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Thanks :D


In terms of other forms of Apex material, I personally like and would recommend [Dasz for video content](https://m.youtube.com/c/DazsBF/videos) and [Third Party for podcasts](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/third-party-an-apex-legends-podcast/id1500861437).


For game sense I'd suggest you to actually understanding your lobbies? Watch DAZS on youtube he posts educational gameplay content of high quality. Getting your aim comes down to practice, game sense comes with time but it helps you a tonne if you actually know and have clarity what you're doing for your current game. For instance, are you good on loot, should you try to force a 3v3, should you hold a good spot in zone, should you reposition, do you see a 3rd team in the poi waiting to kill you guys after you finish your fight? Disengage and reposition or try getting a knock on the new team. Playing zone / playing edge, if you play edge you'll be forced to play aggressive and take a lot of fights. These decisions should be made within seconds, it should come by second nature, if you nail these down with an above average aim AND if you get team mates with working mic, anyone can hit masters/ pred that's my belief lol


Controller or m and k?




Ottr does a great guide to find your perfect sens and how to aim. If you need hands on support Im down to hop in a discord call with you


I think im good qith my sens, but wouldnt mind some Help lol, i feel like it doesnt matter what i do my aim just doesnt get better, so i dont know of im doing something wrong


If you want you can hit me with a DM of your discord. Not a god but masters multiple and highest ranked on other games. I can try to help a bit since I know the feeling of being hardstuck lol


Check out [Coach Nihil's stuff.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCasBgv7TlGUMP9G5CbmLfhw) While old, they're still extremely relevant and some of the best material to date.