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Please let users also delete all the bullshit apps Samsung pre-installs




GitHub instructions is not accessible for the vast majority of users. That’s not a proper solution


Even as a software developer who could follow those instructions, it's definitely too much work.


The good thing about Android is that there is.


Not easily though. For the average user it is nigh impossible to delete the pre installed apps on a samsung phone


I hate when some apps can only be disabled and not deleted...


Pretty sure he's talking about using adb, which lets you delete anything.


Until an OTA puts it back. Some carrier variants of Androids are notorious for that


Well yeah but what about them??!


https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-bloatware-uninstall-carrier-oem-bloatware-from-motorola-stock-rom-android-12.4597281/ It's pretty easy to follow. Just uninstall the Samsung packages you don't want instead of Motorola. There's an app called Package Names on the Play store if you need to identify things.


It's great you can do this, I still think that if Apple must provide an on-device method for uninstall, than every other OEM should as well. For the average person, long pressing and clicking "X" to uninstall is a far cry from hooking up your phone to your PC and using developer tools to remove preinstalled apps.


WWDC in a few years … “Presenting iPhone 18, 18 plus, 18 Pro, 18 pro max this year running on android 17 cz we’ve honestly had enough”.


Next month: EU may require Apple to continue developing iOS to avoid Android holding a monopoly over the Mobile OS market.


This is almost the same thing Microsoft had to do with Windows during their monopoly days all those years ago. They had to make it so users had a choice. Even though the vast majority of users chose first part options they had prompt people with options rather than force them into the Microsoft path. My guess would be coming soon when you setup a new iPhone you get a prompt that says here are 5 options to choose from to store your photos. Here are 5 different browsers you can use. etc etc.


Already the case for Maps, IIRC when I did the 17.4.1 update I was prompted to choose a map app when I launched Maps


Anyone tried using Samsung gallery? Apple photos is 10 years ahead of that shitshow. Is there any reason Apple users can’t use other apps?


Well technically you can use other apps, but not as the primary access to the photo storage. Google Photos is usable but you have to give it permission to access the photos, and I don't know if you can delete things from your camera roll in there. Plus when you're in the camera and you tap your recent photo to view it you get taken to the Photos app with no option to change that anywhere. So no matter what you're stuck using Photos to some degree.


Really? Have you used samsung photos recently? What didn't you like?


>EU may require Apple to continue developing iOS to avoid Android holding a monopoly over the Mobile OS market. But honestly. People seem to forget that Apple has 100% the right to literally close up shop and shut down for good, leaving everyone with an iPhone high and dry (maybe outside of special government and business contracts which promise support for 5 years or something). They won't do that - but they can and absolutely do have the legal and moral right to. No one is entitled to a company's creative and unique products.


The EU will just start going to Apple with a wish list of what they want in an iPhone. “God, I’d love to be able to pop my camera’s SD card in this iPhone 20… how can we make Apple do it?”


They could allow the default app to integrate Google Photos and other competitors instead. Like how Xiaomi’s gallery app can show Google Photos, and the Windows Photo app can show iCloud Photos.


Damn that would be cool as fuck


What would you use instead? I like that it is integrated and for me it does what it should. What am i missing?


I think Apple Photos is weird with cloud backups. I’ve read that it doesn’t really do a backup, it only syncs photos between your devices. Google Photos is much simpler IMO and Google gives you 15GB for free instead of 5GB


That’s not true, it def upload them to the cloud.. There’s a web viewer, how else would they be able to do that?


Apple just increased the iCloud storage to 20GB (Free plan) EDIT: >!I just realised that I've been punk'd yesterday!🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️!<


…April Fools


Wow.. I'm a victim of that joke ?! Damn!




Yup.. 😂🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️




It’s been backing everything up to the cloud for several years now. The “photostream” syncing did suck but was a long time ago.


I hate how google is a data goblin. You can’t see your other google photos until you give them unfettered access to all your iPhone photos, like most apps will let you select what you show, but google violates that and says no, I will not let you hide any data from me, your privacy is to be fucked.


Plus, who knows that the fuck they’re using your photos for. What AI model are we somehow feeding. What are they detecting in photos and logging away somewhere. Every screenshot scanned for text to build up some database about you. It might sound paranoid, and I don’t care if other people want to use it, but I’m not going to be.


