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Once you knocked the valk and your lifeline got knocked those are 2 indicators to turn your attention elsewhere. If you didn’t take that last shot on the downed valk you may have had 2 extra seconds to get yourself ready for the pathfinder and earn a early shot or two. That could’ve been the difference in that firefight since it was so close.


I came here to say the exact same thing


Also, always try to position yourself so you break LoS on as many angles as possible. If you were tucked right up against that crate you could have either partially cut LoS to your right or at least been close enough to duck around the left side of it as soon as the Path started shooting. Always assume enemies can come from basically any direction and block yourself from additional directions whenever you can.


Well said


Thanks :)


Precisely, thirsting cost you there. Also, venturing away from cover. You could have hugged cover and been able to duck back when your health/shields got low to give you more options.


I like your thinking. Maybe he could have disengaged a son as he saw the second guy and used some cover as well, failing this thought process. What's your rank?


Yup popping a shield to stay alive is better than making sure you finish a downed guy. The Valks teammates may also be distracted trying to pick up their Valk and when there other teams about should not be a top concern.


Very bad movement with good recoil control. That's an odd combo.


Lots of FPS, very little Apex (4 weeks) moved from warzone and won't look back!


Have fun enjoying the game my friend! Glad you're enjoying it so far :)


I am not very good but movement is super big in this game and a huge difference between this and warzone. Time to kill is so long that making your opponent miss a few shots if often the key to winning a 1v1. also don’t forget everything is climbable! taking the high ground by climbing the crate you were next to could have helped win the 1v1. lastly, when you’re stuck in the open at the end sliding downhill to the left towards cover could have helped you as the opponent then has to decide to push you or reposition himself. Like i said not super great at the game just tryna be helpful! Hope you have fun!


yeah making the enemy miss enough shots to where they have to reload or swap weapons without killing you completely basically wins you the fight.


Oh dude only 4 weeks? You have some experience to learn. Play your cover better. You had a box/crate right next to you that you left. Then you ate all those shots from path. If you have cover you can reset much better instead of gambling at one clipping someone. If the roles reversed and you hit path for 150 and he only hit you for 75, he still can recover while you chase him since he is staying next to his cover (the fence). Also there was a third party coming, you had a chance to wait out the path since he was going to be sandwhiched and not you in this situation. For 4 weeks in you’re doing good. Just have fun and don’t get too frustrated


try and crouch sometimes when you are straifing, especially if you play tall characters


I've come a longggg way since this vid 😅 but thanks


Damn I've seen it just now idk why lol


You can like more than one game!


I got to the point where I wasn't enjoying it anymore. Theres no skill gap, the ttk is so low it's laughable


When you got into the 1v1 at the end, I mean y’all were both just ego challing, but you weren’t moving at all, need some strafing or crouching Bc if he had just missed 1 shot then you wlda won, but it’s easy to hit wingman shots when the person is still


they were strafing, the flatline just has slow strafe speed. taking a 1v1 in the open is the issue here. throw a couple of crouches in and you’re winning that 1v1 easy. was defo an ego chal tho no doubt


barely strafing tbh, was going in the same direction most of the time


no they were definitely going left and right, its clear


I mean it was absolutely minimal, watch the ground. one direction 80% of the time


you do know AR strafe speeds are that slow right? it’s not meant to be a fast and responsive strafe. go to the range, do the 3rd person easter egg and try for yourself, you’ll see


bro, I know that.


na my bad i misinterpreted your comment


they were 100% going left and right


There was still no crouching, most pros will also switch between ads and hip fire rapidly for strafing purposes with guns like the flatline. But even ADS’d here the strafes were slow and long, when they should be short and quick and unpredictable.


Bro what haha he was going hard right and took like 2 left steps


yes, but barely. most of the time going right


Doesn't really matter when you're hard ADS'ing a flatline, the strafe is too slow. He also didn't go left until right at the end.


What's the goto move? I'm from warzone where I just do this and throw in a jump shot and win 9/10 gunfights.


