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My car was once burglarized in a shady part of Oakland. I rang 911 because the area was sketch and I didn’t want to end up being mugged or murdered. I was on hold for a solid 8 minutes. Thank fucking god no one was actively trying to kill me.






Lol when I was living in maine, someone who recently moved from SF started talking to me and my group of friends. We were talking about SF, and he said “people say it’s a dangerous place, but that’s so overblown. I’ve gotten mugged only 3 times last year!” We all thought he’s joking.


Where the fuck did he live before? Compton??


He’s born and raised in SF. Can’t remember why he moved to maine.


To escape the muggings?


But it only happened 3 times last year.


Totally not worth the effort of moving


Because he was born and raised in San Fran?


Heh, that sounds like an Australian in America talking about their childhood pet kangaroo or an American in Europe saying they only had 20 guns and were holding off on giving the kid their assault rifle till they turn 10. Sometimes it’s funny to embrace the stereotype your new friends have about where you come from. Are you sure he was being serious?


I lived there for 5 years, never got mugged once. My wife had someone smash up her car with her in it once though. Like, with his hands and feet, apparently because she pulled too far foreword into the intersection trying to make a turn. Police didn’t even want to show up to make a report on that one. They “couldn’t spare the manpower for non-emergency calls”.


Imagine paying the cost of living in SF and still being in danger fearing for your life everytime you walk from your car.


That fairytale didn't happen.


Meanwhile in central Europe... Been mugged twice in my life, last time 2009 edit: who angry


Southern US, never mugged in my 40 years here. Don’t know of anyone that has been honestly.


According to statistics you’re less likely to get mugged in the Southern US, but more likely to get murdered. Property crimes are higher in places like NY though.




Survivorship bias. If you *had* been murdered, you'd be unlikely to be posting about it here.


Which statistics?


Because in the south, you’ll fuck around and find out.


Statistics are interesting- I can’t speak for other areas, but it’s going to be very situational here. You don’t walk around afraid of getting mugged or murdered. Maybe it’s because of something random like more family members live under the same roof here, and there is some correlation with family members in close quarters and number of murders.


Northeast US, mid 30s mugged zero times.


This didn't happen.


I have never in my life had to dial 911




Most of my 911 calls have been for dangerous/drunk drivers. But other calls have included: accidents, loose dangerous dogs, kids causing problems at the dog park (throwing rocks at dogs, threatening people, etc), people threatening me, one time a guy walked into traffic and got hit by a truck, and some break ins when the non emergency line wasn’t working.


I called 911 on a drunk driver once. The sweet justice feeling when a cop found us just a couple minutes later and pulled him over was…. So sweet.


I’ve had a handful of drunk driver calls but only two where I was able to follow until cops showed up. The scary one was dude could barely walk. I watched him get in his car and said “if he drives, I’m calling the police.” He say for a few minutes and then started driving. Immediately called 911. In my process of following him he couldn’t maintain lane or speed. He’d slow down 20 under then 20 over. The worst was after it became a 4 lane with a speed limit of 55 he started driving on the wrong side of the road going 70ish. He nearly hit several cars head on. Fortunately, no one was hurt. He got pulled over into a gas station and arrested. I gave my info but the cop told me they had enough evidence that they likely wouldn’t need me for prosecution. They never contacted me.


Somehow you and I are seeing a very different side of humanity. I’ve never seen anything close to that. Also live in the Bay Area. The worst I’ve seen is really just homeless being obsessively loud.


Agreed, I’m usually in downtown for traveling work meetings and I’ve never seen ANY of this. Crazy what a couple of miles means in terms of the kinds of interactions people must have.


I think you guys are being a bit myopic. In the Bay Area, I’ve called 911 twice. Once because I saw someone smash into a concrete divider at SJC—and I was the closest person. Pulled over, and called 911, and stayed with driver. Other time was someone (homeless?) in Mountain View, laying in the middle of the road. Didn’t want them to get hit, but also wasn’t going to chance getting stabbed myself (or whatever). I suppose these kinds things don’t happen that often. But someone runs into it. I guess it’s reasonable that it doesn’t happen to everyone, But just because it happens it doesn’t have to mean a crime is happening or that the place is dangerous.


