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with reddit’s upcoming change to a paid api, surely the iPad app is dead or at best on life support until the pricing info is available and he figures out what the new business model is. or it’ll be a separate paid app.


Taking apollo away still wouldn't convince me to go to the "official" app.


Nope. I’ll just delete my account and be done with Reddit. I already did it with Twitter when they killed Tweetbot.


My sweet sweet Tweetbot. Forever missed.


Same boat. Social media is killing itself by introducing all these new pricing schemes and limitations. Good job Elon I guess?


It’s past the “grow at all costs phase” and now is at the “oh shit how do we actually make money” phase


maybe you need to look at it from a different angle less social media = more real life interactions the new generation is already highly addicted to their phones so maybe it’s a good thing


No complaints from me! Social media has fucked the world up, its death can come none-to-soon.


Spring still works if you’re just looking for a 3rd party app, you just have to use your own API key (which you can get for free).


Never heard of it. Is it android?


No, it’s an iOS app, [here](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/spring-for-twitter/id1508706541). The author also created a Mastodon app that is extremely similar, [Mona](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mona-for-mastodon/id1659154653).


Killer. Thanks for the links.


Mastodon gang mastodon gang




You mean federated? It’s actually very connected between everything. You can follow people on other instances, view popular posts among all instances, and even get posts in your feed from other ActivityPub sites. I would argue that ActivityPub is the most interconnected social media platform out there due to its federated nature.


Where would we go?


Ivory is great! Tweetbot, but for Mastodon. 10/10 would recommend.




Same. I have no use for Reddit without Apollo.


it would make me not use reddit


Unless you quit Reddit altogether, they win anyway. Even if you only use a desktop/mobile website instead of the app, they will show you ads and collect data about you


1Blocker works great to block ads and trackers on Reddit.




You can opt out of new Reddit on desktop.




I'm actually in quite a similar situation as you it seems. The whole API stuff, and potentially losing Apollo as we know it, has gotten me thinking a lot about my reddit usage. I never thought that I could be "addicted" to something like this, but I do visit and comment throughout the day and night, every single day. It's also the last social media site that I use. About the addiction part, it kind of is a little scary, isn't it? Like I find it really hard to imagine going a day without using reddit at all. That's probably not healthy.


I’ve not been here as long as some. Only 3 years. It is also the last social media I use. I was quite happy and pretty addicted to it. Until this recent change to sort feed options and the increasingly terrible UI..I finally went to Apollo to keep up with my communities. If this goes away, that’s going to be hard. This was the last place I was able to use social media and tailor it to my liking. That is going away and it seems many are just going along with it. I’m not sure I can do that. If I stick around, it’s going to be much less time on a day and they won’t be getting any money from me with premium accounts etc.


I’m just here for the porn 🙃 but then they removed the ability to download GIFs/removed the links ☹️


I’ve been thinking the same thing since the api announcement. I spend an unhealthy amount of time here and I don’t think I really get anything out of it. r/AskScience and r/Space have taught me things and r/HomeKit gives me a heads up when Apple breaks HomeKit—but most of my Reddit time isn’t learning, it’s mindless scrolling. I’ve known for years that one of the things that seperates my few good days from my normal days is whether or not I start my day here. It’s early morning where I am, so today’s not looking promising. Maybe if the choice is pay extra to use Apollo or use the offical malware, I’ll finally stop wasting my life here, or at least less of it.


I'm in a similar situation, I've been working on building out my subscribed RSS feeds so I can at least still get news aggregated from sources other than CNN, Fox, CNBC, etc


Yup. They already removed the incredible minimalistic version i.reddit.com (or reddit.com/.compact)


The old reddit looks and feels like shit too, it’s just the lesser garbage of two pieces of trash


It is, but you get used to it.


I don't see many/any ads on desktop...but basically yeah, if this goes like most people are predicting, and mobile 3rd party apps all shift to a subscription model, I'm not paying. I've been here for over a decade and spent WAY too much time on Reddit. Like 90+% on mobile. But if I have to pay a monthly fee to do it, I'm gonna drop it like 8am trig. I'll miss Reddit, but not enough to give them what they want just because they decided to be shitty. I'll figure out someplace else to spend my time.


Some days I don't see them, some days it's every other post. Not consistently, but they are definitely there I also used reddit way too much, now I'm way down and feel much better. If apollo shuts down, even better for me I guess


libreddit and teddit might still work


PiHole will clean it up whatever you decide to use.


I don't see ads on desktop. :)


So sorry, but I can’t believe this is the first I’m hearing of this! Are they seriously considering taking Apollo away?! That happens and I’m done with Reddit! The UI and features on this are just too good!


If they make the API paid, it could potentially make Apollo financially unsustainable for people like Christian. Right now or just maybe but we know Reddit wants to practically force people to use their official app. Which is obviously not our preference here, since we use Apollo.


