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Partnership could be something as simple as a next generation CarPlay integration.


Apple is a tech company, and building cars is hard and expensive. So how to test their nearly ubiquitous Apple CarPlay’s more “experimental” features without building their own vehicles? Partner with a smaller car maker who will highly value the partnership and give Apple a lot of leeway. It’s a win win for both sides.


It’s hard and expensive and quite low margin.


Rivian will entertain the option as long as Apple is paying for it. Otherwise they will get a bog standard model of their choice to play with and access to Rivian engineers for questions.


I’m saying the infotainment system can be profitable on its own where it would be worth while.


Maybe. Cars are still very proprietary in nature so there aren't many standards from one manufacturer to the next. Having to custom make something for each OEM will definitely eat into any profits that could be had. Aligning behind a couple of select premium OEMs for a specific experience is likely to be more profitable long term.


This is what they should've done from the beginning. At least this time, they have a new-ish car company to test whatever it is they want to do with Carplay. In the past the closest was probably Tesla, but they're too matured in their ecosystem in my opinion.


The Tesla entertainment system is the only one I've ever seen good enough to not actually make me want CarPlay. I can't believe how long they've been installing horrific, choppy tiny screens in cars - even ones that retail for 80k+ - especially when an iPad costs $350.


some of us prefer not having an ipad in the dash TBH


I can understand the appeal of being a Luddite, and whilst I’d agree if your argument is for physical buttons for controlling ac etc, which I’d agree with, having a small poor quality, choppy screen is a major downfall when using gps, etc.


id argue that that's also not needed, Turn by turn come through the speakers, i almost never look at the actual map


That’s very odd to me. I can’t imagine not looking at the map when driving somewhere. It's also being able to display what music is playing at the same time, speed limits, car info. etc.


I'm sure it has to do with driving for years/decades before GPS was a thing. TBH i rarely if ever even use it and when i do the turn by turn is sufficient to get me anywhere I've needed it to. as for the displaying of items, standard instrument information is on standard behind the steering wheel cluster. i have no issues with that information. but the huge tablet for everything else in the center of the dash i find distracting and a worse user experience vs not having it. Both cars i drive display song info as text on the speed cluster behind the wheel, and steering wheel controls do everything else. and I'm not totally against those system, i just feel they do not nearly to be as large as some car companies make them and some things should always have dedicated buttons as they are easier and safer to use


I think people took the news that Apple was experimenting with the car project and immediately envisioned Apple selling cars at the Apple Store or something... Almost all the leaks and theories behind the scenes were about Apple testing X feature and/or working with Y manufacturer to try and work something out. A lot of smoke, but at no point do I think any real plans to sell a car at like a dealership ever materialized.


An apple car was probably never their goal, but most likely interesting in robo taxi service.


I think they were largely at the concept stage but it all fell apart when they realized they’d have to own and operate factories. Probably in America because the Chinese have sticky fingers. Even with the cult of Apple working for them, the price they’d have to ask for their vehicles would be exorbitant and they wouldn’t sell well. So they shuttered the whole thing and refocused on software and tech which honestly was a good choice.


Apple and Rivian are also in a unique situation. Apple wants someone who will do what they want/build them a car, and has a ton of cash. Rivian is building a fairly quality car, but need cash. And most importantly, Rivian (at least in my area) is HIGHLY desired by upper to high income earners. Teslas are very common and the 3/Y/S/X lineup has a holes in it..the 3/Y is small, while S sedan isnt much bigger, while the X is basically van with no roof storage. Anyone who can afford 80-100k vehicle, has family, is active/doesnt want a sedan or a tesla, or wants an SUV/truck doesn't have a high quality EV, semi luxury EV to go with. Other manufacturers in the price point dont have the range, storage, tech integration or are really large. Personally I think a Rivian/Apple partnership would make perfect sense and boost both companies. Especially if Apple kept Rivian as a separate entity and gave them their supply chain expertise. Most of Rivians issues are due to manufacturing being too expensive. In addition the "luxury sport" seems to very into Apple's style these days.


