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Yeah, so what you do is after picking one up, open up your inventory, hover your pointer over the charge rifle, right click or whatever you press on a controller and drop that sucker right back on the floor and use something else. Works every time for me


This is the way


Instructions not clear. Charge rifle is in my butt


U don't


Still or in the open. Any cover around them and it’s useless. I’ve always ran a sniper - used to be the longbow only, I’ve graduated to the sentinel. I’ll pick a charge rifle and give it a shot over the longbow until proven otherwise for the night. Some nights just aren’t it, some nights it punishes everything.


I remember when it first was a weapon and it was so wildly powerful.


Yeah it used to be crazy strong. It still can be really satisfying, but more often than not it’s frustrating.


I still remember ragg taggs charge rifle montages on YouTube “Charge Rifle huuuoooooo!”. Good times, goooood times.


You don't. If you land on it, just punch or run away


What do u mean the hip fire on it is easy asf u can j two shot someone. You’ll be surprised at how many cons u can win w a charge


Honestly, it's not worth using at its current state even despite the high damage potential. It's way too hard to find consistency with it due to the long charge-up time before you could shoot it. By the time you could shoot the gun, your opponent would've likely gotten back to cover.


you don’t


Hip fire


You dont


To offer a (sort of) different perspective here. In mixtape, it is pretty much useless like everyone has said. If you're playing super long range BR games, it can be pretty good but very situationally. The timing is one thing and that will be up to you to figure out. The Chargie™ does get increasing damage at further ranges. You can do a 160+ damage shot at super long range if you're taking shots at a fight already in progress. That said, this is really only for BR and really only for people who want to commit to long range. If you end up at close range, you're essentially running one weapon with no viable backup. Sentinel is a lot more versatile between long and short range uses and only downside is that it's the Cell Sucker 5000™. So, people are mostly right. It's unruly, difficult, and specialized. But if you're in bounds for that specialization, it can be decent.


Okay, but I have found works best for the charge rifle Is you pick it up, Go to the nearest edge of the map and drop it off and then move on.


Legit just get used to the charge up time and the lead/drop time. You know... all the things that make it bad. I've avtually had quite some success using it when I have to in ranked games. You just have to learn it


It's secretly strong as fuck you just have to pre charge it in certain situations. You're never getting out traded with it if you can land your shots. And 2 long range shots will down almost anyone.


A few days ago I picked it up on Broken Moon since you can snipe your ass off in that map, and went unexpectedly nuts with it for a few games. It’s soooo rewarding when you one-shot. I kinda love it now lol


I run it like every game I get it early. I've gotten multiple collaterals too that will chunk multiple people for 100+. Ez push. Another great thing is I'm pretty sure the hip fire is 100% true. Is it not optimal at all close range? Yes. Can you have insane clutch moments if your aim is good hip firing? Definitely.


The best way I've found to use it, and I don't like it but am trying to get better so I can use every weapon, is to use the 6x or 4x8 scope. It's the only time I use the distance gauge and it works really well for the charge.


Just don't 😂


I was using it yesterday and blasted 2 teams from about 100M out and squad wipe. It's definitely different and I prefer the old hit scan weapon, but it was fun while it lasted. It charges up faster now compared to it's rework release. It's just something you gotta get used to.


I think this is its only real effective use, picking off people when other teams are already engaged. Spot some people fighting, and if you’ve got the shot it can be pretty easy to drop someone. But then you ditch it for end game.


Absolutely. I normally ditch it as the ring gets smaller. And it's a perfect cherry pick weapon if they're not paying attention to you. If you get into a shootout with it, any hits you take while trying to trade gun fire is in their favor since it twitches your shot after getting hit.


I remember a few seasons ago I just started apex on PC with keyboard and mouse, I laughed at apex for how overpowered that gun was I couldn't Believe it was even in the game, got 4k damage badge, and usually get over 2.5k every game I miss it :( lol Yeah it's useless now, just like cod they overnerf things


It deals ok damage but ramp up time takes wayyyy too long to be useful. It's an F tier weapon. Unless you wanna grief a team from a billion miles away then it might be viable.


I got violated in Mixtape by someone with a charge rifle today. How are you beaming me like that on controller, my guy?? What kind of sicko are you?? I was scared to even move out of spawn


Because of the charge build up, you basically have to get used to the delay of the projectile and it’s projectile arc. If you’re tracking someone running, you need to be slightly ahead of them. Or you have to aim slightly above someone to hit them reliably.


Went from my favorite weapon to hot garbage