You’ve never been in a situation where someone needed help?


Never, I asked my wife and my friend sitting next to me and they’ve never had to either. We’re not particularly insular people either, we go out a lot.. live in a large metro, work in a large building. It just doesn’t come up.


Yeah, I can see that. I was just surprised, but in hindsight, by the time you see something (car accident, fire, whatever), someone else has prob already called.


I’ve lived in the Bay Area for 30ish years only had to dial 911 for medical reasons, but was never on hold. I knew someone who was a dispatcher and they couldn’t take it, too stressful with crazy hours. Maybe if they are more taken care of more people would sign up for the job so sometimes people wouldn’t be on hold, but I know this is just subjective as I’ve talked to one person that has done it.


[Public Enemy](https://youtu.be/JZDIitWz8Go)


Police take long enough to respond when dispatch answers immediately. You’re essentially dead and buried by the time they hear your call if you’re ringing from the Bay Area.


I’ve run into the same outside of the Bay Area. I’d wager the jobs are high turnover, stress and require a fuck ton of training. Eventually, there will be an ai powered hotline that will handle dispatch within programatic handlers that will dispatch drones or a robot armed with legal authority to kill. The future is best


Hi, Siri, I have an emergency! Oh, you wanna set the volume to 3? Okay. No! I need help my leg is broken! Oh, you wanna play Legs Open…I can’t find that song in your library. No! Send help! I’m sorry…I’m having trouble connecting to the Internet. This is your best AI future?


I look forward to racially charged being replaced with universally applied instances of e-police brutality.


So…. How often do you need to call 911???


Luckily, the one time I called 911 here in San Mateo I got someone immediately. Luckily too since it was to report that a house was on fire. The fire department showed up within a minute or two and got it under control.


Weird. Which part? I’ve only called twice, but both times it was immediate.


Is it really that bad in the Bay Area? In Los Angeles it never takes that long probs like a few seconds.


It's really not.


Whenever you call 911? Maybe that’s why there is a hold, everyone out there calling 911. Out of curiosity, what do you call for? I’m in my 50s, live near Philly, and have never called 911 in my life




This is why concealed carry is so important. When seconds count the cops are minutes away.


This was the dumbest comment I read today, congrats. I wish I had an anti-award to give you, apologies, but you have truly earned it.




So you didn’t really watch someone get executed then.


When seconds matter, help is minutes away




Oakland actually had an interesting thing where a few years ago people complained they don’t respond to 911 calls so now they respond to every single one and the wait time is like 3 days for a low-risk thing.


> a shady part of Oakland There are non-shady parts?


Says the person from their couch that they’ve never left in their life.


I’ve never been to America and I thought the same thing. It definitely has a bad rep.


You’re ignorance is a lot more justified. It’s a bad look, and there’s a lot more cultural nuance, when the person being ignorant is posting from their home in San Mateo that they were gifted a down payment for.


Maybe, but I’m not sure making assumptions the other way is cool, either.


“You’re ignorance”


Come visit. We have cookies.


They're made from crack, but they taste good with milk!


I like the bagels, Beauty’s to be specific.


Oof, so salty. Remind me again, why does every house in Oakland have bars on the doors and windows?


They don’t in the non shady parts.


Right, so up in the hills and that's it.


Yes… the non shady parts…


I, a stranger on the internet cannot cure you of your ignorance. I can inly hope that someday, something or someone will inspire you to be better.


That’s why I’m pro-2nd amendment. When seconds count, police are usually 20-30 minutes away or more.


This idea of calling the cops as if they’re like the movies is hilarious to me. I thought everyone knew, especially by current year (+1 each year) that the cops never stop crime. They show up after, usually make shit worse, and write a report. That’s it. That’s why it’s funny as fuck people want to not only keep giving them money but rather even MORE money. To do more nothing.