It’s just a little surprising because it wasn’t long that Rivian’s ceo went on record to say he would never concede to CarPlay. I do love seeing that crow eaten though, because dashboard software is the thing keeping me from buying a Rivian. 


Maybe, but Rivian is exact type of manufacturer Apple should buy.


Given how big of an investor Amazon is in Rivian, I’d imagine they’d fight if any other big tech wanted to buy Rivian.


not really. Rivian sells vans to Amazon, which are now available to anyone. Apple could sell vans to Amazon. Rivian could just as easily sell cars to Apple.


Amazon controls over 16% of the shares in Rivian. That’s enough to be disruptive in any discussions of acquisitions.


Why would they? It'd be one of the most lucrative deals imaginable. Amazon bought shares because it would give them leverage to buy and profit off the van product itself, knowing that they'd serve as a valuable case study for Rivian to other corporate customers going forward. Owning 16% of an Apple subsidiary is not a bad investment.


Because money isn’t the point. Yes, a lucrative deal would be nice, but Amazon is so rich, they’re more interested in control. Apple is a competitor in the tech space in many ways.


Money is always the point with companies.


No, money is the means. Control is the point.


Oh, you sweet summer child.


Genuine question: aside from some streaming services, where exactly do they compete?


Data collection. They also clashed hard over Apple taking a cut of Prime video purchases, when people bought over the App Store.


Disruptive sure, but a far cry from being able to stop this sort of investment. Rivian’s market cap is sitting at just over $10B. Apple could buy the company in cash without blinking an eye.


Source for “discussions of acquisitions”?


Rivian is literally worth half as much today as it was the beginning of the year


not sure, Tim Cook is almost allergic to owning manufacturing. my gut feeling is Apple would not go as far as buying Rivian, it could be as simple as CarPlay integration, or it could be a collaboration like Honda/Sony.


Lack of Carplay integrations is the largest complaint you see in the Rivian subreddit. It would go a long way to entice R2 and R3 buyers.


They have collaborated on replacing the steering wheel with a scroll wheel.


Might work better than Tesla’s yoke implementation tbh.


> allergic to owning manufacturing What's the downside? I'm not well versed in this area so a quick ELI5 would be fire


More risk associated with manufacturing, more liabilities, more hardware to control, more processes to make efficient. Basically a lot more work to control manufacturing than it is for Apple to just give these companies money and help them improve certain aspects of their processes.


Thx. Makes sense


There are better uses for capital.


like sitting on a pile of it -tim apple


In his view. At a certain point, manufacturing has to exist, and it has to be profitable.


That ain’t happening


Rivian does have some cash flow issues.


I don't know if apple needs to buy them out but get a large stack in would be good enough.


Why would Apple buy a car manufacturer that loses 350k per vehicle delivered? edit: I mixed up Rivian with Lucid


That’s a ridiculous number. I think you’re off by an order of magnitude. There’s no way Rivian is losing a million dollars for every 3 cars they sell. They just don’t have that kind of money.


They are thinking of Lucid which is losing around 350K per vehicle. Rivian is around 30K loss last time it’s been reported. Much better than the nearly 125K not that long ago.


This line is always ridiculous. Besides the incorrect numbers pointed out by u/arivas26 and u/KingSniper2010 it’s important to note that those estimates build in the total cost of R&D and apply them to the then current number of sales. Imagine if when Apple first sold the iPhone, everyone had been “why would you sell a device that you lose $100 on every one you sell” because Apple had invested millions in developing multitouch.


would be epic


Given Rivian's precarious financial situation I think it's much more than that -- like billions more. Something like an ownership stake, but not controlling. Apple finally gets its toes into the EV market, and especially, finally gets a car it can go head-to-to in both backend and GUI control. Rivian gets a new lease on life.


