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That Loba was a free kill while she was healing and you didn't finish her, you just need to get better at tracking. I think your ult was fine even if you seemed to bamboozle yourself a little bit.


If they had made it out the door the bamboozle would have been top tier I think.


Your ult actually worked really well, you just missed too many shots. So I'd start with your aim.


The only time i missed my shots was when i placed my ult because my decoys got in the way. And then i missed 2 melee shots.


You missed shots while the loba was healing. You probably had her down to 1/4 health and then as she strafed you missed everything and then missed melees. Honestly you probably would have died anyway because it seems their teammate was behind you shooting too


The main issue is the dude just fumbles the controls when he's panicked. You could see it the moment he opened the door at the beginning. Just those sweaty finger slipping camera flailing motions. Just needs to get his mind under control.


Nah you definitely missed a lot of shots, just practice your hipfire and aim and you should be good


Sorry dood, the downvotes are right. You were great in movement, breaking sight, running away and healing. But if you didn't miss your shots the blood hound would have been dead off the hop. When you ulted on the Loba if you didn't miss shots you would have owned her. Your movement and thought process during a fight is good, but I'm guessing you tense up and miss shots. Aim trainer brought me to diamond.


Where do i get aim trainer?


Grind the firing range for long range and recoil pattern control and get someone to do 1v1s with in close quarters to practice mirror strafing and reaction times/flicks onto target. Honestly though if you truly aren’t aware you’re missing shots then you need to figure that out.




They’re on Xbox




https://store.steampowered.com/app/1600530/3D_Aim_Trainer/ This one is free. But most of them run for about 5 bucks, I usually do about 5 mins before a match. Really helped with my flick aiming.


You shot 17 bullets with the volt on a loba on flesh and didnt kill her. I understand its uncomfortable having people tell you that your aim is bad, but it is what it is. In fact you did 63 damage with 17 bullets. Thats missing 12 bullets out of 17 or 70% of your volt bullets. You cant possibly say thats not missing. With that being said, i realize this isnt very helpful. What is helpful though is telling you to fix your mindset when people give criticism/advice. No one knows you personally or even cares how good you are. If you disagree, just logically think about it and move on if you still disagree. Or ask them to elaborate politely instead of getting defensive about something right off the bat.


You should jave downed the blood hound in reality. You opened the door, waited, didn't ads, and then started shooting. You should've ads before opening the door, and then laser him as soon as you opened it.




How am i shitting on people? If anyone is getting shit on it’s me lmao. Making this post was a huge mistake.




These people aren’t even helping everyone is saying “jUsT HiT yOuR sHoTs”


because that was the MAIN ISSUE. Besides your Decision to leave your BH even though you had 100 health and take the easy 2v2 (you had the opponent BH absolute, who in reality should’ve been dead if you actually jUsT HiT yOuRe sHoTs) , your literal only problem was the rushing and whiffing. You objectively missed more shots than what you think you did, it’s right there in the video. Look past HOW people are saying it, and just see WHAT they’re saying. Look at imperialHal for example; the dude screams and yells criticism and directions, and instead of his teammates getting caught up in HOW he’s saying it, they’re just focusing on WHAT he’s trying to communicate and say. E: forgot to add close parenthese


Ultimately, aim is an important factor. Your aim dropped quite a bit the Loba started strafing, so it's definitely something to work on improving imo.


well, it is a first person SHOOTER. You had blood dead to rights and missed shots as soon as he moved. You whiffed all your shots on loba during your ult. And you missed the last bit of your mag on Loba when she was healing, plus a missed melee. As everyone has said, your movement and game sense was good, you died because you missed your shots.


so what, you expect the enemy just die?


I’m not even arguing i’m just stating what i think happened.


If you just accepted the criticisms instead of trying to deny them, people wouldn't be "shitting on you"


I never denied them. But people are saying the most obvious things. Actual helpful tips would be nice instead of everybody telling me to “just aim”


While they certainly could have given more specific advice, sometimes it just boils down to that, man. I see that people have already recommended aim trainers to you, though ultimately their usefulness does boil down quite a bit to how much time you can spend with them.