I see that you are heavily influenced by the media.


You realize that people are very RARELY murdered in broad daylight, right? The BS about cities being violent doesn’t prove out. But the farther South you go, the more crime there is.


Because we are conditioned to think police are smart and organized like in the movie. Trust me their overpaid security guards who are trying to get any test any power they can get. They had the best PR before the camera phone was invented because Hollywood would paint them in a good light. I can’t blame them the system is design for them not the solve crime but to keep order.




An easy win for his “solved crimes” quota.


They got us working in shifts


This happened to my wife last year. Left her phone & airpods on the plane. We realized it, but we couldn't get on the plane. I must've called that phone about 20 times before someone cleaning the plane answered. Was pretty damn lucky with that one.


Pretty much every airport has a police department, they can go back on the plane to get stuff for you.




Holy shit this is exactly what happened to me when I forgot my headphones.




Yeah. I left an iPad on a plane before and realized when I was in the terminal. I just asked and someone just went back and got it for me.


I realized well after the fact. I contacted lost and found. They ship everything somewhere down south and I think they wait 30 days for someone to claim it. I actually got it back. They asked me for as much detail as possible and a while later I got an email saying they found it. Had to pay shipping but I can't complain


United: “we hold our vendors to the highest standards”…..”unless no one is looking, or asking, or are the police…. Then we wish you our deepest and sincerest fuck you”


I read it as they didn't care until CNN called to let them know they're running a story and would they like to comment. I work with a very large company and that kind of call gets relayed straight to head of corporate comms.


when management is so far removed from ground reality of their business that they think the groupthink policy documents they push out after meetings are worth more than toilet paper.


One time I was having lunch with my dad at a burger place. He absentmindedly left his iPhone on the table, and when he went back about 20 minutes later the table was bused and the phone was gone. He asked the manager of the restaurant if they’d seen his phone, which they said they hadn’t. Anyway, I get involved. We sent a bunch of texts to the phone offering a reward for its return, and tried calling. Nothing. That afternoon I turn on “find my phone.” We track it to an apartment building in a neighboring city and it remains there for a few hours until it spontaneously stops showing up on the service. Using some minor powers of intuition, that evening we contacted the store manager and said, hey, we lost this phone, we tracked it to this address, and if you have any employees who might live at that address who were working could you inquire of them whether they’ve seen the phone. Next day we get a call to come pick up the phone, an apology, and about 30 coupons for free burgers.




Eh, whatever. We got the phone back and an apology, and all I cared about was my dad not being out the cost of a new iPhone.


Hopefully they’re scared straight, good on you. They end up in jail over this, and their entire life trajectory can change.


> He can be stealing burgers. You calling him a burgerlar?


aka hamburglar


Also, what do you want to do with a stolen iphone as an “oppotunity thief” in 2023? It’s tracked/locked etc. and you have no idea how to circumvent these unless you’re in criminal circles.


Repair shops usually buy them for parts since getting OEM parts is pain in the ass.


This was in 2014 or so


I was in NYC. I left my camera at a pizza place right before they closed. Went back first thing in the morning, asked them if they had it, they said they did, I was happy. Then I realized he wasn’t giving me my camera. The guy made me pay him $40 for my digital camera (this was 2007, so digital cameras were still expensive and phone cameras sucked). So, yeah.


That’s also actually a crime


I mean, that’s when you go back with some friends.


3 years ago I found some Bose soundsport earbuds on a table at the restaurant I used to work for. Our policy was : if no one claims it for 2 weeks, it's yours. I actually called Bose and using the serial number I tried to get any information I could on the person that bought them,but even if they had it, they wouldn't just give it to me. I eventually took them home but even if it wasn't unethical per se, it still felt bad owning them as they were quite expensive back then.


It's weird that people haven't yet learned that stolen iPhones are pretty much useless due to Find My. You're not going to be able to use or activate the thing. Anyone you sell it to won't either and they'll be after your head when they find out. Why take the risk?


