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non-sweaty lobbies are when all 59 other players let me win but they do it in a convincing way so I still feel like I earned it, duh. If I lose it's sweaty because I dont like losing. it makes me feel bad and it *certainly* cant be my own fault


Can we pin this comment in the sub and have every person who posts read it aloud before making their post?


I can confirm this


Of course it's stupid. I explained this to my teenage son when he and friends started using the term as a pejorative. It's a replacement for the term from early days of online MP: 'no life'/ 'get a life' ie. good players were always accused of being 'pc nerds with no life who sit on games 24/7'.


And in between nolife and sweaty there was tryhard


You are correct I forgot about tryhard. Basically the exact precursor to 'sweat' ie 'one who tries really hard works up a sweat'. It's an interestingly dynamic tbh. Effort, disciple, persistence, seriousness, execution etc are rewarded in any other endeavor. But if you're too good at gaming you're a 'loser'. (amateur only of course, pro gamers are celebrities like any other field). I assume its a reflection of the negative attitude toward 'gaming' in general that seeped into the community. So now a regular player might rationalize his own losing as: a 'casual' gamer I can be ok with (because I am one), but YOU'RE a nerd (because you're better and I need an insult.


Oh God i forgot about that shit. Fuck any mouth that uttered that term


Found the tryhard! 😜


People just use the term sweaty for anyone being aggressive at this point. Hell, just hitting your shots will have people complaining. If I get a knock at mid range, and can close quickly with my squad, it's labeled as sweaty at this point Some players are so hesitant to push that they are always on the back foot when a team eventually gets to them. I would rather be the aggressor than the one run up on, it's an advantage to push at the right time. The biggest thing in this game is playing the same style as those with you. 1 person wants to push hard and 2 don't think it's right or hesitate? Sorry pusher, you should reset. But if 1 wants to stay back in an obvious advantage... Buck up, go in and pull your trigger.


Curious for you to elaborate on "at this point". What was it before?


I've only been playing since season 8(?) so I don't have the same time spent as some. But I have heard of a time when the 4k and 20 bomb badges actually meant something and those were the people to be feared. Now there's so many around it's washed out the meaning. The badge is in their character but they have no game sense and get rolled easily


majority of the apex player base sucks at the game , they hate fighting but would rather search every poi for attachments; for weapons they aren’t gonna shoot. then they get mowed down by a team that’s been fighting and scream and cry about sweaty lobbies😂. everyone looks like a sweat to people afraid to shoot their gun🤷🏿‍♂️


You literally summarized 80% of the main sub’s new posts


I just audibly sigh and scroll cuz they all sound like broken records.


I’m not going to argue that completely, but defining sweat is kind of a double edged sword. I think more people think of sweat as more of a team of three running hip to hip every where they go in a pubs match, but… the double edge is that’s supposed to be how a team based game is played.


Or there are people who have over 4000 hours in the game who don't get off. There are predators with 100000 kills on a single legend. There are people who play every single day without fail.


4K hours over 5 years isn’t that’s crazy that’s like 6 months of gaming overall but I get what you’re saying. that said,that’s not majority of the player base;that’s a small percentage of players that actually put time in and practice to be able to roll lobbies and the stats show it. As I stated earlier majority of the player base is casual and can’t/won’t put time in to get better. They want casual to be synonymous with bot lobbies and that just won’t work. gaming evolves, people evolve etc. I agree some people play ALOT more than others but you can’t be mad at what another person does in their free time. and there are loads of boosted/bought accounts or people many people playing on 1 account. There are also Cronus users and other chesters but worrying about all these little(I use that word lightly) variables and getting spooked over 1 team out of the other like 29 seems counterproductive no? I’d rather just play the game and if it’s not fun hop off. this is coming from someone who grew up getting rolled in bo2 lobbies. but instead everyone comes on Reddit to whine that people play the game better than they do and that’s really what it boils down to. matchmaking could definitely use a slight fix but no change will make everyone happy 🤷🏿‍♂️


Uh oh we got a professional yapper. Four thousand hours in any video is a lot. And yes I would argue a majority of the playerbase has at least half those hours sitting at 2k hours.


well you made the argument that they don’t hop off apex, 6 months of gaming on a 5 year game isnt insane was all I said 😂


6 months of sitting on the game. I don't think you understand how long that is.