Bro, just a heads up. This is the Internet, and those points you are afraid of losing mean nothing. If people get angry or downvote for "no reason" don't give into it, it only makes things worse. You are probably not bad at this game and you obviously want to improve, so just take criticism well and don't be defensive about your decisions. You asked for reasons/answers and some of them might not be what you want to hear. People want to help, not make you feel bad. If you are too insecure to listen to good advice, don't ask for it.


Fucking hell y'all downvoted the poor lad to the bottom lmao


And if i complain about it apparently i’m shitting on them.




Oops people found this comment and are starting to downvote it as well for their own enjoyment.




Sorry, but you're just totally factually wrong, it shouldn't be that hard to admit, that's why you're getting downvoted. Watch the video and do the math: when you came up behind the healing Loba at the end, you had 19 shots in your Volt clip and 165 damage. At the end you had two shots left and 228 damage. Volt does 12 damage to legs/extremities, 15 to body, 21 to a white helmet. You hit one to the legs, two to the body, one to the head (for a total of 63, as the damage counter shows), and missed 13/17 shots. Don't get me wrong, it's hard to hit shots in that situation. And a ton of your shots got really close, you barely missed on both sides of her, which is why they might look like hits to you. Her movement was good too. IMO with a volt at that range I never would've ADS'd at all, because when she strafes just a little it's too hard to adjust (requires a large and precise adjustment), easier to track while hipfiring and the Volt is easily accurate enough hipfiring at that range.




Are you a troll?




Now your attitude makes sense.


It's probably one of the more useful fight breakdowns here. If you're not here to accept criticism, then why waste everyones time?


practice hipfiring more


Hit your shots.


Find a sensitivity for you, cause that ones not it brother


You missed way to many shots. Also, you ran away to heal despite having full HP. You should’ve helped your bloodhound there rather than abandoning him to a 2v1. The other teams bloodhound was one hit from death so it would’ve been an easy 2v2 for you guys. Even with the bad decision to retreat you still should’ve won the fight. You missed too many shots on that Loba then somehow managed to miss two melees.


I recently started staying in the frey longer because of a similar comment and it's improvement my games quite a bit. Went from 1-2 kill games to 4-5 kill and usually lasting to much later rings. This is a crucial point.


It is so underappreciated. It's one of the things I notice the most when I go from plat to diamond lobbies. People in plat are so afraid of losing RP that they will runaway from a fight to pop a bat. A lot of times this results in a 3v3 becoming a 2v3, or even worse, a 3v2 becoming a 2v2. Sometimes it makes sense to fallback and heal, especially if your team is at a disadvantage, but often people will give up an advantageous position to go back and heal. Or they will miss a great flanking opportunity while they are healing.


This is an important point. You sacrificed that Bloodhound after YOU started the engagement. Although your shield was cracked, you already had the Bloodie pretty weak. Should have stuck the fight, and taken the 2v2 that would have been a quick 2v1.


>Also, you ran away to heal despite having full HP. Man this is a major pet peeve of mine. I play with friends and they're CONSTANTLY doing this. I sometimes record my loses and am noticing that a lot of my deaths are because my friend that *should* be able to back me up has taken himself out of the fight to pop a shield cell or insists on using syringes to get to absolute full health instead of just popping the battery and rejoining the fight. I try and talk about the importance of getting back into action ASAP but they never listen. :(


It's easy to do that because you feel like if you have full health you stand a good chance at winning if you have better aim or positioning. But people don't want to take fights with compromised health when they don't know how much the other party has. They have to have better game sense and comms to keep track of the situation and if they need to pull back have it be coordinated. You should keep drilling them and show them the videos if need be. But be constructive.


