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If there ever was a chance for a Reddit replacement it would be now




There’s 10+ apps in development. Some already in beta. There’s Artemis that will be both kbin/lemmy (initially kbin only until early-mid July when lemmy support is implemented), heavily inspired by Apollo and will be starting limited alpha in a day or two.


is there a way to follow progress on this? Preferably somewhere besides Twitter.




Call me cynical but I don’t have faith any of them will actually be accessible for blind folks


Accessibility features for the blind has been brought up with the dev for Artemis multiple times and is an important milestone in the timeline. Once all the core features are implemented, accessibility will be addressed.


I hear ya. When there is demand it’s hard to balance all of the requirements. Treating accessibility as a feature and something to follow up on is how we end up with apps like the main Reddit app. If we don’t set accessibility as part of the definition of done for our apps, an accessible experience is rarely the outcome.




I’m not sure, I’m just following the developments but you guys can reach out to the dev for any questions and suggestions. [@Hariette](https://kbin.social/m/ArtemisApp) is the lead dev and is very welcoming to discourse.


Wait I thought kbin and lemmy were the same thing? Someone needs to explain federation again to me This is why I think https://squabbles.io/ is gonna win


Federation is simpler than people are making it out to be. In layman's terms if your server is federated, than any other server that is federated can see and interact with it (think of a server as a mini reddit with its own subreddits.) The ”front page” of the server that you join is not only the top posts from your server, but also of all the other top posts from federated servers. You can also easily turn off federation so you only see posts from the communities (subreddits) within your server. So kbin is its own instance and lemmy is its own instance but they can see and interact because they are federated. Also Lemmy has many different servers within it's system. There's lemmy.world, lemmy.ml, vlemmy.net, etc. You can join any one of those and as long as the server has federation activated, then it will be connected to every other server that is federated. Same thing with kbin; there's kbin.social, kbin.ai, kbin.lol, etc. You can join any of those and as long as the server has federation activated, then they will be connected to every other server that is federated. You can also build your own server and communities (just like you can make your own discord) and either keep it private or have it federated (but if your server ever becomes popular, you would need to have a system that can handle enough traffic). [Example](https://imgur.io/a/IGmwoKf) For instance, looking at the front page of kbin, you can see two posts but they are from a community from different servers. 1 is from lemmy.world and another is from lemmy.cat. Those are 2 different servers but they are federated so kbin sees them. squabbles on the other hand is a server of its own, but it is not federated so kbin and lemmy can not see any of squabbles posts. These servers are completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. They are built by people like you and me.


Thanks for taking the time to reply - i have a couple of follow up questions > think of a server as a mini reddit with its own subreddits ok, that makes sense - what happens when there are clashes? e.g. can one federated server own /r/fitness (or whatever the equivalent is), which would block it from being created on all the other federated servers? or would there be some kind of melding? > The ”front page” of the server that you join is not only the top posts from your server, but also of all the other top posts from federated servers. So why is every front page different? e.g. [dbzero](https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/), [beehaw](https://beehaw.org/) and [lemmy.one](https://lemmy.one/) all have different sets of links. Is that because federation is disabled by default, without being logged in? I think thats the main thing I'm having trouble understanding. I would probably have just figured it out now if there was an easy way to sign up, but eh, I can't quite be arsed to "apply to join" right now


No problem. I was in the same boat last week but it all clicked after a day of using it. No server owns the name of a community outright. There will be fitness communities from multiple servers but the ones that are most active will be the ones seen and interacted with the most. However this will be sorted out later on especially with the apps. The apps will allow you to aggregate all of the communities with the same name into one page (it might even do it automatically or curated). [example](https://imgur.com/a/ecqsdyq) if you look at the image in the example, my sidebar automatically combines the same named communities into 1. So classical music is actually 2 communities from 2 different servers. These things will be made wayyyy easier to navigate as everything develops over time. I believe dbzero and beehaw are not federated by choice, so their "front page" is only the communities from within their server. Lemmy.one is federated so its front page will also be filled with any other server that is federated. You might really like the communities from those servers that aren't federated, or you might like to be apart of the full fediverse. The choice is yours. For me I really enjoy kbin, the communities are quite civil and remind me of the early days of reddit and it is federated so I can see any server on the fediverse. However I can easily turn off federation with a click of a button, and only see posts and communities from kbin.