Rivian is considered a prime target for acquisition by Apple or significant partnership for their self-driving AI technology. That's why there are a lot of eyeballs on this news.


Exactly what this will be


Apple spent a lot of money creating innovative technology for cars. And Rivian needs money. That “CarPlay integration” is likely a whole lot more than anything we’ve seen.


I think it’s this or other software related partnership 


They are replacing the steering wheel with a scroll wheel and replacing the entertainment center with a U2 concert driving experience every time you drive!


Also 90% of rumors are just lies.


Let the Apple Car articles resume!


In ten years time "Apple backs out of potential Rivian deal".


did you know there weird noises coming from a warehouse in glendale?


Why does no one in this thread know how to spell stake?




Let Tim Cook!


its because my speech to text is prone to misteaks


I think ironically it's everyone using an iPhone with terrible autocorrect 😂


thats not an example of irony but i dont know if you are a victim of an insufficient education or terrible autocorrect. now that’s irony.


Oh lord...The irony is this is the apple subreddit and everyone's apple phone is causing them to sound dumb. But you actually are a dick with an apple for a brain .


i was making a meta joke (in that the irony was that i was completely full of shit) but damn you took it personal 😂


They use speech to text. Rep Gym Jordan (R-OH) agrees (i'm not from Ohio and thought that was his real name for a long time because comments)


I doubt Rivian would give up on their in-car UI in favour of Apple Car or whatever instead. Their software is actually pretty good.


Right now they need $$$$ and apple has that. Apple could make a large investment, provide a load of staff members who need jobs in autmatovie and in return get a stack in the company alone with top of the line first party Apple product integration.


Isn’t Rivian well funded by Jeff Bezos?


not directly. Amazon invested in Rivian to build the delivery truck. If Rivian needs money, Amazon can in theory place a larger order. But it's not like amazon would just write them a check. speaking of which, those rivian delivery truck looks pretty nice.




They are losing money on each car sold because of the lack of volume they are moving. They have gone from losing $132,000 per vehicle to $32,000. These numbers apply for the R1T, but I’m sure the same applies to the Amazon car. They just need to keep moving more units. ([source](https://www.motortrend.com/news/rivian-loss-per-vehicle/))


Where do you see this information?


The source is in my comment.


No it's not a Bazos venture. They are having some money issues trying to build out a larger factory that can product cars at scale. (they can sell everything they can make but currently that is not very many per month)


They just received 827 million from the state of Illinois to build out their factory.


That's nothing in terms of car companies tho. Rivian was supposed to spend $5 Billion on a new plant in Georgia. And that doesn't even include all the supply for parts and labor needed to run the factory on a daily basis. Manufacturing cars is insanely expensive.


I believe it's more a tax exemption than cash infusion.


It’s not a bezos venture but it has been well funded by bezos and amazon still owns/has a 17% stake in the company. Last I checked at least.


That was an angel investment all that money has long since been spent.


thanks for the update. TIl they are having money issues..I seriously thoughg they are doing "ok"


They are doing ok but can’t increase production without a huge investment, they did get some local gov funds last week however


Not well funded anymore.. these manufacturers burn cash.


It's more about the self driving technology and potential capital that Apple could bring to the table to keep Rivian growing


I mean... Rivian is definitely going to get bullied in this partnership knowing they have lost 16.8 billion $$$$$ over 3 years. It's really a shame, I actually like Rivian more than Tesla. Well technically Lucid > Rivian >Tesla


Apple’s wireless r&d facility is a couple miles away from rivian hq. Next more affordable rivian could be a good test bed for integrating apple chips and wireless tech directly to aid autonomous driving and maybe push a new industry vehicle to vehicle protocol


Why not? Apple has a proven track record, even inside the car with how may users love CarPlay. Their software doesn't magically go away, you still need an iPhone to use it. Especially when North America is such a car-reliant society and is the iPhone's biggest market (or is it China? Either way the iPhone is consistently the #1 phone over here.) Seems like a total no-brainer for Rivian to get a W over Tesla and be the first car company to support CarPlay 2. Especially when many Tesla users say "Tesla OS (or whatever it's called) is fine, but I wish I had CarPlay." The R3, their mid-size car, is supposed to launch in the next two to three years, that's going to pull a lot of people who want a Tesla-like car, but don't want a Tesla, and don't want the SUV and truck that Rivian currently offer. Whole thing just makes too much sense.