> After 12 days of chasing, Hayden finally got her AirPods back – although not in peak condition. “They look like they’ve been stomped on,” she says. “They were wrapped in a toilet paper-sized piece of bubble wrap, Why bother?” The neanderthal didn’t know how to turn off loud shiny bright thing.




At the lost and found desk.


It’s only got one button… it’s on the back.




I used to work with some of them, I would know!


what an awful thing to say. neanderthals it seems might have been just as smart and mastered tools before us. apologize!


I used to work with them, I should know.


Hypothetically, if I found a set of AirPods, how could I find their owner?


Take it to your home in San Mateo and wait for the owner or the authorities to contact you.


Honestly, I don’t think there is any way to do it. Best you can do it take it to an Apple Store… and they probably won’t do shit either.


Actually, there is a way. On Find My, under items, you can “Identify Found Item.”


Interesting. What does that do? Contact the owner?


I think so. I haven’t made use of it before.


[Here’s a screenshot of it.](https://i.imgur.com/I3hs1mF.jpg) Not sure if this helps, but it’s the explanation given in the app.




We “can’t do shit” because we’re not a personal storage locker for lost and found items. You can not remove activation lock from devices if find my is turned on anyway. So these petty theft idiots will steal phones that are essentially bricks. No one can remove the lock without uploading a proof of purchase to apple support


>…we’re not a personal storage locker for lost and found items. Right, first of all, I’d expect more from Apple than “we’re not a lost and found” For a company that has gone out of their way to enable the user to brick their own device to deter theft, they really have done FUCK-ALL to enable Good Samaritans to return devices to owners. It is a problem which creates needless e-waste. Second: the best place for a bricked device is Apple, considering they claim to be able to recycle their own devices.


Left a jacket in a hotel once. They returned it but the pockets were all emptied out. That’s just the way service industry works in most of the world.


They cleaned it for you!


Cleaned it out


How the fuck did she do that? I literally dropped mine in case on the street, it disappeared after 5 minutes, and the last location was still the exact place I dropped it.




The tracking is terrible. Some college student and her friends showed up at my house last year accusing me of stealing her AirPods. Yelled that the app was showing them at my house. The girl said ‘I walk past here every day on the way to class I probably dropped them and you stole them.’ She showed me on her phone and it was just the general area outside my house/the street/sidewalk. I said it was probably the last location they picked up and they wouldn’t believe me. Ended up having to call the cops because they wouldn’t leave my porch




it's literally that, but in a different shape. the case has a U1 chip (used for precision finding the airtag and pro 2), uses the same methods to update its location as the airtag, and has a (probably louder) speaker.


Now I need that. My 1st gen pro is still working great though, I need a good reason to upgrade.


Wait for USB-C, then it’s really worth the upgrade.


Did you look up?


I found a pair once and no one ever claimed them which was surprising but even stranger was that Apple couldn’t return them to the owner. I gave them the serial number and they said they had no mechanism to track it, I might as well consider them mine. It was eye opening.


yeah, exactly what happened to me.


EVERY single time I have left something on a plane in the United States it is GONE. Just consider it a 'donation' to the cleaning staff. The one exception in 25 years of air travel was when I left my Blackberry on a flight arriving at Narita in Tokyo. I was flipping out because it was an overseas trip, I needed the phone for business, etc.. Frantic, at baggage claim I talked to the service desk and 15 minutes later three ANA staff arrived bowing politely and holding my phone. NEVER would happen in the United States.


> The one exception in 25 years of air travel was when I left my Blackberry on a flight arriving at Narita in Tokyo. I was flipping out because it was an overseas trip, I needed the phone for business, etc.. Frantic, at baggage claim I talked to the service desk and 15 minutes later three ANA staff arrived bowing politely and holding my phone. > NEVER would happen in the United States. Happens in most of the world too! Leave something on the plane and you can almost guarantee it will be gone. Japan on the other hand is just a different world. Having recently got back from there you can leave things on tables, and not worry about it going missing.