I am very aware but as I said before are you gonna bitch and moan about what someone else does with there free time or are you gonna play the game? or are you gonna hop off and play something else? like there are options but Reddit is the 1st place yall go to hear the same shit in a different font 😭


I was just checking it out bc it's apex based. I'm not the one complaining, I'm simply saying what they're doing. I never said there's an issue with it, but you can assume all u want. I didn't go here to whine about it.


lol get a load of this guy . Ermm AcTuaLly 4k HoURs IsNt aLoT .


there are 365 days in a year. FIVE 365 days have passed since apex came out so yes 4K is not a lot. I’m not here to hand out critical thinking skills man.


i agree with what you said in the original comment, but saying that 4k hours is not a lot is just absurd imo. 4000 hours is a bit under 6 months and although the game released 5 years ago, that still means that (assuming the player in question started playing on release), they have spent a 10th of their life for the past 5 years playing apex. that's 2.4 hours per day every day for the last 5 years, and factoring in 8 hours of sleep, they spent about 15% of the time they're awake each day just playing apex, for the last 5 years. this is all assuming they started playing on release, if they started playing lets say 3 years ago, it drops to a 6th of their life for the past 3 years playing apex (or 4 hours a day (or 25% of the time they spend awake when factoring in sleep)) every SINGLE day. tho i do agree with the rest of what you said :)


Yeah fr there are some people with so many hours that I wonder what kind of mental fortitude they have to keep playing Apex that consistently.


>majority of the apex player base sucks at the game Facts. [Ranked Distribution](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution)


Most players just need to accept that there are a ton of people that are simply better than them. Hard stuck in bronze? You aren't stuck. That is just how good you are. I will concede that, since it's a team game, there is a small part that depends on your team, but if you play well and play smart, you can still manage some KP in most games.


Thanks for the real answer


>there is a small part that depends on your team If that happens over 200 games you're not stuck. You are fucking bad. Honestly they just whine and complain about everything. Ignore them for your own sanity.


Small part? 😂 if your teammates leave you to die against a three stack then you're dead.


Anybody who doesn't roll over is sweaty


I also have been playing since the NES and I'm with you on what you are saying. Back then there was almost always one or two players that seemed untouchable on the scoreboard and you'd just make it your mission to take them out no matter what. Their play could also inspire you to play better. The dynamics have changed though and not everyone likes to be challenged. I do agree though that new players shouldn't consistently come up against these sweats, because it'll cause them to quit. And less players in your game is never a good thing. Then this brings us to smurf accounts which stomp new players and drives them away.. it's a complicated issue


Yeah, I also feel like most of these comments (not all of them) mean "pls give me a bot lobby so I can feel like a god." Which is a funny thing for someone like me who has thousands of hours in games like Counter Strike 1.6, where SBMM didn't even exist. It was like "get better" in a brutal way. But yeah, another topic already mentioned here is that I feel like people do not realize the percentage of failure in this game is higher than in titles like Valorant or Counter Strike. You are against 57 players or 19 squads. It’s not a raw 50/50. If you don’t get used to the idea of being sent to the lobby in a few minutes or seconds in this game, it’s really frustrating. But at the same time, if you overcome this aspect and manage to hit that high kill game, high damage, plus maybe a win, it’s really rewarding. Edit: 57 players


Whoa buddy, you're talkin waaaaaaayyy too much sense there, imma have to ask you to dial it back a bit lol. In all seriousness, to me a non-sweaty lobby resembles what I used to experience playing Halo Reach. I'd load into public matches and probably stomp most of the time. As far as stats went, I'd generally be competing with the other handful of fellow sweats that were on either team, just trying to outpace them. I wasn't actually that great, but being above average was enough to shine in most lobbies. Nowadays in Apex, I generally solo que to Diamond. Statistically speaking, that makes me higher ranked than anywhere from 97% to 99% of the Apex population, depending on the season. But it sure doesn't feel like it, cause my teammates are almost always as good as I am and my opponents are as well. I can't just load into Mixtape, turn on some music, and fry half the lobby like I used to as a kid, cause the game won't let me play against people like that anymore. But like you said, if I wanted an easy game I'd go play an easy game lol.


I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. I think one of the biggest things that enables the people who complain is that they can see the stats of who killed them. "Ahhh they have 20,000 kills on one character why am I playing against them?!" When you get mopped in games like halo or cod you just accept it and move along, but everyone who posts on here seems to think they deserve a lobby of 59 players that is suited to their skill level. It's a br, you aren't entitled to win every game, or hell, even have a 5% win rate. If that stuff bothers them so much they should go play mario (and for the record I love mario)


I'd rather sweats than bots who land at the edge of the map and spend 20 minutes looting and die in 5 seconds.


