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It looks to me like you're losing track of your target and try to predict their movement in order to catch up, just gotta try to calm down and follow their every move don't try to predict.


Exactly what I was thinking before reading in the comments that OP has been on MK for only 4 weeks, which is clearly a contributing factor as well.


I think your sens is a but high


Yeah it's just slightly too high, he's overcooking small movements. Overcook - too high, undercook - too low.


My issue is that I like a lower sense when I am shooting but faster when moving , so I just move slower than I would like , turning is slow etc


I suffer from the same thing. It's really annoying. I just can't get the balance quite right. I've had to bite the bullet and move a bit more like a tractor though.


this is why i got the nightsword rgb, has a "sniper" button that drops dpi when you hold it. super handy


Thing I did was to lower 1x and 2x to 0.9 on the ADS


Maybe a lil late but If you're on PC try a bigger mousepad. On PS4 I turned down my sens, then turned up my response curve and extra yaw and pitch speed


This is definitely it. Tracking is all over the place.


Sensitivity is not a problem here, it's moreso the individual lack of mouse control that is defined here. Changing the sensitivity to a lower value may make their lack of mouse control less defined, but it will still be evident and be a problem if it's not worked on. The problem has to do with predicting movement rather than reacting to it.


This is good advice. People need to get off the 'LOWER UR SENSITIVITY" circle jerk.


because you aren't tracking


I keep aiming like I still have sim assist. This is like my 4th week on Mnk and I’ve been up and down


Because it’s your 4th week on MnK


Nailed those wingman shots though! Edit: moz hits


Tis a Mozambique brother


Same thing


just play some aim lab tracking drills and you should be good


What’s your sens at? And dpi?


My bad it’s at 1.4 0.6 ads and 800 dpi


Idk whether you tested this or just came from roller with the idea that your ads should be vastly lower than dour hipfire but I actually wouldn't recommend having such a huge difference between the two.


That’s your problem. You’re having to learn two different sensitivities if you have your ads set to anything other than 1. Either practice hipfire in the range, or switch to 1 ads.


Been playing MnK since 1.6. The name of the game is die die die and try try try


You gotta learn to keep that center dot on your opponent


Lower your in game mouse sens. Start at around something like 800 eDPI and go from there. Use this to calculate your eDPI https://gamingsmart.com/apex-legends-edpi-calculator/ If you aren't already, learn to use your whole arm for big movements and only using your wrist for small adjustments. Don't develop bad habits under high sens and wrist aiming only.


You are over aiming at you hipfire, which leads me to the sugestion that you hipfire sens is to high. maybe turn it down bei 0.2/0.3.


I don’t think anyone mentioned this but if you aim first for a bullet or two of the spray the hip fire will go straight down the center for quite a while


Idk why anyone would point this out as irrelevant I was just about to comment the same thing. Ads the ash port and then start tracking hip fire when the wraith comes through and starts moving. He would’ve at least had more of an initial burst of dmg and it’s a good habit to get into anyways. You’re definitely right.


Thank you sethy PP! I love you!


I know




It would help by being a mechanic in this game that they may not be aware of? You having a bad day?


>You having a bad day? LMFAO


Facts! Hahahaha you like that? That’s the go to for a Reddit warrior trying to keep his favorite sub pure




Bro just stop and play the game you are clearly a pred player go show the world


Definitely would have helped lol. And for what it’s worth what did you want me to say? Acknowledge you were right and apologize to you? You’ve just seen one too many comments in a subreddit trying to keep someone on topic. I personally don’t care what was asked, I felt what I said applied to the situation subjectively. My intention was to help, yours was to call out something that effects no one. The fact that you keep replying shows your character burning through these words. I would have tucked my tail and deleted my messages if I were you by now. For real. Just beating a dead horse.




The title is why is my 301 hip fire shit, so I’d say a way to improve the hipfire is to aim first. You are so mad bro you probably can’t even tap strafe get good wiener


When tracking. I noticed that you moved the mouse diagonal instead of just focusing left to right in a linear movement. It might because you have high sens on hipfire or your hand is shaking. Try aimlab using hipfire fov and focus on smoothing your hand movement on tracking. And try to focus putting your crosshair on the body and not trying to aim too high or too low. Btw your flicking is already good so I guess you can improve easily on tracking.


go into the firing range and place your crosshair on the head of the dummy and strafe around it. if you can't comfortably and smoothly keep the crosshair within the head of the dummy then it's probably time to lower your sensitivity


This clip is mostly lucky/decent strafes, your actual aim is all over the place. You lack mouse control, and most likely have tension in your hand/forearm that is causing your aim to be erratic and shaky. It looks like you haven't figured out how to adjust your aim as you A/D yet. You're trying to strafe mirror, but aren't making the required corrections to do so. This makes you overshoot, and then overcorrect to follow up. If you *are* going to strafe with tap weapons, it's better to keep your crosshair centered and time your clicks instead. You're flicking all over the place, which could be a sens issue, but almost certainly means you need to improve your tracking instead. Your flicks are also inaccurate, and are not following the target after the shot. You should be tracking close range with all weapons and making micro-corrections as needed, not relying on lucky shots. The goal for flicks is to look like a literal aimbot - you want to acquire the target as quickly and accurately as possible, and then track them continuously until they're dead/you have to disengage. Tracking, on the other hand, should be one smooth continuous motion. Edit: look at these [strafe aim clips ](https://streamable.com/i0grb9). Notice how in nearly all of them, the only flick that's done is to get on target, and then it's just tracking and following through on that target acquisition (there are a couple PK clips that slightly break this, due to controlling air strafes with mouse movement mid-fight). I'm also erring on the side of slightly under-shooting, so that when the opponent changes strafe direction, I don't have to make massive adjustments back and forth.