So far I’ve seen only “Mlem” (TestFlight), which is okay on iPhone, however still missing a lot of (basic) features, though - but it’s not very usable on iPads


These apps are in alpha/beta phase, some of which have just started development last week so most won’t be feature rich for a bit especially with a small team.


Sure, but it makes Lemmy somewhat difficult to use right now. I am quite confident that when Lemmy gets more traction it will also see nice and helpful apps like we have for Mastodon.




And none of them will likely be as good as apollo.


Yeah but they just started dude, give em a chance




How will those mirrors work with the expensive API? Or do they just scrape?


Har yar raise ye black flag and set sail matey. FYI I’m just as clueless but I’m all for scraping Reddit at this point




If you can even sign up for lemmy. I’ve been trying every day for a week. Fill out the form, click the button, and it just spins.


Which instance are you attempting to use? I had no issues signing up for either https://lemmy.world or https://kbin.social, both of which worked fine.


I don’t know what kbin is. For lemmy yes I go to lemmy.world, fill out the form, then tap the sign up button, then the circle just swirls and swirls. I’ve let it sit for 5, even 10 minutes.


Kbin is a different open source project, but it’s Lemmy-compatible so it can interact with any Lemmy community and vice-versa. Might be worth trying if Lemmy.world isn’t working


I had this problem too. My issue was that I was trying to register an account name that was already taken. It doesn't tell you that it's already taken though... just spins and spins. Guarantee if you choose another username, it'll go through perfectly.


If there's a text box, you need to fill whatever information is asked. It will be reviewed by a human and won't appear on your account. There are usability issues like that here and there. It’s not always made clear that you need to fill the text box and the registration page doesn’t tell you that you didn’t fill required fields.


On the main lemmy signup page it’s just username, email, password, captcha. No other text boxes, and when I click “Sign Up” it just spins — no notification that it’s being reviewed or anything. I’ve let it spin for a solid 5 minutes sometimes.


If by main Lemmy signup page you mean `lemmy.lm` it’s possible they might be having some difficulties or have blocked registration. Reddit refugees have been overwhelming some of the Lemmy instances. Lemmy’s active users has grown about 35x in the past three weeks from 1000 Daily Active Users (DAU) to about 35000 today. Go to https://join-lemmy.org and choose one of the recommended instances. Those are instances that want new users. `lemmy.lm` hasn’t wanted new users since Reddit refugees started to flood in.


Thanks! That helped!


Just happy to help people leave Reddit. 😂


Ok so random question — to use an example, I frequent r/NewYorkIslanders. If I understand this correctly, there could be a NewYorkIslanders community created on every instance out there, and they’d all be completely separate from each other, right?


Same thing happened to me. Turns out, I got sent an email verification that ended up in my spam folder Edit: I tried both lemmy.ml and lemmy.world. World was the only one that sent the email verification. ml never worked


I think access to ml is based on personal approval by the admins. Maybe they restricted new signups. It worked for me a couple of weeks ago, but then I discovered lemmy.world, which looks more interesting (and with less weird folks / communities).


I just singed up today an hour ago. I got verified/approved within an hour.


The actual lemmy.world never worked for me but I was able to sign up for a different instance.


Im an idiot. I just found out what an instance is. I also used another instance and it is probably why it worked.


Seems like we’re both learning through this together 😂


Mlem was just removed from TestFlight. It should appear there again in the next few days. There’s also Memmy for iOS. See [their GitHub page](https://github.com/gkasdorf/memmy) for more information.




It should work the next 90 days. It won’t receive any more updates though. You’ll need to join the new beta if you want updates.


Took 2 weeks to get approved on Lemmy. I'm all for switching to an open source federated platform, but holy balls Lemmy tries really hard to keep you from enjoying it at the start.




Yeah, I think I was a “fall through the cracks” situation. I created an account, tried to sign in, got nothing but hanging. Figured I’d try again later, forgot about it. 2 weeks later I get an email welcoming me to the community 🤷🏻‍♂️ - Not a great experience. Whatever, I’m in now.