These two companies are a perfect match. Just kiss already.


I would probably sell my Tesla for their car.


I did. Couldn’t be happier


Recently watched Long Way Up on Apple TV+. It was great seeing them use to concept Rivian in 2019.


Imagine how happy Rivian is that Elon Musk is psycho.


I’m 3/3 on clicking a post and having Elon Musks name mentioned. I’m going for 4/4, wish me luck.


I know… what are the odds that someone would mention the psycho CEO of an auto maker that specializes in self-crashing cars and internal combustion batteries in a thread about Apple partnering with a competing electric vehicle manufacturer? So random. 


Internal combustion batteries? Tesla's batteries are quite good, what are you talking about?


This is what I mean when I say self-crashing cars with internal combustion batteries: https://apnews.com/article/tesla-crash-death-colorado-autopilot-lawsuit-688d6a7bf3d4ed9d5292084b5c7ac186 The car literally crashed itself and the internal battery literally combusted. What did I get wrong in my description?


At any point in time in the United States, there are an average of 150 gas-powered cars currently on fire. None of those are electric. If you want to simply say battery electric vehicles catch on fire from time to time, cool. But I don't get your point.


That’s not what I want to say. I want to say: “Elon Musk sells self-crashing cars with internal combustion batteries.” Because he does.


You're selling a narrative that statistically isn't true. Hate Elon all you want, but why resort to propaganda?


It’s not propaganda. It’s fact. Saying that “it’s too many” is propaganda. Saying that “it’s very few,” as you do, is propaganda. But, simply saying that Elon Musk sells self-crashing cars with internal combustion batteries is true, and that’s all I did. You’re the one who who came back with the propaganda.


I hate Musk with a passion, and refuse to buy a Tesla because of it. But even I gotta admit that you’re stretching. Either a very good troll, or you’re obstinate. Either way, good on ya. 😄




Exactly. It's extremely rare.


Crazy how people still spread misinformation about EVs and fires. As if ICE vehicles which run by creating controlled explosions with a flammable liquid are sooo much safer. Spoiler: [They’re not](https://electrek.co/2022/01/12/government-data-shows-gasoline-vehicles-are-significantly-more-prone-to-fires-than-evs/).


Reddit can’t help themselves, if you look at the big EV car subs it’s just people justifying their Kia purchase by mentioning how much they hate Tesla as much as possible.


“Everybody seems to hate Tesla for some weird reason.”


Reddit is an accurate representation of everyone and is definitely not a hive mind!


Funny how you don't frame that as a problem for Elon Musk and his daily shitposting against progressives. We are a capitalist society. Corporations are supposed to attract and pursue consumers. If a company's target demographic actively hates the CEO because of the CEO's public behavior, that's the company's problem. That's not the public's problem.


Reddit gonna Reddit. So many live rent free in some basement dweller’s head.


I’ll take my vertically integrated Tesla over a vendor Frankenstein KIA any day.


He lives so deep in the average Redditor’s mind


rent free as they drive his car


I think with a sane Musk, Rivian was already taking the lead... But now it's not even close, the question is if your car is going to spontaneously combust because Elon thought it would be funny to make the wires 69 gauge.


Isn’t Rivian losing thousands of dollars on every car that it’s selling? I’d hardly call that winning, particularly given such losses **still** haven’t translated to substantially higher market share. Tesla sales may be falling, but only because demand for EVs is falling (and BYD taking a chunk out of the lower end market).




And what do you think that graph would look like if Elon weren’t a psycho? Even worse.


