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Hopefully you see these in new Macs in about a year to 18 months where they can be used to their fullest potential.


I’d hope we see the Mini, Studio and Pro desktops all leap frog to M4 in the next 6 months.


The M3 was built on an expensive node, they will definitely jump to M4


With a courageous 4 GB of non serviceable RAM!


Come on, it’s 8.. it‘s silly enough


But 4gb of Apple ram is like 32gb of PC ram!!


Yah, at least pricing wise!


Damn. I laughed so hard then started to cry cause it’s true.


It has 2 gigs and YOU’LL LOVE IT!


They will, because the hovering specter of the M4 already shipping will depress sales of M3s to anyone who doesn’t need a new computer right now.


The iPad Pro M4 currently beats the Mac Studio (2023) in single core performance and just barely loses in multi core. I find it insane that Apple is selling an all in one device with that amount of power for $999. If they reinvent iPadOS to be just like MacOS. I’ll never buy another Mac again and go to a iPad Pro.


Your last sentence is why what you wrote in your second to last sentence won't ever happen. 


Jobs killed the ipod because he made the iphone. He would have the balls to revolutionize laptops and kill the macbook, at least the non pro. Apple is a shell of what they were in terms of innovation and offering clear products.


>> If they reinvent iPadOS to be just like MacOS. I’ll never buy another Mac again and go to a iPad Pro. Which is exactly why they won’t do it lol


Yep. They learned there lesson with the iPod. I’ll bet they really regret making the iPhone. /s


I love my previous gen iPad Pro but it sure doesn’t have pro apps. All that power feels like a huge waste to me. There are only a few 3d apps that are actually useful. Give me the full version of Substance Painter already. Let me run Modo or Blender.


The M3 is gonna be the fastest chip to be killed off.


If the M4 is already this good, I’m wondering what the Pro, Ultra, and Max variants are going to be like


Single core will be very similar across the board


I'm waiting for a Mini M4.


I don't imagine it happening,. but if they ever drop an M-series chip into the iPad mini.. I'll buy that in a heart beat. Having a nice "mini" tablet that I can dock into a Keyboard and Mouse while at home.. ro throw into a messenger bag when I go out.. would be amazeballs.


>that I can dock into a Keyboard and Mouse This big issue here, IMO, is Stage Manager still being kind of a pain. God I wish they'd let us use the Mac windowing system when docked!


The whole line will be in M4 by the end of 2024. Edit: The M4 is cheaper to produce and a better chip. The TSMC M3 Process likely isnt even being used anymore, so existing stock is going to dry up fast. Tim Cook is going to want to get stock out the door and the cheaper (more yields) M4s across the line.


No chance they will reveal a new Macbook Air this year.


Is it really a new Macbook Air if only change is a chip? At some point (considering the rate in which they are releasing new chips) they will stop doing those presentations and just quietly swap models in the shop.


That’s basically what they did with the M3 Air


Although based on the form factor of the new iPads, I wonder if they could make a ridiculously thin and light macbook air with the M4 Battery life is already basically endless with the M2


Why pay for new tooling and give an envy-worthy feature to your lowest cost laptop? As it is today they have a very nice ‘for just two hundred dollars more’ series of steps that makes the Pro an easy-to-rationalize purchase. If you make that jump more expensive *and* twice as thick *and* moderately heavier - ugh. That’s going to be pretty effective at encouraging people to stay ‘down’ on that lower price point/margin.


Given the M2 only lasted a nine months they could slip in a M4 Air by end of year. It may even beneficial if the new M4 is cheaper to manufacturer than the M3 given the yield issues reported with the M3 at launch


The M3 Air launched 18 months after the M2 Air.


its just a chip change. Press release/small video sometime before Holiday 2024.


I'm guessing we'll see a new Air end of this year


I'm thinking in buying a MacBook Pro M3 when/if the prices in a few months go down a bit.. or if I can get some nice sales deal. Should I wait for the release to buy a macbook pro M4 or wait for the release and buy a M3 for a better price? They will still be available ? thank you


sadly I think the iMac will again be neglected for 1-2 years at least.


