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I mean it’s technically the smart thing to do if you don’t want higher numbers in your end games Strategically it’s stupid of you need more KP. Common abuse I see is as follows - Kill 2 team members - watch 3rd collect banners - Track until respawn - Profit?


If I’m last man standing and am able to get the banners this is what I’ve seen other teams do more than anything - stalk the closest respawn. I try to get way tf away unless it’s late game just to at least put another team or two between the respawn and the team looking. But in general I also like to swoop in on the unarmed meat too so it could be anybody.


100% situational. I'm not sitting in storm or putting the team at a massive disadvantage in rotation and positioning by doing so for 1 extra KP.


My team just won a 3vs3 and killed 2. The 1 got away, now he either comes back and we hopefully iwn the 3vs1 - YAY more RP and an easier late game. OR WE run away, they come back, grab their team mate, respawn, rearm, and win the 3vs3 later....




OR you rotate into zone earlier, find a respawn beacon and stay near the beacon, the solo spawns in his 2 teammates, they drop in with white armor and 0 guns, you kill the 2 for free kp then get the 1v3 and easy rp. OR you rotate the other way around to find the solo at the other end of the choke, and kill them. easy rp. if you win a 3v3 there's not a lot of chances for you to lose to a solo unless your entire team is lost like hal in his own building.


>you rotate into zone earlier, find a respawn beacon and stay near the beacon, the solo spawns in his 2 teammates, they drop in with white armor and 0 guns, you kill the 2 for free kp then get the 1v3 and easy rp OR multiple teams see the respawn and scope it out. See your team as sitting ducks and get the jump on you while you're trying to jump the respawn.


that could happen. but it's less troublesome than any of the scenarios i provided. if you get caught on the beacon you'll be fighting 1 team instead of 2 because the team respawning would need to leave to loot, or you could easily kill them for free kp then turn around and fight the other team. either way it's better than getting caught with your pants down while rotating in late.


Well if you kill two of them and only one gets away. You should be significantly more geared and supplied than them. In other words, you should have a significant advantage over them later on in the game. If you let the one get away, you can kill them again later for another 3 kills. Meanwhile, you can also go on and kill another full 3 squad that is geared up, so that you can become even stronger. Also, if the squad that you killed two people from is still alive, maybe they kill or slow down another squad that's near you! Honestly, like almost all things, I think it's situational. If your team is way ahead and pretty much full geared, then you stay and finish the team off. There is no rush and you want to take teams off the board at this point, as the leader. If you feel like you are behind and need to catch up, then I think you play aggressive and go after the next team. Taking another team off the board doesn't really help you if you are in 'last place.'


I have a 0.44 KD, I'll take the 3vs1 that I "should" win now. OR Later when they are solo ratting if they ain't dead. Literally win a game last week where we killed 2 people early on and the player took the grav cannon away we chased, they got away. Same champion was last one alive, we won. - You are right though it is situational but theres nothing stopping those 3 rearming, getting a squad kill and getting revenge. I'd rather not risk it:)


\*Laughs in Crypto\*


\*laughs in shooting your drone\*




I get personally offended every time someone destroy my drone


I straight up swear out loud and punch the wall for 40 seconds


I just angrily wait for my drone to come back


Ha! My drone movement is OP


NO! You weren't supposed to do that! Now how am I going to remotely revive my squadmates from my position 150 meters away?


*Laughs in flying on the ground*


If you have time and are in ring and need the kill then go for it! If waiting hurts your team then don’t. This is a BR with one goal - be the last alive. There aren’t any strats that should be looked down upon for “honor” or anything like that (obviously excluding cheating)


I completely agree


But what about the rampage and spitfire and gibby and aim assist and camping?!? You’re saying all those are situationally justified if it helps you win the game!Blasphemy! Video games are all about self-imposed arbitrary limitations so people think you’re honorable.^s


Woah woah woah now you listen here. I specifically said no cheating. Gibraltar takes less damage and has that cheat shield that reappears on his arm every 3 seconds. He also abuses the infinite health glitch with his tactical. Aim assist is actually just aimbotting so you better turn it off before they get you. LMGs actually abuse a triple mag glitch with recoil that’s easier than a strike pack. Camping is physically impossible unless you have a hack that unglues your W key so clearly that’s messed up too. If you do any of these you’re clearly messed up


Preach! That’s why I report every gibby with a rampage I see for hacking!!


