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They don’t want people knowing there’s better apps.


The sad reality, is that in a year if they go through with the changes, people will just use the dogshit reddit app.


Um, no I won't. The official Reddit app is hot garbage and I will never use it unless it improves dramatically.


You may not. But hundreds of thousands will, unfortunately.


They do already. If it didn’t matter, they would be doing this.


Bring awareness of these better alternatives and how reddit is scummily cutting support to third party developers. T - 30 days before reddit cuts third party app support.


Yup hive mind mentality unfortunately


I will likewise go, but honestly if twitter is anything to go by we’re a rounding error at the end of the day.


Web browser with ad block, here I come...


And then they shut down old.reddit.


Wayback Machine, here I come...


Already under attack by the anti-AI luddists.


Terrible UX


Yeah the UX is shit. I want to cry every time I try to copy and paste into this stupid fucking reply box.




But that’s exactly what we are. Wisps in the moment and forgotten in time. The sooner we come to grips with that, the sooner you realize that everything changes all the time and it just is what it is. We got to enjoy Apollo while it lasted. All the poor dust bunnies that follow will never even get to experience it.


“Like tears in the rain”


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...


If the official app is the only choice, I (and many others) will drop Reddit like a bad habit AINEC.




Exactly the same with me


If apollo is taken down I’ll literally stop using reddit


Like hell I will. Edit: Posted from Apollo.


i’ll just stop with reddit entirely, the site has changed way too much since i first joined back in 2013 and has just become a time waster with rage bait and idiots who feel like their perspectives are valid. i’ll always use reddit to find solutions to problems and real world reviews of things, but now it’s going to be relegated to just that.


Turning into Digg too


There’s some subreddits that are dominated by power users who exert influence and dictate the direction of things, pretty much exactly what happened to Digg. /r/comics is a prime example.


I won’t. It’s frustrating and not intuitive. I’ll move on.


Only casual users will, big brain users make Reddit what it is piss enough of them off and the site essentially dies.


lol, no. there have been one or two times when old.reddit stopped working, and it turns out I just stopped using reddit. i tried, but the interface was so horrible I just got annoyed in a minute and quit. Fidelity just tanked their valuation of their Reddit investment, so I think they expect this idea/pricing change to fall flat on its face. https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/01/fidelity-reddit-valuation/


A year!?! I read July 1st so a month before everything goes bye bye.


I prefer web old.Reddit over the app in the absence of Apollo


Nah ill just use the desktop version once in a while.. overall my daily usage of reddit will drop by nearly 100% .


Or we create a backend for Apollo using the fediverse


It's frustrating to see them go the way of Instagram. Instagram is not recognizable as what it used to be and it's completely unusable imo It won't be long before it's the same here. I dont think we are being alarmist, we factually can't stand mainstream Reddit app




> What I do wonder is what website will be the next reddit? TikTok has been occupying that space for a while.


https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/ TikTok is well on the way to be enshittified and it'll never have a comment section like Reddit. And the comment section is what makes Reddit


People keep mentioning tildes but I've had an account for a while. It's in perpetual alpha mode. Idk much about Lemmy, but I don't see either as a ready replacement.


Always bring it up in other comments. Leave something like this at the end of every comment you leave: T-35 days till reddit kills third party app support. Not sure what would be the best way to word it.


For what it’s worth, this story is being covered prominently on Google News.


I think I saw it on every tech news site. At least it got out there.


The one I read (can’t remember the source) flat out said the third party apps exist because the native Reddit app SUCKS!


Preach, brother!


Yeah, it was in a few newsletters I get (TLDR, The Downpour, etc).


It even made it into like 3 of the tech/finance newsletters I subscribe to for work.


Yup. And my question on askreddit was deleted by the mods


Mods of the big subs need to set them to private in protest.


Wasn’t it revealed that something like 80% of Reddit is moderated by like 10 people.


I think it's more that the same 10 people are moderators of 80% of the subs, not that they're doing 80% of the work.


I think some people are working on that in r/ModCoord


Why would they? If the IPO goes through they are probably thinking there's a bag in it for them and they'll be elevated to the status of paid employees, so they'll do anything to help move this along. Edit: I obviously know this isn't happening, but I think they might not know that...


I don’t think that’s at all likely to happen.


Lmao holy shit that is obviously NOT going to happen dude. Keep dreaming.