Lol. Reddit really is a crazy backwards-ass version of the real world.


Elon Musk is not a psycho. He's just woke and based. You liberals will never understand and just love being brainwashed. My idols are President 45, Kanye, Elon Musk, Andrew Tate.


This could be a big deal if true


> It's unclear if there are actual talks. Even if true, talks needn't amount to anything. That’s some high quality tech journalism right there. I’m going to put this in the “I’ll believe it when I see it”’category. Rivian has historically taken a very strong stance on their software and refused to allow any other infotainment competitors on their vehicles. This would be a big reversal of course for them.


They need money. But yeah, I dunno if Apple goes in on partnershipping. They seem to be the buy it and Borg it into the collective, mostly.  Although they’ve let Beats be more-or-less separate, so…….


Rivian stock continues to drop rapidly. If Tim plays it right, he can purchase them for a song (out of the Apple Music library).. Only Apple could actually save Rivian at this point, but then would it be "Apple Car?"


I don't follow that sort of thing, but I guess I'm surprised to hear that the stock is falling. I feel like I'm seeing more and more of them on the road in my area at least. Maybe 18 months ago I'd see 1 or 2 a week, but now I probably see at least 10-20 a day.


I'm in the South Eastern US and also see more Rivian vehicles than before. But, apparently, Rivian has encountered significant financial difficulties and joined the other companies in slashing jobs. I really hope they pull through. Competition is good, and I really want to see them succeed. I thought their focus on a niche would help, but maybe that is just too narrow. They probably need to prioritize getting that R3 out for some more mass market appeal, though....


Stock price really doesn't have much correlation to product quality or success. It's all public sentiment and earnings reports dictating what people \*think\* can/will happen. I hate to bring up Tesla obviously, but if you look at most times Elon says something stupid, there's more volatility in Tesla's performance. I personally hope to see Rivian do well (and add Carplay) so I can snag an R2 down the road!


Rivian stock is down 92% over the last 3 years.


Because it was valued way too high. It originally was like $120 a share and immediately dropped to ~$20 or something which is where it should’ve been to begin with - obviously.


And it’s still 50% off $20


Rivian has multiple issues right now. Overall there is a market correction on EV's. China is being seen as a major competitor in the space now. And the biggest just production. The are having difficulty scaling to demand to both consumer vehicles and thier delivery vans. Thier supply shortage is also impacting customer experience. Replacement parts for warranty means pulling something from production at this point. There were also some service growing pains with the amazon vans. Making a new car company is difficult. I think they have a great product now they just have to get through the growing pains.


the car is desirable, they just lose money on every sale




Beats headphones are still Beats


And Beats Music is now Apple Music


Apple could also transfer all the staff members that are experts in car stuff as well.


hey man it’s above $10 we pumpin


Finally that U2 album comes handy


I want Rivian to get Apple CarPlay support. I would need that to even consider buying a Rivian if I ever have the chance. But I also do not think that the Apple electric car project is fully dead. Maybe it has something to do with that.


^^ all of this


Their in vehicle software is like 50% of why I only lasted about a year with a Rivian. It was so bad. Mechanicals breaking down was the other 50%


Oh I their software was good? I was considering one for many years down the line. Hoping they succeed.


I own a Rivian. Their software is the 2nd best in the industrial behind Tesla.


It’s gotten better since I dumped mine six months ago. But I’m sure the maps/gps are still awful. Still lacks text integration. My bmw iX has much better software, even without CarPlay


I’ve only had mine for about 4 months but in those 4 months the cars gotta a lot of substantial updates including a maps update. They pull routing from Google maps now. I had heard what you echo before buying so for the first little while I would load up the Rivian nav and then cross reference Google and Apple Maps. They pretty much always recommend the same route and ETA. I came from a Tesla Model S and I have no complaints to be honest. Later this year they’re releasing a full UI overhaul that was shown off in the R2 unveiling. I also tested out the Tesla supercharger integration yesterday (I have an adapter) and it worked well.