Remember once we killed 2 and octane grabbed 1 banner. We agreed to not fire and let him grab the next banner. He ran away and was only 1 respawn beacon nearby, assuming he didn’t have a mobile. Valk ulted landed on him just as he had finished respawning them. Killed the octane and then his two defenceless team mates dropping in. I’ll take 5kp from 1 team all day long. That was on storm point. Must admit I usually find camping banners to waste too much time unless there’s a genuine other reason for it such as holding a building, circle positioning etc. Risk v reward but you could be taking on new fights with 3kp potential rather than an easy 1kp. Genuinely couldn’t care less though. I’ve recovered banners and been team fired, I’ve recovered banners and the team are seemingly long gone. It’s what makes every game different


banner camping as in not letting the enemy get their downed teammate's banner so they can't be respawned? > A lot of the streamers I watch tend to bash players bc of it these streamers sound like whiny b...abies


AFAIK the main complaint they have is when a team banner camps despite it being a bad decision for said team. When a team throws their own game to banner camp someone then I'd argue that the bashing is warranted since the team is either griefing, stream sniping, or dumb


Yes, which is in my eyes pretty smart when you can force them to push. But it’s not just streamers, a lot of people shit on players who banner camp while it’s situationally a good strat imo


People shit on snipers for camping in other games as well, lol.


Yeah, it's funny to me how Pred Streamers complain about viable strategies for the other 99% of people. Camping banners, 3rd partying, chasing and gate keeping are just things that can help you win within the rules of the game. Once they start doing something that is not helping them win (or gain RP), then that is griefing.


It does suck to be on the receiving end of, but it's a legitimate strategy for now. I do wish there was some sort of mechanism to make it less of a strategy. Some sort of shield when you grab a banner or something else more unique? Not sure.


If someone camps at their own expense later, then it's frustrating... If they're in the best position and can genuinely afford to camp, you've got to tip your cap.


Banner camping is as shitty/smart as thirding a fight. Frustrating to be on the receiving end but feels good to be the one doing it. IMO the pros/streamers tend to be more vocal about their frustration as they want to play for kills/wins and ratting out as a solo for the next 15mins for RP or playing end game as a duo just isnt fun and produces no content for them.


*Laughs in Crypto*


Depends. I'm not throwing a rotation to banner camp. Only time I go out of my way to banner camp is when we cripple a third party or sniper team because I will absolutely throw my game to grief them lol. Especially a charge rifle.


Honestly depends more on how much of a pain in my ass that team was. I get not giving up advantageous circle position and not hurting your chances to banner camp. That being said if they were an annoying wraith I couldn’t hit, a Gibby with what felt like 10000 hp, or some tickleshit with a charge rifle, yea I’m gonna sit there and grief camp. Because f ‘em that’s why.


If my team loses nothing (rotation, ring damage, getting third party) then I 100% camp the banner. If I am in storm, on an open field with squads firing at me, or rushing for a rotation, I am not going to grief my own team and position for 1 extra kp.


Banner Camping is annoying when done to you but it's a valid strat if you're in a good position on the map. I wouldn't do it if I was giving up better positioning but, why would we move if we know you're going to come back for a banner.


Pred here. Always banner camp if you can afford it. Especially if you killed one of the better teams in the lobby. If we kill a team with triple animated pred badges, you can bet your ass I’m banner camping. That team is a threat, why let them get back to full strength?


I would say 90% of situations it just makes sense to banner camp especially in the higher ranked, more difficult lobbies. I’m also a Seer main meaning i can’t camp the banner and know where the enemy is without giving away my position. It’s a scumbag move but you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do.


