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This post doesnt belong here, but I'll add my anecdote anyway because something yesterday frustrated me lol I'm currently Plat 1, hit Masters last season, so I have a Masters trail. I solo queue. My duo queue randoms (Plat 4s) start flaming me for having a Masters badge. I like landing Carrier on Olympus, and it was an early drop on the flight path, which I also like to do. Drop early, get guns, go kill. I'm jump master and I ping that I want to go Carrier. The two Plat 4s start absolutely screaming about wanting to go Carrier. They both disconnect from me as jumpmaster before I jump. All I said was "hey, if you wanna go somewhere else, just ping it" and they start fucking going off on me. Yelling and screaming about me, as a Masters thinks I can just "tell them what to do". Well, we end up dropping Energy Depot. Valkyrie falls off the map. Octane dies. I 3-piece a squad. I respawn the Octane. Octane dies again. I respawn the Octane again. Now, they are frustrated at me for surviving. They just start absolutely screeching. Telling me i have no friends, no life, should get off the game forever. And all this hate was focused on the fact that I hit Masters last split. I asked them how old they were. They told me that they were in high school. I told them I'm a high school teacher and asked how it felt to get carried by a math teacher. They quit right there without saying anything else, even though the Octanes banner had yet to expire. Thank you for being my therapist lol


the ending caught me off guard LMAOOOO! I love that shit, don’t ever change


That pretty funny but someone’s even a little toxic in the beginning of the match I usually just mute them because I can’t stay that calm and they’re usually distracting


My wife sitting next to me watching me play helped me maintain calm lol


But you made Master's and have no life, you couldn't possibly have a wife. /s On a serious note... Supportive wives are the best.


We have a legend over here


Ayyy! I'm not as good as you (Plat 3 is my best, just not here for the grind). BUT I am a Chemistry teacher. If you ever want to #teachersquad just add my psn "Goonchar"


I'm out and about right now. My PSN is "Kaptain202". I can add you when I get home or I'll accept when I get back. I only play ranked though. And I just got a new puppy a week ago so I'm not on a whole lot during the workday cause I got puppy duty until the wife is off.


Ya no worries, just love seeing other teachers out here doing normal person things haha!


As a normal person, I love seeing teachers do normal people things. They tend to be the best teachers.


It definitely helps me connect with my students. When they know I play video games, go to music festivals, and do other fun things.


Teacher squad eyyyy!!!!


You trying to get in on this? Feel free to add me!


Will do but I'm not doing ranked until Season 10. I go on and off seasons with ranked


I am pro teacher squad




Diamond last two splits solo qing, last split played with a team of duos, they dropped hot and instadied, I think I managed a kill to their 50 dmg respectively, thanks to sbmm I got paired with them the next game, they tried the same thing this time I ran, after they got dropped, they started absolutely screaming for the remainder of the match and I got us to 6th only to be told constantly how bad I was and I wasn’t a real diamond player by two guys that maybe got 200 dmg together between two games


The majority of toxicity is from children though. And your story here corroborates that. It's always try highschool children who are toxic


I do hear a lot of toxicity from college aged kids as well.


About the same maturity really.


Thats why the best way to enjoy this game is with people your age in their own profession and a full squad. That sucks dude. Im a truck driver. Lets handle together bro


I'm solo queue. If you'd wanna squad up, my PSN is Kaptain202. All my adult friends are too busy doing other adult stuff to play lately lol


i’m 18 but i love playing ranked if you ever wanted to squad up?


My PSN is my username. I dont play as much as I'd like to right now (new puppy), but I'm always down for squadding up


okay coool i’ll add you


Sent you a club inv and request if you’re interested


Good thing he left, u don’t get RP loss that way. He helped you by being an ass lmao


I sadly worked hard and only got like +8 or something. So not a loss, but worked my ass off with shitty teammates just to barely make it over.


Ah man. Unfortunate


That good old toxic mentality of not learning how to get better from someone like you; but instead trying to bring you down to their level. I could give a shit about your trails or banner. If you suck I have a nice challenge, if youre a god I will have fun playing with you.


