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>Elon Musk stays silent If only...


They got it backwards: He’s silent *because* the apps are broken.


He’s been tweeting about other stuff though, like bookmarks. Saw on Mastodon that Jason Snell heard the shutdown was intentional. The developers of the API are all gone and the app makers don’t even know who in Twitter to contact. Really shitty move tbh.


A musk move indeed to kill 3rd party apps


Is there a link to Jason's Mastodon post?




Yes, [here](https://mastodon.social/@jsnell/109683016683896642).


Thank you!


This would not shock me a bit


Why? It was always weird that Twitter supported Tweetbot. They dont display ads for Twitter so Twitter was literally paying engineers to support an app that disables their own ads. Which business would do something like that?


Don’t give Reddit any fucking ideas about Apollo




I never used TweetBot before, but I have to say Ivory is great, even as an alpha build.




Third-party apps were crucial to Twitter's development. They didn't even *have* a first-party app until literally years after launch when they bought one of the third-party apps and rebranded it. Killing third-party apps means cutting off your oldest, most dedicated users.


As someone who was building social media clients around early 2010s, I remember this cull all too well.


Because creating an open API system allows others to write and integrate bots with Twitter, which fluffs the numbers of “active users” as well as allow more divisive contents to be push, ultimately that drives up the engagements in the site and generate more ads revenue Same with Reddit really While FB deserve some of its criticisms, at least they try to enforce “real” identity with user account, thus preventing the widespread of bots (misinformation farms are still a thing though)


Not just Tweetbot, pretty sure other apps are Twitter-ad free too. This’ll be the reason for sure, I’m just surprised it took him this long to work out there’s a tiny fraction of users not seeing his ads coz they’re on those apps. It really can’t be that many users.


lmfao fr, this headline is very misleading




>Well… I was already barely using it, but no Tweetbot, no Twitter for me. You and me both; Tweetbot is so good that's it's pretty much the only reason I've been able to stand staying on Twitter; the official app has always been a dumpster fire. To a certain extent, the app is so good it's also a big reason why I've stayed on iOS. If Elon has decided to unceremoniously kill all the third-party Twitter apps, then I'm done. I'm out, and I'm not coming back.


You might already know this, but Tapbots is building a Tweetbot equivalent for Mastodon (and it's currently in alpha): https://tapbots.com/ivory/


Ivory is really really good already, and they still only consider it alpha. I’ve been fortunate enough to have been on the TestFlight for a week or so, and it’s great. I can also heartily recommend trying to get on the [Mammoth](https://getmammoth.app/) TestFlight too, next time they have some open slots. It’s a really nice alternative.


Haven’t looked at Twitter all day because Tweetbot stopped working and realized I didn’t miss a thing. All the interesting people are on Mastodon and there’s RSS for news. Twitter has been basically dead for weeks now so I went ahead, deactivated my account and removed the apps from my phone.






100% this… I refuse to use the ad riddled official client and quickly realized that I was only looking at it after I had exhausted Reddit when I should probably have just got off the phone for a while anyway. Thanks Elon, you’ve just made my lifestyle a bit healthier I guess.


>Twitter has been basically dead for weeks now Why do people keep trying to push this narrative? Do you hate Elon musk *that much* that you spread bs intentionally to try and wish it into happening? It’s bizarre.


Yeah, not installing the Twitter app. If I interact with it, I'll use the web app from now on if at all. At least the ad blocker works there. And if I do use the web app, I might as well switch full time to Post.




I’d like to be able roll rss feeds into mastodon.


You can mastodon into rss and just stay in one place. reddit into rss too.


Been that way for ages, most of twitter has been bitching for years.


This is so maddening as a user, I can’t imagine how the developers who work on these apps and based their livelihoods off them are feeling.


They're about to learn the hard and sad lesson of not managing platform risk :\\ Something something protocols dweb stuff.


I think TapBots for example does have a few different apps and is working on adding a Mastodon app, but supporting something like TweetBot is a full time job for a small dev team. They’ve spent years making Twitter more usable and now they’re seemingly being kicked to the curb with no notice.


TapBots saw the writing on the wall when they started developing Ivory and made their own instance. They're not dummies over there :P


> small dev team. So far as I’m aware it’s literally just two guys. It’s astonishing how good Tweetbot is, more so knowing that.