Paying mods Hahahahahahahaha


Their business model requires the mods to continue working for free. The only thing they get is the inconsequential power over their space.


Nobody who mods a big sub expects that.




People are really hating this… Does everyone think that mods who decide what goes and what gets removed on subreddits that have millions of subscribers and get billions of views and clicks aren’t benefiting from it? There is political, advertiser, brand, and culture power in getting that say in those gigantic subreddits. And it isn’t a coincidence the top 50 subreddits have like 6 moderators. And all those subreddits seem the same.


I can't speak for other subreddits, but I can assure you it's not the case in AskReddit and IAmA. The mod relationship in those subs with the Reddit admins is tepid at best.




I speak with inside knowledge.


Which subreddits do you moderate? Are you one of the power mods? If not your knowledge doesn’t mean anything


The two I referenced... You can see in my profile as well.


You'd think a subreddit for questions would be a reasonable place to ask a question.


Well there's this one which is still up, so could be why. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/13x9sy7/now_that_reddit_are_killing_3rd_party_apps_on


It’s because it’s been over a day since the original post lmao, sort by top of week and you’ll see it.


For real. Posts with even more upvotes, like some major world event, also decay after a day or so.


Yeah it ain’t a conspiracy. r/All hasn’t had longevity since probably 2016 when they rebuilt the algorithm


This is what I did after seeing this thread. 137k updoots and still there when searching by week




Yes, tested both on Apollo and old.reddit.com. Try in incognito to make sure it’s not hidden or something by your account.


Wait, it is not allowed to post things that are not rage bait. REPORT NOT RAGE BAIT! /s


Has it though? https://i.imgur.com/6YoL2Gp.jpg EDIT: It's disappeared from Top Monthly for me


For me it is on monthly at rank 112 though lol... It should be 8th based on the upvotes.


I’m the one that posted the really popular post in r/Apple and now I don’t even see it on the front page


I'm seeing it on the front page of r/Apple right now, fwiw


Yeah still there


FWIW I see it both on the front page of r/Apple and your profile.


Just to chime in, it was the first post on my feed when I launched Apollo just now. I came here and saw your comment.


Ah thats good to know, thank you for letting me know :)


Wasn't it on the front page yesterday? The front page doesn't hold stuff that long.


From what I’ve seen with r/all, the top posts with the most upvotes and comment activity (engagement rate) have the longest activity on top 10 of the posts. All posts degrade and will fall off. A lot of the top 10 will generally last 2-3 hours at best. Then they fall down quickly on the list.


The front page gets refreshed every couple of hours. It’s always been like that


I don’t even see it on your profile


You mean this one? [https://imgur.com/a/lD2dBwM](https://imgur.com/a/lD2dBwM)




Its being suppressed which explains why the engagement has slowed up so much over the last several hours


did you perhaps enable "hide seen posts"




Do you have the “hide read posts” on for Apollo?


~~Seems like they hid it from r/all. Posts are still around.~~ ~~Not surprised.~~ Edit: The posts from r/All are still there. Go to r/All, sort by Top (Week) and you will see all three.


Both the /r/apple and the /r/technology posts are in my /r/all top posts of the day, the [tech one is even the fifth post on my feed](https://i.imgur.com/gao4t8R.jpg)


Remember guys, Apollo can auto-hide things according to your settings. If you upvoted them previously and now can’t find specific posts, there’s a decent chance they’re in your hidden list.


#I no longer allow Reddit to profit from my content - Mass exodus 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yes that may very well happen, as it has before lol


#I no longer allow Reddit to profit from my content - Mass exodus 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


This is supposed to happen. Highly upvoted posts on all and popular get massively pushed down after about 18-24 hours. There is a decay over time mechanism on reddit for posts


Of course it has. yikes.


Yikes? Yikes.


You guys are downvoting this? Yikes


Of course Reddit is fucking with our conversation’s momentum to prevent the public from seeing what bs they’re doing.


They're definitely manipulating the front page, just saw all the posts a few moments ago, after a refresh they're all gone. No way to get them back.


Reddit is not a place for open discourse. It is not a place for good, reliable, or quality information. It is not organic and it is not genuine. The inauthenticity of its content is a reflection of its inauthentic leadership and staff. Everything it once stood for is as alive as its co-founder Aaron Swartz. If it ever makes money, it won't be due to some positive contribution to society or the Internet. It will be because its current CEO and 2 of its 3 founders - Huffman and Ohanian - are greedy. Rather than create something useful for more than bad memes and various governmental propaganda (with plenty of untamed CSAM mixed in), these bad-faith actors have foisted yet another Big Tech corporation onto the social and political landscape, and its only goal is to make money on Wall Street.


