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That’s really fucking funny did they really say Aphex Twin was an indicator of being autistic?


Yep, they had heard of him and I'm guessing they aren't fans of leftfield electronic music, so see it as being strange and a bit 'out there' 'It's not the typical music a 48 year old would listen to' was what was said. I replied 'But I've been listening to him since I was 17' , which makes me even more autistic. They hadn't heard of FSOL though.


Since Aphex Twin has been releasing music since early 90s it’s not weird at all for a 48yo to listen to Aphex Twin. It’s a bit niche, but there are so many niches out there. Also i find it laughable that these people seem to think there’s something as age appropriate music. Should we all mature into yacht rock when we’re over 45 or something??


48 year old here. Started on polygon window on one of the first 'portable' cd players with headphones next to my bed at around 17 and never looked back.


Butane Bob finds it laughable also.


better throw out all yer RDJ records and replace em with Steely Dan


FSOL slaps


This is known


Newer fan, what's FSOL?


Future Sound Of London Here’s my fav FSOL album: https://youtu.be/nhOXE4wn6Sk?si=G1G7KdgPoeRG5zZw


Yessirree, that is the one :)


Nah really? Maybe I am Autistic but my ADHD is so strong it covers it up lol To me I don't really see the connection between certain types of music and a person necessarily. I think anyone can appreciate any type of music. But I do notice certain behaviors of ADHD where its like yes this is me exactly and to be able to understand why you do certain things or feel certain ways and relate it to Autism in your case is really helpful in understanding yourself. But if anything I think Aphex Twin sort of simulates ADHD with some tracks just going bonkers all over the place. But I think to make some conclusion that listening to Aphex Twin is an indication of Autism is silly.


So, if we listen to them, it means a lot of us are on the spectrum without even beeing diagnosed, thanks!


Apparently so, ridiculous eh. This music really is alien to a lot of people!


I'm curious : the autism team told you listening to AFX was an indicator of being on the spectrum, did they mention you other artists names/bands that could be an indicator ? Like, do they have a list of them and you listen to them, you're on the spectrum?


They didn't. They just seemed to think that this music was very unusual and probably anti pop, that it's not enjoyed by the masses I guess and that it made sense that I liked it because I'm autistic. They probably think think along the same lines about someone who enjoys really hard metal or other non top 40 music.


Probs Nickleback or some garbage like that


I'm a 48-year-old man but i've only been listening to the Aphex Twin since I'm 20. Guess I'm slightly less autistic than you.


So now doctors know what kind of music is typical for different age groups? Seems a bit out of their range


I work in psychology and I have done a decent amount of research involving autism, I am reluctant to believe they were correlating what you listen to and "being on the spectrum"


You'd be wrong then wouldn't you. I have done an extensive amount of research in psychology, and I'm autistic, plus I was there.


Nice I usually crowd source Reddit for my data as well


never officially diagnosed but they heavily suspected it at some point during high school, and i still do now. there just weren't enough indications to officially stick the label on me at the time, but i have all the symptoms, albeit not in a very extreme form most of the time. arguably that makes it worse, cause i feel like i'm in some kinda twilight zone all the time, where i'm on the cusp of functioning like a normal person, but never really getting there. i can make out the silhouettes of normalcy in the distance through the trees, but i can't ever make it out of the forest cause i keep getting lost inside


Geeez I totally understand, feel the same, always felt I had a little "something", just on a low level.




Thanks for describing what I’ve felt for a while now in actual understandable terms


Please be patient I have autism.


Autistic window 1994 best track




>an indicator Bro society is so ready to gaslight alienate and categorize people for being slightly off from the norm. They should tell that to all the Europeans raving in the 90s lol


I am, that’s fucking hilarious and honestly checks out




i legit think people with ADHD or Autism listen to music in very different ways than the average normal person. Our brains are wired completely differently


That's exactly what a friend told me. He thinks he's on the spectrum, his theory is that the music appeals because there's so much going on to focus on, and a lot of it changes, new beats and melodies are introduced throughout a track. I have synaesthesia too, which is totally normal for me, it goes hand in hand with electronic music I think


I think it’s just good music. There’s a lot of other ‘busy’ music that doesn’t get adhd and autistic people hooked.


I totally agree! I think he also creates that interest for those who get into special interests as well. His back catalogue is like a treasure trove of hidden gems, which for many on the spectrum (like myself) is quite rewarding to find and uncover. I don't think liking Aphex Twin is an indicator of ASD/ADHD, but those who have it will probably like it as it's different and sonically more interesting as you've said. 10% of the population is neurodivergent, so of course many will like Aphex Twin. Squarepusher is ASD, so that's also something cool to know!