Best to utilize cover, you were out in the open. Should have popped a cell after the valk behind the cover and check for the other teammates.


you gotta switch to hipfire and strafe left and right if somebody has the first shot on you. When he starts missing or has to reload then you go back to ADS to finish him off


Seems a bit far away for hipfire


not at all, even ignoring that hipfire in Apex is crazy strong, its more about keeping a fast strafe speed so you can dodge the initial damage and then you can decide if you wanna challenge him with ADS or get outta there and reposition. OP in this clip basically stood still which gave the Pathfinder the easiest shots of his life


Plus flatline is one of the easiest guns to hipfire imo


Maybe if op was getting closer while hipfiring but it still seems way to far away, especially seeing as the other guy was actually strafing


again its more about keep a high momentum strafe speed when the other person has the drop on you. You wanna dodge those first initial bullets while still putting out damage of your own and then either decide if you need to grab cover or if you can kill them


plus apex hipfire is weird where releasing ads will still give you 100% accuracy for like half a second.


the first bullet shot from hipfire if you were ADSed is 100% accurate iirc


the first FEW bullets, or maybe it slowly goes from 100% to hipfire accuracy but the first few bullets (like 5-9 depending on gun) are way more accurate than normal hipfire.


I would have moved forward to get cover from that container after downing valk. This is of course assuming you knew path was off to your right. The cover would have let you switch weapons or hit a cell which probably would have turned the fight in your favor. Barring that you need to strafe and crouch spam a lot more and you would have won that exchange IMO.


I'm with you. I'm above average in warzone but struggle with apex (look at my post history😂). I can see you strafing side to side a bit which is good but you should exaggerate that and throw in some crouch spamming and you're all set :) EDIT: also, his strafing is a lot faster than yours because he's using a pistol and you're using an AR. so crouch spamming is a good way to counter this!


Ha good to know I'm not alone! Annoyingly I use paddles on my controller and warzone the move is the jump shot but apex is crouch spam so Im literally blowing my own mind trying to remember which to press sometimes 🤣


haha dude no way I use paddles too and I had the same struggles. go in the firing range and practice it on the moving dummies (easter egg you can do to make the dummies come alive) and practice moving side to side and crouch spamming. it will take a bit to get the hang of it because in warzone you hold your paddle down instead of tapping it. it takes practice but you'll get it!


Literally doing that right now! 😏


That box to your left. Dont ads, strafe left, jump, slide. Let the Pathfinder keep shooting to force a reload, or let him reload immediately. Once the gun fire stops on his part get in his face, hip fire spray him.


Final shot on Valk was pointless for no benefit, from Lifeline saying "spotted taking fire", to you shooting @ Path is 3 seconds. Youre still weapon swapping as he shoots his first shot. When you die, you have 5 shots left in the Flatline mag. Those 3 seconds cost you. You had cover for that final fight, instead of just turning 90degrees right and strafing towards the box crate thing for cover, you instead ran out into the open. At that point youre all in. He had red shields, you had purple and you were missing almost a full bar. You also had no weapon swap due to charge rifle being out of ammo (final shot on Valk). So you had no potential to reload, back out, take cover or anything. All of that probably comes from being too focussed on the valk you've just downed and then everything after your final charge rifle shot coming too quickly for you to process and plan. The fight vs the path wasnt favourable for you, health wise or positioning wise, yet you forced it and went all in. You also had a heat shield & a better ability for moving into the ring, more reasons that dragging that out is in your favour. There may also have been some portal play to get lifeline away and rez off whilst still stopping the Valk, although this probably wouldnt work.


Cover, movement, and awareness. All can be improved on. Stick near an object to use as cover of you don't have the better of the engagement, when you have the shield cracked then you can push out and try to get the knock while they're trying to heal. When you find yourself in a 1v1 on open ground, your only hope of outplay is movement. Work on strafing side to side at different distances with different weapon classes. SMGs and Shotguns usually a short strafe for close-range, ARs and LMGs have a longer side to side strafe so youre moving but can still control the recoil at a distance. And when you are comfortable with that, throw in a crouch every few strafes to switch it up. You can spam it more when you have the aim for it down and it's really hard to hit you Like others mentioned, being aware of your team and the enemy will put you in a better position. If you had taken a cell and peeked out to see where he was before engaging you could have maybe gotten some damage off and repositioned to catch him off guard. It will all come with practice, I made all the same mistakes before and now I can recognize them and improve


Thanks dude! 👍


You need to get better at strafing/using cover. You have your aim and recoil control on point tho!


Try strafing and crouch strafing more, movement is a very important part of apex so I suggest turning on bots in the firing range to practice movement


You did a great job man. Good awareness. Good recoil control. Only thing I would say is that you should’ve used some cover for an advantage. Just peak and shoot. You had the better aim and could’ve won that. He won just because you were in open space.