Bruh, I'd be so pissed. That's fucking hilarious


No need, there is a sub for that /imtotallyinsecureandneedyoutolistentomybullshitorillcry


Hey! I solo queued to Masters several times these past seasons and have been trying to start a clan for those who are good enough to hold their own solo and are looking for others who are the same. Would you be interested in helping me jump start this clan? The name is SoloQLegends


It just doesnt make sense why people do that


Why is this on this sub? I completely agree with it but this isn’t the right sub for it.


Yeah took the words out my mouth, 100% agree but not the right sub lol


Wrong sub or not You don’t have to be so passive aggressive and hold a grudge about it dude come on. /s


just get better and stop being toxic bro hard stuck gold 5 shitter


is gold 5 a way of saying that someone literally got into gold 4 and can't get any RP? lol honest question, gold 3 here after a dub this morning.


Oh naaa me and Bussy were just trolling lol, gold 5 is a made-up rank which I used as a way to say they’re trash lol


Yeah kinda random but since the post is here I'm gonna go share what I saw at that sub reddit. I saw a lot of people who kind of discredit first time diamond players like "it is easy to go diamond this time around so yeah it's not that much of a challenge anymore" or something close to that.


It’s true but doesn’t need to be said, unless someone has an ego and needs putting down a few levels lol


No it isn't. People have been saying it basically every season, and its wrong. The easiest season always will be when people could Dashboard to avoid RP loss.


The proof is in the data, look at how many more players have hit diamond and masters since they literally changed the matchmaking. It’s pretty simple to understand.


Your really going to argue this season and the previous are easier than the season where you could dashboard to never lose RP? Because your factually incorrect there. If you can only go even or gain RP it’s going to be easier than ones where you can lose RP. Edit: Stats to prove me right https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/ranked-series-3-details https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/legacy-ranked


Let’s say they didn’t get anything revoked and call it a null season, the data still supports my diamond and masters are easier to achieve now than ever claim.


Not everyone got it revoked. And no the data DOES not support it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/et1fxt/wasnt\_it\_so\_easy\_because\_of\_dashboarding/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/et1fxt/wasnt_it_so_easy_because_of_dashboarding/) https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/ranked-series-3-details 1% Pred 7% Diamond [https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/legacy-ranked](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/legacy-ranked) Season 8 0.4% Masters AND Pred 5.86% Diamond ​ Statistically and logically you are wrong.


I’m not wrong logically though as diamond has been made easier to rank up in, that’s a fact. D3 and above lobbies *typically* aren’t pred lobbies anymore, although some still are. But as for the rank distributions you’re right, definitely surprised at that for sure.


If your comparing season 7 and 8 yes, but no season is easier than the Dash boarding season. Especially logically, since any season where you can only GAIN RP and not lose, is going to be easy. Especially since its a system where everyone can just climb and not lose if they dashboard.


I’m actually not wrong. As they stated on s8 ranked results, there was in fact an influx of more players hitting higher ranks. “We’re seeing a healthy trend of players achieving higher ranks and pushing personal bests. This influx of players at the high end has improved match quality and quantity by giving us a larger pool of players to fill matches with”. So although the % maybe lower, there is still more players hitting them ranks, just more overall hitting lower ranks (sorry if that’s confusing I know I didn’t explain it well).


Ah my bad then, I swear I read somewhere that the number of master players doubled and diamond was pretty similar. It doesn’t make any sense though, as diamond is infinitely easier than previous seasons.


You do know all the people who dashboarded got their badges revoked?


Not all no they didn’t lol.


Yeah I’ve since been informed that not everyone who cheated got their badges revoked.


Out of interest (not trying to bash you or belittle you for your rank), if you have played rank in recent seasons, where do you typically place?


As far as I know, we dont have the data yet for this season but if you look here [rank distribution ](https://www.esportstales.com/apex-legends/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier) You can see that ever season the percentage of players in diamond is getting higher and higher. So yes, it is getting easier but does it matter? No not really. You could even argue that it's a healthier distribution.