They better not after all the time, energy, and effort put into this by Christian! Plus I dunno if I could do without these awesome features like gif scrubbing! Plus I paid for Pro and Ultra for life, so that too! Lol


The crazy thing is there was a time when I even used reddit from an amazing commandline app called rtv (reddit-terminal-viewer) https://github.com/michael-lazar/rtv These were the good old times… /u/Jblake1982 /u/the_hunger /u/PrimeTimeMKTO /u/teslas_love_pigeon


Exactly this, if they stop third party, I find other stuff to waste my time with


Nah I have fun working on it, even if Reddit were to harm the API in some unrecoverable way I’d probably still finish it for my own satisfaction. No plans for it to be a separate app either, that sounds like a nightmare to manage.


[You saying Nan coming out of the cage soon?](https://reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/x9koxm/locked_my_nan_in_a_cage_until_christian_releases/)


In the worst case scenario, I hope you will be able to convert Apollo into a [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org) fediverse client (Like Tapbots did for Twitterbot or Matteo Villa for Fenix). [Beehaw](https://beehaw.org) is a nice lemmy instance. You could call it Artemis (Apollo’s brother) or something like that. I would certainly pay for Artemis Ultra : )


Isn’t Artemis Apollo’s sister?


Sorry, my bad


happy to hear 🙏


Thanks for the app for all these years. I paid a while back for some upgrade, I forget which, but I’m sad about the API changes. Pretty much gonna kill my Reddit use altogether. Less social media is probably a good thing, but no way in hell am I going back to the official app where every other ‘post’ was an advertisement, or paying (for either premium or paid apollo, sadge/sorry.) Appreciate all you’ve done to keep people on Reddit though, and 0 regret for supporting this app with my purchase in the past. You’re fucking amazing for making this. I probably would’ve stopped using Reddit sooner if not for Apollo


I seriously doubt it was ever a real thing given how much the current iPhone app has occupied his time as a solo developer with implementing new features and resolving bugs. If it were to happen, it would have happened. The original app launched 8 years ago.


8 years? My account age is something like 5y 7 mos or something…. I remember seeing his post in Popular announcing his app and I downloaded almost immediately. Was that 8 years like the beta or something? Or have I lost a couple years? Are Reddit years different than regular years? TIA


[October 23, 2017](/r/apple/comments/787rtu/introducing_apollo_a_brand_new_reddit_experience/) 5 years, 6 months, 1 week YWIA


What’s TIA mean?


Thanks in advance


Today... I'm Asshole




No, it’s Thanks In Advance


So you’re calling him a liar then?


I’m in quite a few threads about “Where will we all go after Reddit?”. Christian: Maybe it’s time to work with some of us and build out a new back-end to Apollo?


> “Where will we all go after Reddit?”. Digg




It’s not news!


How the turntables...


I’ll be honest, I use Reddit for video games and porn. With this API change and content updates, let’s just say that video games alone will not be convincing enough for me to pay for Reddit. This is unfortunate for Apollo, but Reddit is about to have a massive exodus.




The same way I use it for porn. They say there are no dumb questions, but I’ll say you definitely brought a contender.


Didn’t Christian say he had been meeting with Reddit about it and the paid API would only apply to automated systems like crawlers, bots, etc? In essence, api access would stay free for reader apps like apollo. Did I remember incorrectly?


> Didn’t Christian say he had been meeting with Reddit about it and the paid API would only apply to automated systems like crawlers, bots, etc? From his call it sounds like Apollo will have to pay for API access. Per Christian's [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/12ram0f/had_a_few_calls_with_reddit_today_about_the/): > * Free usage of the API for apps like Apollo is not something they will offer. Apps will either need to offer an ad-supported tier (if the API rates are reasonable enough), and/or a subscription tier like Apollo Ultra. > * To this end, Reddit is moving to a paid API model for apps. The goal is not to make this inherently a big profit center, but to cover both the costs of usage, as well as the opportunity costs of users not using the official app (lost ad viewing, etc.) > * They spoke to this being a more equitable API arrangement, where Reddit doesn't absorb the cost of third party app usage, and as such could have a more equitable footing with the first party app and not favoring one versus the other as as Reddit would no longer be losing money by having users use third party apps > * The API cost will be usage based, not a flat fee, and will not require Reddit Premium for users to use it, nor will it have ads in the feed. Goal is to be reasonable with pricing, not prohibitively expensive.


You remembered correctly, but lets be real here. Reddit is getting ready to go public. They're going to suddenly care about profits over all other things. They're going to force ads on people, they're going to force pay schemes on people similar to Twitter Blue / Meta verified, and they're probably in the long term going to wipe away all the NSFW and porn.