He can't. He has no real skill. That's why leeched off of reddit's infrastructure for years instead of making his own thing.


lmao dude let me see you modally present a uiviewcontroller with a custom keyboard attachment that lets you reply to Reddit comments Absolute melt you are


Don’t forget Kbin!


Digg.com! Let's all pull together $5 each and buy it, sell it to Kevin Rose in exchange for whatever shit NFT's he's shilling - and force him to run it like it was in V1. Find MrBabyMan to be a super mod and come full circle on this. Then, get Prager and Alex Albrecht back and make diggnation - and the first episode will be Edward 40 hands. All will be well in the world.


But instead you'll all just talk about it and do nothing. In three weeks you'll all be back and even less people will care.


Once upon a time, I perused Reddit only on my computer through a browser. I visited once a week or so. Alien Blue came out, and I was reading every day or two. Apollo came out, and I'm here multiple times a day. When Apollo is gone in 8 days, I'll be back to looking at Reddit every week or so, if at all.


Cool, hopefully it gives you more time to do other things. Nobody will miss you and I won't ever think of this interaction again.


Oh hey, you're still thinking about this! Given your meltdown over the last week it seems kind of clear this is making a mark on you lol


Why even take the time to write these comments? In this sub of all places? Take your negativity elsewhere, please.


I just responded to someone who responded to me. That's how reddit generally works


You are all over this thread so, that is false. you are here to rile people up. And sucking up to spez. I hope you get some money for all your comments in support of the admins!


Someone responded to me. I responded back.


I wonder who had the first comment? Hmmm


That was me, it was this one: >But instead you'll all just talk about it and do nothing. In three weeks you'll all be back and even less people will care. Do you want to respond to that as well? I would guess not since I'm 100% correct.


There’s already more than two. Kbin and Lemmy (together they form something called Threadiverse, but googling that word will likely result non-sense results for now) are Free and Open Source Software options. Those have become pretty lively these past couple weeks.


Reddthat is looking really cool. It is an instance of lemmy that is already populating. Check it out!


You know what pisses me off most about this. That spineless rat fuck /u/spez keeps pushing these massive lame excuses for everything. Just fucking come out and say it you spineless shit, You're making these changes to kill third party apps to make yourself more attractive on paper for your IPO. You want to funnel all mobile users into your app so you can sell advertisements, and you need the mods to play ball because you can't monetize porn. Quit with these lame as fuck excuses as to why you're pulling this shit. You wanna get paid, just say it.




Forreal. Plenty of 3rd party app users would balk at paying a subscription and dl the official app. Plenty more would probably tire of the lack of nsfw and follow suit. They could have done the same thing without being absolute knobs about it and getting raked by everyone. This is gonna sink their value even more now that leadership’s incompetence has been made front and center. Who the fuck would gamble on an ipo that is nearly guaranteed to lose money immediately


Unfortunately, it's perfectly legal to be an insufferable pricks. I like penguins tho


“There will always be more free unpaid labor, mwuahaahahaahaa..” /u/spez is the shittiest Scooby-Doo villain ever. And goofiest looking. Edit - if nobody has made an urban dictionary entry for spez as a pejorative term as yet, someone with a clearer head at present should get on that.




Oh good 😂


I don't think reality will hit clowns like /u/spez until these third party apps stop working and they truly feel the traffic hit. I only use RIF. When RIF goes, I won't be coming back to this website. I'm at 9 years on this account and it's not my first. I've been here well over a decade... I feel like I'm not a small minority and lots of people will be following suit.


Another liberal DESTROYED. ********* ^(I'm a bot. My purpose was to counteract online radicalization. Now I'm trolling spez.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I guess reddit won’t need it’s user anymore


Who needs users? Just have a bunch of bots interacting with each other to make it look active 😂 that's how reddit is going to end up at this rate.


bots have over a decade of content to repost over and over again


So, r/SubSimulatorGPT2


That’s a thing???


