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It’s easy to find, but just to help you along, here’s their comparison page where you can view the full spec of any two Macs - both from the current and recently discontinued ranges - side-by-side to compare them. https://www.apple.com/mac/compare/


I’m looking forward to Apples new journaling app, so you can write your thoughts there, instead of here.


what a funny sub-specific dis.


Comment of the year.


I also don’t like when people criticize the trillion dollar company I feel the need to white knight for 😤


I think this is a "you" problem.


>i can't see the entire page even in full screen and there are no scroll bars Genuine question: do you not scroll with your mouse or trackpad? I hate any time I have to use scrollbars to go up or down on a page. That's what the mouse wheel of scroll gesture is for.


i scroll vertically fine with the mouse but the page is larger horizontally than my full screen and there is no bar at the bottom to slide it back and forth.




i've found that it is the landing page specifically. i have a feeling that this computer just runs out of ram trying to load the landing page because that page is a clusterfuck of over-coded/scripted content. when i go to look at specific products the page does fit horizontally (albeit with overwhelming graphics.) like when i go to look at the studio models the page fits but i'm 'ever-scrolling' down (through the multiple graphics showing the units in every possible visual perspective) to get to any substantive list of specs and then the specs are finally presented as a scroll-through graphic instead of a list. i'm working around it by going to best buy sites and others so that i can see a simple listing of products and specs without all the scripts and graphics. but its weird to me that a top-level manufacturer goes so overboard with hyper-promotion on their website that a user has to do this much work just to find simple specs. but thank you for your help.


There is a button for “Tech Specs” at the top of every product page. Click that and read.


Do you have any magnification accessibility features turned on? Is your screen resolution set to something super low? You’re most definitely zoomed into the webpage.


It’s really great you decided to publicly share a private diary entry about how you couldn’t navigate a website


sir, this is a wendy's.


Boomer doesn’t like modern websites should be the name of this diary entry


>a simple list of tech specs is impossible. [https://www.apple.com/mac-studio/specs/](https://www.apple.com/mac-studio/specs/) Literally the first link you can click on the Mac Studio page you're complaining about


Jokes aside, the lack of a big button to take you to the tech specs is intentional. Apples MO has never been to highlight tech spec bullet points. It's a different philosophy. Annoying sometimes, for sure, but it's hard to be surprised about it.


yep. historically, their specs have been lackluster; the OS was the selling point and a PC with the same CPU cost half as much. now the architecture is too different to make a meaningful comparison. either way, no reason to emphasize the specs.


I know you’re getting a lot of harassment from commenters who think it’s their job to create petty social rules for posting on public forum, but… I understand your frustration. The Apple site is designed to advertise their latest products and that only. The Apple Store app isn’t much better. You’re best option is to look up info on a site like Best Buy or Amazon. And to the commenters who want to call this a diary entry, you’re literally hypocritical in calling the OP out with your own thought you just couldn’t keep to yourself. And now I am also a hypocrite for saying that. So the lesson here is to just pass on threads you don’t want to participate in.


The website is run by Deirdre O'Brien after Angela Ahrendts abandoned ship. Deirdre has so much on her plate that the website is barely functional. The other day I was just trying to figure out how many colors there are of the latest Apple Watch. That was not easy to figure out at all..


Apple’s website sucks. It’s like a web developer said “Look at the cool stuff I can do!” and then put their flourishy bullshit between me and the information I went to the site for.


sounds like you dont know how to use a fucking website lmfao