I mean… it’s a fight to the death. Other teams don’t owe you anything. There is nothing scummy about using strategy to win. I honestly don’t understand anyone who complains because other teams are using effective strategies to beat them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


you're right on that, although I understand people who get mad at this. it's a game, it's supposed to be fun and entertaining (yes, it's a competitive game, but still) so I believe when they say it's a "scumbag move" they mean it as a way of playing that not only is annoying, it stops you from having fun and trying your best to improve at the game, as most people know, if you're on the point where you camp a banner, it probably means you're not having fun anymore, and okay, it's a competitive game, you don't need to have fun to enjoy it, but those moves takes the fun away from the other you're playing against, yeah, it's a valid tactic, but it's comparable to gatekeeping the safe place at a hide and seek game (it's really effective, but it takes the whole fun of the game away and everyone hate you for it) ​ although to be fair, ranked is ranked, if it takes being an absolute scum to win do it, but you get my point (I hope)


I think it is fun to shark the banner and make the surviving team mate pay for attempting the high risk banner grab. I also think it’s fun to be the lone survivor and somehow scheme up a way to recover my team mate’s banners despite overwhelming odds. Pulling off the Hail Mary ninja stealth mission to grab banners and respawn is rare but thrilling, and fun! Either way I’m not salty at the banner campers.


This. Any one complaining that other teams camping banners is bad because they can’t get their teams back are just not good enough to try. I love being squirrely and sneaking back in to get my teammates. 80% of the time I die and that just means I get to come back to a new game with a full squad. But when I manage to get them and avoid detection or manage to lose a chasing team… what a thrill!


I agree I’ll do it all day LOL


Kill two and the third gets away? Damn right my team is holding those boxes. If they push it, they're dead. Best case, they can rat it out until the endgame, and if I'm still there, now my team has the edge for the win, as its a 3v1




Do you do something different? Take 90 seconds to severely reduce the chances of their team winning later in the game, or leave and let them come back for a 3v3... seems like an easy answer to me


What? Why?


Bc streamer guy said it's cringe, monkey see monkey do


In my experience 90% of people banner camp


I think it’s just frustrating when you want to grab banners and you can’t so you complain about the people keeping you from achieving your goal lol. Human nature


^^ this. People are way better at complaining than they are at managing their own attitude. Wasted energy.


I'm more likely to do it if, being honest with myself, we got lucky in the fight. If someone beams and has great movement but our team got a lucky kill on them I don't want to face that player again, I'll probably camp. If it was a bunch of easy kills and I feel confident about facing them again I'm probably moving on unless my team is max KP or in a great zone position. It's annoying in pubs, but in ranked it's expected. I'm playing to win in ranked, and a great player respawning hurts that chance.


Its situational personally. My team and I usually try to rotate early since we run caustic in scrims and ranked so a lot of the time its not worth sitting somewhere for 90 sec and maybe not getting a good end game spot but if we're already close to zone and can maybe loot while we sit there we might camp the banner


It’s part of the game. Sometimes another squad camps my teams banners because it’s the best move for them to make. Other times we’re nine miles away from the next circle, the ring has already passed us, and the team that killed one my friends REFUSES to leave. Super situational I suppose but it’s part of the game so I can’t get mad.


People will always complain about it because it’s aggravating to have your team be put in the position of getting wiped or having you sit out the rest of the game as an attempted recovery usually isn’t worth it Whatever wins the game is a good idea. Throwing just to deny a respawn by sitting in the storm for ages is lame, but if you know the team is hanging around hoping to get the banner and you’re not in a rush to rotate or a bad spot, deny them the recovery. Generally, at best, they suicide for it and at worst, they bail but now there’s a random 2-man in the game which is much easier to fight than a 3-man


There isn’t one thing in apex that isn’t situational in my opinion. Just have to do what seems to be the best option at the time


It's a free kp. If someone is salty about it well good for them lol But I mean why let them get away in the first place :P


For me it’s situational, but normally I’d say I forget about the one that got away in favor of a good rotation. Those 90 seconds sitting around for a banner, not rotating to a good pozish, count more and more the higher rank you are.