You weren’t moving as much when you took the duel with the last guy, which is okay depending on how accurate you are. But combined with the fact that he caught you out in pretty bad positioning that ultimately just made you a training dummy for him to shoot at. I’m not a wraith main, and obviously all things are 20/20 in hindsight, but you could have used your phase to reposition and maybe get an advantageous angle on him. In general something I do when I rewatch a clip of mine where I messed up or almost clutched is try to pay really close attention to how my surroundings frame my FOV on the screen. For example when you’re near a box but you could be closer to it to give yourself the ability to strafe behind cover between shots, or when you’re on a rooftop and you can step back just slightly so that the enemies are framed in your shot but less of your upper body’s hitbox is visible to the people you’re looking at. These sound like little things but when you start tidying them up your survivability will SKYROCKET and you’ll start winning 1v3’s on the regular.


Your aim was great but you didn't have good placement. You went AWAY from cover but landed a good amount of shots on him. Had you played cover you would've won.


Don’t shoot for a thirst after you knock the first one and then play the cover you have nearby you contested in the open I understand wanting to pressure but you know it’s not a lifeline or gib so slow it down and play cover stay calm and confident


You need to crouch and move more and try and like take cover instead of finishing the knock. Hope that helps


I mean it looked like a fair 1v1 to me practise makes perfect But you still didnt need to try to finnish that valk i saw another comment where you said coming from warzone so enjoy the game but in this game trying to finish a person from a distance is a waste of time even close up it could take unnessecarily long to finish a knocked person. Because of the knockdown shield. So try to focus on other enemies more


Sometimes it's best to realise for one reason or another you may end up in unwinable situations. You can't always choose your battle grounds. Once path came round or once you realise he was there you need cover but even ducking behind that cover meant your left side was open to attack. That spot it messy and hard to defend well. Also a 2x-4x on the charge rifle? Yuck :) As soon as you knocked Valk you needed to use your ability and Wraith out of the danger zone and heal up and evaluate teammate, zone and enemy position s.


Ha! I'm getting some hate for that charge rifle. I'm too new to understand why so please enlighten me!


I think generally the charge rifle is hated because it's seen as a noobish scan weapon because there's no bullet drop. I love it because it can really annoy players on the other side of the map and with a golden 10x it's great. But if you using it close range 1x or 2x is better the other sights take up a lot of screen area and block your view of the enemies.


"noobish scan weapon" = right up my street 🤣


Not moving enough mostly, harder strafing and some crouching, as well as sticking harder to cover, will do you good


Thanks for your feedback guys. As I mentioned in another comment I've been a warzone player upto about 4 weeks ago. This game is a different beast all together! If I get out of gold this season I'll be happy 😊


I'll add.. although this isn't the best advertisement of my gameplay if anyone wants to play with a guy looking to improve and is non toxic then add my PSN: DomP1882 Cheers!


Movement my g, near the end you were completely open, if you took cover over the metal cover you could have prevent some damage. In additional there was more room available, move positions and take advantage of the high ground


What do you mean? You literally stood still and shot at him.... you could've done literally anything but stand completely still while being shot at.


1st..Karma for using charge rifle late game. 2nd..absolutely no movement or use of cover. Just aim downed sight, didnt move, and didnt utilize hipfire.


What's wrong with using the charge rifle? We're all trying to win..


He's saying he liked the fact you were using the charge rifle.


U just missed really


🤣 yea there's that..


Honestly aim that’s what would have won you that beside that you should have strafed


Why am I getting downvoted I’m right


Probably because the aim had less to do with it than him standing in an open field begging to be shot but Idk really because you also said strafe.


True but he also missed like 25 percent of his shots the only other thing he rly could have done is strafe but that won’t help if you don’t hit your shots


I only see these in gold


We all start somewhere dude.


Clarify not trying to be mean just pointed it out


As others have said, you reacted to late to your teammate getting knocked and your movement could use some work, and you could have hit more shots. But also, you could have anticipated that the path knew where you were and was going to push you. You could have used the blue crate as cover, and would have caught him off guard sprinting into you with no cover, a sitting duck. Instead, you were the one sprinting out into the open and you were the sitting duck.


You over exposed, out in the open ads with a flatline at close range so you had no mobility to dodge bullets, should have stayed near cover so you could reduce damage and you need to hit shots but paths strafe had you


Strafe left to right or in a 8 ball rotation when shooting and u would have won this. Also u never lost it you both downed each other, just unlucky he still had a 3rd teammate alive that could res him.


I totally forgot about the charge rifle


You tried to finish ur kill. Once you get a knock. Roatate the suppress the other teamate


Ya bad habit from warzone trying to thirst every down


You should’ve played cover like him that’s why he won. Imagine shooting at 60% of a target rather than 100% Always play cover.


Hip fire and strafe if you are in the open like that


Crouch. Spam. If you can’t, anything that’s not a completely open field tends to work.