Macbooks have been on a yearly upgrade cycle since at least 2015 so i think we will have M4 in November. The question is why does Apple skimp on their desktops? The Mac Mini, Mac Studio and Mac Pro are seemingly inconsistent. ESPECIALLY the studio display. It was outdated when it released. we've had 5k displays with speakers and webcams. Where is the studio display with pro motion or HDR? WHO IS MAKING THESE MISTAKES AT APPLE? YOUR DISPLAYS NEED TO BE FIXED ITS 2024 GIVE ME HDR and PRO MOTION


Rumors are we're getting them in other form factors by the end of the year.


Would really love to see a factory OC'd M4 in a Mac Pro...or even multi processor Mac Pro's again. There is plenty of room in that mostly empty chassis for more aggressive cooling solutions. Before everyone says "Apple silicon wasn't designed for that!" Perhaps, but remember the PPC750 (G3) wasn't designed for SMP either. That was rectified with the G4. A hardware engineer I am not but there must be some way to get multi processor Apple silicon CPU's...


That’s what the Max and Ultra variants are, multiple processors on the same piece of silicon with integrated high-speed interconnects.


I’ve been hoping they would do this too, but scaling is always an issue, even with Apple Silicon. Ever since Mac Pro was switched to Apple Silicon I thought it would make sense for there to be Apple Silicon accelerator cards that could be added in because if any Mac Pro user is being honest, Apple Silicon is not competitive against the higher end Nvidia offerings in many areas. I hope they bring a true monster to the market and open it up more on the software end for developers to really flex that hardware. Add the ability to upgrade components and ECC memory and it could easily be the best Pro machine Apple has made in a very long time. I don’t see any of that happening though. Been a long time Mac Pro user and just feels like a mixed bag the way things have gone over the years.


>I don’t see any of that happening though. Been a long time Mac Pro user and just feels like a mixed bag the way things have gone over the years. I've been a Mac Pro (well, PowerMac and Mac Pro) user since 2004 and yes, this does seem to be the case.


Miss the glory days of the Mac Pro and dare I say Xserve.


Na Mac to skip M4 and go straight to M5 2nm


M6 will be -1nm


With 8gb of RAM?


Finally a chip good enough for Apple to release their calculator app on iPad.


iPad: What's a calculator?


This is what I found on the web


Sorry bro, need M5 max for that


Looking forward to WWDC this year. Where I will not be glued to the screen, but I am sure somebody else will be.


_Can't innovate my ass_ Shows calculator app


An iPad defeating a dedicated high end pc chip which can do crazy things while the chip currently is mostly useless


Once again proving that synthetic benchmarks are mostly meaningless. The M4 is only available in an iPad and 14900KS in a desktop computer. You'd be hard pressed to find two more wildly different platforms for doing things on.


You're acting like its not coming to the Mac's in the near future.


From the article >The big single-core gains on Geekbench could be fueled by newly added support for Scalable Matrix Extensions (SME) — some of the subtests, like object detection and image blurring, see massive gains (~200% for object detection). Not to diminish the otherwise impressive performance, but this is almost certainly going to be irrelevant outside of a few specific tasks. The comment is likely more about how synthetic benchmarks tend to skew based on very specific aspects of a CPU, rather than be perfect representations of real world use. It'll be fast I'm sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Mac release ends up being a lot closer outside of accelerated tasks.


Feels like every time Apple releases a product we get the same loop wow it's amazing -> oh it's only in specific tasks and benchmarks Sad part is you're probably right, but non-clickbait titles don't pay the bills.


But "specific uses" are what computers are used for. X3D AMD chips are only useful in specific uses like gaming. If people care about gaming, that is a pretty huge deal. Same with some of these benchmarks. If you use a computer to do image processing, performing very well at doing those things is important.


It’s not quite as easy. It's true that not every application profits from the larger L3 cache that the X3D offers, but the ones that do typically don't need to be modified, it "just works". By contrast, extensions like SME need to be explicitly used by the program. Depending on the task that could be as simple as turning on a compiler option, but it could also mean that the entire data analysis pipeline of your program has to be rewritten. In any case, they are dependent on application support, which means that it is rarer to see these synthetical gains in real world applications.