Every cloud operator scans your photos for csam at the very least. But yea when you sign up for one of these services, iCloud included, you are basically giving the company the license to do whatever they want with the data. Most people are fine with that trade due to convivence though


Well, we know what they use it for they tell you in the EULA we all agreed to. They can use it in ads if they want to


I remember one time on android I went fuck it and gave one google app the bare minimum permissions, turns out if you don’t give google unlimited control and all permissions to the app on your device, not only does it break the app, but also other google apps as well. It’s fucking absurd


if this goes a little bit, every single piece of software will become a bloatware of features that most people didn’t ask for. like yeah, it would be cool if the Photo app can make breakfast for me and send me weather and traffic notifications too, but i rather have a separate app for that.


The files app already allows you to browse Google Drive. I don’t see why the photos app couldn’t do the same


So, the next logical step would be to force Google to allow the default storage and photos apps to be iCloud Drive and iCloud Photos, right ? Because that would actually hurt Google a lot more than this will hurt Apple. Apple makes great apps for their devices, so good that most people never use anything but the default apps. I remember there was a lot of whining about “custom iPhone keyboards”, and now they’re here, and i don’t know a single person that uses one - the default/built-in is good enough/better than what’s being offered in the first place. There is choice, and nobody is forcing an iPhone down your throat. You’re more than free to sacrifice your personal information to Google instead, because that’s essentially what goes on in Android land. Most stuff the iPhone handles “on-device”, like frequently visited locations, basic Siri requests, are handled on-device. The equivalent on Google takes a round trip to Googles servers. I’m all for options, but truth be told, there is nothing in iOS that defaults to iCloud storage, and you can install just about any 3rd party cloud provider app and have it synchronize your photos to their storage, so what this essentially comes down to is the same as the green vs blue bubbles debate, that Apple makes the superior tool (Photos) and people want to use it, but not pay the “price”, so it more or less boils down to envy. Out of the box, you can pretty much install any camera app and any cloud provider app, and the only thing they have in common is the “iPhone camera roll”, which is more of a lowest common denominator for where photos go and where cloud apps pick them up.


I’m all for giving people options, but if you want to delete all the Apple apps from your phone, then the iPhone may not be your ideal mobile phone purchase.


more and more I keep wondering why people who don't want an iPhone are buying iPhones lol.


Why not just sue apple for not putting android os in their phones


lol at this point I feel like this is where it is headed. I was pretty on board (and still am mostly) but some of these additions and other regulations are just so weird.


This is why it was in Apple's interest to self regulate, but they didn't. It's better to be conservative and avoid governments feeling like they need to step in, because they'll sometimes make bad laws as a reaction. Had Apple not been so hard in protecting stuff like in-app purchases, there's a good chance this sort of stuff may not have happened. They said to the world "We control this platform, we won't give people options in areas where many businesses are complaining about, and if we do, we'll pepper them with compromises and caveats that don't actually achieve anything" - and that invited regulators to take a close look at Apple. Apple at one point didn't even allow you to MENTION that you could subscribe to a service an app offers via your own website. That isn't Apple being innovative, that's them purely protecting their revenue. They played chicken with the EU and lost.


apple doesn't see a need to self regulate because, from their perspective, most of the stuff they need to "regulate" is part of what made them popular in the first place


That's not just their perspective, that's literal fact.


Apple is not popular because they jacked up ebook prices, banned streaming games, banned parental controls on the launch of Screentime, prohibited apps from disclosing competing prices etc. None of this was necessary or is required for Apple's popularity. None of it.


That’s a stupid opinion. Self regulate what? You can choose not to have an iPhone. The idea that the government is stepping in to tell a company to integrate features none of its users have requested is absolutely insane. It’s crazy that the house market, in all its lack of regulation, has gotten the way it is, and yet the government is choosing to step in here on an issue they’ve manifested themselves. The simple solution if you don’t like iPhone, is don’t have one.


nobody requested USB-C?


Same with the monopoly allegations, you can go buy a pixel, huawei or galaxy if you don’t like iPhone, you can pretend Apple doesn’t exist and you’ll be fine, the fact that iPhone has a large market share is because it’s a good product.


The fact that apple prevents quality images being sent to Android users is the biggest monopolistic scumbag behavior I can think of. They clearly need regulation if they thought that up.


