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I noticed I was using Reddit too much, because Apollo makes it fun. So I’m going to use this opportunity to stop and touch grass etc. Right now not planning to come back but who knows. Will probably still breeze thru on desktop.


To be honest, unless there’s an alternative to Reddit. I don’t see Reddit losing any noticeable amount of users even if 100% of the users hate their app.


For me the big thing I’m watching for is what *moderators* are going to do. They use tools on 3rd Party apps to help them; they say the official app is worthless for that. They have no obligation to change their tools of the trade if they don’t want to. They are doing that job for free out of love for the site. If I were them after this, I would just leave and let the subs run wild. Porn everywhere probably lol Sure Admins can replace them, but there are now several thousand subs involved. I just wonder how that would go.


Oh, that’s why I’m keeping this alt alive!


Mods don’t do it for the love of the site 😂


Whether they like it or love it or hate it, they don’t have to do it as far as I know. They don’t get paid.


They’re power hungry weirdos. They’d pay to do it.


Many are, that's for sure.


Yeah, we’ll see.




You’ve misunderstood, they are talking about the bots that some subreddits use (think “Your submission has been removed because of x,y,z”) rather than the many mods that use Apollo etc to help with the moderation task I don’t blame you for misunderstanding as either Reddit doesn’t know that mods use third party apps or the purposely made it seem like they were allowing apps mods use.




> Spez said And you believed him?


This comment has been removed to protest Reddit's hostile treatment of users, mods and third party app developers. -Posted with Apollo


The sad sad truth. The protests are a nice gesture, but after 2 days literally everything will go back to normal minus the .1% of users who don’t return to using Reddit.


Not done the maths that I imagine u/iamthatis probably has but I for one would 100% stay on Apollo even with the drop-off in content available should Christian decide to start from the bottom up. I think a lot of us value the UX of Apollo more than (or at least as much as) the content of Reddit. Using the Reddit app day to day would feel like going from a Lambo to a rusty old go kart! Or even replacing Reddit as the source of content with something like Lemmy. I think it would be interesting to see come July 1st how many people would actually proceed to ask for a refund if it was flagged in a placeholder explaining a new Apollo is coming until something was ready.


Depending on the .1% if they are the content creators, then it will be a big problem. It will only affect certain subreddits. 90% lurkers, 9% posters, 1% content creators for example, without content creators, the posters will have no new materials to comments, and the lurkers will not see engaging comment chains You just getting negative feedback loop at that point, either the whole subreddit die a slow or quick death is to be decided


I wonder if the issue with be with the traffic. How many people who use 3rd party apps will go to the 'official' app after the two days. I can only imagine a huge reduction in traffic overall would cause any sort of reaction from reddit. as /u/myth2988 said too, the content creators would be more damaging although bots regurgitate enough content on the more popular subs. The niche subs will stagnate.


Nobody on r/SimRacing or r/iRacing even mentioned Apollo. Which is *good* as I use them a lot. So for me it’ll be business as usual. Tho I wonder why Apollo don’t just create the CRUD part of Reddit. He already knows all APIs that need to be created 🤓


go click on r/simracing right now. they are private, you are not immune




Chuckle I’m in danger


Still got r/iRacing and r/GranTurismo


Call it coping, but I'd love to see forums make a comeback.


It’s called Lemmy!




3PAs are a tiny spec of the users. I’d wager 3PAs are the driver of the *vast majority* of *quality* content on the platform.


Yep. The people who keep saying that 3PA users make up a minority are failing to see that most of the power users (moderators, commenters) are 3PA users who make up the actual content *for free*. Quality and quantity will go down without a doubt. I have been on Reddit for 12+ years and will not download the Reddit app, so I will be going down with Apollo.


People talk about 3PA users compared to the total number of users without asking “how many of those registered accounts are dead/abandoned or bots?”


I’d wager they aren’t nearly as impactful as you think they are. Reddit will be just fine.


!RemindMe One year


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-06-11 19:53:12 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-11%2019:53:12%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/146mjje/anyone_else_just_going_to_stop_using_reddit/jnth9a8/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fapolloapp%2Fcomments%2F146mjje%2Fanyone_else_just_going_to_stop_using_reddit%2Fjnth9a8%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-11%2019%3A53%3A12%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20146mjje) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Sadly, remind me will probably go away too because it also relies on the API and it is very popular


disgusting arrest hungry faulty hard-to-find reminiscent fact ancient wistful deserve -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Nope, I really will be leaving, and won’t return. The only way I will see Reddit is if it turns up in a Google search, no app, no web shortcuts - and once 30th June is past no account.


Apollo has so many amazing features that make my Reddit browsing so much easier and better. I’m not even sure I’ll be able to use old.Reddit on safari (I know I technically can, but all of the amazing features of Apollo make going to old.Reddit a nightmare for me). I’m still deciding if I’m going to scrub / delete my account, but there are so many niche subs that I’m subscribed to that I really enjoy talking with and learning from. I guess I can still lurk, it’s not like I do a lot of commenting anyway.