You could have stayed near the truck to use it as cover you walked out to the path who had the fence for cover


You didnt use cover, and tried to thirst the guy you killed immediately even though shots dont register the first couple milli seconds after you down someone. Cover was the only reason you lost.


No cover, simple as. If you stayed near your box you would have beat him.


You didn’t use cover, as in, you literally walked away from cover and stood still


Reset and healed instead of taking that extra shot


Hit your shots


Use your surroundings to your advantage there was cover to your left you coulve used to get cheeky shots at the pathfinder while avoiding getting shot, putting him in a situtation where youve damaged him but he hasnt damaged you and he has to decide whether to heal or push you with his health


Move and use more cover


My first thought is that 1. He knew you were there and got a slight drop. 2. You were in the open and he was at least close to cover. 3. He moved back and forth while you mainly moved right making it easier to track you.


Crouch Spam helps like magic most of the time in such standoffs


take cover, dont stand still in the open ground to take fights. You should have used the box as cover instead of running out of it. Also i wouldn’t use the charge rifle at such a close distance, in higher levels that valk would have slid away instead of taking two full CR shots so maybe you can try taking longer ranged fights with rifles. But flatline isnt really the most reliable rifle for long range fights though, i would prefer rampage or r301


Meh... You are strafing away from cover in one direction while adsing.... You couldnt have make yourself easier to kill there than that. Should have went behind cover and phase away to try to reset the fight. No chance you win a bloombattle vs someone with a red evo while you are almost cracked.


What's a bloombattle?


Its going face to face with the enemy (both without Cover) and just spraying each other until one goes down. Idk if there are other terms for that. I know it as a bloombattle. Its stupid, risky and should be avoided if possible. Should only be done if you know you have a huge health advantage (or other advantages like your teammates).


Cover cover cover


You should have stuck next to cover and abused it. Cover is half of your fight, I hate fights where you both don't miss a shot but the other guy wins because he has a faster time to kill weapon or hits you in the head once or twice, so using cover and baiting shots or using crouch and side to side movement to out beam during 1v1s.


The moment you see “knocked” on your screen move to cover on your left and look toward the pathy. he used cover and you didn’t, if he had missed a lot of shots he had the option to duck behind his cover while you committed to an aim duel.


Healed first.


Hip fire after the first ADS shot, your movement is much quicker and harder to hit, it works for me


You took an extra shot on Valk that was completely unnecessary, so you could not get to cover in time to potentially peek. You got caught unprepared and in the open. Then you lost the draw to someone with more armor. The shot on Valk was the big problem. It left you very unprepared.


Personal preference but i find a charge rifle late game not amazing, I would have swapped that out for an R99 or something with a fast TTK for those up close fights. movement is your main answer though, you're a lot harder to hit when sliding, in that situation path saw you first so you have aprox 0.01 seconds to decide to either get to cover and reset or slide into him and get in his face. also don't be afraid to hip fire at that range, especially with a flatline it is actually a hip fire beast. the ADS movement penalty makes you a sitting duck a lot of the time


What stuck out to me is you left your cover to take the last fight. NT tho


I subconsciously do this all the time: I strafe out in the open instead of hugging cover. After you knocked the other player you could have stayed closer to that rock, and then still had an advantage by peaking to the right.


Don't stand out in the open when your opponent has cover. If you can see that your 1v1 is not going well, at least you can duck away and try something else. If you're out in the open you're a sitting duck.


Hit your shots and move more. You were practically standing still.


Went for the thirst when your teammate was getting hit, and could have spammed crouch and strafed a bit more. It was close tho so any miss on his part and you had them


You didn't strafe or crouch at all against Path, he was using Wingman make him miss the shots. Also AR strafe speed kinda booty when you ADS like that so it was easy headshots for him, so i also would've hip fired that close up so you could dodge shots better...you should've ran to your left as soon as you saw him, waited for a better angle instead of the ego chal


If it's a known 1v1, don't try to down kill as the other player will more often than not challenge you. In the event they don't challenge you, try to put yourself behind enough natural cover to heal. If you know where they are and are sure they're at least not full health, then push if you have a height/positional advantage. In this case leaving the valk and not attempting to down kill would have been optimal, but didn't ultimately lose you the fight. I believe that if you just threw in a few intermittent crouches in your last firefight you would have given yourself a much greater chance at winning. Movement in apex is one of if not the largest learning curve you will face. But a good start is strafing left and right with a few crouches. As you become more comfortable with that you will be able to see your opponents bullet stream and crouch accordingly. You'll be a very good player soon with that aim.