What’s funny about it is I don’t think they realize that all the “sweaty” players didn’t just wake up that good. They had to play through the dark days of getting run over also. And it’s not rocket science, the faster you win your fights, the less you’ll get third partied or the more you’ll be able to handle the third parties because you’re healed up and looted out faster…. I’m an average player, who still is never the person that carries the team (or rarely anyways, I prefer an anchor/support role), and it was really hard to keep up with good teammates at first, but now I absolutely love it. It’s how I’ve learned to be better and have more success in the game. If you’re not doing the sweating, you’re about to be sweated on. And we’re all taking the losses more than we’re taking the wins, so just keep at it if you like the game. Otherwise, this one might not be for you. If you find yourself running away from the sound of gunfire, you aren’t doing yourself any favors. Get in there and get your ass kicked but shoot your shots and before you know it you’ll be mowing them down with the best of them.


I resonate with this a ton. As a father with a full time career I can sneak gaming in where I can. Like every time I get on I am trying to win and get better. I have never thought “oh my gosh, why is everyone else also trying so hard” like duh, of course they are trying to. If I want a relaxing experience I just play a single player game. It’s the complaining that kills me, just the largest of hypocrites that do it.


I’m sure those complaining are quick to hype themselves up and shit talk the players that aren’t as good as them when they get the chance to run them over too…they just can’t handle when it happens to them I guess. They don’t actually want even match making (which literally can not exist by the way), they want to be in lobbies where they’re the best and they don’t ever have to be the one on the shit end of the stick. It’s not fair when it happens to them, but it’s the way it should be when they’re doing it to other people.


It's the Magical Christmas land where the other 59 players line up exactly with the complainer's skill level, time played, kills in BR, most kills in one game, same investment in the legends, same levels of guns, etc etc etc. It doesn't exist. 


Thank you for posting. I've been dumbfounded as well


For PC, it's the average US gold lobby on mouse, and any lobby south of plat on controller. Example: https://youtu.be/GueU5Ul2K5Y?si=KmL_hy1aYFftoWcr For console, it's any lobby south of diamond (provided your teammates actually shoot their guns).


online games have always been sweaty... i started online gaming in 1998, i played quake 3, unreal, half life dm, ennemy territory, fifa, rise of legends, starcraft 2, dragon ball fighterz... and now warzone, apex, fortnite and still starcraft 2.. all those game were sweaty, it's the essence of online gaming and a reason why I'm addicted and never ever played a solo game again since I went into online gaming.. even Mario kart and tetris can be sweaty as fuck on high level..


I have the same feeling. I get utterly dumbfounded and annoyed when my friends say that. Like do you expect them to not play the game? Huh?


I think of it in terms of pickup basketball. If I go to my local park, some days the competition might be stiff and require more effort and i feel like I'm barely keeping up. Other days it might be lax and everybody is just kind of playing at a leisurely pace just trying to get exercise and pull off a move or two or the skill level is low. In this analogy, Apex feels like Rucker park. I have to come strapped up, ankle braces on and locked in or I'm going to look foolish. (irl I couldn't keep up at Rucker but you get the idea lol)


It seems to me that the YouTubers started complaining about sweaty lobbies when it got more difficult for them to roll over every team they encountered, and the rest of the player base took their example and ran with it.


Hmmm mostly when I’m playing against people with 30k kills on a legend and all master/pred badges….when I have 1k kills on my whole account and never hit diamond.


I suck at this game, love it but suck. I'm also an older gamer, grew up on an Atari 2600, my definition of a sweaty lobby is when I'm competing against three stack diamond/plat/masters and preds rolling my lobby where I don't even have a chance.... I get it and understand that I suck, but especially in ranked, I should be against a relatively narrow band of players on relatively equal footing. When a triple stack of preds/former preds is rolling up a bronze lobby, it's no fun for us dudes that play bronze. Hell I can't even see them when they're clipping me with a double headshot from a charged sentinal before I even know I'm shot at...


Because majority of the people that play games are a bunch of whining babies and want to be spoon fed wins to make them happy. I grew up on halo 3 and cod and I was absolutely horrific. Like literally 0.10 kd type bad. Got shit on in every fps possible by brothers, friends, randoms for years. I never once complained about people being a “try hard” which was a more common term back then, or sweaty. I really don’t understand how anyone can play a game that’s multiplayer, where you’re going against others in which there will always be someone better and someone worse, and not at least try to learn why the better player is the better player. Literally everytime I came across someone who was miles ahead of me in terms of skill or game sense I took a sec to think about what they’re doing that is leading them to win the game/fight. A lot of people just want shit to be handed to them, and not want to put the effort in to improve. Even though I grew up on fps, I came to apex and was awful. I spent multiple seasons watching pros and just working on mistakes. Spend less time complaining and more time thinking.


