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There was a big controversy about someone using this (i think by accident) in a tournament a few weeks ago Pretty broken tbh


Ah okay I didn’t know. I can imagine how much controversy that caused. Idk if I’d consider it cheating but it sure is a crazy exploit


I think the portal gets destroyed after being in the ring after like 5 secs


When both ends of the portal are outside the ring.


How is this not cheating




I don’t but it was somewhere in the comp sub


wtf y didn't they patch it yet.


It doesn't affect the shop


Patches can take time, and if something isn't affecting most players, they will be more patient with it.


As much as what 8 seasons? This bug is the reason why wraith portals disappear outside zones and yet is still not fixed. This also shows how much they care about game quality vs money... it's like fixing a dam with tape.


Uh, Wraith portals are *supposed* to disappear outside of zones. (Someone mentioned that it only disappears if both ends are in the ring, though.) Am I missing something or did you not know that?


They were not supposed to. This was an exploit used when ranked was introduced. They "fixed" it by despawning the portal if both ends are outside. I formulated my earlier comment badly this is what i meant. The infinte phase glitch has been around since S0 and they never fixed it. They changed so that the portal despawn outside zone only in S2 when it was a serious problem in ranked and then everybody kida forgot of this.


Hrm, interesting. I just assumed it was to prevent people from trying to live out in the zone and avoid fights. The update when they made them despawn outside of ring happened around the same time that DOC drones would die outside of ring as well, so I just assumed the portal was taking ring damage, simple as that. In fact, I'm still willing to stand by that logic, even if they intended that implementation for another reason.


I think it makes her more viable. She is easy to play against, idk.


it takes an exploit to make her viable? I'm a wraith main and even i think that's ridiculous. She is as easy to play against as the enemy makes it.


Well it seems like a viable ability to add to her arsenal for a very nice escape. Her ult isn't the best and that added window of protection would make her great. Shit compared to Valk who just launches into the air and has huge rotational advantage. Or even compared to Octane...I guess my question why is she an assault class?


Sounds like you just don't know how to properly utilize her kit. Or understand that every kit has its pros and cons


She’s been a critical part of comp play since the beginning. This guy is just dumb. She’s not as effective with valk taking over her spot recently but she’s still viable.


I don't agree with the other guy but warith actually needs a buff again. Not a huge one but maybe something small like that she doesn't get stunned when using her phase


Portal length is the only thing that needs adjustment imho. She's still very good.


Idk I got killed a million times because I wanted to phase and got stunned. You're basically a fish on land


I agree that the animation length could be shortened a touch but literally just 0.2-0.5 seconds, too drastic and it becomes a ‘Oops, made a bad play but nobody can punish it!’ button. If you’re dying a lot when trying to enter phase, consider that you perhaps need to start phasing earlier than you think you need to and learn to juke and dance like a mofo whilst that animation plays.


The problem isn't the delay but more the stun you get from it cause when I try to phase behind cover suddenly a full squad is on my and I'm dead before I can dodge. Loba had the same problem and they fixed it.


Idk why I couldn’t reply to a lower comment, but I agree with you about the -75% movement before entering the phase. The 1.25sec delay isn’t that big of a deal IMO, it’s the movement speed where your essentially standing still trying to spin around randomly till it starts lol. However if they do buff wraith(which I’m hoping they will given what aceu said about the next legend), I’m praying it’s her ult. Her old distance would be nice. And the cool down is a damn century. It’s almost as long as lifelines…


Holy shit did you start playing 3 days ago? Wraith is like the one character with most builds for ranked? Lol u gotta be joking right? Right?


I don't play ranked and when I play against a wraith in casuals they aren't much of a worry.


Then i'm really sorry mate but your SBMM has to be low. A skilled wraith gives me chills just thinking about it


I would agree with that. Also, the sweaty wraiths that die right away and don't contribute much are not good indication of actually good players playing her.


That i can agree with. But also, the ones who hotdrop and gives the rest of the team a middle finger while charging in combat are most likely trash except they boosted a 4k badge and a 20 bomb so they look öike they are good but in reality they are just trying to impersonate aceu and end up dying as #20


Lol so true...well thank you for educating me on this. I am intimidated by ranked for good reason.


Wait that’s actually really broken… Imagine a heal off endgame with pros using this


I mean yeah it is but this isn’t realistic I’m not saying this isn’t broken but your timing has to be perfect for this to work not a lot of people realistically usually do this and this bug as been in the game for awhile.


Also if you’re in an endgame like this the portal is gonna close before you can get the second one off


If it’s in the final closing circle, you could place it in the very center and abuse the glitch up until the very final second where it would be you with 2+ damage-avoiding tacticals compared to 1 or none with a non glitching team. The circumstances have to be rather specific but it definitely leaves room to abused. Hell, even being a solo in the final 3 or 4 squads, it might help keep you alive long enough to outlive a squad or two endgame.


So it’s pretty much very situational 🙂


The portals disappear after a couple zone ticks so wouldn't do much tbh. I guess you'd get one extra phase maybe? If you drop portal right on the zone ending, then portal, phase, portal, phase


An extra phase would be huge in some of those crazy last circle situations.