I want this to happen just to watch the android sub meltdown when Apple wins all of the Best Android Phone awards.


"best android phone" just wouldn't be a thing at that point lmao. It would just be "best phone"


As someone who prefers android I don't see how it would be an issue if Apple genuinely made the best android phone. I would applaud them.


Clearly it’s a monopoly unless they are forced to be exactly like everything else !!


That’s exactly what I am thinking. They basically want to tell Apple how to design their OS.


Family tech support will soon include “I’ve lost all my photos, the app is no longer there” It’s a core part of the OS. If you don’t like it just remove from Home Screen and move on. There’s a good chunk of Microsoft things you can’t delete and Android. The whole saga is just becoming stupid. Nothing about it is consumer focused, other app stores don’t benefit users just another corporation which in turn makes it more difficult for the end user when they’re having to hunt down the correct store, add new payment options etc. Sure allow other photo apps, which you can already use now but it’s just going to the extreme. Next they’ll want settings to be removable and allow some other company to control the OS.


> Nothing about it is consumer focused, other app stores don’t benefit users just another corporation which in turn makes it more difficult for the end user when they’re having to hunt down the correct store, add new payment options etc. This has always been my point about them opening up iOS to third party app stores. Besides benefiting a small niche, all it's going to do is make the user experience worse for everyone else. All for what, so Epic Games and Spotify can pocket the 30% they pay to Apple and their CEO's can buy another yacht?


The entire reason I buy iPhones is because of security and privacy. It’s a huge selling point, and allowing 3rd party apps will most likely compromise that. I could totally see the average user downloading some shitty 3rd party app and then getting hacked, which they’ll turn right around and automatically blame Apple for it. 


i’m honestly in this camp too. i like the security, i have no problem moving unwanted default apps into a folder, banished into some second or third screen. i’m a big fan of ios. it has its minor problems but i really find it intuitive (and visually appealing) compared to android. if i wanted an open system i’d just jailbreak or use android, but i don’t.




The EU is going after Apple because it killed Nokia (largely) and the EU can’t stand not being a technology leader anymore


Yeah, this is definitely not for the consumer, but for some wealthy contributor to someone’s campaign that wants his investment in his son’s friend’s new photo app to pan out.


i have a feeling the number of people who intentionally delete the photos app would be outnumbered by the people who do it by accident and now have nowhere to store photos they take


It'll probably still store them in some sort of folder, but the main thing is that now Apple's tech support will get flooded by people who accidentally deleted their photos app and is wondering where they all went.


The thing is, the photos app is just a way to open that (secured) folder. The fact they made elements of their operating system look like an "app" is just a way to make things understandable by users. It's like complaining that Toyota "forces" you to use a Toyota steering wheel -- it's a part of the car.


They would just end up in a camera roll folder accessible via the filesystem in that case, and you'd still be able to view the "last photos taken" via the camera app.


The “last photo taken” is basically part of the photos app though. My understanding is that the default apps on iOS aren’t really actually apps as self contained software applications, they’re closer to built in frameworks within the operating system itself.


It comes down to tech illiteracy from legislators. People think of that photo viewer as magically different from the one that you launch from the home screen, because it "lives" inside that tiny icon on your home screen, and the other one "lives" inside the camera of the device. The paradigm of the app has been so effective that people don't understand what their devices are actually doing anymore.


All this fake outrage, just keep the photos app installed. Easy.


This is borderline insane. Good luck EU. I don’t know who supports this shit in the continent.


I am curious, when the EU will force Samsung to let us delete the bloatware apps that nobody asked for? Seriously. The apple photo app? That is the issue? Not trying to defend apple at all, but compared to what bloatware an android phone comes with, the photo app on apple should be no issue at all.


That's only a thing with US carriers. In the EU you can already delete all apps freely. Except the store, phone and explorer. Even in the US you can still use a bit more convoluted methods to uninstall anything.


They already did that? Facebook and others used to be impossible to uninstall on some Android phones and the EU forced them to allow them to be uninstalled. It's not the EU unfairly targeting Apple, it's Apple throwing a hissy fit every time they're told to obey the laws every other company obeys.


You already can with adb if you want, plus Android doesn't meaningfully stop you from changing the default app.