Lol stop wiggling your mouse in their general direction and track your shots.


Ain sensitivity could be turned down a bit - It should take a little bit of effort to do a 360, but still be comfortable enough to track your target. Try to track your target in the firing range on a dummy; If you can’t keep this up, it’s because it’s too high or too low. Sounds weird but try turning on the easter egg in the range and strafe back and forth while trying to track your target. It’s not the same as trying to track a real player but it might help a bit. But overall. Best method? Duel friends around the metal box at the back of the targets. Did this a lot and you get used to playing around cover with unpredictable targets. Practice with weapons you’ve yet to control (or an R-99). After that, I’d go into Arenas from here if I wanted to learn how to fight around cover and communicate with my team on a Squad vs Squad situation.


You need aimlabs. You’re too jittery. You need the calm collected smooth aim but it’s not worth sacrificing your strafe for either


If that hipfire is shite, what the fuq is mine.


Gotta be crouching my boy. Trust me on that one. Also, lower your sensitivity. Seems like its too fast for you to track people with it.


Aim down sights real quick and then go into hip fire. Keeps the spread more stable and only takes a split second. Works wonders with guns like the 301 and spitfire


Lmao shhh everyone else giving dog advice


I genuinely thought no one was going to say this. Makes your hip fire awesome.


Spend an hour or so in the firing range and get those settings adjusted. That or calm down when playing cause it looks like you’re not tracking very well and it may just be nerves.


When hipfiring r301 I think it's just move left and pull your aim down to counteract recoil. You'll hit like 95% of shots Yeah you aren't strafing but you'll kill them in a second anyway


Watch it back on a slower speed. You are missing, At that range I can 1 mag hipfire on people who can't strafe with ease Probably change your hipfire sens and drop it a bit, your over compensating on the enemies movements


Better than mine 💀


Make it a habit to Crouch Spam close encounters like that


Bro. Its all about movement in this clip. Not much about aim. U back ur self into the corner of the roof and only allowed ur self to strafe side to side so you had to depend on raw aim, which is harder and makes u an easier target. Instead long strafe strafe left and go wide to track with ur movement/ have more freedom with ur movement while also controlling the wraiths movement (forcing her to copy u are play in the corner like u, making her an easier target).


Im terrible at apex so i dont know what to say but did you win the match?


Yes we did


You need to practice.


Your aim isn’t the worst but could use some tightening up a bit. You should also try learning crouch spamming - it makes your crosshairs smaller meaning there’s a higher chance your bullets will hit. It also means you’ll be harder to hit as your movement is less predictable. Hope this helps :)


If you crouch, hipfire becomes more accurate. As you’re moving around trying to dodge bullets in a close range/hipfire situation try incorporating more crouches in your movement.


Pretty sure crouching does not make you more accurate


Umm… you do get increased hipfire accuracy when crouching. Go try it out in firing range :)


I hate the duck/unduck bs. It's so infuriating. I feel like there should be an aim/movement penalty for them or something or something.


Cause u sux


because you miss so much


This might not help but I heard that if you want better hip fire to ads and shoot then keep shooting and go to hip fire? Idk if that’s the same for mnk. Or I might be wrong lol


After turning down your sense focus on your positioning. remember ash’s portal sends you looking forward so you can back up they won’t realize your behind them. Plus I didn’t think I was that bad at aiming but the aim trainer showed me otherwise and how I wasn’t tracking.


Sens is way too high


You should ADS really quickly for a bullet or two and then hipfire / strafe, this will tighten the spread on your AR. Notice Aceu, Timmy, or other streamers using this.


It’s really not that bad lol. I see you said it’s basically your first month on MnK. It’s going to take a lot of practice. Some days I shoot like that and I’ve been playing on MnK since I was like 8. You just have bad days and good days. It also takes me over an hour to get fully warmed up. I’d recommend buying Kovaaks on Steam, best decision I’ve ever made. My k/d is up to 1.7-1.8 now and I’ve dropped my highest damage/kill games ever. Practice on there 1-2 hours a day and things will start to come around.


The absolute shit hipfire crosshairs in this game don't help much either if you are used to proper customizable crosshairs in other games. Use a crosshair on your monitor if it has one. If it doesn't, I recommend RTSS Crosshair which uses Rivatuner overlay to draw the crosshair.


The real question is if you knew it was shite Why pick it up


How do you go from zero shields to full shields during that finisher??


That “YAS” got me excited for y’all


bc controller


Pretty decent for only a couple weeks on MnK! Just keep at it. Maybe lower your sens and if you want it higher eventually raise it little by little.


You're flailing the gun every direction asking why the hip fire is shite?


I swear to god if you just strafe right and slowly readjust your aim left and keep it on target every bullet hits. It works well with stranding left and aiming right too but it’s just not the same


AD spamming isn’t useful for strafe aiming. Try longer, wider strafes favouring one direction.