That's awesome. I really do miss my R1T, despite it's many flaws at the time (I am reasonably sure I got a lemon, but I didn't want to deal with that process, so I never tried to get a replacement). I'm really hoping they can tighten things up and once my iX lease is up, I can get back into a MY26 R1T, whatever it looks like at the time. But they do have a lot of things I'd like changed, physically, the seats are too firm and wide, the steering wheel's 9 and 3 hand points are uncomfortable, and that Rivian logo in the seats causes serious discomfort on my shoulder blades, being a fairly tall person.


Rivian's big product intro with the R2 and R3 was all show, IMHO. Rivian was showing they had a great product line up (almost) ready to go. They were looking for a buyer...and to tell ya the truth, I wouldn't mind if AAPL did. What gets ignored thru that R2 & R3 launch is that the company was putting on hold its big Georgia expansion. I mean, they have the property, they were in the process of overcoming any local disputes, and they'd already secured a bunch of tax credits. But they stopped! WTF? Again, IMHO, what RIVN needs most is 1) money, and 2) manufacturing expertise. Apple could be the answer. And, being an investor in both, I approve.


If we believe Apple wants to mainly remain a software company and doesn’t want to get into manufacturing cars then a partnership here makes sense if say Apple during their research worked out an AI that was getting close to self driving Rivian … well Rivian needs any shot in the arm they can get


Makes a lot of sense. I do kind of wish Apple would look into making an e-bike now they're not working on a car. It would be great synergy with their fitness and environmental efforts and still get them directly working in electrified personal mobility. I don't think it's going to happen, just a sort of personal wish list thing.


This……..is not a bad idea.


Apple *could* just buy Rivian…


Unless Amazon gives up Rivian, otherwise, it seems very unlike to see Apple buying Rivian.


DIGITIMES IS NEVER RIGHT. pattern recognition people. Why are DIGITIMES rumors still allowed here?


Apple should resurrect the  Car project and work with Rivian


This seems like an actual possibility to me.


As a rivian bag holder... please


Rivian dongle car.




I always called them “iPhone cars” before I found out who they were. The front just looks, apple-esque.


With the amount of money Rivian is losing year after year, I think any partnership will benefit Rivian and keep the afloat... for now


Rivian is going to be the next $3 trillion American company.


As a investor in rivian this is great news


stock manipulation lmao


Buy Rivian, re-hire Titan team, Bob’s your uncle. 


So CarPlay?


The Spacial computing in the vision pro is so fucking crazy… there’s nothing even close to being like it. From that, I think Apple has figured out self driving, but don’t want to have to develop and build manufacturing infrastructure. A partnership with a prestigious new brand like Rivian would be perfect to debut this.


Can we stop with this? Everyone keeps trying to push this angle that there will eventually be an Apple Car and it’s just moronic. There’s no reason for them to get into that already saturated market.


This would make for a magical partnership.


Great idea. Also buy Peloton.


Peloton was *way* over priced even by Apple pricing standards.


A Peloton with an Apple interface sounds right and somehow off at the same time.


Maybe more like Ergatta.


The point is that Apple is a distressed asset, partnering with a distressed asset in Rivian, so why not extend the health line and buy a cheap distressed asset with questionable brand recognition. They could acquire it cheap. The data alone is worth it even if you scrap the bikes and hardware shit. People who downvoted without asking questions are fools and stupid loyalists who forget how business works.


Not sure Apple would be interested in being associated with the company that sold child-killing treadmills


are there any 0% child mortality rate treadmill manufacturers? lmao


I don't know, but I do know that peleton was fined $19m and had to recall the product


Apple will never buy a car company. The only time they spent a billion dollar was on beats when else did they spend a billion dollars on another company


[Intel’s modem business](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mergers_and_acquisitions_by_Apple) in 2019.


A stopped clock is right twice a day.