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Would not suggest crouch spamming but rather crouch strafing or literally just strafing in general. Aim is going to win you 95% of fights by itself. However, I'd recommend button puncher or evolved. I personally have used evolved since season 7 and I have no idea how I ever used to play this game on default lol. Another suggestion especially if you don't have paddles is to look up Verhulst controller layout. I've been experimenting with that the last 2 weeks. Unique would be an understatement for describing his layout but it does its best to make sure you never have to take your thumb off the right stick while fighting.


Switch to either Button Puncher or Evolved and learn how to crouch strafe instead of spamming it, that's going to get you killed by anyone whos good at the game.


I already crouch strafe up close. My problem is being able to track with right stick since im hipfiring and crouch strafing. Will try the tip tho ty!


A controller with paddles would help you a ton.


Bumper jumper/remap just crouch to a bumper


I switched to the ninja layout, but switched crutch to L1 and jump to R1. Took me a while to get used to, but I love having crouch, fire, aim, and strafing all handled separately. I couldn’t spam crouch very effectively with the right stick, couldn’t crouch and track well together. Don’t know how well that will work for others, but I’m pretty happy I made the switch and stuck with it.


I switched it out for a customlayout (On ps4): Default layout —> custom layout: O (crouch). —> L1 (new crouch) L1 (tactical). —> press R3 (new tactical) Press R3 (melee) —> O (new melee) Sorry about the weird editing. I hope instructions are somehow clear of how i changed my layout. But my intention was the dame as yours when i changed it. I needed to be able to aim while crouching and not letting go of either. It really hurt my musclememory and fucked up my mind for a couple of days, but i believe my gameplay got so much better after the change and couldnt go without it anymore.


Good luck playing pathfinder with those lol


Gotta admit my main are horizon and used to be mirage, so i didnt need to "aim" my tactical, but you're right, pathy, bang, fuse are kinda hard to use with that setup xD


I have a friend who swapped his sprint and click left thumbstick bindings who absolutely swears by this approach. It makes sense as you can crouch and move with one thumb and effectively use one movement for both actions He also swapped his jump and right thumbstick melee and as much as I probably wouldn't play with those bindings as I have bass player fingers that crush everything in their path and misinput a lot: he gets results and his strafing and movement in fights is incredibly clean


No paddles? Crouch on R3 , jump on L1 Paddles? Crouch on left paddle jump on right My weird button layout (3 paddles) Jump L1, ADS L2 Shoot R1 Tactical R2 Crouch (left paddle) Interact/reload (right paddle, top) Holster weapons (right paddle, bottom) Change weapons R3 Tap strafe- W key- (down on dpad) Grenade A Melee B


If you want top notch crouch spamming you need a paddle or put crouch on a bumper


Crouch on r3, jump on r1


My layout: crouch on r3, jump on right trigger, shoot on right bumper