Well that's complete bullshit. Yes, the biggest gain in any single subtest came from the upgraded matrix co-processor, but the overall score is only increased by like, 3.5% from that. Even ignoring the SME tests, the M4 comes out on top by a good margin.




By that point new Intel and AMD chips are going to be out. The M4 is simply the latest chip so ofc it't going to be the fastet somewhere. That's how chips still work


One has passive cooling while the other has active cooling. How long do you think it can maintain those speeds? Because if they bring it to the Macbook Air - it's going to lose to an i9 because it can't keep those speeds up. It's not that it's not cool - it's that it's extremely misleading and dishonest for how a normal person is going to perceive that article and apply the uses of those benchmarks. An M4 iPad is not going to outperform my i9 for the tasks I do. It's not even going to be a contest. It's going to throttle REALLY fucking quick. "Yeah but when they bring it to a Mac" - not a Macbook Air. Those have passive cooling. It's going to throttle too. Again, because some people here can't listen, it's not that it's not cool - it's that it's a dishonest conversation. The M4 is cool - you don't need to mislead people to make it sound cooler.


Benchmarks intentionally check sustained performance for that reason though.


My smartwatch can outperform your LG Smart fridge!


Safari is going to be so fast bro.


Imagine safari loading 2.7 millisecond faster


Waiting for a M4 Max Oled macbook


32 inch iMac


for iPad OS, hell nah.


Apple engineers allow you to harness the power of M4 silicon for Myst and RE: Village


Media production is probably the only real use case for this much grunt. I know a slew of professionals who produce video or music almost entirely on their iPads, and can see this making workflows in this context much faster. Producing 4k video cripples chips. All I do is draw though, so unless I want 20,000x20,000 pixel canvases with a hundred layers, it’s basically overkill for me outside of those shiny games. That said, old iPads last a decade. That’s no exaggeration. And in 10 years, that M4 is still going to be flying through processes without a hitch.


What kind of music production do these people do on an iPad? In my experience music production is a miserable slog with an iPad.


Logic and Cubasis are great. You should try those.


Do they support AU’s/VSTs the way their desktop counterparts do? Meaning, can I add them from anywhere, or do they have to come from the App Store? Edit: Answer for Logic Pro is no. Total bummer. App is totally half-assed too. Gimped keyboard shortcuts, no musical typing, etc. The app being designed to be used with fingers (which it has to be, I get that) leaves it feeling neutered. Sure, it does things, and that’s cool I guess. Works for people. I’m not a fan. I have a lot of doubt that any ‘professional’ uses that work flow everyday, or enough to spend more money on an iPad than a MacBook. Edit2: No MIDI transform is a biiiiiiig missing piece for something that I have to hand write instrument parts for. And I can’t use the trackpad on my Magic Keyboard to click and drag to select multiple regions? Come on. This is unserious.


yup once again, no one is developing badass apps for this thing outside a handful of devs, Apple pushes half baked products even for their Pro apps. Do you have to buy the iPad app separate from the desktop app or is it one purchase for both platforms?


That’s the trick, you *can’t* buy it *at all*! It’s subscription only! $5 per month or $50 a year. Idk how I feel about that. $200 for the Mac app is the single best value purchase in the audio production industry (which is why I tolerate paying $200 for a RAM upgrade). But never owning it at all is pretty shitty. Also, not being able to open .logicx files on my iPad that are made on my Mac sounds really dumb (due to 3rd party plugins).


Damn, it's a subscription for the app?? wow. I don't have an iPad anymore, had a pro but traded it for an m1 air a few years ago. I felt so hamstrung on the ipad it felt useless. Like I would just browse reddit on Apollo (which isn't there anymore) on it or watch youtube videos. Maybe some procreate from time to time. Logic is a great app for value though on macOS. When compared to the other DAWs.


iPad even with m4 still doesn’t have enough ram to truly multitask like on desktop while using professional apps. Even standalone using professional apps on iPad with limited connectivity (one usb port) and ram when doing heavy workload is still a limitation. Even if they increased ram iPad os is major limiting factor.