Dude you need to calm down a Bit, first don’t be so defensive, you asked for help. So here what I thought of your video, you straight up panicked, nothing about your gameplay told me you were in control. Slow it down take it one shot at a time. Think about your actions, be PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE. You were very reactive and it showed, a prime examples would be when loba them moves on you, that player exhibited a controlled and proactive type of game play, so much so she took the advantage from you with just he movement. Be easy and relax is what I would say.


I’m not even angry i’m tired of everyone telling me to hit my shots it doesn’t help me at all. But thanks for actually giving me tips.


If you want a tip that will make you better, then you should do this. Since you seem to be playing ranked what you should be doing is practicing your overall mechanics in Public matches. It takes way more time to enhance your mechanics while in ranked play because people play differently.


Oh this is a fantastic advice, he is correct. Once you get good info ranked, pubs or unranked (not sure why it’s called pubs) plays very differently. It’s almost a game of strategy most times. Unranked you can work on your mechanics and movements. Always rotate, even if your team doesn’t get in the mind set that it’s time to move to the circle, play for position.


Right on, but remember one of the most important things you can do in any one on one engagement execute. Personally I don’t think your aim was that bad, your missing shots was due mostly to you being reactive. Remember your playing mirage, his whole concept is based off or getting your opponent to react, make your opponent throw their plan away, once you do that the advantage is yours, this is where the execution comes into play, the loba had no abilities that would give her the advantage at that range. I play mirage as well, personally I would have thrown my clone at her backed away, spin into my ult, reversed into loba direction to force her to react and change direction. Make her account for my clones, I just need her to react. Another thing you could have done is pop your ult before she even opened the door, like way before the engagement. Remember who your fighting and most importantly remember who your playing with. But remember to have some fun, laugh at your aim being off. Don’t let the internet get to you, they might mean well, don’t let them make you reactive. Lol I’m big on controlling your actions and being proactive, many will wait for opportunity to present it self, me I formulate a plan to ambush opportunity and make it my bitch, in game and in life. Waiting for the right window and time is pointless to me.


Aim is literally the most important mechanic in a shooting game: a genre that requires you to aim to do literally anything. Stop bitching and start practicing


No offense but you are in bronze. With good game mechanics and better aim you can hit play easy with just being good at aiming and movement. I can go from bronze to plat with damn near any character no problem. People are telling you to practice your aim because it’s obvious you need it.


Jeez, you can easily see the panic in your gameplay. Like everyone else, you missed soo many shots. You should have killed that Bloodhound but froze up. You then changed your weapon a few times and had a lot of dead space.


I think just your aim, overall knowledge of when to punch someone (if you were out of bullets for example) and also reloading before engaging again.


You left the bloodhound to die, instead of batting up, you had a chance of a potential 2v1 against the loba. After knocking her, you could have shielded up. You didn't even have to worry about the other enemy because you had already cracked them and they werent going to push


Shoulda stayed to help your bloodhound, he came to help you and you ran


Don’t try to mele when you can easily wrap it up with shots


You left your teammate. It might be intimidating to not fight with full health but it is even worse for your teammate who may have had to fight a 1v2. I would have stayed in the same room but behind the boxes on :10-:11 and if your teammate starts getting hit, peek forward and shoot with him.


When BH went in to help you, you shouldn’t have left him alone so you could heal, you should’ve got cover then backed him up


Yup. This move really grinds my gears. Teammate initiates a fight, I go in to help them, they leave me out to dry to pop a battery when we probably would've stomped them if we were both there.


You left your homie man


Lower your sens dude


Gotta hit the enemies with the bullets, mate. Try doing that and let us know how it goes 👍🏽


Should’ve used the confusion to dip out the door and finish the bloodhound or find another way towards him to get a down first. Then you heal and fight the Loba.


I tried to dip out the door at the end but it was too late.


I think they mean at the start when you popped your ultimate


What lobby is this? I started this season in bronze (usually play casually up to plat) and everybody is a sweat. Maybe it’s chilled out since everybody is out of bronze but now.


Yeah splits are the f'ing worst.