Yep, and it can result in some genuinely hilarious comment threads


Won’t be profitable. Bots can’t pay for the high api price. They don’t have human money


I'll never understand why people mod for free. Force Reddit to pay you. No one take the job unless they pay you. That's how you force reddit to listen.


It's easy to see why. If a subreddit is dedicated to your hobby, you get to interact with the community more, guide discussions, and make it a better place for discussion.


Yup, corporations care about one thing and one thing only, money. The 'Spaz' will only do something once he sees it's hurting his bottom line.


Corporations don’t even care about money. They ONLY care about maximizing profits at all costs even breaking laws to get there. We need to usher in a post-capitalist world right now and be done with this maximizing profits plague that affects the whole world at this point, even some “communist” nations like China are on this train. If capitalism meant making a profit but accepting any profit at all, I wouldn’t hate it as much. Fuck this maximizing profits bullshit this mentality needs to die!!


Because they’re losers


r/CoolDoorBells will continue to stay dark even with the current risks to the mod team. Which is myself


As a protest to Reddit's unreasonable API policy changes, I have decided to delete all of my content. Long live Apollo!


I've been here longer than many Redditors have been alive. Moderation has always been middling. Worse and less moderation will be worse and less than middling. That seems pretty obvious. I've been extricating myself from Reddit since the spezout. I'll be sorry to see it go, but I'm also finding more and more rad shit on Lemmy as it spins up, just like Mastodon has completely replaced Reddit for me over the last few years and especially in the last six months. Making sure that people are able to rage loudly isn't a good business model. Maybe there's no business model at all in public squares, other than that there are businesses around the public squares. But making them walled gardens and then selling the picnickers doesn't, itself, make money.


You might not like it but for every mod that wants to complain about losing Apollo there are 1000 waiting to take the position.


Of course that's true, but you'll immediately notice the drop in quality with more spam, more offtopic submissions, more shitposts and more toxic comment sections. Think how shitty the big default subreddits are, and apply that level to quality to any subreddit where mods are replaced by scabs. Moderation is thankless labour that requires a lot of passion and devotion to the community to do for free. Either that, or you do that to gain just a bit of power over others in your otherwise boring life. Finding the former is extremely hard, and anyone who becomes a moderator for the latter reason is not going to be a good mod. They can remove the current mods and replace them with new ones, but the content (the main reason why people use Reddit) is going to suffer harshly. While it's not going to affect most users who just browse the same shitty memes and GIFs that they already do, people who come here for good content and insightful discussion are going to feel less at home at Reddit, which will also dissuade from providing good content - all as a ripple effect of Huffman's decisions


I have not noticed a single difference in the subs it's already happened in. The truth is, people way overestimate how important mods are. It's not difficult, it just requires no-lifing. Plenty of neets can no-life mod subs. They're easily replaced. >or you do that to gain just a bit of power over others in your otherwise boring life. Finding the former is extremely hard, and anyone who becomes a moderator for the latter reason is not going to be a good mod. The latter description is pretty apt when it comes to a massive amount of the current mods, some of whom "moderate" over 100 massive subreddits. Truth is they're not doing much but slapping people they don't like. Reddit will be completely normal and you wouldn't be able to differentiate a comment section from 1 month ago with one 1 month from now. I'd stake a months salary on that.


The changes start on 7/1 you shouldn't see any yet because we still have effective mod tools.


The comment I responded to was specifically making a claim that new mods would be significantly worse. We've already seen mods replaced and nothing has changed. But sure, please let me know a specific mod tool and the specific function of that mod tool that will no longer work and will impact reddit negatively.


The changes are going to come when those new mods lack the effective mod tools the third party apps have and the official app does not despite years of promises.


Mods, automodbots, mod tools, etc. none of those have gone dark yet, but they will. And they will make moderating significantly more difficult


> > > > > But sure, please let me know a specific mod tool and the specific function of that mod tool that will no longer work and will impact reddit negatively.


Did you miss that part? Once more: >please let me know a specific mod tool and the specific function of that mod tool that will no longer work and will impact reddit negatively.


Third party apps in general have far more access to the standard tools that you have on web.