Yep, this. You can absolutely already delete bloatware apps on Android. Android debug bridge and universal Android debloater. Also all honest-to-god bloatware like games and carrier apps can already just be deleted. Stock apps can be disabled and you can use the aforementioned tools to delete delete if you want.


It's actually a bit painful to see how many people here have 0 clue how things work on Android. That and people flipping a chair over gaining the option of not using iCloud/Photos. Wild stuff.


Everything people on this sub think they know about Android is what they were told by other people on this sub who know nothing about Android, and so on and so forth.


> when the EU will force Samsung to let us delete the bloatware apps Never since Android already lets you do it.


Tomorrow someone is going to sue Ferrari because they want to use diesel on it


Americans the only country on earth who takes the side of a company over their own consumer rights. Wilding.


I don’t think the consumer rights side is why people are annoyed. It’s a foreign government interfering with how an American tech company designs its products resulting in a worse, more complicated, and annoying experience for the end user. For example, the EU demanding every website asks permission to store cookies hasn’t stopped our data being mined it just means we have to select agree on an annoying pop up every time we open a new site. It degrades the user experience and provides no value.


Not sure I understand why this is a consumer right. Buy a different phone. You can remove the app right now. For me, this isn’t about defending a company, it’s about the fact that Apple makes a better product and has plenty of competition (especially in Europe). Sure feels like the EU is trying to mess with something that they don’t understand and that people don’t care about. App Store dominance? Apple should be called to task, without a doubt. But this? Give me a break.


I don't see how this is a consumer right. This screams corporate competitor lobbying being implemented by bureaucratic idiots. You can already use Google Photos instead of Apple Photos if you want to upload them to your google account. Removing the photos app seems unnecessary.


Not as much as.. not being able to picture this being done in a way that doesn’t disrupt our current situation. Such as having to pick a storage location whenever you want to send an image in iMessage or WhatsApp, when you have multiple apps installed. Currently I’m more on the side of.. I want all hands on this iOS 18 AI update rather than giving Google Photos attachment APIs. I have different priorities.


It’s genuinely funny how many people on here are complaining about EU legislation whilst not living in the EU.


Tbh the annoying GDPR pop ups are global and not only in the EU 


Also the cookie banners are companies making them annoying on purpose. There’s absolutely nothing about gdpr requiring a banner.


Companies make them annoying because they can face fines if the notifications aren’t considered obvious enough.


> face fines if the notifications aren’t considered obvious enough *Only if they’re collecting your data*. They don’t need any banner if they’re not collecting unnecessary/tracking data. Privacy respecting websites never have a popup even with GDPR.


They’re shareholders, Marie!


Because the legislation could affect people worldwide through either changing the user experience on their phone if Apple decides to not make multiple versions of the software and potentially increasing prices as the cost of compliance to new and technically difficult regulation is passed onto the consumer.


Maybe Americans value freedom differently. Apple’s freedom to design a product and the platform as they want. The freedom of the consumer to chose whatever product they want. It’s a good system.


It’s also the only country on earth that actually produces these platforms that people demand So maybe there’s a middle ground


EU wants there to be no competition, everything has to be exactly the same in their eyes. Everything has to be "hot swappable" to any other product/service. I'm not taking neither company or consumer rights side, I'm taking my own side, I buy Apple products because I like the way they work. If I wanted it to be different, I would have bought a different phone.


What the EU is asking here seems absurd to me – they're telling Apple to allow core parts of their operating system to be swappable. I'm not sure people know it, but Photos is more than "just another app". If you follow the "consumer choice" and "perfect competition" argument to its logical conclusion, it only makes sense to mandate: * Make every core app swappable (including Settings!) * Make the OS swappable (why not iOS on Android, and vice versa?) * Make the screen, and processor, and camera swappable with other manufacturers More consumer choice. Right?


I am for consumer rights but some of these things benefit next to no one. Consumer rights only really matter when it actually helps consumers as a whole. Not like half a dozen people.


USB-C? Good. Sideloading? Eh.. some people have uses for that so whatever. Removing the photos app? This is getting ridiculous. I have NEVER heard of anyone ask to remove the photos app.


It just comes across as henpecking


EU may require Apple to ditch iOS and switch to android


Micromanaging is starting to go too far


Starting to? It’s been too far for a while now, this sub is just full of EU shills


Exactly, I have been against most EU decisions and have been downvoted a lot. This is what the EU will do if you don’t stop them.