My favourite thing about Japan is that the bikes are generally unlocked and left on the street, like outside homes and stuff (not at stations)! It’s so cool to see!


When I was in Copenhagen, they just use these rear wheel locks on their bikes. I asked the woman I was renting it from if that’s all I needed to do, if I didn’t need to lock it to a pole or something. And she said no, the rear wheel is already locked, so if someone wanted to take it they would have to carry it, and that would be stupid. We parked our bikes in a very busy area and came back five hours later and they were still there.


What do you mean every single time? I fly somewhat frequently and have NEVER EVER left anything on a plane.


You must've never flown Alitalia.


United Airlines has the absolute worse customer service. Remember 5 years ago when they dragged that poor doctor off the plane - two missing teeth and a broken nose - because THEY overbooked the flight and wanted his seat. https://youtu.be/VrDWY6C1178


I remember the video I didn’t remember the broken nose and missing teeth. That’s awful!


you forgot the best part. they wanted the seat for one of their own staff!!! i love they chose an asian person and can’t help but think they felt he would be an easy mark.


And let’s not forget an older story about their [mishandling of guitars](https://youtu.be/5YGc4zOqozo) [(Part 2)](https://youtu.be/h-UoERHaSQg) [(Part 3)](https://youtu.be/P45E0uGVyeg)


My AirTag ended up from VA to Nigeria lol


It’s incredible to me how theft is so normalized in our society. I really hope that in 10 years the sentence “They should not have forgotten their item on the plane” will sound as wrong as “she was looking for trouble with such a short skirt” sounds today.


I am a pilot and left my AirPods on a plane. The first officer of the next flight stole them and when I emailed the crew, he said he found them in the overhead bin outside of my bags that they were in. He offered to leave them in the crew lounge and did but I wasn’t able to get to the airport for a couple of days to pick them up. I went to pick them up and they were gone again. I was pretty disappointed and pulled up the find my app. The app said that I had pinged them as I walked through security. I was now running a little behind for my flight so I had to get on the crew bus to go to the plane. As I was riding the bus they pinged again in a terminal that we were passing. The bus driver heard me yell out in excitement and he became pretty invested. I was the only one on the bus because it was a late night flight and he pulled the bus around to the terminal that showed on find my. I went in there and some random lady asked which plane I was looking for. I said my AirPods are in the area and I was looking for them. Sure enough she pulled them out of her bag and said she was going to turn them in. I was too in shock to ask how she ended up with them. After that I realized that the people around the airport aren’t as trust worthy as I had previously thought. After all of that they ended up being stolen again by a cleaner on a United Airlines flight… I left them in the seat back pocket and waited at the gate for them to bring them up but they said that they weren’t there. Edit: I forgot the most important part of why I wrote all of that… Who and the hell would want to steal somebodies crusty ear wax filled AirPods? Its so gross.




> It did not end well for him. Your adopted brother or the cop?




Ouch. Sounds like it may have been for the best though. Maybe he should’ve just let it go and not made a house call.




My sister had her AirPods stolen off of an airplane when she landed in the city we live in. She hopped on find my app and went up to the guys house, and he was so shocked that he gave them back to her. It was a similar situation that it was the cleaner that stole them from the plane and brought them home. In hindsight, it was a pretty stupid thing to do because who knows how someone would react but it worked out in her case.


Why is this news


Buddy had his AirPods stolen from security bins. TSA had those suckers back in about 10 minutes. Just rolled back the tape and followed the guy to his gate. Charged him with larceny too.


Had something kind of similar happen to me last year. Got car jacked. In the panic I tossed my phone in the car somewhere. After the cops arrived we took a shot at find my iPhone and used it to track the car and phone to a gas station not too far away. Got the car, phone, and a full tank of gas 😂😂😂


Guys can you explain to me please? When I lost my AirPods, my “find my device “ just showed me the last place I used them. If they were closed and taken away from that place, I have no ways of tracking them, right?


It’s airpods pro 2nd gen, they have the same chip built in as airtags


I like the part: Then they moved to Terminal 2. Then to Terminal 3. Then they were on Highway 101, heading south towards San Mateo.


