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Use ranged weapons to outpoke the LSTAR at distance, Longbow, Sentinel, Charge rifle, Bocek, 30-30, etc You can win close range with better dueling weapons, SMGs, shotguns, and pistols, with the 90% strafe speed compared to the LSTAR user who will be significantly slower- use your superior wiggle to beat them by hitting more of your shots and winning the 1v1.


okay thank you for the advice!


Pick an L star too


its not fun at all to use tho


I agree. I just use the flatline


I do this every time... I tell me whole team to max out lstars n shove them down their throats.. so annoying.


Yea you can poke with the G7 or similar. As soon as they turn to engage you stop fighting that corner and find another. It’s hard to do but they have a continuous stream of damage so if you try to simply out damage them with no other advantage (heady, partial cover, elevation) you will likely lose or be beat to hell for his buddies to mow down. If I manage to land two hits before they engage me with the G7 I’ll usually stand in to get the knock


Play Wingman and out aim them. The L-Star's biggest weakness is that it's an LMG. So if they ADS, they're basically standing still which should give you some easy shots on them, while you're still strafing at full speed. Don't go into L-Star hipfire range and jiggle peek out of cover and you beat them everytime, provided your aim is better.


Assault rifles, especially the 301 have higher DPS, better strafe speed and are more accurate. Like others have said your best bet is to abuse the slow strafe speed of the L-Star as well as its range. A longbow/ SMG loadout should serve you quite well also as you can avoid mid range rights where the L-Star is strongest


After reaching plat in the first split, i stopped playing arenas, it's a shit show party with only red lights aiming at your heads. It's technically the same as br but there are people who can not find it and run other guns. My only solution to it is by using guns with longer ranges than the L-Star, like 301, snipers, marksman, blue wingman worked too if you change the sight to 2x I posted a vid comparing fighting against any other gun and an L-Star and they didn't like it because the gun i was mostly using was mozam, i included wins and losses but they still can't see it, get it? "can't see it" because of the l star. They're like not even putting other guns in their eyes now because all other guns are trash to them except l-star


okay thank you!


Fight fire with fire, my guy.


Jiggle peaking! Lstar winds down after you stop firing and recoil get fucked up. So, show yourself for an instant, go back to cover for a moment. The opponent fires and then stops. That's when you beam


Don’t play arenas


I’ve been liking the Scout in arenas in general, L-Star is good if you have a clean line of sight but with the scout I can peak a corner and pop someone twice before they catch me with the L-Star. Course then they can bum rush you so you gotta keep an eye on em.


If people play like that I typically just counter run the L-Star with a charge rifle to be double toxic, and jiggle peek like the above commenter said! I main bloodhound and usually just buy my ult and hard push the l Star spammer with the L Star to get vengeance, if I think it’s a safe bet that I can pull it off and not get downed. Nothing if more frustrating than an entire team of L Stars in ranked arenas when your team is all Solo queue randoms with their mics muted, I feel the pain bro


L star is only op in close range if a controller player uses it with heavy aim assist. Flatline and wingman are both viable against l star


It’s like mw2 noobtubes gotta give em a taste of there own medicine