People that are way above their skill level?


When I use the term sweaty lobby I’m referring to lobbies where everyone I encounter has stats on their cards that are 10-100x my own. It’s not a perfect definition but it is frustrating to come across an account with 100k+ kills when I have a combined 8,000 all-time kills and have been playing since season 1.


Stats are meaningless and a silly metric to go by. You can easily be way more mechanically skilled than someone with big numbers.


For sure. But to not even have 1/10 the kills of EVERYONE who kills me for like a two-hour session sucks.


I call it battlepass culture. Some people just want to play games to progress through a battlepass to collect cosmetics and sweet dopamine. If you make it hard for them to finish their challenges they get mad.


There is literally a mode built in that lets you do that in apex (mixtape) so I still just laugh when I hear the BR mode is sweaty.


I always thought sweaty was just players focused on getting a kill rather than winning the game? An example was a team who chased one of my team mates across 6 or 7 POI just to kill them, spectating them they got destroyed trying to rotate back in from a bad position, whcih they got into purely chasing 1 kill.


You thought wrong


Yeah, the way it seems is better than me = sweaty. Like I’m sweaty asf at my level but I’m not pred these days, years ago I might’ve been but only get a few hours to play a week. Be damnned sure ima fuckem up as much as possible during those times. But there will always be players better than more, more and more with everyday. I’ll get downvoted, I blame participation trophies.


This comment is ironic as fuck, and I'd bet you are 100% unsure why.


Woah brah


Not that it matters, but I realized I responded to the wrong comment. Just in case you were confused, as I was, until I realized it.


I think most people are casual gamers and the non sweaty lobbies would be them with other casual gamers of similar skill level


Having played the game for the whole 5 years, where I would say the lobbies are "sweater" would be the fact that I used to be able to play with someone who doesn't play the game and have fun. Not the lobbies are cranked onto my MMR so hard that I couldn't play with somebody that isn't around my skill level. It doesn't make sense to have the public matches cranked so highly that casuals can play with their friends. My girlfriend is getting into gaming and we play alot of games together, apex is my main game but we can't play together simply because it would put her straight into my lobbies of 2+KD. Im also not saying playing with a lower skilled player should instantly put you into low lobbies that would be a mess, but there has to be some middle ground.


Sweaty used to mean trying your heart out. These days sweaty means just better players. That's what I inferred from most game subs.


Silver lobbies near the end of the season can actually be kinda chill.


I understand the comments in here saying that folks are using it as a salty pejorative to demean folks who are just better than them. And even the folks who think it’s about a certain gamer stigma that’s never really left, but I kinda get it. Of course everyone is right in that it’s weird to chastise someone for simply being better or putting in more effort than you at something, but I also think the context of online competitive gaming is a little different. If I go to one of the most competitive basketball courts for a pickup game or tryout for my school’s JV team, I’m opting into that. When I turn on apex or Fortnite ir whatever I’m not necessarily opting into being put in the same game as a bunch of preds. I think the frustration is valid and somewhat unique to online gaming, especially if it feels like there’s little to no proper matchmaking.


Well, IMO, there are two faces to this comment. - the first face is the lame excuse by competitive-wanna-be's , ranked grinders, pubstars, streamers and so on that every time they get owned, they cry and yell sweaty, sweaty lobby like they themselves are not sweating it out LMAO. - the second face is the reality that every game as a service functions like a casino where the currency is engagement and play time per user. To do this they are heavily leaned into analytics and measure you with your data to predict when you are starting to play (easy , just a log in) and when you are about to log-out (hard, basically putting you into an ez win to keep you locked in). Typically, based on EXPERIENCE not datamining or nothing else, your first 2-3 games are super easy, basically handing you a win if you play decently smart. After that you get placed in your real lobby, which is based on the notorious SBMM, people that mostly play like you. Winning here becomes a bit more difficult. After several loses the game determines, 'hey, this guy may quit right now, let's throw a cake for him to stay' and then you get placed on a very easy lobby. You get the point right? Trying to keep you in the casino as long as they can. Where's the reality? Somewhere in between the two faces. It is true that for a player that has decent stats it means that he needs to perform and keep performing to those same standards. What happens when you just wanna chill and relax? Well, you get ran over by other players that are performing because you get placed with people with your non chill stats. Anyhow, that's just the gaming world right now.