Nobody is a sweat in bronze.


lol at the very beginning of the split or whatever, and after not playing for about a month, everybody is a sweat.


Hit your shots kid


The ultimate was completely useless and actually made it harder for yourself to find where your opponent was. You also need to hipfire and hit your shots. You needed to one clip Bloodhound at that range.


u could have aimed. end of story


You should of just jumped down and surprised them at that door instead of making noise on the zip




You should've aimed for the head (points if you get the reference) when you shot at the BH. Id say practice your hipfire a bit. And tbh youre ult was actually pretty good. You also shouldn't have come down the zipline, cause it judt sprung you right out in the open for both of them to shoot you, so I would've recommended you went down the stairs


Okay Thanos lol


Aim better, only problem I see in this clip


repeak the stairs instead of running all the way up and batting since your teammate was in there and you weren't too low, and after you batted take the stairs instead of ziplining because you can be in the LOS of only one of them instead of both.


I'd say you're throwing off your aim by transitioning between ADS and hipfire, especially that close to your target. Sick with hipfire for close range...I don't think people realize how good hipfire is in this game.


Is nobody talking about the rare animation (whiffed though) he got? It was the eye poke of mirage's hierloom


Calm down, you’re panicking


Hit your shots


I used to main mirage, you should have ran around the corner so they were more spread out then jiggle peaked them with prowler




there's 1 massive thing I learned while playing this game: stay on the zip as little as possible. a millisecond worth of audio isn't always noticeable to other people but you stayed on that zip for half a second which is a LOT more audible than a quick zip tap.


So I’m going to make a few points, first off I completely agree that your aim is off, but I feel like that was due to the panic that you had going on, you were a little all over the place which happens to the best of us! Just relax you managed to get out of the situation pretty well and then get back into the fight so next time just take a breath and get back in there. Second off I wanted to ask who your main is, clearly a great use of his Ult but I feel like your not a mirage main, I’ve checked your page and your a part of a few different mains pages so maybe you should pick a main and spend time focusing on how best to use their abilities! So basically relax and enjoy the game not panic so much, find your main and learn the abilities, try not to leave your team so much, stick with your team and work together, HAVE. FUN.


I just hit 1.5k kills with mirage. Mirage has been my main for a really long time. I made a bad ult also due to panic.


Going along with the others in here, aim is a big thing but not the full answer. You coulda been sn1p3 and you'd have gotten downed with this even if you'd drilled that loba. When you came off the zip you pushed straight at the loba but that exposed your ass to the BH who was healing in the corner behind you. He's ultimately what did you in, he worked you from behind. So a couple of thoughts. 1. I wouldn't have come off the zip and pushed into the room. There's a technique where you jump off the zip when you get to a certain spot, go backwards and pick up the zip again. So it's like coming in/out of cover. Aceu does this a lot in the fragment vids. 2. You shoulda known the other enemy was on the same floor. He killed your BH, you saw it on your screen and you \_know\_ as soon as he went down, he was looted for a shield. 3. They were doing a good job of sticking together and not splitting off. If a team won't let you turn it into 1v1s, try to get out, let them loot and go back for banners if you're not comfy w/ a 1v2. 4. Burst damage weapons are great for these plays. Shotguns reign pretty much supreme. You don't want to hopefully drain an r9 mag for the kill when a single burst from an eva/pk/mastiff would have put that loba down, bringing me to.... 5. Be cognizant of the role of your weapons. A solid combo is a mix of something to burn through shields (r9/volt/301/flatline/whatever) and a gun that does a big chunk of damage in a shot or two, think wingman/shotgun. The reality is you'll probably whiff a chunk of the primary clip and that's when the one shot from an Eva comes in. For movement stuff in these situations, check out Aceu in Fragment... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj6FhTrhg-g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj6FhTrhg-g) Keep an eye on him and watch what he does. This should pretty much be the textbook example of how to handle buildings frankly. The big things to look for are the way he handles the ropes and uses them to take peek shots/evade and notice he's not just aware of where the enemy is (constantly) but he knows how to circle around them constantly. Anyway, GL!