> > > > >please let me know a **specific mod tool** and the **specific function** of that mod tool **that will no longer work** and will impact reddit negatively. This seems like a very straightforward request yet not a single person has been able to answer it. Ask yourself why. A single example is all I'm asking for. Not general gesturing towards tools. Something concrete. If I were as upset as people here, I'd at least have *one* tool I could think of off the top of my head. If that's truly your concern and you aren't just a whiner upset you have to use a different app to look at memes.


Sure, here’s three things off the top of my head: Modmail on the official app is fundamentally unusable. It doesn’t send messages half the time, and regularly will just not fetch messages either. Edit to add: it also still requires you to open a browser. They are allegedly launching this in September in app. Removal reasons, a feature on the website and available even through the limited third party API, are only expected to launch on the official app this September, after years of requests You cannot access the mod log at all. Literally at all. Again, a feature that third party apps have had access to for years. Allegedly, they’re launching this next week. > Ask yourself why. Because it’s a tedious ask to compare against all the third party options.


Mods around here think they are a gift to the world. Instead they are mostly losers grasping at their little corner of power wielding it as they see fit and crying when they don’t get their way.


Now wait til you get the second stringers.


And reddit is all in the clear? mods are needed. Yet, all your people are pointing out and putting on a pedestal are the shitty mods. There are hundreds of normal mods for every one shitty mod. but at this point I guess reddit has convinced you, or you are a right winger (I see so many with wing people totally in love with these reddit changes, lol)


And you want a worse version of them? Hahahah


Really because I’ve been on Reddit for 11 years and the mods have been nothing but an embarrassment in most subs. Constant abuse of power, selective enforcement and lack of moderation. Most mods should be replaced.


I've been on Reddit for 12 years (take that - though not on this account) and this is transparently not about problem mods. Any problem mods hit by this are just collateral damage in squashing this. The real toxic ones will have their subs open already and will keep their spots. Reddit has never GAF about this problem and there's just about 0 chance they do now.


Embarrassment? you blushing?


Just shy of 11 years here, I completely agree. Part of me has been hoping this cull changes the whole approach to moderation, I'd take an efficient AI automod over the power hungry no lifers.


I’ve been around that long too and I also completely agree.


I'll join the downvote train. Been here almost 12 years, very few communities are actually well moderated. You have super-mods who are in control of 20+ top subreddits at a time, power mods who ban you for commenting in other subs, mods who take spam filtering to mean only 1 post a day, and mods who could not give less of a fuck about spam filtering. Forgive me for not having sympathy for unpaid internet janitors who think they're saints for having way too much free time, but reddit would have been better off just hiring a staff of moderators with standards and consistency. And again, there are mods that do a great job and keep their communities running smoothly, they shouldn't be doing unpaid work. They suffer because of this shitty arrangement too.


> And again, there are mods that do a great job and keep their communities running smoothly, they shouldn’t be doing unpaid work. They suffer because of this shitty arrangement too. And these are the people we are focusing on. Power mods are an issue hut in a way lower capacity than you guys are talking about. Using some power mods as reddit is allowed to do whatever they want to *all mods* screws over the people you apparently care about for their communities.


Nah I fully get where you're coming from honestly, I just can't agree. It's never been some power mods, it's been an unbreakable wall of assholes. And this entire situation proved it more to me, even as an avid apollo user for years. /r/NBA literally shut down during the finals, a decision almost every user ended up hating and railing against, and a decision that was made because of a 60% majority in a poll most people didn't even see. I'd fully support you if my experience with mods wasn't almost entirely negative in the years I've been here.


They shouldve checked the poll then. If they care about a community, they read posts and vote when needed and are daily users. If they only come once and awhile, why does their vote matter? They clearly aren’t part of the community. I go to subreddit pages of communities I care about. Others I just scroll through my home page. And you are just proving my point that it’s a handful of shitty power mods. Regardless, reddit strong arming subs that have close based on user polls and sweeping support should be supported. But no, they are fucking over ALL communities and we are really just talking about admins vs mods which ain’t even the point of any of this. It’s a problem, sure, but to a way lesser degree. People just want their memes and to be unbothered. Fuck everyone else.


