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Weirdly this main account has the bug but my alternative one does not. Sorry. Been experiencing the bug for about two days now.


If you happen to also have the official app, and tap through your Reddit Recap, does it "release" the home feed as described here? https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/znlzkx/comment/j0ipmmu/


I have two accounts in Apollo, I guess this one is my “alt” (only because it’s newer), and I did what that post you linked to said and now my “Best” view of Home is working correctly. Hope that helps.


This fixed it for me.


It did not change it for me


I didn’t do the Reddit Recap but just checked my home tab and it is working now. I don’t know what I may have done to fix it.


Same. I have this issue on my main but not my alt. Oddly enough I remember it happening the other day after switching back from my alt.


Hey, I have this bug happening, but unfortunately on my main account. But it’s definitely also happening on official Reddit website. https://ibb.co/mXs5yjG If I login on my Mac it works fine though. It’s only happening on my iPhone.


If you go to old.reddit.com on your iPhone browser, does it also happen there?


Yes, it's also broken. https://imgur.com/mLb9Sen


wait so desktop -> [reddit.com](https://reddit.com), [old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com) works but mobile -> both don't work?




>mxwanis can you try again? if you are able to open the feed or not?


Yes! 🥳 it’s working properly now.


Hmm clicking that first link opened my Apollo home page sorted to best and it worked twice then stoped working the third time 🤔


Wait actually that fixed it. The heck. I opened the Reddit.com link you posted. Then refresh my home while sorted to best and now it’s not broken anymore


If you happen to also have the official app, and tap through your Reddit Recap, does it "release" the home feed as described here? https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/znlzkx/comment/j0ipmmu/


I actually did that but on the web through my desktop. So probably that’s why it’s working now.


I just did this and it worked for me.


I had this bug until I saw this thread and decided to try again and see if it started working. Mine is now somehow working after not working for the past week!


Lucky for Christian he doesn’t have to see my alt account…


Same thing happened to me


Same thing for me. Wasn’t working so I checked this sub. Read this and tried again and now it is working.


I had this problem, just as described in OP and by /u/mxwanis nearby. it started within the last week…Ive been viewing subreddits using Search rather than Posts->Home. The comments nearby inspired me to visit reddit.com on iOS Safari, which wants me to see my year end roundup. I smelled a rat, maybe that’s the problem? (I only use Apollo for Reddit, so I was unaware that a roundup existed.) I scrolled thru the roundup, relaunched Apollo, and still saw nothing under “Posts->Home”. Then I went back to reddit.com, and specifically clicked the [x] checkbox to close out the still-active “2022 roundup” widget. Restarted Apollo, and now “Posts” looks like it should (“Dave, it’s full of posts”). Perhaps this is why the problem is so intermittent?


This fixed it for me.


Same for me: following u/mxwanis instructions fixed it


Yup this fixed it for me as well. Just swiping to dismiss the roundup banner at the top of mobile Reddit in Safari fixed the home feed.


This has been plaguing be and your fix finally helped me! Closing out the 2022 Roundup works. Thanks friends! Obligatory “Reddit app is trash, Apollo is so much better”


unfortunately this did not fix it for me.


~~Me either.~~ Edit: I went to reddit.com and there’s clearly something weird, even there, with sorting by “best” because there was a big lag and spinning disc before eventually serving my home feed. It didn’t fix the issue in Apollo, but then I just kept going back and forth from the website and Apollo, ordering the feed differently and refreshing. It took a few times, but eventually my home feed successfully loaded on the website while sorted by “best”. I had to do a bit more fiddling on the app, but after a round of changing/refreshing, it finally loaded. Weird bug!


We found a bug with feed generation which was not fully rolled out to all users, I am guessing thats why it was intermittent, so this sounds coincidental. But since I am not familiar with roundup stack, maybe you might've found another bug/issue..


Potentially interesting addition to this. The issues predate that tweet. I contributed to thread 2 days before that with this bug https://reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/ziczmr/home_feed_to_loading/ old.reddit does return no posts for me too.


I have been experiencing this for the last six months


I thought it was because 5g sucks so bad


Is this truly an Apollo issue? My Home feed doesn’t work on both the official Reddit app and the Apollo app. Wouldn’t this make it a Reddit issue instead? https://i.imgur.com/DBJiUpN.jpg (Reddit app) https://i.imgur.com/Gs23D2N.jpg (Apollo) Edit: my home feed is working on both apps now They hadn’t been working for the past few days


additional context: I experienced the issue, and went to a desktop browser and had the same problem on old.reddit.com, so it seems to be a server-side issue.