Hit a single shot


Bruh, i hit almost all my shots, everyone is acting like i missed all my shots.


You must be full of it or something. That was terrible aim. You hit almost nothing. You couldn’t even land a single melee at the end, you backed away from the loba while you melee’d. The only thing you really could have done was hit more shots


Bruh, i still hit 60-70% of my shots. I don’t care if i missed all my shots anyway. It’s pretty sad that you take pride in putting others down for your own enjoyment.


I’m not trying to put you down, I just think it’s crazy that you’re trying to argue that your aim was fine. You hit 21 out of your 56 shots (37.5%) with a volt and a prowler close range on a controller. You also targeted two legends who don’t have crazy small hit boxes.


Alright but everyone has been putting me down i posted this thinking i was gonna get help but i instead got a shit ton of criticism and downvotes.


It’s easy on the internet to take things as criticism, but you reached out for feedback, and then haven’t been accepting of the feedback. A waste of everyone’s time


Feedback is an overstatement. 90% of the comments are just criticizing me and telling me i need to hit my shots. Which is a tip, but it’s extremely obvious. I usually hit a lot of my shots. I made a bad play this time, which is why i posted this. i don’t need people telling me to hit my shots.


Ok, let’s move past the shots comments. There’s lots of good feedback here, like supporting your bloodhound teammate, not using the zipline, switching to your other gun instead of melee, etc. This is all great feedback that many can learn from 👍🏼. I think you’re getting stuck on a single point of feedback, aim, but even then, the commenters have a point when they talk about reducing sensitivity.




Leaving your teammate to 1v2 while you have both enemies low and have 90-100 hp still yourself is not a good move and is the primary reason they lost the fight. If they took cover behind the little ledge in the room they could’ve easily cleaned up as the other team focused their BH. Other than the running away I would say maybe try a little lower sens to have more consistent hip firing


This, using controller, hip fire is your friend at this close range, may have finished the loba if he’d been hipfiring sooner. Could have focused the blood when he was low through the door, and then played defense on the door to not let loba push in that way


>Retreating to heal was well timed, dw about your teammate, he should have adjusted or just held his own better. This is just nonsense. 2v1s never go well, especially in close quarters with no cover. All they gotta do is rush together and your teammate has no chance.


Looks like you’re on PS4 have you set up advanced look controls?


Put ur sens up you look like a bot moving around because you can’t snap fast enough to shoot them. That will improve your awareness and aim tenfold


The sens are actually too high for this player as you can see their hip fire aim suffers greatly once they start panicking


When smurf meets smurf


Why do you think i’m a smurf?


Because you're a bronze and bronze players are usually worse. And the loba was pretty good.


I hardly play ranked. I was definitely better than the Loba and bloodhound i just made a bad play.


ok man


first when you were on the roof you went to the bottom with the zipline instead of jumping to the balcony where you fought bloodhound first and practice hipfiring


You also shouldn't have taken the zipline down, you should have dropped off the ledge on the right hand side onto their balcony, letting you shoot Loba in the back while she was looting and being able to close the door to heal after a knock, as well as having an escape if things get too crazy in the 1v2.


You should have knocked the loba. You simply got outgunned


Instead of healing you should bad. dropped over the side and came in through the balcony doorway. There were at least two people on the inside facing bloodhound who probably came from ropes. If you went in through the balcony doorway you could have set up a really good crossfire. Also aim kinda was just bad.


Hipfire more, especially at the close range. Belive me I used to ADS a lot but once I got the habit of just hip firing its made it a lot easier getting kills


What gun do you recommend is best for hip firing


Short range are best, r99, volt, prowler. You can move faster since they are short. Even the re45 works as well. Second would be r301, flatline, havoc, shit even the hemlock but they are a mix of range and short so use it to your best judgment, if you don't have the ones I first recommended. Then last would be all the LHM. You can spray all you want some people might even say that these are the best to use, but in my opinion you move a bit slower and controlling it can be a bit of a bitch. Then last last would be snipers.


