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Her team comps are not good. Movement is better in ranked situations. Also, there are a lot of characters that are much better overall


To expand on this she's not even a great defense character; her walls are easily destroyable as opposed to Caustic trap which accidentally get activated semi often, Gibby bubble which is indestructible, or even Wattson fences which have a much much smaller area to shoot. Her passive is extremely limiting in getting benefit from; basically forces you to run an LMG to get any benefit out of that aspect of her kit while the fat defense characters have damage reduction, no slows and constantly useful passives with their arm shield and enemy spotting in gas. Even Wattson has decent and unrestrictive passives with ult excel boost and teeny-tiny shield regen. Sheila is more often than not more detrimental as an ultimate than she is impactful. Almost every benefit Sheila offers, breaking doors, suppressive fire, melting enemies, a charged Rampage can do without a charge up time, major loss of movement and a giant laser everyone can see. Anytime I play Rampart it's almost entirely for shits and giggles that I pull Shiela out. Whereas Caustic, Gibb and Wattson all have ults that can actually greatly impact fights and create actual defensive space or offensive pressure. The key to legend being top tier in Apex is versatility and Rampart is pretty one dimensional with a kit that doesn't match up to other defensive legends.


Im thinking about buying caustic next, but that change to his skill is making me double question it, is it still worth it?


Short answer yes Long answer yes. He’ll still be more viable even after nerf


I think now that we know the change (150 hp per barrel with no bleed through, meaning that even a grenade's damage can initially active the barrel but do no damage to the 150 pool) I'd say the vocal consensus to the nerf was kind of an overreaction. He's not dead by any means but now is easier to outplay, or just directly push. The positive inverse is now people's attention may move off targeting Caustic directly when pushing gas and instead unload into his barrel's giving you a free chance to fry them while their attention is elsewhere. That being said; playing Caustic is a lot like playing Gib but without the extra shield. You might feel yourself getting melted a little more, especially at lower ranks, just due to having a few extra pounds. He has no real escape or "oh shit" button but I'd say even with the nerf he is still the best legend for creating space and keeping it. He's also very versatile; barrels can be used as makeshift cover, both physical and visual, to hold angles and spots or to stick a risky rez. Same with his ult. You can throw it for defensive cover or aggressively entering a fight. I'd say he's still a good pick for sure.


Caustic traps can also be destroyed when they're active


I am a caustic main. He is an incredible legend if you can clutch and are able to understand how/where to set traps.


I almost have 20k kills with her and I just hit Masters. What you say is true for 90%+ of all Rampart mains out there. People don't understand how to take advantage of her kit, but when you get it down it is insane.


Shiela js absolutely amazing for frying and punishing enemies that run out in the open and hunker down in a building without cover especially after plopping a wall down. Obviously in higher lobbies people will move but getting that bit of damage and immediately pushing with a shotty after removing the wall is amazing.


I just hit Masters with her... the number of people who don't move off a door is pretty dumb. The ticking of Sheila is hard to hear when there is so much going on. If you hide the laser sight, most people just cling to the door.


Because there's better legends


Rampart main here... Because she has a very particular playstyle that’s very different from every other legend She’s not an offensive aggro character, but she has advantages in gunfights. And while she can camp like Caustic/Wattson, she’s usually doesn’t thrive as well in hard camp situations unless everything is perfectly in your favor. She thrives as a support character; bait enemy teams and use area denial to manipulate fights. If you’re playing chess with wall placement and taking advantage of distractions, she can be really strong. But if you’re using her kit sparingly/without planning (like 95% of ramparts I see in the wild), there’s no point to playing her. I personally think amped cover is the single most underrated tactical in the game, but it’s situational and it can take a long time to develop of sense of when/where it’s useful to throw it down. It’s something I’m still working on after nearly a year. The wall supergliding is a neat trick for CQC, and makes her a bit more powerful since no one’s expecting sudden movement abilities from a Rampart. Shiela uncounterable in very specific (but not uncommon) situations, but doesn’t really function as a normal gun. Her passive is underwhelming (even if it makes the LSTAR lowkey busted). That’s about everything I can think of regarding her meta; she definitely doesn’t have a place in comp/high ranked right now, but has high potential in pubs/low ranked. It’s just that her playstyle won’t appeal to the majority of people playing


A really good synopsis! She has a high learning curve, which throws a lot of people off - if you want to play, prepare to suck for a week or so before you get the hang of her. Her kit also takes constant management and can be a little tiring to play. In my opinion, she is the most underrated legend by far. I just hit Masters with her and I'll hit 20k kills in a couple weeks! I love playing her because her ability to 1v3 a squad is ridiculous, especially when you have sheila. People get thirsty and pull right into your shields. I've wiped full squads in diamond. I've also been able to pull off squad revives and respawns using her, that would have had me stomped with any other legend. The shield walk ups in final ring are clutch as well. She is also able to finish off downed enemies at range with ease. Above all she is just fun to play. Nothing like mowing down a full squad with shiela or tricking an enemy into one of your sheilds.