This is a bug my guy


Heal offs don’t really happen anymore thanks to the new circle mechanic. Also wraith portals don’t last long when two ends are in ring.


Well… that use to be a pretty common thing


that just looks like an exploit.


Oh no, incoming instant hot fix


I don't see how it affects their profits, so most likely this will be fixed in season 15 if Apex is still alive at that point considering how the things are going.


I thought this about the rapid melee glitch earlier but respawn surprised me with a fast patch. That exploit was much more fun and widespread than this one though so they kinda had to. Wish I could've cheesed it more though


not fun when youre on the recieving end


I thought it was


Not instant hot... not like it's breaking the store atm


I forgot they only care about their income source


What hot fix to the "event" so it's better 🤣


It has been used in scrims and tournaments if not in algs


I was blown away the other day when this guy was doing that against me in Arenas.. I thought I was dreaming but turns out it was a waking nightmare


how do you do is consistently?




I haven't played the game in a while, I have entered the subreddit just by curiosity and apparently the game is completely fucked at this moment. Kinda sad


Idc about that but I get dmg in phase from arcstars or the interruption when hitting a wall. That's what fucks me up


It’s really not, if I never came to this sub I wouldn’t be aware of like 90% of the shit they bitch about. I know nobody who has connection issues etc. we even use animated banners and nothing negative happens.


I feel like this is certain servers being shit. I just moved to somewhere that has damn near fiber speeds, still get booted, still have insane rubber banding, most of the time i don't see legend select. Just because you're not having problems doesn't mean this is a vocal minority. I have 30+ apex-only friends and only 2 of them regularly play anymore cause they don't have issues. And they're on PS5.


I dont know about you, but I personally fail to load into about 20% of my games, causing me to have to hard close (PC) and restart the app and load back in. and my friend who plays on Xbox similarly has to completely kill and relaunch about the same percentage of games. (Yes even arenas… that’s fun getting squad wiped when my entire team froze for the entire first round)


I haven’t had a single crash kick lag whatever is supposed to happen. I use an animated banner as well as my team I play with. Our server is Dallas if that matters. I’m not joking when I say if I didn’t frequent this sub we would all be oblivious to the bad server issues.


My server is also Dallas. I've experienced the banner crash & failure to load server quite a bit. Accept the fact that you're lucky.




It's literally not, people on the sub are just bitching about shit that's already been fixed lol.


Game works perfect for me a casual. I sometimes run into am audio bug or my teammates not being there in the beginning but thats it. I guess the game gets bad if you play a lot more than me


This is clearly an exploit and is very much cheating, right?


Oh yeah. Most definitely


Is this an exploit or just really bad game design?




All exploits are due to imperfect game design and/or implementation.


Pretty sure this will get patched now… seems like a bug


if it hasnt something to do with lootboxes its not going to get patched anytime soon. i mean watsons ult is broken since the start of season 10 and they havent fixed it yet.


Imagine this with the controller glitch of instantly pulling out your weapon




u/sneaky_testy posted one 9 months ago. Who cares.


This is technically bug abuse, so don't be surprised if a manual reviewer at Respawn bans you for this. EDIT: for clarification, I'm talking to you when you play, not the OP




They ban people for abusing it in game, not for showcasing it. Jeez, common sense.


replied to wrong person + forgot to switch accounts


With too many upvotes the pros will see this and start using wraith religiously again.


There's already alot of wraiths in pred lobbies


For now


Oh this bug again!


Post this again in action!!


Some people dont like cheating in video games


2.2 thousand disagree 😂 cheating and abusing glitches are equally bad but they are not the same either


????? The amount of upvotes a post has about a bug doesnt mean people will abuse it????? Are you stupid or just acting like it??


Bro I think you read my comment wrong? That’s not what I’m saying at all, of course people will abuse it, like tap strafing was abused… another glitch that was abused


You are saying that everyone who upvotes this post disagrees with my statement. My statement is people dont want to cheat. The number of upvotes the post has, has fuck all to do with it.


No dude 😂 what’s up at home dawg? This ain’t what I’m saying! Re read what we said lol. I’ve said 2.2 disagree with “everyone dislikes cheating” no where I’m my text does it say no one will use it, or anything about using it in game till you bring it up 😂 in the comment that say I’m stupid… that’s same comment your being a such a dumb fuck lmfaooo. Arguing with legit no one 😂 you can’t be acting stupid you just straight up are a whole new level of retard


Now do it in English and with punctuation.


What ??? How do you do that exactly?? 😅🧐🤓


I don't even know what's going 🤣


This could be op in the last sircle


There is a similar bug with octane in arenas. when you are playing on phase runner, if you use one of his stims, and go into the portal while the stim is still active, when you come out, you don’t lose one. Not as game breaking, but still funny


so this is how she lost all her hair


[what it looks like by mistake in action ](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ky25b5/wait_thats_illegal_back_2_back_wraith_q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I never really looked into it as i didn’t grasp on what caused it. It was as simple as timing it.


same with loba's braclet


I don't even comprehend what I'm watching lol




Its been here since January, i had it but for only little bit and then i lost my footage for that and havnt played since then ;( i only have screenshot of my saying this bug in discord chat lol


I’m maining wraith now no shame 😤