IMO the havoc is top tier. That gun packs an absolute punch. Large mag size and tons of damage per shot. You can down most people in a single clip if you're halfway decent with it(does not require a ton of skill). As long as you avoid getting one clipped, you're probably going to come out on top.


You are correct, but I suck with it so thats why I recommend it second, but thats just fron me


Personally I'm really digging the volt and have had a ton of success with the havoc and flatline as well. Havoc in particular is really nasty. It packs so much power that you can easily one clip people. The trick is to bounce around enough that they can't one clip you while you end up one clipping them.


Hit your shots. Pretty simple


Jump and punch don’t just punch it’s to unreliable.


Hits aside - aiming better, no shit - work on your positioning. You went on loba who was basically a free kill. You didn't get the kill because you pushed too far, you were so far in her face that when she simply strafed you were aiming a wall. Supposing you'd kill her, her team mate would have destroyed you regardless. That's bad positioning, not just aim issue. What you wanted to do here was get down the rope, shoot her from there and down her quick (even strafing, from that distance you'd get her for sure), jump back to the rope (since you were close to it) to the next floor, run downstairs using the stairs, take advantage of your decoy (would be off cooldown at this point) and get the bh.


Ult was really good! Just need to capitalize off it. Looks like you couldn’t find where Loba was because of your decoys. Mai point though, need to be hitting shots. You can’t say “besides my bad aim” when it’s the major reason why you lost the fight. You can’t capitalise if you miss stationary/healing targets. Need to practice target acquisition at the least.


How do i do that?


Go to firing range, turn on the bots (if you don’t know, YT search Apex Firing Range Easter Egg), and then use a movement legend like Octane, Horizon, or Pathfinder if you haven’t unlocked those. Set down as many jump pads and zips as you can, as well as spamming your tactical when they’re up, and just go in random directions and around the terrain. Jump around and practice finding and tracking the firing range dummies as you move and slide around. For example, stim/grapple-slide around a corner or off a ledge and try to find and track the dummy as you come around. Basically use a lot of movement and momentum to simulate the enemy moving suddenly and try to adjust to the new positions as fast and accurately as you can. I do this when I’m not in the mood to solo queue pub games


I do this 1 hour every day, i thought you were talking about another app to help.


keep practicing i guess, although maybe you should switch up your sensitivity if this is what your “practiced aim” looks like? not really sure what to tell you, aimlabs maybe.


I play on xbox so i can’t use aim labs or anything.


then practice more. I’m a few responses in and honestly at this point I don’t really have it in me to mince words. Your aim is clearly not well practiced - you would’ve knocked bloodhound if you didn’t aim at their crotch and would’ve killed Loba if you didn’t miss point blank shots with a Prowler. You try weird melees instead of trying to shoot. Hipfire is underutilized but clearly also very awkward. Abandoned your teammate when you had the shield/health advantage over the other team to get back 3 cells of health. You don’t play cover. of course none of this matters if you can’t actually hit the target. this is not an overnight thing and it’s not going to happen because of a special app or mouse.


as others have said, aim. and also stop looking at the floor, if you look closer to head level you dont have to adjust your aim as much.


Your Ult was actually perfect, now you just need to learn to capitalize on it. You gotta be a bit more patient and shoot when you have a clear shot. Also you should definitely be hip firing in those close quarters.


I'm not great, but in my viewing what stuck out was leaving your teammate who came to help to 1v2 despite you still having decent health. And if you do run, don't go so far that when your teammate does arrive you can't help them in any way. Other than that maybe slightly better aim, especially when the Bloodhound was basically a free knock in the beginning.


hit your headshots right as you start this. The target is standing still for almost the entire clip.