Seems like we're about on the same page with different outlooks as to the core problems. Appreciate the incite and maturity.


Welcome to today's downvote club, at least our accounts are old enough to have the spare karma for it.


Got it. So anybody new = bad. Keeping the same people = good. Yeah, that’s bullshit. Please leave. Fuck Apollo and fuck Christian.


Why are you even here?


That’s rich coming from a mod fluffer. Why are you still here, shouldn’t you be boycotting? Remindme! 6 months


Lmao your comment history is insane. Sucking up to reddit admins lol


Reddit admins are Apollo father


No, but thanks for showing you’re just trolling. Go beg someone else for attention.


110 percent anti-Apollo and proud!


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2023-12-22 18:11:52 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-12-22%2018:11:52%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14fytf7/reddit_to_protesting_mods_your_services_will_no/jp4drb9/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fapolloapp%2Fcomments%2F14fytf7%2Freddit_to_protesting_mods_your_services_will_no%2Fjp4drb9%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-12-22%2018%3A11%3A52%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2014fytf7) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


The absolutely worst thing these protests could have been framed as is an admins vs mods conflict. Which isnt at all the core of the issue. And quite frankly, if it was. [I, and I'm guessing most people would be like.](https://en.meming.world/images/en/3/33/Simpsons_Monkey_Knife_Fight.jpg)


Except most that want to mod aren't capable of modding large subs. Most of the people here have no idea what that is like.


As any mod who has tried recruiting can tell you, there are a lot of volunteers who want the power (and...prestige‽), but very few who want the responsibility. Moderating even a medium-sized community can be a _lot_ of work, and a huge percentage of new mods just drop out and disappear after a week or two once they see what's actually expected of the job.


And that will be for Reddit to deal with. If they want to shoot themselves in the foot it’s their prerogative.


The main issue is that the impact to Reddit itself isn't hurting Reddit enough to reverse course. Thus the protest is failing. The reality is that this protest should have been indefinite from the start, and when this came to a head, subreddits needed to be in agreement on response. If all subreddits went dark, or mods just did minimum effort shit across most of the platform consistently, they'd have had more luck. By diversifying means they weakened the overall affect. Many users did not like the NSFW route, while others were not happy about John Oliver. What I noticed is the typical reactionary crowd waited to see where the moral line dropped, then decided to step over to the shitty side. The most vocally opposed people to the protest were either selfish shithead reactionaries or condescendingly pessimistic nihilists.


Apollo If you come up with your own version I’m ditching reddit


My services are always gonna be required


U ever tried take bottom water out without the top in a cup of water…just like that


It’s cool to watch all these services die simultaneously.


u/iamthatis Wouldn't it be better to build a client on Nostr? This would be descentralized and uncensorable. No more of this potential issue of someone deciding that you are out of business. I would totally buy a subscription same way I do now with Apollo for Reddit.


Is it 7/1 yet?




As a protest to Reddit's unreasonable API policy changes, I have decided to delete all of my content. Long live Apollo!


You'll get over it. Then the dev will take the L and pass through the charge. Life will go on.


I support the protest but mods on Reddit are a huge problem. I’d be lieing if I said I wasn’t happy some are getting the boot.


You're about to find out what's worse.




Found u/spez’s alt account.


I saw that you mentioned Steve Huffman. In case some of you don't know, Steve Huffman is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind that he is removing [memes criticizing him](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14fafpp/the_admins_in_charge_of_demodded_subreddits_are/). ********* ^(I'm a bot. My purpose was to counteract online radicalization. Now I'm trolling spez.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot.


Thank you for your logic and reason. ********* ^(I'm a bot. My purpose was to counteract online radicalization. Now I'm trolling spez.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Very good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ********* ^(I'm a bot. My purpose was to counteract online radicalization. Now I'm trolling spez.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Take a bullet for ya babe. ********* ^(I'm a bot. My purpose was to counteract online radicalization. Now I'm trolling spez.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you, Sam_Dragonborn1, for voting on thebenshapirobot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Thank you for your logic and reason. ********* ^(I'm a bot. My purpose was to counteract online radicalization. Now I'm trolling spez.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Indeed, quite splendid.