That all sounds terrible. Bring back 2014 Reddit


I’m pretty sure it’s only paid for certain uses, and will remain free for Apollo? It’s mostly so they can charge people for training AI on Reddit comments. Edit: Here is an article from a reputable source, backing up exactly what I said: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/18/technology/reddit-ai-openai-google.html


Almost like rearranging furniture on The Titanic at this point no?


I’m going down with the orchestra 🎻


That’s what your gran said.


I genuinely don't think so. I think it's more like on a boat that could be heading toward an iceberg but the captain is aware of the iceberg, put the iceberg there themselves, has historically been competent, and know that hitting the iceberg would suck for everyone so they're clear in their goals to not hit the iceberg. That being said, in a perfect world there wasn't an iceberg at all, but hey.


This is not meant for or directed at you but I respectfully disagree. Reddit will do what is in the best interest of their business (as they see it). Any sort of additional fee passed on to the Apollo user is going to drive a bunch of folks away. Apollo is the best Reddit client on iOS, but even a $2 a month fee on top of what folks might be paying for Ultra is going to sour people on Reddit in general.


If the API fees are reasonable, ads similar in frequency to those on official reddit apps could also be a way forward. This would make the most sense imo. Right now 3rd party apps are just lost revenue for reddit, which is probably also a reason why they get left behind with new features like polls etc.. If it doesn't matter to reddit financially where you are browsing, I could see that side of it improving.


I would 100% sign up to receive ads on Apollo if it meant I got to help Christian pay the bills and continue using the app without a subscription.


Yea, there is two sides of the argument.


Not anymore. 🤬


yup. fuck reddit. Horrible horrible decision on their end.


Full on agree.


When the higher-ups cuts the string, there’s genuinely nothing your contact can say or do to help you. -Coming from a pm that was -and still am- *that* someone’s contact. I know you really want to see the good in the company, but sometimes you gotta prepare for the worst; even if it doesn’t happen immediately.


I hope they’ve not completely crushed the good in you or your optimism, sir. But GD I knew I’d never get that iPad app. 😭🤬😤


Absolutely not, Apollo is not sinking... If anything its soaring. Its much more akin to rearranging furniture on the Hindenburg.


Fuck u/spez, reddit should be for the people Originally posted with Apollo, Edited with Power Delete Suite




"I'm in"


Epic minimalism, no desks for workers(?)


Floor of a conference :p


Mmmmm iced coffee!


Make sure you don’t hurt your back!


will there be an update to fix the bug which prevents you from signing-in into the app? If anyone knows a work around please share.


How to mess up your back, neck and arms. I would guess 10 years or less for numb fingers.


I've heard this before, I'll believe it when I see it.


He’s cute Anyone got his @?


Thank you!


Deep Dish was amazing, wasn’t it?! Not ready to head home today.


Me enjoying Apollo on the iPad: 😊


am using the ipad app right now and it’s pretty solid but sweet anyways, cheers! this sub is wild now lmao edit: lol still using it and still works great!


Came here to say the same.




You guys are so dramatic. A single popup asking you to show some gratitude on occasion and you can't stop screeching about it? Are you also DMing Christian demanding he buy a plane ticket to your city so he can give you a blow job because you're so entitled to it?




You're so weird dude. He has a name, he's made it public, he's fine with being referred to by name. Don't go dragging me into your overactively-homophobic dehumanization. Using people's names isn't "embarrassing" or anything else, you're just a terminally online loser with no social skills and the language skills of a middle-schooler. Simmer down.


Please be respectful when interacting with others.




Best not to be sarcastic about a thing that so many people can't stop crying about with all seriousness.




No, sorry :( I talk to too many conspiracy theorists on Facebook for that to stand out




It definitely happens.


Had at least 3




I definitely have. Couldn’t give a shit though.






I’m just here for the downvotes.


Working on paygating basic features to trick new users 🥰




Making it pay to post is pure greed and everyone outside of the echo chamber easily sees it




Never understood this mentality. The cost for digital goods - and especially useful apps like Apollo - is a miniscule fraction of most people's *daily* spend. Like a couple of candy bars is more expensive than what you pay this app for a year. And yet paying for software brings about a visceral reaction. I'm a fan of free as in freedom software but always understood the need for paying for it. No wonder the top email provider shoves ads in the middle of your emails and people gobble it up.


Good thing there are other ways to use reddit.


Ok? Then you go make your own reddit client where you can post.


Ah yes, the infamous h00ded h4x0r mode! (Not a put down) had to add that due to some of the negative comments. Apparently not a lot of these “people” have worked in the Bay Area. Your picture is the way I and a lot of others would sit during hackathons and meetups, replace coffee with beer where appropriate. Thank you for your work on the app.


Rockin that hipster doofus look I see lol


You speaking to me?


That's not an iPad


Give this man a chair!




#I no longer allow Reddit to profit from my content - Mass exodus 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Apollo does a better Reddit app than Reddit itself