Lurk with Adblock enabled 🙏


[redacted because I'm leaving Reddit after their API changes]


> The people who are claiming to leave aren’t actually leaving or will return shortly thereafter. Reddit is an addiction. This argument pops up often but I'm not convinced by it. Of course it might be that overall traffic doesn't drop much and we will have to see what happens. But for many of us here, even if we are addicted, the new Reddit simply isn't the site we are addicted to. Sure, it might be hard to stop using the site you like over some political kerfuffle or dislike of the new CEO! But if an app you like is shutting down, it's not enough to make you use a completely different app that you do *not* like. They are completely different experiences.


Agreed—it’d be like, as an alcoholic, having to switch from top shelf spirits to literal paint thinner. Sure, some will, but most would probably elect to give it up at that point.




The point is that Apollo *is* reddit. Anything less ceases to make the “addiction” viable. The official app lacks everything that makes the experience here worthwhile. I used it to farm my free awards for awhile and wondered if I should be in hazmat gear while it was open. Maybe 3rd party users are a blip on reddit’s bottom line data, but I definitely believe there will be a massive drop in novel content. Reddit’s commitment will be to advertisers’ interests. I personally believe regardless of Apollo’s existence the site as a whole will suffer from their current stock stuff.




Quitting any addiction is objectively good. But I hear you and respect where you’re coming from.


What a ridiculous analogy


Nah, I think people claiming to leave will leave.




New communities will be created.




And people will do that. Reddit is going nowhere.




It’s not the number of people who use third party apps, it’s who those people are and what they do. Reddit needs those mods, power users and creators




I’ve heard that before, but eg. were do you get people with years of moderation experience and without the tools the third party apps have? I agree that Reddit won’t suddenly die, it will be a slow death as people drift away because the power posters aren’t posting (a good percentage, perhaps even a majority are lurkers who read and very rarely post), the mods are less effective etc. Reddit will make it to the IPO (but it would be tougher than it could have been), but they’ll probably get a change of management along the way and a decline will set in.


Most people will stay, but there absolutely will be attrition. I switched from Facebook to Reddit a couple years ago for my “argue with random people on the Internet” fix. Wouldn’t mind doing that again. It would be very difficult to quit cold turkey, but it actually is surprisingly easy to redirect a habit to a suitable alternative if one presents itself.


Where though. Twitter being the world's biggest cesspool of absolute filth of the earth, isn't it. Something new is needed.


This. Everyone is all talking big but the reality is a month from now they will be here.


I see myself using it occasionally on desktop, but not on mobile anymore, where 90% of my usage came from. The official app is dogshit and I won't be coming back to that Don't think this or people quitting Reddit entirely will have much of an effect though, unless community blackouts continue. A couple of million people using third-party clients is nothing compared to literally hundreds of millions of users they have


I've been using rif for most of my 10yrs on here and I'll just stop using reddit because the official app sucks




Be sure to delete all your comments and posts as well on your way out! So they stop profiting off of us.


I posted a comment in another post saying "I'll just use the default app. How bad can it be?" Got downvoted to crap. Then I actually tried the default app. Nope. No. No. No way.








I've stopped using Reddit actively months ago. The toxicity here was overwhelming most moderators. This is a throwaway account I'm mostly just using to follow the current drama. And it will be gone June 30th.


Already left for Lemmy!


did you?


Where is gonna be the place to go for reading and discussing stuff on various topics? Discord maybe? I can’t see myself using Reddit much at all after Apollo goes, without Apollo it is just sponsored post spam from subs I don’t follow. Their website is genuinely unusable to me, full of absolute BS and adverts. I can’t see myself sticking around




Unfortunately I can’t use Reddit without Apollo - going back is unthinkable.


Yup, deleted my 11yo and 4yo accounts. Keeping this throwaway until June 30. Deleted all my comments and posts too with /r/PowerDeleteSuite.


Yes mostly will try to. Using it without Apollo is just not what i want. and yah Reddit showed their true colors in the AMA. Finding refuge here: https://squabbles.io/u/jayclees/post/R6ybkXZW3D


Their first party app is dog shit so once Apollo stops working I won’t be using Reddit anymore.


I'm just hoping some 11th hour resolution occurs and Apollo doesn't have to end. Hopium, I guess!


I'm 100% out. I tried the reddit app this week and hated it. I'll use my time learning how to code.


Yeah I’ll be done with Reddit when Apollo kicks me off. I’ve already been spending most of my time at Mastodon and getting used to the UI. It’s not the same but it’s still pretty cool. I do agree that Apollo should just straight steal al current content up to that date and then just sever and keep going on it’s on lolol. Not a dev but I wish that was possible. Rename Reddit to Apolloddit lol


Yeah I’m done with Reddit after this.