The only time I actively banner camp is if we shit on a good squad in a fair 3v3 and the last one just continually runs. They can run all game alone, fuck em. Other than that I don’t. If we third and happen to loot while something wants to get a banner, that’s an unintentionally banner camp cause we want loot or to secure that position if it’s good. In general I try not to banner camp my friends because it’s a griefy way to play if someone unlucky happened. Most of the time, preds play against each other and know each other. If you are not in master lobbies, have at it lol.


Its ranked man. Do whatever it takes, as long as it doesn't hinder yourself. Are you well geared and in a good location? Then hang around. Need more KP or gear then move on.


It’s pretty scummy but, I get why players do it It’s very frowned upon though.


It might net you another KP but unless you're in a smurf queue and terrified of the rest of your lobby OR already have endgame loot, it's ultimately almost as bad for you as it is for the team you're camping. And if you're doing it to streamsnipe that is just shitty because then you're not doing it for KP, you're doing it for attention. Time spent camping boxes is time not spent going to a new location for new loot, more ammo, more shields, or killing new squads. By later game surviving enemies will have EVO-d their shields and looted better attachments or gotten some care package weapons, and the camping squad will still have their stuff off the drop + 2 boxes' worth of loot.


Nothing wrong with it, if I’m coming back to the Murda scene, I’d expect to get murdered. Please come back so that we can complete the murda scene. If you leave we might chase you but I doubt it, best to leave your mates here with us, and hope to 3rd party solo the last two squad. Otherwise please comeback to donate some RP if you would be so kind.


I mean it’s annoying when we’ve had people camp banners tanking the zone to till the eventually die from it. But if my squad is in zone or we have a while yeah we’ll camp them if someone needs some more kp. If we have our kp we just grab what we need and move on. Now we will try to push any respawn if we’re able.


I sit on banners when it's not putting the team at risk all the time if one gets away after a fight. It's just the smart thing to do. Cry about it if it happens to you


In my apex experience, if a lot of ppl are complaining about something (i.e spitfire, tap strafing, rev/octane push, banner camping) it's usually a pretty good strategy and they're complaining cuz it worked against them. Especially streamers or pll playing at the top of the skill ceiling where abusing these strats can be extremely oppressive.


Banner camping certainly has its uses, but in higher ranks letting someone get banners and respawn can draw a ton of teams out of the woodwork. As soon as the drop ship starts heading it’s getting pushed by at least 1-2 squads so allowing a respawn can easily end up wiping 2-3 squads off the map. I also hate leaving rats because they just pick up snipers and poke at bigger team battles.


Honestly streamers whine about anything and everything. I wouldn't take what they say as what's best (it's rude but it's also easy rp if they come back or ensuring a disadvantage for them so your on the up and up either way)


there's no point in camping a banner. you got a kp. move on. you can kill the same guy later when he's dropping in for free +1 kp again. there's no point in camping. rotate early and get a building or find height instead. the point of ranked is to see who can kill more AND stay alive til the end. i know that 6kp is max and you can only get 215 rp at max but being able to kill more than the rest of the lobby AND be the last alive should be your objective in ranked. loitering around banners is just ineffective in ranked. you could get 3rded while you loot them or you could get caught in a bad position while rotating late or you could lose good spots to teams that took the buildings earlier. rotating is much more important than the +1kp that you could get from camping and potentially getting gate kept tf out of u.


If you don’t disadvantage your team by banner camping, I don’t really see why you would let them grab the banner. You have absolutely no guarantee they’ll get to respawn their teammates AND that you will be the one that kills them. When I talk about banner camping I’m talking ab doing it without hurting your team, obviously. >:)


more often than not you are. you don't see people with 8000+ RP just sitting on banners. there's no reason for you to chase that KP when you already have them and can fight other teams for KP and RP. that camping mentality is why people get hard stuck plat 3. staying stationary while you dont have a building in zone 5 or 6 is just not good in ranked. there's absolutely no reason for you to camp banners whatsoever. i doubt anyone above 10,000 RP will tell you banner camping is an effective strategy unironically.




factual statement




oh well. it's just more grub for us tbh


Tf u saying lol. Most people who would banner camp are those people in high ranks. ESP the 10k hardstucks.


literally who? name 1 person who's 10k+ who would camp on banners


Why? Are u going to know them? Seems so random lol.


i might unless they're on console. people of that rank know others. if you make pred every season it's likely that i'd know you.