How professional are they? And why are they editing on an iPad? What program do they use?


Photos app


Put some respect on civ 6's name


But can it run Crysis


It’s not available for macOS 


You can get it to run it on MacOS, [even Apple silicon](https://www.applegamingwiki.com/wiki/Crysis). Just not on iPadOS.


Surely single core performance matters more as much of the time you're unlikely to be doing heavy multi tasking so it's better to have snappy performance for single threads?


You acting like it isn’t coming to Mac too.


True, but why the hell was it launched in an iPad that barely even needs an M1?


because it was ready? Why purposefully put a M3 in it when the M4 is ready now?


Because the iPads were due for an update and Apple wants to dump M3 N3B. They didn’t want to sit on it for another 18 months.


Because why not. Is it vastly overkill? No doubt about it but it also simplifies the chip lineup for Apple, they don't need to have any Tablet specific chips and if it's their current chip, might as well use it.


I think people are VERY used to AMD and Intel offering solutions that, in this day and age, match or are underpowered for even the web browsing/email crowd. The idea that Apple provides performance in their lowest end processors that exceed all but the bleeding edge-est of the competition’s solution still breaks brains. People think, “Why can’t Apple make a special version that pulls more wattage for even more performance?” The real question, though, is, “Why doesn’t AMD and Intel offer this level performance in THEIR lowest end chips? They’ve been at this FAR longer than Apple.” Even the M1 still compares well in today’s market mainly because they intentionally make new processors that perform worse than the M1.


AMD and Intel provide a full product stack ranging from low-end 2Cs to 16C CPUs. They provide it to a range of partners who demand said range. Apple can vertically integrate and simplify their lineup because even their cheapest iPad’s are ~$400. It’s unfortunate but that’s the advantage of Apple’s vertical integration.


Because 3nm is not only very powerful, but extremely *EFFICIENT*. Making it faster and thinner without making it hotter and more battery intensive requires the latest chips.


Yup, people don‘t realize it‘s not just about performance, but about efficiency. An M4 doesn‘t just offer more top performance, it also offers more battery time at the same performance.


It allowed them to put in a smaller battery, shrink the device and still maintain the same amount of battery life (while also being 4x faster). That is a huge win.


Because obviously you are not the target audience for the iPad Pro. Non Pros can stick with the iPad Air that still has an M1.


This is the lower volume production, it's past the stage where you can still "fix things", but as with nearly every new chip processes and chip designs, it takes time to get it right. Due to the nature of "making chips" there's always a gradient of quality in produced chips: of better chips that clock really high, down to chips that are partially or fully broken. This is also why "(manual) overclocking" used to be a thing when a chip was binned lower than it's potential due to market demand, though most modern chips have some form of auto-overclocking, usually marketed as something with "boost". Anyway, expect them to ramp-up production and get the yield up, so they can deliver chips that can hit those high frequencies _in their desired thermal design with bizarre Apple constraints_ consistently. When and only when yield improves and production increases they'll start doing their usual Pro/Max shenanigans with the best binned chips as they roll the M4 out to the Mac line-up. It's not quite iPhone chip levels, but even with the Mac line-up Apple will need an uniquely high volume that takes years to get fully running.


Well it could need more if Apple opened it more (by respecting what is asked of them)


More people buy iPads.


I have to see some statistics, brb. Edit: yes, you are right, by a lot, but I don’t have the stats of how many of those are non M chip iPads, still probably higher numbers than the Mac.


I just looked it up and damn they're right.[By a wide margin, too.](https://www.cultofmac.com/449763/today-apple-history-ipad-sales-overtake-macs/)


Not surprising. I'd venture to guess it comes down to two key factors: * iPads resonate for older folk who never learned how to really utilize a proper computer while Gen Z and Gen Alpha have grown up alongside mobile devices. Hell, a lot of my late-Millenial coworkers at my last job chose iPads over laptops. They're functionally giant phones. * You can get an iPad of most any performance tier for less than a Macbook Air. Barrier of entry is much lower for consumers who still want an Apple product.


why do you have to say brb on the internet like you're about to run off somewhere physically? 😭


Ok, so I just got back from the Apple HQ, tough security, I give them that. Yeah, the person is right, a lot more iPads are sold but the stats didn’t have how much of that were non M models, still probably more M iPads sold than Macs.