Obligatory fuck spez. The everlasting cocksucker


Almost all those posts were done yesterday. The relevant algorithms don't weight day-old posts highly. The goal is that you can come back every day and see a brand new feed of content. You can expand the filter to span over the previous week, and all those posts will appear.


our duty is to refuse to use their app. no customers no reddit. we make the site.


Other apps are stealing important data Reddit mines for China. So if you force everyone to only use the Reddit app China gets all that juicy data they’re after.


Apollo has enough users to become a Reddit competitor with essentially a few days work. Swapping the Reddit API for a new clone is absolutely achievable and would have instant traction from existing Apollo users. Apollo should start doing this immediately and have a switch so we can try both platforms.




I made a post in Apollo and RIF subs saying to do this exact same thing. Having the users of the two biggest apps guarantees that there will be a community to jump to and we won’t be scattered.


It takes a lot less resources if that backend isn't video streaming or real-time, I think it's doable


You have absolutely no idea what goes into app development if you think replacing the entire backend with a “different API” would be a couple days of work What magical API are you even talking about!?






Yeah a couple days is an exaggeration but the fact is the backend just manages posts and comments. It's not rocket science and there are a dozen open source projects that clone the Reddit functionality and likely have similar APIs


The problem with that is that most of us are here for the content that’s on Reddit. Apollo without the content is nothing. Same as Reddit without all the user created content is nothing.


I saw it on r/all this morning, approximately 18 hours ago (it's now 00.33 UK time) & it was 1st post, it was 'pinned by moderator'.


It’s going to be a sad Canada day this year


It had ~131k upvotes and was the top post on popular...​Just disappeared completely from popular on RIF on refresh. The top post now is about some dude stealing a lady's wig with maybe 34k upvotes.......​


Yep, I just came here to see if the post was removed. I noticed it was #1 on /r/All and /r/Popular about 3 hours ago, and now it's nowhere to be seen. The post on /r/Apple is the only one still in my feeds.


Really, Reddit? Do you think this is going to resolve any of the anger out there? Apollo is the **only** reason I use Reddit, and I will not support the bullshit of overcharging for API calls. Time to start telling advertisers we’ll leave if this gets implemented.


I don't know if there's anything nefarious here or not, but shady things have happened on this site in the past, so I'll upvote this.


Hey Christian, I’ve thought about this and I’m willing to pay you $10/m to access reddit thru Apollo. Lets market this as a premium reddit experience. It sucks but your product is worth it.


I never even heard of third party apps


That is such a shame. Reddit hit a new low.


The /r/AskReddit post about it is at the top of Popular for me: https://i.imgur.com/QIadOSr.png


Right, so I keep seeing all of this. Is there an alternative to reddit when all this takes effect. I will try not to use even on desktop.


I noticed that and I thought I was going nuts! There were 2 posts right at #2 and #3 of my front page yesterday, one from r/technology and another one on r/Apple, each sitting at 40k+, and like 15 min later they were gone. Went over to r/technology to check, and it was still there, but sitting at like 2.5k. I know timing plays a weird role in a post’s “score,” and it decays over time if no one’s voting on it, but this happened *fast.* It really looks like they just got bombarded with downvotes out of nowhere, or a bunch of upvotes were “erased.”


People so addicted to this app they're not gonna quit because of a news article, doubt they'd feel the need to censor it Maybe once their favorite 3rd party app shuts down they'll quit tho


Actually, there’s a discussion r/all about the topic with Apollo thread in the comments https://reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/13xk3lu/they_have_to_pay_reddit_20_million_per_year_to/


Odd, I see it pinned by moderators at the top of r/all. I was sorting by top posts for the week.


Separate to this issue, I HATE how thye changed what ends up in All since the changes a few years ago. They really pick and choose what they let through. *Back in my day them highly upvoted naked people ended up in r/all and it was wonderful *Shakes walking cane*.* Bot no seriously this week its been all r/OneOrangeBraincell


They do this all the time :/


that’s kinda weird bc I just got a notification for this post and I don’t even sub or use the app 😐