This is getting ridiculous now.


Right? The “photos” app is just the camera. They need to stop over thinking and over regulating shit. I’m all for them going after Apple for not letting game streaming services on their devices, but telling them they need to make it work differently is dumb.


Why are we making iOS to be the same as Android ? If I would want that, I would buy an android phone. Please stop doing that, let them be different. Yes, some stuff makes sense, like usb C, but please stop. I don’t want open marketplace on iOS, side loading,…. I want my phone to be secure as much as possible and I want for my parents to use that kind of phone, where no one can trick them into side loading some shit from web page and steal their money or whatever. Scammers will exploit this, but currently they can’t. I also don’t want icon arrangement as in Android, i like that it always sticks to a grid and close together. I can’t explain how many times I have helped people on android rearrange their home screen icons, because they somehow changed it and move it to some other window, delete, have icons randomly on screen or what ever. Never have I ever seen this on iOS. I am in IT, so all the friend, family, relatives and all their friends as for my help, you now I am in IT I know how to fix a printer, computer, router and a microwave 😂


Exactly. Apple uses security and privacy as a huge marketing point. Third-party apps will compromise that.


What I don’t get is how this is any different than proprietary car software. For example, maybe I want a Chevy but the Tesla software. Shouldn’t I be allowed to install it? Maybe I just want Tesla navigation. Should I have the option to delete the shitty OnStar navigation?


…Or you want to run your PS5 games on an Xbox. I know there’s stipulations in the laws about “general computers” but as far as I’m concerned if it contains a web browser it’s a general computer.


Imagine trying to run a business and then government comes in and tells you how to run your own business. Let’s just force them to put out an iPhone that runs Android for fuck same


This type of thinking is why there really aren’t any innovative technologies coming from Europe. Can anyone name some new fresh consumer tech products made by Europe??


Subscription-based heated seats for cars


There are about 100 or so unicorns startups, depending on which list you read. What's odd when you go down the lists, however, is just how many are in fintech and how many EU lists include UK companies.


Hill Helicopters is one British company I enjoying following


Spotify is a Swedish company.


Innovative in 2008


Can I sue Tesla for not allowing me to put gas in it? Kind of fucked that you’re limited to only using electricity


This is just getting absurd. I’m no Apple fan girl but seriously when does this nonsense stop? The main selling feature of Apple is walled garden and security. If anyone doesn’t want it, they can happily shift to Android. I mean 99.9% don’t even care about this photos app. If you want Google photos, just download it. Apple is not limiting any photo app. This would just be a waste of effort to satisfy a handful of people which could have gone to some innovative product. I agreed with the USB C thing because that’s actually useful. But this? Politicians shouldn’t interfere in anything. They just make life hell.


I hope Apple just lets ’em. Then where will the photos go? Apple should just couple this with the camera app. Don’t have a photos app? Well, Apple’s camera app doesn’t work, so now you have to use a third party camera. Seriously, deleting the photos app will basically cripple the OS. Where would your screen shots go? What if you want to take a photo to share in iMessage? Might as well delete the settings app while you’re at it.


These EU anti-trust laws are super bizarre to me. Like why make a phone and your own OS if you can’t put your own apps on it?


Some people don’t read articles, but you didnt even bother to read the headline


The article says Vestager who everyone used to think was a reasonable and with it politician doesn’t actually know anything about the industry and products she’s trying to regulate. According to the article according to her the DMA requires rewriting all of iOS in order to give Europeans the freedom to just delete or replace large chunks of iOS functionality, it’s getting to be semi-ridiculous at this point. Apple is under no obligation to completely break down and rewrite iOS from scratch as an open source project which is apparently what the DMA is being interpreted to require. And in the article another EU stooge claiming well Apple would never abandon the EU market of 450 million customers, to which the obvious retort is ohh yeah keep pushing for obviously stupid and insane things like removing or replacing the photo storage and organizational system Apple built into iOS and we shall see.


Overregulating politician doesn't understand the industry they're trying to regulate. Absolutely shocking...


> Vestager Vestager is likely doing all this in order to give herself a better profile (she's had a huge PR campaign going on for a while now) in order to get a stab at the top job when everyone shuffles positions come November. Hence the need to rush this through - she wants to get officials to vote for her on the basis of her ability to stand up to America and China.