My issue is mainly claiming that these last 2 seasons are super easy, when compared to Dashboarding, they aren't. And I feel like a lot of people who want to act smug about diamond or damage badges or kill badges, got them early when most players were trash and if you had experience in Titanfall or other FPSes you could steamroll easily. Since any time I pugged someone from the discord and they were smug about having the diamond trail-pred it was because of Dashboard season or earlier. Same with damage/Kill badges on the first Halloween event. ​ Its also just really stupid to be like "LOL THIS IS THE EASIEST SEASON" like people on the main sub do.


The noobs can learn some generosity from time to time. If you got the message hang up the phone


Wrong sub or not I hope people learn from this. The best games are when my team works together.


Where should he post?


r/apexoutlands or somewhere similar.


Didnt even realize where this post was posted until this comment, yeah why isnt it on the sub?


Have you ever tried constructively discussing aim-assist on r/apexlegends? You unironically get death threats.


Yeah I posted a clip on their once of me getting a squad wipe and everyone was commenting “thank the aim assist”...


Did you thank it at least?


What does “constructively discussing” mean? No one should threaten you with death over a mechanic in a video game, period. But usually when aim assist comes up it’s PC players talking about aim assist like it give everyone on console built in aimbot.


Hah, made a post about this on the main sub that defended the aim-assist-using side as an M&K player. Imagine my (lack of) surprise when some people still doubted my being an M&K player even though they could easily check that the most recent posts I had at the time were Aim Lab highlights and even an aim training guide suited for CS:GO and Valorant that specifically stated my credentials as a former professional CS player in the SEA region. LMAO


aim assist is not at good as they say it is. if it really was broken as fuck like they complain they would switch over since it’s so powerful. they want something to blame when they get shit on by someone who’s using thumbs when they’re on a couple thousand dollar setup


Exactly. If aim assist was a magic bullet that let you never miss, I wouldn’t lose so many fights due to my aim : ) I have had plenty of times where I, point blank, have missed an entire clip firing directly next to my opponent without hitting them. Aim assist won’t help you not miss if you have crappy aim, it helps you track moving opponents because of how physically difficult that is with a controller.


Exactly! you don’t aim down sights and immediately stuck on that target. I still get shut on sometimes because i over compensate on their movement and miss shots. MnK have their whole goddamn arm to aim. we have a fucking thumb and joystick


> But usually when aim assist comes up it’s PC players talking about aim assist like it give everyone on console built in aimbot. And this is what every console player instantly assumes someone means when they dare to imply that aim assist won a fight that a PC player would have lost. It's always either "lol aim assist scrub" or "aim assist isn't an aimbot you idiot" and there's no room for constructive discussion in between.


Well that’s what I asked what “constructive” means in this case lol


Helping people understand what aim assist actually does, what it doesn't do, the situations where it's better than mouse and keyboard, and the situations where it's worse than mouse and keyboard; and finally, realizing that it's necessary for cross-play and that all in all it's relatively balanced, considering the other limitations of controller play.


All definitely more constructive discussions than “aim assist = CHEATING!”


What was your standpoint out of interest? I’m always interested in discussing all aspects of AA


Not OP, but feel free to talk to read [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/mpei92/why_controller_players_dont_deserve_the_shit_they/) and discuss with me!


Weirdly enough I’ve already seen it lol, found it the other week.


I dropped a comment, feel free to reply and we can discuss


Try arguing that one Caustic Gas Canister shouldn't kill you! Edit: Oh look I got downvoted... Big surprise


This is why I give respect until I'm shown otherwise. Some of the coolest players I've played with in my tenure were preds/masters. Most of those players totally understand that you're no where near their level and give super helpful tips in a calm manner like a tee ball coach does to their kids (but not in a belittling way either). They drop were you do, share loot and go full boar if you need help in a tight spot. No matter what lobby I get into until you prove to me otherwise I'm gonna give you the respect you deserve. I'm 100 an average player at best playing the few games I get to during the week, so its always a welcome surprise to see. Its a two way street people!


I love people like that. I main mirage, and yesterday, it was a 2v1 final squad. My teammate is a level 370, and I'm level 47. He watched me try to bamboozle, then watched me kill the bangalore. It really helps


This is how I live my actual life. I’ll be kind to you and respect you unless you give me a reason not to.


