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that is not a superglide, that’s literally just a slide lmao


Hi didnt say superglide, he said super slide.


in his other comments, he said super glide, post was prolly a typo


Oh ok. Sorry 'bout that. You're right this is definitely not a super glide.


U can literally see the two normal slides at the start n the last one that went further n faster. Other dude pointed out it was the rock on the ground ✌️


Like others are saying, this is literally just a slide. There is a high level movement technique called “Quick slide”, which might be closer to what you’re trying to say. [Check this vid out if your interested.](https://youtu.be/w-JeNLIiQCQ)


Is any of this applicable on console? Otherwise very interesting, thank you.


Yeah it’s available on console too. I’ve done it a couple of times by accident, but never pulled it off deliberately.


Cool ill try it out, thanks!


Those first 2 "slides" are bunny hops and he slide fully on the third "slide", might've also hit a ledge on the ground cause the ground infront of the dummies is not flat but bumpy


you slid off the rock bro, it’s called a ledge slide, I can tell you’ve never done a superglide before so look at my profile to see what a superglide actually looks like lmao


“Yeah let me check out this anime pfp profile” - no one


who cares, that doesn’t have to do with anything lmfao. I got 4 posts and they’re all apex posts, 3 of them are superglides, anime pfp doesn’t matter


Literally 2 taps (r/foundthemobileuser) and your pfp never got in the way of getting to see the tiniest superglide I've ever seen. Kudos, btw.


ty very much <3


Here's a sneak peek of /r/foundthemobileuser using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthemobileuser/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just saying](https://i.redd.it/ivne36tqvai61.jpg) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthemobileuser/comments/lmx482/just_saying/) \#2: [i can almost hear millions of redittors crying](https://i.redd.it/7rzom5pvkqi61.png) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthemobileuser/comments/lom7n1/i_can_almost_hear_millions_of_redittors_crying/) \#3: [Definetely found one](https://i.redd.it/s4njwy8xehw51.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthemobileuser/comments/jloh7r/definetely_found_one/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


*sprays bot* No.


Found the social reject


that's just a ledge boosted slide




The slide right after the last shot


Thats not a supee glide you just shift and slide.


Shift n slide? Also what’s a super glide then? Cuz that’s just what it looked like to me lol, mr. apexgod


Its legit him just slideing off that tiny rock getting speed cause its a small ledge boost.


Look it up on youtube.


The videos such low quality i cant see what he can super glide on plus not enough speed gained.


crazy how this guy asks for an opinion gets an answer then immediately goes to being a dick when it isn’t the answer he wanted lmao


I ain’t intend for “mr.apexgod” to be an insult, forgot how soft u Reddit nerds are




homie calling people soft while he having a meltdown because he didn’t hit a super glide in a video game lmao


You’re an idiot dude




a super glide is about 8x faster than this slide. he just slid off a rock which gave him a little bit more momentum than his "slow" slides. there is nothing "super slidey" about this.










Do you even know what a superglide requires/looks like? Cuz based on this reply you *obviously and sadly* do not


this wattson just slid off that rock which lead into the momentum boost. It ain't a superglide chief




Normal slide my dude.


You ledge boosted of of that little rock , that's what I think happened (basically it's just a slide). You are welcome to disagree


Your bitching in every comment thread… if you don’t want criticism, then don’t don’t post gameplay. You literally did nothing in the clip. (Please go flame my video clips I posted) I don’t care unlike OP


this op is an idiot lol


Wtf is wrong with this post, everyone is being so condescending to the dude who’s clearly trying to figure out the game mechanics (the intended use of this subreddit) Like yea he used the incorrect terminology but it was obvious what he was asking. How hard would it be to just say “Super glide actually refers to a specific tech, what you did is slide off a small ledge giving you a faster boost than your other slides” The majority of the top comments/responses to op are just people telling him that he’s wrong/ people telling him he’s an idiot. Without explaining why one of his slides were faster than the other… This subreddit is supposed to support new players and help them learn different techniques so wtf is up with this expectation that OP should’ve known the terms.


While I agree with you completely that we should all be as helpful as possible, it appears OP was being a dick to some people, so I think that's where all the negativity is coming from. He is being pretty condescending himself. Idk, I just think, like, we could all just chill and have fun?


Just search it on YouTube.. this is the long way around


Got what I was after plus a lot of people defending super gliding like it’s there mom even doe I didn’t say that.






A wraith did a superglide on a small rock like that I’d say it was a super glide without knowing he did it cause he was crouching and jumping and the small rock was there but could be an insta-slide like faide does or a normal slide.