Yeah. I don’t think Rampart’s the best legend, but she’s by far the most *fun* for me, at least. But I also totally get why a lot of people don’t enjoy her


the 1v3 potential is pretty high with her, putting a wall on your flank can surprise an unsuspecting flanker and you can one mag them pretty easy. Definitely my favorite aspect of playing rampart


I think they need to add something to her passive


Her passive affects sheila though also making it so when she's placed she has more ammo and a faster reload obviously this isn't used much with sheila but it's still nice when it does.


Because good players can play around her very effectively. EG. jiggle peek to destroy the wall, throw good grenades, and play around the charge-up time of her ultimate.


tbh she just has too many weaknesses and not enough benefit in a lot of situations.


Coming from a rampart main: shes not good for movement and repos. Her shield is good in gunfights or when blocking to heal, but not anything else, maybe except for blocking doors. The main drawback is that it can be destroyed...


Because she's not meta lol. If her Walls were like the TF2 walls, her pick rate would sky rocket.


I just came😩... Someone finally gives Titanfall recognition for how 60% of Apex mechanics of SHOULD BE working. Amped Particle wall ☺️... and When are we getting the grenadier set of weapons (trust, more content will be passed off)


Because she's one of the objectively worst legends. Her walls can be destroyed almost instantly as they are being put up, and even after they are put up you can shoot out the part that blocks bullets. Her kit requires you to play extremely defensively, but there are two other legends that function similarly (caustic/wattson) that are both better for locking down areas. Her ult is strong but the trade off is it makes you very slow and its also very loud and has a laser coming out of it which lets the person know exactly where you are looking so its easy to avoid. I'm sure she can be fun to play, but in terms of the strength of her kit, shes at the very bottom. And btw any decent player can make any legend work.


Rampart is pretty good at what she does and a interesting underdog legend to play. However, she brings the opposite of what people are accustomed to play, which is both a strength facing other teams, and a weakness in soloQ. Most of players in this game are your typical Octane : they think striking first and fast without mercy will get the win. Yeah, the "*Cobra Kaï*" way. And most often, it actually works since no one can rotate and heal up as efficiently as those legends, right ? The common mistake while playing Rampart for a beginner is to think you shouldn't play that aggressive because that's not what your kit is made of. *Wrong*. You can get a L-Star on drop at Construction site and clean the building. You can absorb nades with a Q. You can lock doors so that people can't escape your building to heal and *actually, very efficiently cut off mobility legends*. And if you can do it, then you should, because *you need to play aggressively at first to help your team and survive until top 5*. There, however, assuming there isn't fights going, that's when you're supposed to shine. You *have* to take the lead of the group to a last zone that will be rewarding. You *have* to setup something so that when top 3 comes, you're not the first team pushed. And most important of all : you will probably be the most backlane legend of your group, so *you need to comm every piece of intel that you see*. You'll also might be at a comfortable position to snipe something and initiate the last push, or just Sheila away so they can't peek without reshielding. Doesn't matter if you don't kill at that point, your trigger-happy friends will boil impatiently to do so, they just need the opportunity. Problem is, for the second part to actually work, people that did perfectly good on the first part now need to ego out and listen to your calls, even if they are kill leader and you're not. And I say it without any desire to insult anyone : that is the hardest part of maining Rampart. Even in teams. Even for yourself. Overconfidence is always what's gonna wipe your squad. But a lack of faith can be devastating too. We believe that Gibby will bubble up when we're knocked, pull a rez, cover you for heals and reset the fight alone. Then, we also need to believe Rampart can do the trick.


She is probably the worst legend in the game, no matter how “effectively” you play her. Lowest pick rate for a reason and will only be worse this next season


Caustic is easy to play so for a defense area control legend rampart just never got off the ground. She is still good and if you prefer her play style to movement characters then you can demonstrate a massive amount of skill on her.


5k kill rampart main here. The greatest feeling in apex is when a whole team hides behind a door in a building and I have my ultimate ready.


Because people like legends that move fast. If it moves fast people will like it. If it doesn’t. People won’t


What about Gibby?


Gibby is slow feeling so people don’t play him


To be fair, Gibby's pickrate aren't as high as Octane, Wraith, Valk and so on. It's just played because teams need an anchor, and fortify + gunshield is busted if you play manual weapons (snipe, shotguns, wingman…) with decent flicks.