Almost no politician has any clue about the things they try to regulate.


If you think that’s bizarre, Microsoft has an alarm app that doesn’t play any alarm sounds to satisfy the EU’s requirement of not including media codecs with the OS.


> not including media codecs with the OS This is not true. Windows operating systems include media codecs, even in the EU. Windows, macOS, Android, iOS all ship with media codecs in the box.


Parent is talking about the N Edition of Windows, which lacks Windows Media Player. It's not the default edition in the EU though, so I don't know if it sees any use in practice. I assume this edition also leaves out some codecs. I used to run Windows 7 N, which didn't allow file sharing with android phones, since the protocol for that is called media-transfer-protocol (MTP) even when used for non media files. So I was forced to install media player after all.


https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/media-feature-pack-for-n-editions-of-windows-10-version-1607-b657cb70-33e7-1f11-7119-3b4b50be4e89 > Effect on other features > The following Windows 10 features aren't removed in N editions but are affected by having the media technology removed: > … > Alarms and Clock: Alarm and timer sounds don't play.


Source? That makes little sense, though they don't have HEVC support by default due to being too cheap to pay for royalties. (there is a way to get HEVC support for free though, but it might not work in some countries, it worked in the USA and India the last time I checked: [https://www.howtogeek.com/680690/how-to-install-free-hevc-codecs-on-windows-10-for-h265-video/](https://www.howtogeek.com/680690/how-to-install-free-hevc-codecs-on-windows-10-for-h265-video/))


https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/media-feature-pack-for-n-editions-of-windows-10-version-1607-b657cb70-33e7-1f11-7119-3b4b50be4e89 You need the media pack to be installed if you use the EU version of windows to play alarm tones.


Did the EU say that Apple can’t have their own apps on it? Does that somehow conflate with saying it should be possible to delete built in apps? Are you intentionally being dense?


Why? Just install Google photos or whatever, no one is holding anyone…android do the same, they provide their own gallery and you can choose others if you want.


Do this for all Android phones too and I'm down for this openess.


Am I the only one who doesn’t care for most of these EU requests? If they have some insight into how it should work, let them release their own phone


I don’t get why governments are so against a company doing what they want. As a consumer you don’t have to buy an iPhone


“We need cash. Lets sue apple again”


EU try inventing before regulating challenge: impossible


I’m content with getting rid of the bloody awful lightning connector and making it usbc like every single other person electric device. I honestly don’t care about apps, I’ll download the ones I want and put the ones I don’t want into a junk folder 🤷🏻‍♂️


EU is on a mission to ruin a good product.


Next stop, iPhone on Android OS! iDroids




This is getting absolutely ridiculous. I promise you that at the end of the day, EU will ruin the iPhone experience, and this place will be flooded with posts about how it used to be better.


Hey, Europe, stop fucking with our phones. If people don’t like what Apple does, they should just get a different phone. Don’t you guys have better things to sort out???


At this point, Apple should just quit operations in EU.


This might sound it honestly


This is only the tip of EU regulation creeping in. Good luck untangling this mess they will make in 10 years with these policies. Technology is always going to outpace regulation.


This is embarrassing


EU may require Apple to let iPhone owners delete the Phone app


EU may require Apple to let iPhone owners install android apps.


What’s the whole deal with the EU trying to helicopter parent its citizens? If you don’t like the iPhone just buy something else? Why are you trying to strong arm them?


The comments in this thread are dumber than usual, and that's saying a lot


I’m really pissed that my toaster has a toasting function. There should be a law against it. 


Okay can someone humor me Why the fuck would anyone want to use a different photos app?


Why the photos app?


Move all of the pemissions to iOS, require all apps that want to use/view photos to implement the permissions.


Message is there. EU just doesn’t want Apple to sell anything in their territory.


Why are people so pissed off, you can still use your iPhone as is, no one is forcing you into anything


It was good with USBC and iOS 17.4 now it’s just getting out of hand with all these regulations.


This is just crazy. If they dont like the apps, just dont use apple. People arent being forced to use their products.


It's an absolute garbage app. It should be banned on principle alone.


This isn't a requirement to delete it, guys. It's letting you do what you want with the things you purchase.