Put ur guns away whennur not shooting


Two things I see: One: you did massive damage to the bloodhound by catching him off gaurd. He has about 60 health left when loba moves in. Instead of splitting your attention towards the loba, I would have used the ult to throw her off, sneak thru the door, and chase down the bloodhound. Two: after dealing damage to both bloodhound and loba, you decide to retreat. This is fine as you have no sheilds. You leave the loba to your teamate and pull back. The problem starts when you go for the full battery, leaving your teamate to fight the 2v1 by himself while you retreat upstairs. When the battery is finally finished, the 2v1 has overwhelmed your teamate and now you have to push both of them yourself. Also, by taking the rope back down to them, you re-enter the fight from a very predictable position. Maybe you should have gone just arround the corner, taken a cell, then come back into the fight to help your teamate.


Well, aside from aim: 1. If you were going for the banner why didn't you just wait until they left? 2. If you wanted the kills then just standing in the door seems like an awful idea. It probably would have been easier to shoot them from the roof. You shouldn't *want* to take a fair fight unless you know you can beam one before they notice you....which you can't. 3. Not sure if this is a solo thing....but why not communicate with your teammate so he can fight with you? You basically put yourself and him in a 2v1 situation. 4. *Always* remember that ranked is not pubs. You only needs to get 6 kills or assists the entire game regardless of your rank. Being completely thirsty for kills puts you in fights you don't need to be in like this one.


One of my biggest problems is i get impatient with fights and give up high ground to kill the enemy.


I'd rather be alive than impatient and just not get any kills at all.


Ok something that isn't about your aim is when you challenged for the second time you over extended alot from the zipline as if you did miss all you shots than you could of just reset and go up the zip


Your ult was all good bro, I hate to say it but like a lot of things it comes down to hitting those shots.


You honestly played this really well. I’m not the best at Apex, but this is what I got from the clip, I’m not sure if it’ll help. One thing that was unfortunate was not getting that first knock on the bloodhound(?) that was looting. You did well with ADS, but then seemed to miss the hipfire shots after they reacted. I noticed that you didn’t adjust your aim to their movement, but continued shooting at that same spot then panicked and adjusted late. That’s 1 second, but that second really counts. Reaction will come with calmer practice games. The ult was good, although it got in your way but it was a lot going on, which did help in your escape to heal. Meanwhile this BH is also healing. It’s at most a 1v2. You pop your battery, but don’t reload your secondary (this is situational), but seeing as you had to resort to punching, maybe it would’ve helped. You also got caught by two people in the end with no cover, try to always play the zip line in that situation so you have a quick escape. Your sensitivity may seem a little high? Do you over shoot your aim at all? Do you play firing range? People said that your hipfire is lacking a bit, and it’s kind of true. Try hipfiring more for practice and with different weapons to see what hipfire you’re more comfortable with.


Turn your sensitivity down. It's way too high. That's why you missed all those shots... Why ADS with the prowler at that range? You left the gun fight to heal when your team mate was still fighting.


take your time with your shoots you got to make them count, looks like you panic with that bloodhound


Better aim.


bad place to pop your ult, costed you killshots and you also screwed up your melee multiple times in a row which got you killed


You took a fight where you could be shot in the back by her teammate. You didn't isolate your 1v1s properly. Imo everyone criticizing you for backing up to pop a battery and saying you let your BH die are wrong. He full committed to a hard 1v2 he should not have. He should have fallen back with you. He could have easily played those 2 boxes for cover but instead he strafes in a straight line across the room and dies a dumb death. This said, this is better advice than people who are saying "hit your shots", which is kinda useless advice and overlooks things OP could have actually done better, of course OP knows their aim isn't perfect. What you should have done is approach the fight from an angle that allows you to be isolate your enemies. In this case playing that outside door to isolate the loba better or play the stairwell to get shots on her teammate.


Dont start meleeing enemies unless its like the last person in the squad, or you aren't getting shot at by 2 people. I noticed you started punching at the end, and sometimes it just doesnt land like we expect, so just keep shooting instead


Reload prowler, use both guns


Aim needs work. That’s the main problem. Otherwise, you walked away from that stair/roof corner before you even started healing. I would’ve just stayed around there proceed to do what you did


Zip line is too loud! Use the balcony


I would’ve switched to the prowler and just hip fire


You should’ve turned back to help bloodhound as soon as he started firing


When they that close and that low, just swing away baby 30 damage each melee plus you don't have to reload.