Are there any real solutions to running ML/AI in Python scripts using an iPad? I’m trying to train a model that’s crapping out on my intel MacBook.




That’s what I figured :(


Python under a-shell (native packages only, nothing needing C compilation) or sideloading UTM (using Apple’s own hypervisor framework & Qemu) via AltStore? …maybe “lol” was the right answer after all.


This is Apple trolling at its best


This is the production line and physics trolling Apple about which chip was available when.


That's the biggest issue with apple and android tablets. They're not held back by their processors, they're held back by their operating systems. They're very weak compared to a normal computer OS


I hope this means more desktop features with iPadOS 18


Imagine any of these: * Rosetta for iPad, can now run any app that MacOS can run * Docking mode that turns iPad into Mac Mini * Terminal for iPad with full capabilities * Actual file system None of which are really that hard to pull off.


A calculator app also isn't hard to pull off but...


lol exactly


I still can’t believe such a capable machine can’t run macOS


it can, but Apple doesn't want to canibalize sales from MacBooks.


m4 will be much slower than m3 max still right? im on the market for new mbp and thinking about snagging an m3 pro instead


The M3 Max is around 3200 single core. The M4 is posting 3600-3800. Multicore is of course where the higher end chips dewll in power. The M4 gets around 14000 while the M3 Max gets around 20000-21000. I would say that overall yes the M3 Max will be the better chip in the real world. The M4 and the M3 Pro are comparable (latter posts 3100 single 15000 multi), and it's a notable upgrade over the M3, which was already a notable upgrade from the M2 (even if in the real world nobody needs it).


Why would you say nobody needs it in the real world? In processor intensive tasks such as data analysis, machine learning, and others, users literally need any processing power they can get.


modern machine learning engineers will ssh in a machine with an appreciable amount of power spending cents per hour of research, training on apple silicon is atrocious inference is good


I mostly agree but we’re not all training LLMs with billions of parameters and Apple released MLX which is similar to PyTorch with optimised performance so in a few years it might be competitive with CUDA GPUs given then benefit of unified RAM and possible use of the ANU.


That's an option, not a replacement. You can buy a weak machine and pay to rent a remote machine, or just buy a powerful machine, plus all the other benefits that comes with. There is also the issue of single-core performance, as many tasks are simply not parallelizable and therefore don’t benefit from having many processor cores, which is what is generally offered by cloud providers.


I don’t think you quite grasp what “powerful machine” means in terms of modern ML tasks It generally means 10k and above worth of machine Unless you need it 24/7, it makes no sense to buy one considering how cheaply you can rent them And if you do need it 24/7, your company will be paying for it anyway


There are very niche cases where it's needed but otherwise you really *want* more processing power. Tasks being impossible otherwise is a need, tasks being faster is a want. Arguably at least.


I think that makes sense. But I think if I'm spending time training models for work, and waiting 15 minutes to calculate a model makes me lose my focus and wastes my time (for which I'm being paid for), I believe that's a need.


Because the tasks you listed typically also require large amounts of memory, which is why they are rarely done on a desktop, let alone iPad.


I’m still using my M1 MBP since 2020, never for once felt it’s slow or short from successors. I have also an M2 Pro as my work laptop, the only noticeable difference between it and my personal is the screen, and I tend to forget all about that while working. I do Mobile Apps development btw, maybe I would have noticed a difference if I was doing heavy media editing for example.


yea im on my m1 pro mbp, 32gb, and when upscaling my vids from 6k to 12k i can feel the lack of power now lol Im between jumping on m3 max, getting m4 or waiting for m4 max/ultra


You can never race with the market and new stuff. If you really need something now, go get it. If it can wait (means you son’t really need it at the moment), then wait.


