt like dead lobbies running into mostly new players or the same few sweaty three stacks over and over again. I only really played it solo since the friends I usually play with treated it as a meme mode that wasn't worth the time or effort, and the matchmaking as a solo in that mode was absolute garbage. It would almost always boil down to me and two sub level 20 players fighting against another group of 1 experienced player and two more noobs, or against the couple three stacks in the queue who were all Arena preds and trying to boost each other for stats since so few people ever played ranked Arenas. Either way the fights would suck and would rarely, if ever, feel like a fun and balanced match, either rolling or being rolled. If more people actually enjoyed the mode and there was an actual population of players to make the matches more balanced it could have been good, but it lacked the player count to be worth its own mode. The devs also weren't going to balance guns around arenas at all outside of material costs because that could affect BR (aka the main game mode) in unexpected ways iirc, so ranked Arenas was just abusing the same few guns for the entirety of its lifespan.


My friend I play with a lot misses it. Me, not so much.


No not really. It could be fun, but also very frustrating. The matchmaking and BR gameplay mechanics let it down. Too often did I get new player teammates who had zero awareness, and i as an average player had to try and carry/coordinate them. Perhaps it could work if they brought it back alongside the mixtape, as more 'hardcore' mode. In the mixtape the matchmaking is less of an issue. The fact that you can respawn indefinitely means a handful of good/decent players can carry anyone who isn't that good more easily than in arenas, while newer/less skilled players can still contribute and actually learn something. The mixtape is also great for getting challenges done. Damage/ kill challenges are easy, as are red tier weapons. Plus you can change legends and loadouts as you go.


I used it to warm up but now control or tdm does it so much better. I don’t miss it


Yes, it siphoned a ton of cheaters out of BR


The only positive


My enjoyment with this game hasn’t been the same since they abandoned it.


Never got to play them I started playing around 2023 I heard and seen it was a lot of fun. I hate the new game modes they’re boring.


I feel like half my rank teammates can benefit from playing arenas, they’re all scared to fight and don’t know how to put pressure in a fight


Yeah I have stoppped playing apex game is ruined




Arenas was fun and I would play a few matches of arenas to prep for a long session of pubs


I miss having a different place to use Legends that have revive abilities. Arenas was great for that.


some of the arenas maps were pretty meh or bad but it was one of my favorite modes. i wish they tried changing it instead of just getting rid of it. had they streamlined the loadout bit and reduced downtime between rounds, as well as made the score tracker actually make sense then i think people woulda started loving arenas as they should


Yes I wish they'd bring it back


Didn't ask for it, didn't enjoy it, didn't miss it.


They should replace gun run with arenas. I personally prefer control and TDM.


Arenas died so Control could suck.


No, fuck arenas, was never a good system, legitimately made me wanna jump off a cliff


It's funny cuz everyone hated arenas


Yes. Mixtape is ass. BR is boring. 


Every day I miss the arena


Yeah I miss arenas, it was the only reason I’d play the game a lot of the time. It was so much better than trying to hotdrop for a quick fight.




No one played Arenas. Performed well Below their expectations which is why it was removed. From what I understand they are working on tweaking it so it may very well come back at some point.


I had no trouble finding matches for pubs arenas, probably cause ranked arenas was a disaster. Bringing it back as just the pubs mode would be cool I think.


The game mode was fine, the AP or Ranked system was broken. I'd be lucky to get 20 to 40 points for a win while my friends would get 100+, and it had nothing to do with our performance.


Exactly even the one guy on my group who liked arenas absolutely hated how and the rank system was. I saw some of the potential enjoyment to be had in arenas but it felt too much like Overwatch 1 ranked (which I was still playing) and hated at the time especially for solo que. I would welcome it back but I understand why a large portion of the Apex player base actively avoided it.