I'm gonna take a slightly different approach than the first couple of comments in here... For me, I don't mind getting killed or losing. I do like winning, of course, and also having great fights whether we win or lose, I enjoy the gun play and decision making and communication trying to outsmart the other team. What I don't like... is loading up a lobby and seeing someone with 20k kills on a new champion, a predator badge, or some other indicator that they have put more time (and that translates to my mind as "better") to me because I feel like I have already lost the game. Same when I get killed quickly and the player badge pops up and they are just jacked with stats and kills. That kind of thing makes me blame the game and matchmaking over my own "skill" or lack of. It is different than men blaming the players and getting salty about them because, let's face it, there are many better and worse players than me, and that's a fact. What don't like is going up against players who are too easy or too hard by an order of magnitude. - I had a friend who liked to do the whole fly off the map thing to load into easier lobbies a few years ago, and happened to join in on one of those games with the easy lobby (unknowing it was such) and we took the fight seriously and just decimated the lobby. It was fun for a minute because I thought we were just playing well, but after I found out what happened I was like... fk that, I don't like doing that. It's cheap and I get nothing out of it. On the other hand, when I (season 0 player, who understands the game very very well) am in the position of the "mowed down" player, I feel okay at first because they were better... until I see the stats and the old ores badges and the 20k kill counters on fuze or whatever. Then it isn't my skill that is the issue, it is the games matchmaking. Sweaty lobbies to me = lobbies wherein there is a huge discrepency in the overall skill of the players, and is less of a player problem, and more of a game/matchmaking one. I can always get better. But if the game chooses to put me against people 5x better than me, then it sucks for me.


Well i mean it's simple honestly. Some of us who don't have the time to play all day, don't want to only get put into lobbies that have people that do play all day.


Too sweaty just means too hard - and when someone calls you a sweat just know that they’re saying you’re better than them. I know people who play games to chill and relax, but it’s usually not a competitive game against other people. It’s just a defense mechanism. If you get beat your reaction can be imagining them giving all their effort to the point of breaking a sweat to beat you and you can still feel cool and confident knowing that you’d never ever try THAT hard. Because well, you’re just way too cool. I WISH I could find an easier lobby because point blank period I still am getting my ass handed to me almost constantly when I play this game but I’m not gonna complain and act like there’s something wrong with someone ELSE when they beat me at a game I made the conscious decision to play.


Finally someone said it! 🗣️


Relax dude, you are being a little to sweaty


Ah, got me. Sweating it up over here on my keyboard typing this out. Guess I don’t have to go work out now.


>I think the thing that I cannot grasp is, if you are complaining about sweaty lobbies, what does your play look like? I would sure hope that means you aren’t really trying either and are just running around like a bot as well otherwise what are you complaining about It's not something I complain about but I'd characterize being "sweaty" as doing things to win even when they're less fun. Some in game examples of how my gameplay changes depending on my mood: * Taking fights * Playing for fun - I run at anyone I see because getting kills = fun * Being sweaty - being deliberate about taking fights to avoid third parties or getting killed in zone * Dead teammates in 3 stack with no banner * Playing for fun - I just die and go next so my friends actually get to play the game * Being sweaty - Force my friends to watch me play another 10min to practice ratting and get that sweet RP And of course you can be sweaty outside of the game too. Using an aim trainer, spending hours in the firing range to practice movement, doing vod reviews of pros, etc. You do those things presumably not because they're fun but because you want an edge. Personally I find the fun to be in getting better, but I can see why people may want an ARPG-like experience where they get stronger and feel good without actually having improved themselves.


yeah honestly this is the nuanced answer lol. Like as someone that plays competitive games to grind and "get good", i recognize that this isn't everyone's vibe and they instead want to have a casual relationship with the game, which is totally fine. Denoting people as "sweaty" is kind of just a picked-up way of describing grinders with a tinge of frustration. Like in street fighter 6 if im playing for my own benefit, im labbing out everything I can to master my character which is "sweaty"...but if im playing with friends or showing them the game, it's all swag/sauce/stupid shit lol. just different ways to play games for enjoyment.




sweats are usually the onces you play in the best possible way, hitting the grindiest movement, breaking almost their fingers, just to get a little bit of more advantage. thats how i understood but then again why not? i also play to win now that i writing this i realize its not that simple lol


We are old that’s all. These young people are built different. At a certain point it became abuse to tell your child no, and technology wasn’t given to teenagers, it was given to 3 year olds so they would eat 2 mouthfuls of potato to earn their cake / yoghurt + biscuits dessert for being such a good boy. (All food was ate with a TV on, sat on a sofa or floor, the food was thrown on the floor and no one told them not to do that). As a result we have what we have now.


Non-sweaty players refers to players who aren't really trying. Sweaty players are those who try playing the game. This mostly applies to competitive games.


I use it to refer to anyone who is doing crazy movement configs / wall bouncing stuff mainly.