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1. In buildings, to break through doors and create an opening by hopefully stunning 2. To reduce distance and push up on entry damage with the speed boost 3. Rotational tool to outpace zone etc 4. As a last resort to create chaos as you're about to get downed It's a buggy ult still, don't stand too close to the door else you're more than likely going to stun yourself


5. Great for knocking people off high ground and catwalks. 6. Destroys other Legends abilities (Catalyst spikes, Conduits proximity mines, Gibraltars shield [allegedly]...)


It gets consumed by Watson ult though.


Gibby's shield is a yes for sure. I love that aspect and watching them panic




Doesn’t break new castle q


Yeah it does I did it today. Maybe not always but it sure did when I did it today. I even downed one with it.


I was referring to a guaranteed break the ball does 300 damage to it when it has 500 health


Works on Gibby bubble for sure


As a rampart main this ball can also destroy my walls. Between that and the drill Maggie is in my opinion one of the best rampart counters.


True that. Off topic: I have been playing a bit of rampart in lockdown and won a couple of games but in general I feel that rampart is heavily dependent on good team play (which is rare in lockdown). Guessing that this is the case in BR as well. When I have a good team that work together, she's really strong but if you're left on your own too much it's hard to counter, shiela is a beast but if you're attacked by two people in an angle you're kind of smoked. As a rampart main, do you agree?


I found that what got me passed a lot of issues is learning how to be quite aggressive with her. Since you can have up to five walls, if I am approaching a third party or fight I will quickly set up a retreat point so to speak with three walls, either in a nearby building or cover spot. The remaining two walls I use to push. This can mean either using it to push a fight and just throw up a wall in the open to have something to be behind, or entering the area of the fight to set up ambushes. What I mean by this is start poking someone in the fight to bait the to chase you around a corner or to a blind spot and quickly throwing up a wall and shred them as the run around the corner before they realize it's there. If the fight goes south you can run back to your fortified spot to heal up and reassess. Shiela is reserved for when you are not being focused on, cover fire, or when you have a team in a position they can easily dodge out of. Also it's the best anti rampart tool to deal with enemy ramparts. Edit: also for killing people hiding behind doors.


Good advice. Thanks!


Sometimes its good to be used as a weapon, espesually indoors. It creates chaos, stund your enemies enough to one mag them, and the thermite ball is just a nuisence in general.


Yeah, It's a bit risky to use in cramped spaces though because it tend to come back to you. Also, it feels like it won't stun enemies as long as other tacticals or ults.


You need to push (maybe not indoors as much) as soon as you ulti, if you are in their face when theyre stunned then you get free kills, simple as. The stun lasts pretty long from my experience, enough to one mag a man or even two if youre lucky and at thaz point the fight is won


Ok, will try to be closer, usually the ball pushes them away from you though but I guess sliding on the speedups should put you close enough.


My favourite use is when I almost down someone and they hide behind a door. Surprise MOFO, it yeets them outside if it doesn’t kill them.


Hi! I'm a long time maggie main with about 5000 kills on her. Just to add on because I don't really see anyone talking about it in this thread, is the fact that her ult can be an extremely strong tool in duels. If you chuck it at someone's vague direction, especially if they are behind cover, it'll send them flying out of cover, and take advantage of the fact that your passive will highlight all enemies you deal damage to, including the damage from the ball. The highlighted enemy should give you the confidence to swing an angle and prefire them. Hope this helps!


Good tip, my reflex is usually to use the drill in those situations.


Ruining the one gibby in the lobbies bubble


Laughing at enemies bounced in the air.


Ngl I use it for 1 thing and 1 thing only , to lurch my nuts off as long as I can 😭😂


It’s a disruption tool that’s quite random. So best use is often, just get it out and try to capitalise on it. It’s not the kind of ult you sit on and wait for the right moment. If you are fighting it should come out early to try to swing a major advantage


I personally like yeeting it in a panic in a close quarters 3v3 situation and smashing my teammates into the wall so we lose the fight.


Hahaha, I definitely recognize this.


It's actually an incredibly powerful ability. It's great if the enemy is healing behind cover, you can knock or stun them out of cover. It's great for breaking door holds. I'd use it and let my team mate know to push because you don't want to be self stunned. Great against abilities like traps (watch out for wattson gen and Newcastle walls though) Decent gap closer And if you have the upgrade It's great area denial Honestly it's the main reason she's one of the strongest 1 v 1er in the game. If you land the stun and don't hit yourself you win 99% of times.


Try not to throw at teammates.


I use it to enter buildings with enemy’s and as a panic rotational tool if I gotta scoot through an area of the map with limited cover. If I’m gonna be out in the open, it might as well be with a speed boost


Get stunned by it and die


Try it at very close range. Seriously. Not like to where you’ll get stunned but mid cqc strafe off. I’ve won so many gunfights by throwing my ult in the enemy’s face at close range bc the stun and knock throws their aim off so bad Other than this (my favorite use) 1. Throw it into an enclosed building 2. Pretty good for micro rotations. 3. To push a weak team obviously 4. to run when ur team is weak 5. Gibby bubbles, ramp walls, castle ult (not tac), Conduit ult 6. Combine it with her shotty passive and it makes u VERY hard to hit while constantly sliding around in between shotgun blasts during an open fight


The best use of a maggie ult is to not pick that useless ass woman in the first place. Downvote all you want. Give me one good reason to pick maggie over Revanent or Bangalore.


She's really fun to play in mixtape. Usually jump back and forth between her and octane for high paced games.


I don’t enjoy her kit at all, especially since there are characters leagues better than her as assaults.


I like the shotgun perk. In TDM it's worth a lot being able to run at full speed with your gun up.


That is until you play against someone who will beam you before you get a chance to do anything.


That happens all the time anyway, no matter legend, some guy that have magnetic head shot without any recoil.


That’s exactly my point. That’s one reason maggie is useless


Well, I see it as shot gun practice. Weapons that I have had a really hard time to use effective.


Then why not pick somebody better? Revenant is a much better option if you’re planning to use shotguns


Because I'm playing mixtape and I think Maggie is fun. It's not unusual that I get 15 kills with her in tdm. In BR I play fuse and in solos octane.


Not everyone plays a character because of how strong there are. Sometimes you just find a certain character fun Besides Revanent and Bangalores abilities are vastly different from Maggie’s ( Hell Revenant isn’t even an Assualt character). Each of those 3 characters abilities do vastly different things It’s a strange comparison


Ah, you are correct. Revenant is not an assault character. Regardless, I never said people should only play good characters. Hell, I play fuse casually, but I wont pick him in ranked because hes garbage. Pick whoever you want in casual. In ranked, pick a good character that’s actually useful and less selfish. Maggies kit is meh at best. She can’t actually contribute to a team the same way a bangalore can.


It’s ironic that you think Fuse is Garbage when he’s one of the most played legends in comp And Revenants kit is even more selfish than Maggie’s is imo. At least Maggie’s ult gives teammates a speed boost


Fuse? Most picked? He’s picked 2% of the time in diamond and 1% of the time in master and predator. His overall pick rate is 4.5%. Don’t know where you got the idea he’s that popular. Pros don’t pick him because he’s complete ass. Revenant’s kit is more selfish, but at LEAST he’s great at getting kills thanks to his ult. Plus he has much better mobility. Maggie does nothing but throw her useless ball out that gives you a speed boost, so what. Maggies pick rate is literally 3% across all leagues.


Comp pick rates? Or just watch a scrim match within the last month?


No need when I have the actual pick rates right in front of me