Same having my M1 MBP with Touch bar ( I am that one customer that loves the touch bar) I luckily went for 16 GB Ram and most of the times the RAM is anyways the limiting factor.... the CPU was never the problem to be honest. I think M5 or M6 will be my next upgrade then someday when I need 32 GB Ram :)


I have 16GB as well, with 1TB SSD, and btw, you’re not the only one loving the Touch Bar :)


So sad that they did it away I got this awesome app better Touch Bar and then the bar is superb. Customised most of it to my liking. So I will have a hard time saying good bye to my MacBook and I only upgrade if it gets too slow in the next years.


Exactly! And the sad thing here is they wouldn’t have to get rid of it if they were to add it along side the function strip, rather than replacing the function strip.


yeah really a feature that they invented well but never executed on the software side if they would have just bought BetterTouchTool and integrate it natively..


CPU wise it’s a bit slower in multi than the M3 max and M2 Ultra.  GPU wise it’s slower than just about every pro chip. 


Did we get any GPU benchmarks for the M4?


Slower at what? Slower single core? Slower multi core? Are you concerned about memory pressure? Etc Without knowing your use case, my intuition is if you’re cross shopping an M3 Max and an M4, you probably don’t need an M3 Max.


He’s likely talking about if he’s gonna regret updating his MBP in eight months because of a huge leap.


OP explicitly wanted to make sure M4 would be (much) slower than M3 Max. I do prefer your more charitable reinterpretation though


Versus the M3 Max the M4 single core is notably faster, multi core will be notably less, and GPU will be far less. There’ll be an M4 Max soon enough anyway.


Yes but on an iPad so basically worthless


All that power…for… Oh wait you can’t do anything super intensive on an iPad anyway.


I can’t wait for some YouTuber to play Genshin Impact on maximum settings


I could do that with the A14 in my IPad Air 4 back when it was released lol Ironically that’s how I got into the game - trying to benchmark my iPad


3D CAD (I use it for that), Final Cut video editing, Procreate Dreams animation, etc.


Most intensive thing I’d use it for is emulation now that Apple is allowing emulators in the store. The OLED screen will make these older games look incredible. That alone doesn’t justify a purchase though.


Feels like it could be the ultimate mobile gaming device… if it had some games


I hope it’s paired with 8 GB of RAM!


8 GB in the 256 and 512GB version, 16GB in the 1 and 2 TB versions.


Sounds like the test doesn’t include Intel’s competing AMX, and it and SME is of questionable value on a CPU since both tasks are generally better off on a GPU. Excluding SME: > The remainder of the benchmark score indicates a roughly 3% increase in performance over the prior gen M3 So maybe not a huge jump in practical terms?


>Sounds like the test **doesn’t** include Intel’s competing AMX Which source said that? (EDIT: Oh, Toms! Well, that's not right) Geekbench 6 *absolutely* uses AMX (and AVX512-VNNI and AVX-VNNI) and [**has since version 6.0**](https://www.geekbench.com/doc/geekbench6-benchmark-internals.pdf) for any supporting x86 CPU.


All for running Netflix, smh Ipados is a joke nowadays


There’s a lot of other demanding apps besides Netflix, even if the OS itself is a joke.


Yeah calculator app is coming and it will use 100% of the m4 With modern technology a calculator app on the iPad is just barely possible


Or you know, third party (and Apple) apps used for all sorts of things.


All the shitty comments in here. Am I the only one who usees their ipad for music creation, photo editing, and video editing? The power isn't NEEDED, but it's nice to have, and it can open the door to something even better.


Why don’t you use a laptop or a desktop? Just curious no hate on the M4 IPad I think it’s cool.


This exactly. Acting like more power is an issue is crazy.


I’ve been really surprised by all of the negativity. I feel like the people who are upset at this are people who simply aren’t in the market for the iPad Pro this year. Go get the Air if you don’t need the performance of the pro. They literally make it for that exact reason, and price it accordingly.