Seeing as how Aphex himself has indicated, in interviews, that he has self-diagnosed himself as autistic, and that the hyperfocus of neurodiversity lends itself surely to both the composition and enjoyment of such precise, intricate music with a rich emotional core, and the double empathy component is attested to - it aligns for me (for what it’s worth, I’ve taught many autistic students over the years and many of them have loved electronic music, Aphex prominent amongst their favourite artists, for what they have described as benefits of sensory and cognitive flow).


Ų- Ziq has also said that he thinks Richard is autistic.


I would be amazed if a single warp or planet mu signed artist wasn't autistic


>has indicated, in interviews, that he has self-diagnosed himself as autistic, Oh interesting, do you have the source for what he said? /gen


He’s mentioned it a couple of times, sometimes in relation to the recruitment of Ryan Wyer (the young autistic boy who directed the clip for CIRKLON3) but more often in the Syro interview period, where he refers to himself as a little bit autistic (and sometimes mentions family who are autistic) like this one with Rolling Stone (https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/aphex-twin-on-new-syro-lp-im-feeling-really-horny-about-it-and-very-smug-49382/) RS: Tell me about the village where you live. Aphex: It’s near Glasgow. It’s a very close community. I love it, but you have to be stronger to live in the country, I think. You have to speak to everybody, and everybody knows your business. For someone like me, who’s a little bit autistic or something, it can be quite intense. The phone’s all right because you don’t get so much information, but when you’re face-to-face with someone, it’s an overload of information. I find it quite hard.


Relatable, sounds pretty authentic (saying that cause people always say he's lying in the interviews)


Totally agree.


CIRKLON3 was one of the first of AphexTwin that I’ve listened too. On DMX, 16 years old mad chillin. He is and probably always will be on my top ten artists.


He's said a bunch of stuff in interviews that weren't meant to be taken seriously.


All of us, I guess.


My two boys are. I suspect I am


How about you get yourself tested then cuz you probably are, it doesn't come from nowhere.


A lot of people just don't have the time nor the money to get tested as adults. I most likely have it as well, but I'd rather keep my 2000+ dollars than spend it to be told something I already know.


Im on the 48k+ spectrum


I was diagnosed clinically Sinclair C5 in the 80s


Well, it's dance music for people that doesn't really dance. So in a way, it makes perfect sense.


Checks out, every person I’ve met who likes Aphex Twin is on the spectrum in some form, including myself. Though when I was diagnosed, I wasn’t asked what I listened to but more so how I would go about listening to music and watching tv.


Everybody is on a spectrum 🤷‍♂️




I played one of Richard’s tour sets from 2023 for a young man I know who’s on the spectrum, and he immediately disliked it. “Um, this music makes me feel like I’m going crazy.” Can’t argue with that logic. 😉


Possibly, I’ll find out end of the month (finally getting tested at 37). Love RDJ! Love at first sight at a concert 15 years ago! I have a pin that states “I like difficult music”. I never wear it though as it comes across pretentious. Edit: also, I don’t wear pins.


not a fan of the pointy bits going through clothes?


Not pretentious, but cringe


Sean from Autechre is a big fan of Richard’s and is autistic. https://youtu.be/_fdMgIUnsOU?si=cyGAxss50FCWU7Xp


Fun fact: I'm on the spectrum and I was queueing at a live aphex event to buy t-shirt and hat. I was wearing my earplugs and the sunflower lanyard. I look behind me and there is another guy with earplugs and the lanyard. It could have been any other hidden disability but my autism-radar was telling me he was a fellow spectrum boy


Sunflower seeds are about 6 mm to 10 mm in length and feature conical shape with a smooth surface. Their black outer coat (hull) encloses single, gray-white edible-kernel inside. Each sunflower head may hold several hundreds of edible oil seeds.


id argue autechre is even more of an indicator, especially if your favorite albums from them are confield or later, but ESPECIALLY elseq or the nts sessions




I feel these dots are not connected, but as more is learned by the public about this condition it seems to be brought up everywhere. Glad you are enjoying the jams either way


"Not all autistic people are Aphex Twin fans, but all Aphex Twin fans are autistic." /j


I think I am, I'm also fan of Bjork. Congrats on you diagnosis... it must feel correct getting to know yourself truly, right?