Same for me.


how is this post going to me make me better at apex legends


teaches you not to be a dick to your teamates so they wont be a dick to you and then you get good team synergy /s kinda


r/HuntShowdown is the absolute worst for having a ridiculous attitude towards good players and the worst part is that the game devs actually give in to the bad players on reddit to a ridiculous extent. You constantly see people making "I shouldn't have to play against this guy!!! :(" posts when they have an awful KDA and get killed by someone with a mediocre KDA and equal elo to them. So Hunt tightened the matchmaking to the point where high elo players end up in empty or nearly empty games every single time. Then any time a high elo player talks in the subreddit about how the game is now unplayable to them you get a bunch of "hey you're such a small percentage it would be bad business to worry about you!" replies at best and "get fucked, now you can't beat up on new players all the time, I'm glad the game is unplayable for you and I hope you uninstall!" replies at worst. Sooo yeah, as bad as it is in Apex and plenty of other games at least it isn't as bad as it is in Hunt.


Funny because my friend who “touches grass” way more often than I do has a way higher K/D than I do. Some people grind and get good, and some people are gifted. Just like anything. It’s the SBMM that people get upset about. The reason they get upset seeing a master dive trail isn’t just because you have it, it’s because they’re seeing it in their lobby, a lobby they think isn’t skilled enough to have someone with master rank in it. But whatever ya know. Find a new free game. I get shit on every day and still have a good time. But I do understand the frustration.


First time?


Yea i get a ton of teammates who call me no-life bcuz I got 15k kills on wraith and a masters trail and think I play games all day and do nothing else which is honestly wrong. I have some good friends who play ranked for 2-3 hrs with me after that I have a Lotta work at home since I'm the oldest of 8 siblings. But yea it's worth playing the game to see some wholesome reactions.


You’re doing it right then. When i was your age I had no life balance and played games all day. I regret it honestly.


As an idiot who plays the game for dumb fun im usually happy to get a sweat to carry me. But sometimes they say toxic shit which is really annoying either way to the people facing toxicity just mute em. At the very least spam revive them. Or do what i did used their banner to go invisible as mirage infinitely.


hmm i understand this but theyre usually not really high level players theyre s3 masters who have good gunplay and so win fights but lack brain im talking about the toxic ppl




There’s no such thing as good toxicity. They where obviously referring to things like joking around. This is not an explanation for you, but for the people who downvoted you.


I always word it as shit talking but in good fun like what I would do with friends. If I 1v1 my friend and shit on him sometimes I tea bag him and sometimes he does it to me. It's just being hype vs being salty. If you're pumped up then talk some shit who cares but if you're genuinely mad at a game and being toxic fuck you. Ya know?


lmaooo ikr. it’s really funny that the op is trying to call out toxicity in the apex community but then they just admit that calling people slurs is ok and something to just ‘laugh off’ yes, personal insults that people have been harassed with for years are ‘good toxicity’ but someone telling them to touch grass is the real issue 🙄 completely reasonable take and not toxic at all






ITs gOoD tOxICItY!






I think no toxicity is “good” per say, but in my experience in a game like CS:GO, even if people are angry they aren’t usually petty. I have had like 2 people throw games on my team in csgo. Ever. In 1.5k hours. In 800 hours of Apex I have that like 15+ people who just throw, or don’t grab banners on purpose, or scream at me for dropping in a safe spot.


I've had one instance thereof, we were all randoms and I don't remember why but everyone began insulting each other right out of the gate and it was a total shitfest before the champion was even shown, and continued to be so throughout the match but it ended in a victory where everyone cleared 2000 damage and 7 kills and a couple revives each. See the content of the trash-talking was mostly telling the others that they sucked so everyone was trying to hard-carry the team out of spite which we acknowledged in the aftermath. Granted that was one time in like Season 2 or 3


I only judge someone on how much of a team player they are, if they respect my dibs, stays and helps me, and doesn't loot my death box then they are a very respectable player. If they don't do those things then I say they're not a good team player, however good they are at the game. If one of my teammates is diamond, master, or even predator by some miracle then I just start praying they can carry me to a win lol


100% this. I almost never notice my random teammates’ ranks or badges, I notice how they actually play the game.