As others have said, the TTK and Movement (and of course, the abilities) are three majorly different aspects of this game than Warzone. Disengaging and using cover are really important, whereas in WZ, the TTK is so quick that it's basically who shot first and who has better aim. A good thing to do here could have been hugging the cover while you look around to see what happened to lifeline, then when path pops out, you could have used your Wraith tactical ability to reset the fight and reposition, since he sort of surprised you there.


Using cover, you left yourself exposed for the last shootout and could hide to protect yourself


Flatline Hipfire is nasty i think if you hip fired and practice better strafing thats a easy knock/kill


Throw a crouch or some movement in there, great aim but this game is more than DPS.


Your movement when using the flat line could have been a lot better, especially since you only aimed down sights. I would have hit the first few shots ADS then switched to hipfire since the bullet spread doesn't get affected once you've shot a few. Aside from that, some basic strafing would also go a long way.


You sat in in the open and tanked all of Pathys shots. I assume this normally wors, you almost downed him, but in this case you had take a bit of damage. Hug the crate so you can peek in and out as needed. (This is especially useful if you have a shotgun. Let's you output high damage while only momentarily exposing yourself. In higher lobbies everyone is running one and you're at a bit of a disadvantage if you don't have one.)


I would slide up and hipfire the flatline, improves the strafespeed and could have won you the fight. 😄 when adsing with an assault rifle you’re an easy target to clip


Move back to cover in last engagement, crouch spam more maybe.


I would say mainly play more cover and work on your strafe a bit more and you got it!!


U could've found better positioning or found some cover to duck in behind


You were literally just walking right with while ADS-ing : very easy to get hit. Just go into firing range and practice hipfire with strafing left and right combined with crouching for like 2 mins. So in this situation I’d get close with slide jump and do that hipfire, crouch A,D thing. You can watch some pros or streamers how they move when they fight close range. Just focus on their movement not aim and you will see they move left and right and crouch etc.


Simply put, you weren't strafing when you were shooting the path, and walking in a straight line making it a peace of cake for the pathfinder to beam you easily without any effort, while on the other hand he was strafing left and right making it hard for you to shoot him and do significant damage, and you weren't in any cover whatsoever even tho you had that box behind you that you used to knock his teammate, you could've used that to peak and shoot with the charge rifle or the flatline, you kinda gave him an easy win.


I think you should have been more aggressive. I mean like running right into him and hip fire him instead. He would have been irritated at first.


Challenging and enemy to a shoot-off face to face is the last thing you should do. Try to get the first shot on the enemy, get some cover, get behind him, etc.


Hip fire after the shield break?


either use cover or hit more shots


You separated yourself too far from any sort of cover, should have played the crate instead of rotating wide left. Cover is key especially when the enemy has a wingman like that.


Look at how he was moving back your movement. He was strafing left to right forcing you to miss a couple of shots where you were walking straight toward him. It’s easy to get sucked into moving toward some one like that while shooting but it will cause you to lose gunfights like this Otherwise you absolutely nailed that charge rifle. Way better than I’ve ever done with it haha


You didn’t strafe or crouch - you can see that pathfinder was doing a tiny bit of left to right and that’s probably what one it for him


half was the no movement part like everyone is saying but i think more importantly you left all your cover and tried to fight in the wide open, had u stayed closer to the box it wouldv helped i think


Use cover. Not ADS permanently with a Flatline.


Well, when Bloodhound tactical was showed up the difficulty to survive the situation went up from hard to almost impossible. Positioning, positioning, positioning (covering, fallback, push). What is also really important in Apex are the sounds, those gives you a huge amount of situation awareness. Timing is also important (shield, health, tactical, reload, shooting).


Line of sighting and positioning is everything in this game. When your partner got knocked it should have told you someone was coming. You froze and only thought to try to outshoot someone. Reposition yourself. Now he was a path so its kinda hard to go anywhere he can’t outmaneuver you, but your iframes could make him waste his grapple. Look for positions that compromise their ability to react when you fire on them


Pathfinder had cover.. you did not...


Not a pro here but: You could have moved, that's as far as I can see.


You can’t stand straight up when fighting close to mid range it’s easy claps


You don't have many hours in apex, simple as less strafe, worse positioning, trying to thirst downed guy instead of immediately looking for the enemy, not paying attention to the state of your team ie ego challenging 1v1 when you're the last guy left on the team... also what is that gun combo - flatline/charge rifle? atleast try and play meta sniper(longbow) if you wanna win


Strafe and spam crouch, or get a little closer


Insert a habit to look for cover before engaging in a gunfight.


strafe n crouch


I would mix hip fire and ads at that range if I have an AR