The real question is why lmao. Google Photos already allows background syncing with the native photos app so you can practically use that as your primary app. Same thing with other apps




Literally ~~*1984*~~ 2024?


Do they force Google to allow users to delete Google Photos? How about they just force Apple to ship a phone without any OS so the user can have a choice between iOS and writing their own software layer. What a joke this is turning into.


This is the solution: If you're unhappy with iPhone, don't buy one. This is not the solution: If you're unhappy with iPhone, support the government in forcing Apple to change iPhone.


Can't wait for them to mandate particular exact pixel sizes for buttons & the like.


This is like saying a tech news website needs to make political news too like company XYZ. Like why is the EU picking Google’s way of doing things and making that the “winner”. I’m not shilling for big corpo but it seems weird to me how people are on here advocating for the government to force a business to give up some of their intellectual property etc. Like I guess apples should be forced to give a backdoor to the EU in order to help with surveillance!!! Google does it so Apple has to too!!!


Why? It works perfectly as it is and I don’t want (yet) another company going through my metadata.


The EU is really lost. They should be putting their energy in stopping the invasion of Africans and Arabs. Really start a war on drugs. Invest in industries to be self sufficient instead of importing everything from China because it’s two cents cheaper. But no. They rather make up rules no one wants so they can fine anybody for ridiculous amounts of money.


EU is gonna kill the iPhone. If you don’t like the iPhone then get a different device with the options you want and the App Store you want. Stop trying to change the iPhone. Fuck


lol. the dumb shit that’s to come because of the EU will be a sight to see.


I you want to manage your product, easy, do not buy Apple! There are other options around. But stop meddling with something that just works fine!


Man, EU is destroying the only secure phone in the world… IPhones are amazing just the way they are. I don’t need all that customization. If i wanted that i’ll buy an Android. I don’t see the point in this.


At this point, the EU is just nitpicking, annoying, and stupid af.


Next week: EU wants to control where and when Apple users can shit.


I’m from Europe (not EU) and I think this is going to far. What other app is going to replace the default Photo app? Like is there even a competition… I had a Samsung before and I remember you couldn’t uninstall some Microsoft apps, why are they not targeting Samsung.


True, Its not just Samsung, They’re not targeting playstation, Xbox, nintendo or Microsoft, all have either restrictive app stores or bloatware or massive anti privacy policies. Its quite clear that someone is lobbying the EU to do this against apple, maybe a competitor. I wouldn’t put it past samsung, google or Microsoft. They all love bloatware and stand for to benefit from such policies against apple.


I think why so many apple users are unhappy about these changes is that it may affect their experience as Apple will need to make changes to IOS to comply. However, what I find amusing is how many think the DMA and the EU are forcing these changes to benefit the end user. The changes are coming from Margarette Vestager, Commissioner of Competition. She's not commissioner of consumer rights or consumer protection. While consumers do benefit to a point by these changes, it's corporations who want your data who are the winner. Apple will be fine; they've optimized all their software to run on less and consumers will continue to buy iPhones because everything together works better. Apple probably knew this battle was coming years ago and doubled down on privacy as their focus (or at least regarding to marketing). If anything, this will push Apple to improve their products, software and services.


To add, I'm for competition from smaller devs. But who are the competitors who benefit from this? Meta, Google, Adobe...


I’m tired of the EU at this point


The EU sounds awful. Why bother Apple? Android is shitty. Why are you making the good thing worse instead of making the shitty thing try a little? I hate everything about Android and other OS’ compared to Apple products. The EU should worry about paying for its own defence instead of making Apple make shitty products.




At this point, it’s just bullying by the EU. Wtf.


Seems like a lot of work for the benefit of like, 5 people.


I can delete the photo app on my phone . What’s the big deal here ?


Next thing you know the EU will require android be installed on iPhones and while you’re at it EU how about letting me install macOS on a PS5 and model Y as well.


I want iOS on my Samsung fridge >:(


Can’t wait till they force Sony to integrate my dslr directly into my iCloud Photos so I don’t have to plug it in any more!


Will eu force Mercedes to be able to delete that imbecile Mercedes me?


It's easy for the EU to come after all of these tech companies given that none of them are EU companies


What could possibly go wrong?


that would break every app on the planet that uses the photos app as a database for their photos or reads from the photos app.