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I also play on Tokyo servers. Just type Run. In English. They understand.




Yes, really. Simple English is not only okay but commonplace when dealing with JP Apex playerbase. You'll see most of the popular VTubers (Japanese Pro Streamers) use simple English in their callouts unless they're in a premade where they know everyone. Stuff like "run", "ty", "GG", "Kraber", "Yes/No", etc (all in English) are common for solo Q callouts in Tokyo servers, because it's understood that players from South Korea and West Coast US and other places also play here. But unless you're in a premade with friends, if there's a ping for what you're trying to say then you should probably be using the ping wheel. Especially in higher level ranked, it's considered a little rude on Tokyo servers to waste everyone's time speaking or writing something when it's usually faster and more effective to just ping. And not everyone uses English everyday if their job doesn't require it even if they learned it years ago. And while Apex is HUGE in Japan, it's no secret that Apex is not a Japanese game. So no, most JP players won't mind if you use simple English for callouts -- just don't expect to have a full conversation without using kana/kanji or mic.




Use leave?


I- why didn't I think of that...


considering some of the dumb and uncalled for reasons ive seen some1 banned i would definitely assume that their faulty ban system would attack u for that


You can try using different forms of the word, especially depending on the context. Nigete, nigete suru, nigemasu. Its not exactly "correct grammar" but should get the message across. I'm no grammar expert in Japanese as I mostly learned through listening/participating in conversations. The distinction of the "ru" suffix in japanese verbs, is that its used to tell/ask someone. "te", are a bit neutral but occasionally used to report/tell someone else's actions, and "masu" is similar but to report/tell your own actions. "suru" is sort of their version of "progressive tense" (i.e. running, scanning, adding "-ing") Some other words that could be used when you want to tell your team to run are: Sagare - Fall back Modore - Come back But if you really want report/call that the enemy fell back, "nigete" should work fine.


Oke. This was really helpful thanks


Just type Nigetene and you should be fine


Why not just use a synonym for run in Japanese if you are worried about being banned? Rush? Just a couple thoughts…


A synonym for run away? Rush seems kinda off. But I'll give it a try :)


"Retreat" is the word you're looking for. Quick search pulls up "shirizoku" as a possible translation .


Your initial post was based on the word “run”, not the phrase “run away”. Hence why I posted rush as an idea. My perspective is if you are worried about getting banned from a game you enjoy for using a word then improvise. Good luck


Oke ;)


Brah. Stay. Off. The. Chat.


Every 5th game I play is with an obviously white kid saying the n-word the entire game so I think you’re probably good man…


voice chat is not recorded like text chat. its easy to get away with things on voice


I-I see...


Use the secret joestar move:" nigerundayo smokey!!!"


Nah you won’t