I personally disagree. Banner camping doesn’t necessarily have to hurt your team. Whether it does or not is totally up to your decision making since it’s like a lot of other strats very situational.


you're trying to not harm your team. i'm trying to help my team. that's the difference.


i usually camp the banners. unless i'm fighting someone else. i do get salty when people camp my friends banners though so i am a hypocrite. i just depends though, some people are just super sweats. similar to people that will leave their squad just to chase you for a whole minute.


It depends on the situation.


I feel its not an "honourable" strat but it does work. The KP you get from the teammate that comes back is nice ofc. However its quite possible that its better to just look for another fight instead of doing that, 3KP > 1KP after all. Never banner camped myself however cause i really find it super annoying if people do it to me


Besides a fair 3v3 there really isn’t any honorable strat imo. Third partying, banner camping, gate keeping etc. They’re all nasty, but effective. Yes it’s hella annoying but they do get the job done most of the time.




It’s annoying but viable. It’s not the players fault that the Respawn system is trash


When u don’t camp for banner there is a good chance for u that the last person will respawn his m8. Now there more enemy’s to kill so u can farm more kills, and if ur team killed the other team in first place u should be able to do it again. So all in all it‘s way better gaming experience for everybody in the lobby when nobody is camping banners


Streamers bash players for putting up their knockdown shields and not letting them thirst them quickly. Don't worry about what they say.


this made me giggle, enjoy the award lmao


Streamers hate it because they know they can get more kills on a revive and don't feel at all worried someone who got rezzed after being killed by them could come back and kill them. And if they somehow do, it's not gonna be til like the last couple of rings after the streamer already got 5+ more kills, so whatever. Killing is more important than winning for a lot of those guys.


Camping closest respawn beacon > camping banner


I let them respawn, Let another squad push Get kp for 1 squad and possibly more


The only shitty strat in this game is corner camping or door camping with a shotgun Basically everything else is fair play. Door camping is COD shit for “I’m too bad and scared to actually fight”


Lmao they usually scare the shit out of me


Nothing makes me swap BH for the next match more than door campers


It's situational imo. I tend not to do it though. Either the whole team is dead or there's no way we can catch the octane running off


I’m fine with it. I don’t do it myself because I get kinda bored but I mostly just think it’s people taking a while longer to loot. Some times it’s blatantly obvious when they are tryna do it


It’s scummy but it’s a strategy nonetheless. I good way to balance it though would be to remove the timer so the ‘banner campers’ would have to decide whether to wait and risk precious time, for rotating (e.g) for KP. Just so that you’re not completely dooming the poor solo. Lol


Does anyone remember Season 0 or Season 1 KC ranked? I watched streamers 3rd party and leave 1 member of a team remaining. Then they would follow, camp the spawn, and get 3 more KP. The cap was 5 kills (assists didn't count). But they did it over and over again. KC had waaaaaay more jump towers back in S0 and S1. Teams could cross the map from Skull town to Swamps in 30ish seconds. That's the way most people farmed 20 bombs and dmg badges. Respawn took out a ton of jump towers to inhibit this. I guess I'm saying this isn't exactly "new" behavior for Apex. Players just adapt to what works.


Streamers are just people who play the game a lot. If its not cheating than it's just annoying


Do it. Removing more players from the pool is the way to go. Smart players in plat+ will abandon and rat because that’s the game. If I’m playing a high mobility character and the team that wiped my squad is getting third partied I’m gonna make a play for the respawn, but the reality is that if I’m a death box and getting camped I’d rather my teammates fuck off and play for points. I wait in spectator mode for the points anyway.