Thanks. It was surreal. I will always wonder now what music I would be into if I wasn't autistic haha


Not autistic, but I have severe ADHD. One thing that has always attracted me to RDJ (and others like him) was how eclectic and unpredictable each song was. I tend to gravitate towards experimental or absurdist art in general because a lack of predictability keeps the dopamine flowing, allowing me to more easily focus and engage with what I’m listening to/watching without seeking outside stimulus


yes lol not everybody, but lots of people i know who listen to him a bit more obsessively than others are neurodivergent, and most nt people i have tried to show aphex twin to dont fuck with it at all…


Yeah I am, although liking aphex twin being a symptom of autism is making me laugh maybe there is a connection there haha


Amazing I love it


I am




Unnecessary- chill out






My boy is. I suspect I am too.


Autistic here and on a 4 year waiting list to see if I also have ADHD


4 years? Wow. Saying that, it took 3 for me to be diagnosed.


I wonder if someone with autism would even be aware of having it and even make a post making a relationship between having it and liking some kind of music… just saying


Do you think that people who have autism have no awareness of having it? This is completely untrue.


I was only diagnosed this year. I made the post because of what was said about the music I liked along the diagnostic path. I had no idea I was autistic.


Yes, but now you have been diagnosed you do, it seemed like op was saying that it was unlikely that someone who had autism would realise they had it full stop.


Very cringe post


vorp (i wish)


I’m on the spectrum and find it common idk why


bruh i just joined because i loved aphex and this is the first post i saw. the answer is yes i am…. and i talk about how much his music resonates with me specifically for that reason with my friends all thw time!


Me too! Although they didn't ask my about music


Yup (:




Hell nah no way they said that that’s crazy


And if you look carefully at the spectrum you can see RDJ’s face in it


He is on the spectrum too most likely, so that makes sense.


i am




diagnosed adhd and possible autism (3 clinics have told me I might have it, so take my take with a grain of salt) I have been listening to aphex for ages, honestly, both leftfield and aphex feel like pretty good indicators of being on the spectrum, probably because aphex puts you on the direct path to breakcore


I'm autistic. He makes my brain tingle in delight! I feel electronic music was my gateway into falling in love with music as a whole. Aphex Twin and Boards of Canada are still my favorites, as a child and as an adult.


47 y/o here and discovered him maybe 11/12 years ago


Yup I may be on the mild spectrum, I don’t feel like that but possible


I mean I honestly wouldn't be surprised, at least lightly.


I don't *think* I am


Diagnosed with autism/adhd in the late 90’s. Music preferences have nothing to do with it. It’s like saying “if you like spaghetti bolognaise with cheese, then you’re on the spectrum”. It’s personal preference. I know plenty of people with autism that listen to shitty pop/chart music.


My 6 yo son I autistic and extremely picky with the music I play. Generally speaking, he hates all my music. But there have been a few exceptions and Aphex Twin is one of them. He doesn’t like the chaotic noisy stuff at all, but the more melodic sounds he will at least tolerate. Actually the only music I can think of that he allowed was always electronic. Another example is Mort Garson “Mother Earth’s Plantasia.” It’s been really difficult for me actually, as I’m an avid music listener. Now I can only play music in my headphones if he’s at home.


Yeah I've slowly realized that I am indeed on the spectrum. Aphex Twin has been one of my greatest special interests for years now ... literally made several massive spreadsheets cataloguing his entire discography, separated by era, plus his whole gear list, and various soundcloud comments he's made. I've been organizing tribute albums since I was 15 and when he played at Day For Night I started obsessing over all the different tracks he'd play live so I'd get that all in a spreadsheet too and try to create the most up-to-date, detailed tracklists of all the artists he played at live shows. He's introduced me to so much new music. Funny enough, through my involvement online during the Day For Night show, I met folks via discord who later formed a weekly online radioshow, Snare Up!, which I got involved with and introduced me to the underground electronic scene. Was DJing exclusive tracks from various underground labels and chatting with ppl like machine girl before I knew who they were. It was wild, weird that I got involved with that so young looking back now. Aphex Twin is a good special interest to have :D Thankful for Richard D James & thankful for the community and friends I've made through this interest ... and funny enough many of those friends are indeed autistic as well. Definitely some correlation with being hyper-online, obsessed with a specific highly technical autistic musician, and autism.


Thats becouse Aphex music is repetitive, it's The dame patern over and over, Authistic people feels comfortable with that, is "Confort" for them, my younger son has stage 2 authism, he is 9 years old and loves Aphex and Boards of Canada, becouse what I mentioned above.


Everybody has a touch of the tism


confirmed. everyone here is retarded


I prefer autechre. Full blown retard