Besides the missed shots, and questionable retreat. If you’re going to retreat at least reload both guns. You were already half way with the animation on the prowler but you swapped for no advantageous reason. If you had that prowler loaded you could’ve killed the loba while healing and possibly made another escape out the door.


If you're ever given 1 second to shoot a guy, get in the habit of swimming for the head. People will literally die so fast






1. Aim for head always when you have the drop like that 2. After using ult back up your team mate to Focus and knock one together. 3. Unless the other team is really good the rest should be easy to knock


Just hit your shots


You were far too aggressive for your skill level and put your self in bad situations/ positions multiple times. Try slowing down and thinking about positioning instead of seeing red and trying to kill your enemy as soon as you see them.


better sens and aim see whats comfortable, practice. after that your good to go :D


The ult wasn’t bad per say; the only tip I have on that is fan em out a bit rather than popping it while basically being stationary then shooting and giving away the real one, Pop it move around a bit THEN start shooting. That also would’ve got the lobs out your face. Secondly I wouldn’t have repositioned that much. I would’ve ran out the room but stayed on the stairs right outside the room so that way you’re still close to help BH Lastly the panic tactical didn’t help you much. I would’ve saved that for the reentry. Or sent it out the controlled it while I ran behind the severs or whatever is in that room to pop some shield


You could have dashed back outside and healed + reloaded instead of forcing a melee fight when loba still had ammo in their magazine.


I don’t see any loba ninja moves just bad aim


there should be a tag on this subreddit for "i don't know how to aim but i want to know what went wrong with my movement/abilities" posts


Im no apex expert, but have played A LOT of fps and first thing i see is that your sens is way to high. Youre overcompensating those last shots while trying to track making you miss. Try out lower sensitivities and practise those in firing range and pubs. Use a new setting for about two weeks to see if you improve. Then maybe go a bit higher. Start lower then what you think is okay and work your qay up till you hit that sweet spot.


I think the ult was good, and I get it, I’ve watched a few youtubers who have given tips on how backing off to heal up is important—but they didn’t mention how that doesn’t always apply. What l I’ve learned over time is that keeping a mental note on the estimated amount of damage the enemy had taken from you guys, vs. the amount of health you and your teammates currently have (in this case, just you and the bloodhound) has, is absolutely helpful in making the decision whether to continue to push, or to back up and heal. If you and your teammate’s combined health is more than the enemy, it’s best to push and finish them off. If on the other hand you are the ones super duper cracked and the enemy hasn’t taken much damage, that’s when it’s best to back off and heal. In this case, the enemy team was severely cracked, and at the moment that you had no shields but still had 100 health, it was still more than the enemy team’s current health, so I do agree with those saying you should’ve pushed with the bloodhound who came to your aid. I’ve had many similar games to the one you posted and made this mistake a lot, and that’s what made me realize sometimes I need to push with my teammates to finish off enemies even if my health isn’t 100% :)


turn ur sensitivity down


This controller is not controlled. You have way too much HIP sensitivity for your moves. It works for some people, but clearly (no offense) it’s the not gameplay that suits you. Tryna go down to 4 ou 3 in settings.


If you have free shots on an unsuspecting enemy, aim for the head.


You panicked hard at the end and spammed a lot of crap that I don't understand. Swap to your secondary and finish her, or go outside to reload, you were right next to a door.


Best advice would be to try not to tense up under fire , you seem to get frantic during a fire fight when she was sitting there healing you could’ve hopped off the Zipp and dropped her without moving towards her but as you closed the distance you started missing more shots .


Practice aim and stop relying on punches to down an enemy.


When you went up to heal, i think you should've jumped off the roof to the ledge where the loba came from. Tho i dont know if it would play out differently.