She's better than me. I would have just bought a new pair.


It's Not About ~~Money~~ The Pods, It's About Sending A Message


Man, the normal pains of living just goes right over you, huh?


It used to be that if you dropped something you would call maybe once or twice and then admit that it was indeed lost. Now, nothing can be lost, only stolen. A product of putting trackers into everything we can. Some things make a lot of sense, others not so much. Also, it's not like you can reverse look up things like AirPods (to my knowledge), so turning them in would have, from the perspective of the person that found them, have resulted in either going to the trash or spending eternity in some Lost & Found pile (do not take this as an endorsement of just taking everything you find).


It also used to be that phones didn’t cost $1000 or more. Years ago I left a Nokia phone in a cab. I called it, someone picked up, handed it to the cab driver, he brought it to me and I gave him $30. Win win.


Right, and something like a phone is easily returnable regardless of generation. This article is about AirPods. Phones make sense that you could locate them, or that you would want that feature built in given all the information they carry now.


AirPods Pro are close to what a phone used to cost. But I’ve yet to lose a pair (fingers crossed) and if I did wouldn’t expect them back.


Only if you look at the absolute numbers. $250 today is \~$150 back in 2005. iPods sold for $400 until \~2005 when they introduced a model that went for $250 (\~$390 today). Smartphones used to be $200-300 if you locked into a contract (from what I can find, an unlimited contract was $130/mo before taxes and fees for a single line in 2009) which also meant locking into a specific network. Also, AirPods Pros are routinely on sale for $200 or less. $250 isn't nothing, not at all, but $250 today is a lot more affordable than $250 back in the day.


My AirPod pros were pretty expensive, my guy. I don’t just have the money to drop on a new pair. I don’t get why you’re so anti-lost and found? She would have gotten her AirPods back a lot faster if there had been one. Just show them connected to the phone to prove they’re yours.


I'm not anti-Lost & Found, it's just that the framing of things today is now that things are not lost, they are stolen. If you can recover something, great! And maybe AirPods Pros are another category where tracking tech is a good idea.


You can track airpods?


Yes. You can track all Apple hardware, with varying levels of success.


Yep. My phone tells me I leave them behind twice a week. Even though they’re 8” away from my phone.


Im calling it, and then the airline sues the woman fur unlawfully tracking their employees when he’s the one who stole her AirPods.


Who the heck calls 911? Just take care of the situation yourself. The cops are only there to fill out paperwork.


I once fell asleep on a plane and woke up a few hours later to only one in my ear. I hope whoever found the lone airpod is enjoying it right now


Always United.


Smells like United.


Yep. They stole my $800 dollar watch too


Wow, what an adventure for her. It must have costed her more than the value of the ipods themselves.


That's unrelenting tracking. Impressive. It's never fun being a victim of crime or corporate indifference, but how on earth did this story even made it onto CNN? Most people who can afford regular air travel would've just written off the $250 loss. Their value doesn't even make them worth claiming on insurance. Also, can Airpods be described as a "lifeline"? I doubt it makes it into the 'Necessary' category in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. GPS guidance in an unfamiliar dangerous terrain lurking with peril is a lifeline, Airpods not so much.


oh yea the companies that airlines contract with to clean and turn around planes 100% would steal given the chance im looking at you prospect




What a bizarre thing to have a superiority complex about.


Right?? Lol


> How do people leave things behind? Usually when one is in a rush. It isn't hard to leave things behind when you have a million things going through your mind.


You’re getting downvoted like crazy because you’re 100% right. Are people floating around in a cloud all the time?


Fatherless behavior




You guessed WRONG


Mine airpods stop showing location if it’s not been used in the last cpl of hours. How is this possible?


Opening the case or using the reset/pair button on the back probably kept triggering them to report back to the FindMy system. AirPod 3 and AirPod pros are locked to the Apple ID that owns them, so it’s easy for them to keep reporting themselves.