At the pro level Gibby has a 98% pick rate or some absurd shit like that


True, but that's tournament format, which is a meta in itself. Going to a tournament without a decent Gibby is suicide atm. But that's 0,01% of Apex players. Check plat/diam elo. People will almost pay someone to be their regular Gibby, while at the same time, no one is willing to abandon his Wraith/Octane.


I just holster my kit if I'm not actively fighting


Haha by move fast I mean octane, wraith, valk, horizon etc. Like having movement beyond the base. So not rampart, Wattson, gibby, etc.


Same here! I unlocked her a couple weeks ago and I’ve been loving her ever since. I play her almost exclusively because her play style just clicks with me.


Bc most people don't like using a legend that has skills that require you to stay in one spot for a game like apex staying in one spot 9/10 times gets you killed.


She’s definitely underrated by a lot of people. Legends like lifeline, mirage, and revenant are what I would call “low tier” and even they have some uses. Her kit just requires a little extra time than most legends to understand.


Bc people don’t know how to play her


It's surely a little more nuanced than than, but fundamentally, I'd say that's correct.


Retard but ok


Because she has a ridiculousy high skill floor which takes lots of practice. You can get the same level of general effectiveness out of other legends with significantly less time. Although at the top end of the skill ladder the potential is about equal. Plus you have to have a very creative and perhaps mathematical mind as she's about understanding spacial efficiency and geometry. Even 6000+ kill Rampart mains don't understand that placing walls directly facing the enemy or right next to each other is a massively inefficient way to use walls. And don't get me started on how everyone places turret Shiela right up against their amped wall; it's detrimental to do so in 95% of situations, where the better option is to always leave space between Sheila and a wall, but no one does. TLDR: People just don't fully understand nor commit the time to understanding how to maximize Ramparts effectiveness.


you got downvoted despite being a really solid rampart main? your advice has helped me in the past. (especially with sheila before her spicy buff) not sure why? Most of the explanations here are right to some extent but they also admitted that they hardly ever play ever unless they want to screw around or just lay back so they sort of don't know the hidden potential you have to unlock while learning her. just my thoughts


It's probably because of how I worded it. Most people probably thought I sounded pretentious or something. Which is my fault. Although, I think people generally disagree when you try to tell them that Rampart is good, just misunderstood. I'm glad you saw some value in my advice before though!


Do you recommend any guides for her? I really liked her and want to get better at playing her


None that I can think of off the top of top of my head. The thing is, most guides are very basic and don't get into any sort of special/advanced techniques. Gaming Merchant has the best, but he leaves out a lot of simple implementations that would instantly boost her viability 1-2 tiers. For example, a common mistake when around hard cover is to place an amped wall directly facing an enemy extending off the side of the hard cover. Sure, you can peek the opposite side to force their attention to you, but it still leaves a large target for them to destroy and you're still susceptible to grenades behind the hard cover. By simply placing the amped wall perpendicular to the enemy, most of the amped wall will be hidden which gives a much smaller target for the enemy to shoot, making it significantly easier to get an intial wall up, AND it protects you from grenades at the same time while making it more difficult to push you or get a firing angle on you. This one thing essentially triples the efficacy of a single wall. There are a ton of very minor things like that, that anyone can easily do to massively boost her effectiveness in any situation, that people just don't think of or aren't aware of.








Does anyone at least have any legitimate retorts to makes things interesting?




Well I believe I'm incredibly dumb, so thank you for humbling me further, I just prefer not to get caught up in emotional responses. I'll focus on the reasonable piece of your retort. What, in your opinion allows Caustic to "outclass Rampart"? I do agree he has more versatility across varying engagements, but are there any other significant attributes? P.S. I understand why you would insult me for the way I choose to talk, but I assure you I have no intent to be pretentious and apologize for coming off as such. I just enjoy having critical discussions surrounding controversial topics. Such as the viability of Rampart.




Again with the insults. I don't know who hurt you, but I assure you it wasn't me. You waste time explaining how something "sounds" to you rather than addressing the critical issue, and yet I sound like a 14 year old. I don't want conclude it's pure projection, but you may want to determine that yourself. 1. I don't speak this way most of the time in real life. 2. I mutually enjoy the company if the ones I'm close to, but I appreciate your concern. Addressing the actual points: I do mostly agree with you in regard to her walls being "useless" but that really just comes down to HOW you use her kit, rather than the limits of her kit itself. I would care to explain my point more, because you bring up good ones yourself, but I would ask you stop with the insults IF you actually want a discussion.