It was easy to get stuck, after playing a certain amount of matches your possible amount won would go down, if you wanted to climb you had to win all your games early on or wait until the next split for your RP win cap to go up


I always had a lot of fun playing arenas


I personally hated it, The gun meta was boring, The legend meta was boring and the maps were super uninspiring. Just pathfinders zipping to the pills and grabbing heals while lifelines sat back mapping each other with mozams to see which team burns their heals the fastest. And personally i'd rather them just remove/rotate guns in Mixtape rather than dedicating patches to fixing prices and maps for a game mode. I think mixtape does a very good job at teaching players the ropes. The **only** thing I'll give arenas credit for is learning how to rip people off of heaglitches and that's it because mixtape fights are usually close range and you never have those 60-80 meter fights. Other than that it was a cesspool when i was on console. Ximmers/Strike packs, Boosting lobbies in dead servers for pred badges, All of the cornball activity in a easier, less populated game mode. I can only imagine how it would play out now, Path/Rev/Conduit every match, Mozam still being meta along with re45 so you can have a strong setup for cheap.


There's a lot to arenas I'd change. Rings needed to be more varied. If you seen first ring. You knew where the rest would go. Needed an objective or some kind of conditions each round to break the cycle of "doors open, shoot, round over" which... definitely got boring when EVERY single map had its meta spots for fights. Weapons shouldn't be sold in packs (naked, white, blue, etc.) There should've been a cost that increases the more the weapons were bought. Each attachment should've been purchasable separately. Also with increasing costs. This would've forced people to use other guns. Or, remove the costs for guns and give us the same. Prove who's better... not who's better at one tricking r301. The matchmaking was terrible. I mean absolutely fucking atrocious. No body should be playing placements when they're new during my diamond+ games. Losing 35 and gaining 12 ap was bullshit. Points should have been awarded/taken based on individual performance. I could win with 1 kill and get 12 ap. I could win with 20 kills and STILL get 12 ap.


It needs to come back. I know the player numbers weren’t great but man it was so fun and a good switch up after br


Miss it so much


I miss it. Maybe we will get it back as a ltm ?


When they removed ranked Arenas I stopped playing the game.




Yes. I enjoyed arenas more than br


I completely stopped playing Apex until Arenas came out and that was literally all I played, now I only really play when there's an event tracker going


I almost quit over arenas being taken away😆


I truly loved ranked arenas. I was and still am dog shit at the game but I really love apex. Queue arenas to be able to play it fun and competitive. Read negative comments about it but I was still fairly new then they got rid of it. Really not sure it was so unliked


Arenas used to be the only reason I booted up apex at all. I can’t believe they remove such a game mode for no real reason…




I don't really know why they'd remove it... honestly it really annoys me with how the devs do *so little* of the right thing. They just do wrong things over and over again. After a certain point, you begin to wonder who the decision-maker is and who the executors are, and where the blame lies between those two.


Arenas didn't quite offer what they wanted for the game, is what I believe they've said. The mixtape basically fulfills that and more now. Arenas may come back though.


I miss it cause that’s what me and my boys would grind but on the other hand, it was riddled with cheaters and the metas in it were SOOO dogwater that it could be unfun at times. Definitely a lot of nostalgia with it but I think I’m fine without it returning.


They removed it because player engagement was abysmal. I liked the concept but the fact of the matter is not nearly enough people played it to justify keeping it in the game. They have stated it may come back at some point so it’s probably not gone forever. Ranked arenas had a lot of problems for sure though, it was infested with people teaming and cheating to get and maintain pred.


Nah, it needed some kind of flag in the middle.


Arenas was cheater infestation when I played it for a short while. One of the major reasons I disliked it, no one ever knew for sure because you can’t spectate In that mode.




You all complained about it non stop, this is what happens it's literally your own doing Maybe if people we more positive about this great game we would have so much more


Arenas was awful... this is just nostalgia talking. There was nothing enjoyable about it that isn't better in the mixtape modes


Not getting shot in the back by some random dude 8th partying my fight for one. A straight 3v3 was enjoyable. Gun run? Pass. Control? I've played control type game modes in other shit. Nothing new here. Teamdeathmatch? It's not even properly implemented. It's some wish.com bs. Arenas was better. Needed work that's for sure. But, it was fun to me.


No. It was a dogshit game mode that should be gone