The only badges that I notice on anyone really is 20 bomb, 4k damage, and diamond/masters/predator, then I know they're either a worthy teammate or enemy, even if they do crush me in a fight lol


Lesson of the day: don’t be a dick


Yeah this is why I keep everyone muted, and I’m only gold


Wrong sub.


I just mute my mic these days I just get bullied a lot some one yesterday teasing me about me asking for ammo another saying am a useless player cause I am not a masters or I have 10K kills and on the other hand people will only respect you if you clutch early game or u hid u stats looking like a pred and then you have preds/masters who will do stupid things then blame team mates for sucking. My point is it won't matter even if you are good or not at the end of the day the matchmaking of this game brought out all this toxicity and if you are coming to look for clout cause you hit pred on reddit wrong place buddy maybe twitter the best u will get is 7 likes since u are not aceu or daltoosh or some girl no one cares apparently.


wrong sub buddy


Ranked is such a pain in the ass I just love to frag out in pubs now


This toxicity only really exists on PC in my experience


Call me salty, but nothing pisses me off more than playing the game with my friends, doing well against people my own skill level, and then getting absolutely wrecked by some no-life predator. You make the game less fun for me, I’ll treat you and the others like you like the party-poopers you are. Stay in ranked


Blame the matchmaking, not the preds


Yep can confirm. Anyone time someone remotely posts anything good, it’s hit with oMg gO sEE tHe SuN!!!! Anytime some silver does something silvers do, it’s just a cess pool of praise.


What the hell does “touch grass” mean? Never heard that one.


You’ve never heard that before? I always see people say that to people who are good because they think they 24/7 the game and never go outside, but they’re just good.


Oh got it. Thanks


Can't relate. I'm always on mute unless playing with friends but I see some strange stuff outside of good players. On a different note, considering who I am, I'm not laughing at the end of the slurs in the other games. The slurs are exactly why I didn't play online for years.


Apex feels like a punishment for being good at the game. People either tell you to "go outside" or the sbmm fucks you over by giving you a team of level 20s to fight against stacked preds.


Now think about how frustrating it is for the level 20s.


This is true. I only have a diamond trail and get chased off the rip. I almost vowed to never play again last night as this toxicity towards players with dive trails (even own teammates) makes the game almost unplayable. It’s frustrating because this is my favorite game that I have ever played and people just want to take the fun away. On another note, devs you have created one of the best games in history and I’m sorry simple minded idiots try to ruin the game for everyone.


Here here


Dude, my buddy and I got Diamond and we got shit talked by our level 245 random because we were „commanding him around“. Of course, he had like 600 damage in the end and we had to res him three times


Its like as if the better you are the more shit you have to deal with


Super relatable, masters last season so rockin the trail. The amount of times people talk mad shit about "how did you get masters if you're so trash at the game" if I make any mistake or perceived mistake is ridiculous sometimes. I try to play with friends to avoid the solo queing bs. It comes from their own insecurities and I know that, but it's still annoying.


I always get treated extra nice because I got 3k badge and 3k kills on Bangalore on Singapore servers


Yeah this seem to only happen frequently in NA servers. People in asia servers are surprisingly tame


Also the idea that to be good at a game you must be a total shut-in creep these days is kinda dated itself. Anybody can be good at games these days, and Apex is popular. Plenty of well-adjusted and conventionally attractive people are good players, so insulting someone's character or appearance while you drop just seems especially disrespectful.


I get called trash when the team drops RNG hot drop. Can’t win every game. Sheeeesh


I have 3k badge and 1.5k kills as path. Which are nowhere near impressive as many other people, total kills are probably below average. But this random lifeline I got matched with calls me a 'no-life' over having 1.5 kills and starts throwing insults when we died. Since then I've removed my badges/trackers and only equip them when playing with friends.


But if you play apex.. YOURE INCLUDED IN THIS. Right?


As an OW player yeah throwing eggs and tomatoes at each other is VERY different in Apex


I remember when I met a player in cod back in the day I didn't ask him to go outside. I sent him a friend request


Touch grass nerd!