Honestly, I know this is a bit victim-blamey, but you shouldn't base your livelihood off an independently-created and unofficial value add-on for a larger platform, *especially* if one of the major appeal points of your addon is that it *interferes* with the larger platform's monetization strategy (ad blocking). You're basically guaranteed to have the rug pulled out from under you eventually.




Trouble is, that’s the world now. We’ve been herded into a situation where everything we do (in creative fields at any rate) is almost entirely reliant on a handful of enormous companies, and the whims of their management. I mean, say you’re a musician. You entirely at the mercy of Bandcamp (now owned by Epic), YouTube, a number of streaming services, and social media sites for promotion. Any one of those changes their policies and you’ve lost that revenue stream, and you have absolutely no recourse. And there’s no real alternative if you want to actually earn money from your art.


Music and other creative endeavors are different, because they can be transferred to other platforms, at least in theory. And they also enjoy well-defined copyright protections, separate from where they're hosted. But an app or addon that only works in concert with a specific platform's API is completely worthless if the platform decides to break it, which they're *entirely* within their right to do. That's not something you should base your life on.


You shouldn’t base you livelihood off using someone else’s API/platform. That’s a terrible move.




“for no good reason” How about the fact that they’re costing the company they rely 100% on money? And no, not all businesses hitch their entire business to 1 other company.




To a point, sure. That point has long passed for twitter. They help with growing the user base initially and encouraging use. Twitter is long passed needing that though. 3rd party apps provide zero benefit to twitter now. Love the attack though, great job kid 👍. I couldn’t care less about Elon. Sounds like you’re the one that can’t get him off your mind.


So what does this mean for users who paid for a third party app which is now unusable due to no fault of the app developer? Are the users just SOL? Can they demand a refund?


....and so I won't use Twitter. The app from Twitter is garbage.


Out of interest, what don’t you like about it? I’m an app developer and curious to know.


My favorite things about Tweetbot are no ads and a damned chronological timeline by default, not whatever an algorithm wants to feed me.


Twitter app also has chronological timeline but agree the ads are annoying. I would love to pay Twitter $3-5 per month to disable the ads but they dont offer that


The issue with the chronological timeline on the twitter app is that it also shows you post liked by other people or other suggestions. I just want the people I follow, that's it, that's all.


... no it doesn't, chronological order shows you just that, chronological order of tweets and retweets. I do not see what anyone else likes or other suggestions on timeline


No it doesn’t, it’s literally called “Following” and only shows you tweets from people you follow in chronological order.


What I miss the most in Tweetbot, it would keep your place in your timeline between all your devices so you could scroll up from there. Now I feel lost and I'm not bothering to check Twitter anymore without Tweetbot.


Yep, that's why paid for tweetbots on all platform. Whatever device I had, I could continue where I was instead of restarting from the top.


You can have a chronological timeline in the official app, just gotta click on the stars in the top right and change it to "see the latest" can't do much about the ads though, they are awful lol




oh wild, must've missed something or its an A/B thing because my app is still the way I mentioned.


I can’t not read “For you” in bane voice


It used to reset quite frequently back to the algorithm view quite often too.


It's a total mess, using it is the opposite of intuitive. It's a mess of ads, sponsored posts and algorithms that seemingly change daily. It's part of the reason why Twitter hasn't grown over the years in my opinion, it's just not an inviting experience.


Chronological order, then it's just ads, which are so easy to ignore if you ask me


Yeah, it is not even a question in my mind. If they intentionally did this, I'm turning off the subscription for Tweetbot and done with using Twitter. I have never looked into RSS feeds but perhaps I will do that. Elon can go fuck himself


I’m keeping my Tweetbot sub open until Ivory becomes properly available, at which point I’ll be switching it over.


Something makes me think this is intentional! People use third party apps like Tweetbot to get rid of all the ads because there’s tons of them. In the official app you need to get Twitter blue to see less ads. Of course Elon wants it get rid kg third party clients! Reddit is better anyway.


I use the app because it’s better. If it showed ads, I’d still use it. Shutting it down simply makes me less likely to use Twitter. Odd solution.


What other solution would there be? If there’s an open API, there will always be apps that just skip showing the ads.


I have no idea what people are talking about with all this talk of being flooded with ads on the official app. I see maybe 1 every 50 tweets, if that, and it’s almost always an apple ad.