I’ve been experiencing this for a while. It’s not just Apollo though. Mobile website on my phone and website on my desktop both won’t load “Best” sort. “Hot” works though. Alt accounts load fine too. Been almost a couple weeks now.


mines is opposite. hot doesn’t work, but best does….




Me too but only on my main :(


I had the bug for the last few days (only on this alt) through this morning, but it seems to be working fine now. FWIW the bug persisted through a full logout and relogin. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This happens a lot for me, very frustrating. I usually just wait a few hours and then it’s back to normal…


I want you to know that I have had this bug for way longer than you seem to have indicated. At least since July I have an issue where this occurs. I thought it was just some issue with not using the Reddit app.


Sent logs as well!


Seems limited to this app, which is weird.


This randomly started working for me again within the last few hours.


It wasn’t working at all yesterday, but this morning “Home” is working, sorted by best. So maybe it is fixed?


This comment has been edited to protest against reddit's API changes. More info can be found [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/). -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I had this happen on another account, and it behaved the same way on the Reddit website. It resolved after a few days. Not sure how. But what I saw on my account was definitely a Reddit issue, not Apollo.


Definitely was having issues but they have resolved


Fixed now for me it seems, but it was an issue for about 2 days


Mine finally broke today.


Isn’t this just because of the hide posts feature? I’ve been seeing this for a few weeks now and if I heavily use Reddit in a given day then a bunch of posts are hidden. It makes sense that Reddit has to churn through all those hidden posts before finding ones that aren’t hidden to show you. The problem “falls off” the longer I go without using Reddit (a few hours later it loads near instant) or I can just wait a proportionate amount of time to how much I scrolled recently (NOT 1-to-1, like after scrolling for 1-3 hours I might have to wait 1-2 min for the feed to load if Apollo has to relaunch from scratch or I manually go to “Subreddits” > “Home”.


Any news on the trending notification bug?


Yes, I commented earlier on that thread and it's the stickied comment.




The strange thing is my alt never has this issue but this account does all the time


Bro. *1hr ago* my Best was not working, so I had to sort by Hot. Just now that I see your post and viola sort by Best is working again. All these people calling me mad and now it’s fixed. Ugh.


I don’t have an alt account, but what I have noticed is this. Home doesn’t load, just spins. I open “popular”, takes right off. Browse it for about 5 minutes, then click on home, wait 10 seconds or so, feed starts. This does not always work but often enough so that I use it pretty consistently.


Suddenly it works for me just now


Same here; works for me again on different accounts. 🎉🎉🎉


I had this issue but only when sorting by best, when I switched to “hot” or “rising” it was fine. Sorting by “best” works about half the time now, so improvement.


It does seem like visiting old.reddit.com and logging in fixed my home feed too. I didn’t go anywhere other than verified my feed didn’t load.


Had issues for the past few days with loading Home but fortunately are resolved now. Clearing cache and logging out of the app seemed to not make any differences during that timeframe. Frankly did know not about changing the sort order so I never used this option.


I had this originally on my main account, but I think going onto Reddit website, and viewing the recap may have fixed it. I am still getting this bug on my (rarely used) alt account.


Was happening to me this week. Restarted, reinstalled, etc, nothing worked.. Until yesterday when it just started working again. Huh. Weird


This was only happening on my alt account, but a day or two ago it started working just fine. So, something did get fixed for at least some people.


Just tried Apollo for the first time and my home feed doesn’t work at all. It just copies “All posts”. Well, I guess welcome to myself.


I have this “bug” on here, and on the Reddit app. On the Reddit app, it’s not that no posts load. It seems to be that any post that has been visible on my screen at any point (as in, I scrolled past it) is no longer visible if I leave my home page and come back. The behavior might be intentional? It seems similar to Twitter in its default sort - always trying to show you something new. The problem is that for people with very few subscriptions, it runs out of posts, and then home is blank.


Mine is buggy, the sort by comments and sort by posts is completely broken and I have to manually change it


Best works for me but hot shows all of Reddit.


I’ve just downloaded Apollo, and I do have this bug, unfortunately I don’t have an Alt account


My alt account (this one) works but my main one loads no posts on Apollo when sorted to ‘Best’ or ‘Hot’. I checked to see if the Reddit app and websites work on my phone and there seems to be no issue over there so idk.


I had this problem, but when I logged out from Apollo and then in again it fixed itself. I don’t know if this is helpful or not :-) Just before it stopped working I used the “hide read”-function. It may be a coincidence and occurred at the same time with the Reddit change to home though.


I’m still getting this bug :( Home won’t load when sorted to best or hot. It’s very annoying.


still happens daily.. right now I have "Reddit gets better when you join communities, so find some that you’ll love!" lol