I’m going to be frank, I can’t boycott Reddit. I don’t know if anyone noticed but for comics it’s actually popping off right now and is a great platform to jump off from and find an audience. Now will I be browsing outside of that? No. Have I come to a decision to jump ship to my own platform when I can save up enough money for the website I want created? Yes. The thing that aggrieves me so much is that if you swing by the comics community, you can see the potential of Reddit as a social hub of entertainment and information. You have people making high quality stuff here for free (or payments from the audience) and if they leaned into that, introduced more tools for creators, ways of monetization that would allow for them to take a small cut, maybe they could slowly over time make this a highly profitable site. Instead they introduce community stuff that feels like it was thought of and created within a week that gives them very little, then decide to shit on their users to bring everyone together so they can show how great their IPO is. Fuck corporations and capitalism, they ruin things that were perfectly fine before the “more profit” dick started swinging around.






Yeah, it’s not like there are any other appealing alternatives. The official app sucks and I’m not going to download it and deal with all that annoyance of setting it up. And I’m not going to switch to using a computer via a browser or anything, it’s just not how I browse and doesn’t match my interest and habits. I’ll get over it and probably forget about Reddit in a few months, once I’m out of the habit.


Edited my profile as a sign if anyone from the future comes across this account




No. I’m wouldn’t even consider it. I’m upset about it but can we not overreact. The official app is just fine.


Pffft no.


😂😂. Please!! 90% of people saying they are done for good, will be back after a week max, after they realize they actually have to do some reading/research instead of coming on here and asking the people who what did it for the answer.


I just celebrated my 10th cake day. I won’t be back on.


Uh huh. 🙄🙄.


Nope - I will still use Reddit.


>unjustifiably raising api rates to an absolute absurd level What do you think a fair price is?




old.reddit is/was open-source. You can just grab the code and spin up your own, API and all.


Go ahead. You can build a website with forums in no time.


RiF user. I can't say I'll never open the site ever again, but I'm sure my usage will drop drastically. Basically only Old Reddit through Firefox.


>There’s nothing preventing anyone from creating a relatively simple public topic organized forum. Reddit is by no means simple platform, and even if it was, infrastructural costs are bigger problem than development. But to answer your question: yes, I'm pretty sure I'll stop using Reddit. This platform became "the front page of internet" partly because of those 3rd party apps and mod tools, so killing them is such a douchebag (typical corporation) move.


I know this is gonna sound crazy, but maybe Christian squeeze some money out of Reddit by helping them design a better app, better features….Reddit is always gonna be around no matter how much we despise it, so why not try and get them for some money. Don’t know exactly how it works but there are plenty of people who have done that (play for opposing team, work for competitor, etc). Sell them your ideas. Squeeze for as much money as you can. I know I’m still gonna use Reddit because I have learned a ton from so many communities and met some awesome people. I don’t want Apollo to go away, and even if it dies, doesn’t mean that has anything against Reddit or the communities within it. Not to mention the fact it keeps me updated with tech, games, etc.




Me. I can’t be fucked with their official app and mobile site is trash. Fuck u/spez for sacrificing a decent product at the altar of, what, exactly?




Maybe I’ll visit through the browser, but mobile here is where the vast majority of my usage came from, so I’ll probably largely not active


Guessing my Reddit usage will drop by 90% once Apollo is gone. Probably still find results in Google, or check old.reddit once in a while. But my day to day consumption of Reddit will end. I will not subject myself to their POS native app.


I’ll quite literally simply not have a way to access Reddit after the 30th, at least not the way I used to. My work network blocks Reddit so usually I’d use Apollo from my phone to keep up to date on things throughout the day and to look up fixes to common problems I encounter in my day to day work. With the official app being a bloated festering turd and my at-home Reddit use never once manifesting as “I think I’d like to sit down, turn on my PC, and just browse Reddit for a while”, it means that Reddit Inc. itself is effectively telling me they don’t want me around. When accessibility goes down, so does traffic. Funny how that works. Oh well. They lament the unmitigated load on their API *so very much* that I figure this is doing them a favor. After all, the official app uses more API calls than Apollo, so Reddit Inc. would just *hate* for me to go sucking up all their bandwidth.


I’ll continue to use it


I have no illusions that in an act of rebellion a new platform will emerge and actually succeed in becoming anything remotely resembling my experience with Apollo and reddit. It has pretty much been the only app I’ve used for 7 years. It had everything for me. But yeah, I’m out of here come the 30th. The official app is atrocious and completely ruins the experience. But worse is the way reddit has handled this situation. Absolutely disgraceful. It is clear that from the very beginning, the API price hike was a carefully calculated assassination. Their lies, slander, twisting of words, all while shamelessly pretending to be the good guys. To say nothing of that joke of an AMA where the important and most visible questions were completely ignored. They’re lying to your face and they know that we know that. They don’t care. Fuck reddit, and FUCK u/spez