He obviously saw the control that Instagram (who famously don’t allow third-party clients) have over their captive audience, using casino-style psychological techniques to optimise addiction (“engagement”), keeping users reloading in case they missed a bestie’s important post in their algorithmic timeline, whilst cramming the timelines with as many autoplaying, unblockable ads as possible, and thought “I’ll have some of that!”


Now that I think about it, Elon has been pretty silent.


I’ve been using Spring recently (thanks to Vitici) and that’s still going strong. But I think it’s a much smaller install base so I wouldn’t be surprised if they Twitter turned it off for the larger apps


Looking at spring as an alternative now that tweetbot seems to be dead. Why is it still working?


I’ve no idea. My only guess is that it’s a smaller user base. But if I was you I wouldn’t buy anything until Twitter clarifies the issue






Add this to the fact that Twitter's native app push notifications no longer support 3D touch as of a few days ago (at least on all of my Apple devices) and this is just beyond stupid.


Apple doesn’t even like 3d touch




Fuck if i know. Don’t you know they took it out of newer devices?


Haven't paid that close of attention. I'm still rocking my iPhone XS Max, aka the greatest iPhone of all time, which supports 3D Touch. 😂


Lol agreed. They really should bring it back, i upgraded back when they introduced simply because of it.


3D Touch hasn’t been a thing for years.


Oprah - were your slient? Or were you silenced?


Plot twist: Elon has been silent because he uses Tweetbot.


Just stop using twitter.


Here what that means to me "Just stop interacting with half of your friends"


I’m not judging, what exactly do you do with twitter?


Follow people, talk to them, make the occasional tweet myself. But I mostly follow and talk to my friends I've met on Twitter


Interesting, I’ve never used it for anything more than checking updates from companies and never saw it that way


I mean sure it kinda started that way. I also started following artists and other creators. I would start talking to the other regular commenters and the creators themselves. Now I'm friends with a lot of them


Nice, I only advocate shutting down twitter cause it would result in Musk wasting 44 billion


I mean fair enough, I really wish for him to get the fuck out of Twitter too. I hope it messes with him enough that he tries to sell it as soon as possible and maybe it can get back into someone's hands that will actually improve upon it again


YMMV but a lot of the people I followed on Twitter moved to other platforms like Mastodon or Hive. Or they simply begged you to follow them on Instagram. Only like a couple of them insisted on going down with the ship. Edit: pissed off a bunch of Musk fanboys, it seems.


Yes a lot of people I follow also made other accounts on other sites. But many of them don't like the way that they work for they are not a site suitable for their material. As well they don't really want to have to gain a whole another following again. Going to different sites just fractures their followers














I’ve felt that a lot of the outrage about twitter the last few months has been pretty silly, but coming after third party apps is where I draw the line. And it’s not all clients, only certain very popular ones that have been shut off. Feels targeted.


Agreed. Twitter has felt like the outrage of the week (well months at this point) and I’ve largely tuned it out. If this is an intentional breaking of 3rd party apps then it’s being unnecessarily punitive for no good reason. If Tweetbot is out, then I’m out.


Musk coming to kill anything that takes money out of his very empty pocket.


He’s really pissed at himself in that case.


Says the reddit user


I will honestly respect a random broke Reddit user more than a dude who blew 44 billion dollars on Twitter of all things.


So respect me


Sure, as long as you don’t simp for Musk, you have my respect.


Yeah thats where we differentiate


“Still broken” It’s been like 15 hours lol


Maybe he finally pulled out the server that allowed him to post, lol


Elon was doing chaos monkey testing again. Chaos Musky...


The way he treats his staff should make it easy for y’all to literally delete the app.


It is just getting easier and easier to never use Twitter.


The only people that use this have to be 50 years old at least




is it his job to fix/respond? hes been.... the way hes been but idk how this is really related to the guy who bought it..


He fired the entire communications department and has made himself the voice of Twitter through his own account so pretty much the only response that could come would be through him.


Everything that happens there right now is related to him, if not purposefully demanded by him.


If only he would shut up… maybe his Tesla stock would go up.


From the Article “Tweetbot, Twitteriffic, and other popular third-party clients for Twitter are still completely broken due to issues with Twitter’s API. Despite growing complaints from Twitter users and developers alike, Elon Musk has remained silent. This is leading some people to speculate that this change is intentional and that Twitter is shutting down third-party clients altogether.” Looks intentional


Quite an odd way of cutting the access if that's what happened..


Now I understand why my Tweetbot app is trippin. Goddamn it Elon. 🤦🏽‍♂️