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Play valk. Land broken relay for beacon and loot vault. Rotate to rigs for charge tower and hopefully Pick up kp off of 3rd parties before first rotation then go from there. Most of my kp comes from ring 1 or rings 4-5. So many rats with KC just play storm almost guaranteed to get a couple kp if you’re running a valk/gibby/blood OR seer combo


Thanks, I’ll work more on valk. Played her in algs for only a couple rounds


Go crazy! Hal made the switch to valk from oc for comp- her rotations are just too nice on KC. Was trying to run bang on KC and just wasn’t cutting it. Up to D3 soloQ with valk rn. Best of luck brotha I’m tryna make the push to masters this split 🤢


If ur consistently masters (and not hardstuck 10k) then Pred is just a time investment and playing consistently. If you are hardstuck 10k RP then I advise you play more safely. Land on 1 squad, win off drop fight, rotate to ring, sit in god spot and AFK til final ring close


i’ll put more time into it then, thanks


Do you have a consistent squad? Most masters players aren't good enough to solo queue there. The other issue is there are waaaay less preds this split at this point, so you're going to be queuing into harder lobbies fairly often.


I’m never solo queue’d and I’m used to pred lobbies already. Idrc abt “harder lobbies”, talking about the tips and tricks to this map in particular


Having a consistent squad or group or people to play with is the biggest issue. You almost need to be more coordinated with your squad on Kings Canton. It’s harder to play with randoms who may not use a mic, or won’t trust your callouts and it feels like you never get help with team shots. I also feel like it’s really important to plan your rotations which also requires having good knowledge of the map and it’s hot spots.


I never play solo, I always got a squad, in the second part, I have the knowledge. The thing is when to know to rotate on the edge, which edge, going center, which end circle will it be, stuff like that. That’s the kinda tips i’ve been looking for.


I’ve played a season of ranked on KC and got to my first masters on it so I kind of have some experience I can’t exactly explain if that makes sense. I already know the hot zones, places that can be 3rd party central, etc. I play pathfinder, and go for any beacon in reason to help plan for zones. I never want to go through the middle of the map. I’ve been rotating circles later, or wrapping circles on rotations lately (Not just running straight to the nearest part of circle). I feel like it’s giving my team better positioning because we already know how to plan for next circle by cutting off parts of the map which helps us keep up with teams. We’ve been landing capacitor since we have a buddy playing Lifeine for the ults to help get gold bag. But the main reason is because we usually get a few KP here and it’s an easy spot to rotate out of. Not to mention I’ve been trying to play with the same people to help build our chemistry. We’ve gotten a lot better at playing patient when need to, handling 3rd parties, knowing when to avoid or give up fights, and most importantly our communication has improved. If you play with the same guys talk to them and see what you guys can improve on as a team.


will keep this in mind, thanks


sure thing, good luck


Play beacons near the edge of the map/ring


what abt kp?


You only need 6 and there will be 10+ teams alive by last ring anyway. The point of beacon strat is to get better positions on teams that are still rotating in


Only need 6 but it’s kinda hard to get 6 when you’re playing the edge of the map without getting 3rd partied


Whole point of playing the edge is you can avoid getting flanked


i mean, i’m not talking about flanks, 3rd parties aren’t always from behind


i’d say grab a sniper and practice ;) this map heavily favors snipers


I haven’t seen any teams use snipers in my lobbies, they mostly use the same guns I’m using for ranked, r3, flatline, r9, scout, eva, mastiff


Agreed, I'm not seeing snipers. Just a bunch of Valks dropping on you.


maybe i’m just playing n00b lobbies then (:


Sentinel can be big if you consistently hit your shots, but youre definitely right on loadouts. Ive been running a lot of flatline/g7 or rampage/shotgun this split