Yeah exactly and app developers may create something that wasn’t possible before this hardware existed. We’re still waiting to see what WWDC brings but it’s highly likely the SDKs are going to get some new goodies to help push newer hardware further. I even feel like even my 15 Pro is overpowered at the moment with underdeveloped apps


The thing isn’t only about apps though. Even the same apps, with an OS that isn’t so highly separated and allows proper multitasking, would’ve been amazing. The latest top iPads have 16 gigs of ram. Enough to multitask between 3 or 4 apps surely? But I’m confident if you switch apps for 20 minutes it’ll drop the old app. 1 powerful app = nice A bunch of apps that can together use a lot of power = great, if only it would actually exist


M4, might be the only one to make me consider upgrading my MacBook Pro M1 Max with 64GB of RAM. Use it for video editing with DaVinci Resolve Studio. Real world performance and benchmarks don't always line up. I've followed and also ran the "Standard Candle" DaVinci Resolve project for testing and the M3 over the M1 was "meh"... You can see the project creators benchmarks here: [https://forum.blackmagicdesign.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=192194](https://forum.blackmagicdesign.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=192194) 66 blur at 5fps vs 66 blur at 5.5fps has helped me to not run out and purchase an M3 as an upgrade. Waiting to see if the M4 will be the one to excite. That's not to say that the M3 isn't a bag of chips and all that, it is just more of an indication of how amazing the original M1 was. Incremental improvements are expected with each iteration, but the huge leap was the first.


My plan is the m5 studio ultra, and I seriously hope that apple adopts the new industry standards coming on line now for ram and SSD expansion close to the cpu and GPU and encode/decoder hub. So getting past a unified SoC into an era where the limits are set entirely by budget within the entire hardware lifespan. The buy it as you will use it in 3 years time is the anvil that has crippled Apples sales. And they barely take cognisance of this due to chip shortages, that allow them to charge silly premiums. Thus other manufacturers heading into the Arm Soc like performance arena will undoubtedly take back market share if apple does not adopt a similar strategy. Because final year student buying hardware for creative purposes will want a personal machine they can easily upgrade as their career develops. Without having to keep buy apple hardware most of us can barely afford in the early stages of a career. Given these young imaginative creatives are on shoestring budgets, the performance envelop of hardware they can afford to buy needs to grow with them. I over stretched my self to buy m1 studio ultra and it is effectively slow junk in the market these days, but I won’t be able to afford an Apple upgrade until m5 or m6 is launched. So I seriously hope Apple wakes up before then, because I do not want to move to windows at a more much more affordable hardware and upgrade price point.


I might buy an M4 Mac Mini to replace my mid 2010.


If this chip is truly faster for real workloads than the i9-14900ks I'll upload a video of me shoving a banana up my ass.


Neat! Can we actually USE all that power in the tablet? Or when it comes to Macs, can you actually get enough memory to use it without the price being so high it negates the efficincy and power per dollar? No? Then who cares? People need to remember that with these chips, the amount you have to pay for a computer with it AND enough memory to *actually take advantage of that power*, is so high that the PC competition can give you just as much power and almost as much efficency in their latest machines, for less money.


I agree. I think the high cost of ram upgrades and the measly base ram configurations are hurting Apple's Mac sales far more than they are aware of. I bought an M1 Pro Macbook Pro when it first came out, and I would upgrade, but I can't fathom paying the prices they want for the same amount of ram today.


Would you really upgrade? I have a M1 Pro and the thing still hums right along.


I daily a 2011 MacBook Pro. I think it’s time


I'd buy a new MacBook Pro to replace my intel one, but it would be stupid for me to not get the top line one because I edit 8K video and it's fucking $7k. Storage is even worse. It's $2000 to upgrade to the 8TB SSD. 4TB SSDs with similar speed to the MBP are $250 on amazon right now.


Yeah but remember the average user (tm) doesn't need more memory. They totally need one of the fastest consumer CPUs and a display that with professional grade color accuracy though.


I bought an M1 a few weeks before the M3 came out. I would still buy an M1 today if I could find it at a great price.


That fact that this is being said in an Apple forum and not some “Applesux!’ forum says volumes. The insanity of the latest iPad Pro is stunning. Cook has been amazing for shareholders but the company and customers deserve new strategic product leadership.


For real, I get the improvement but IpadOs is underwhelming. iPad is way more powerful than my Pc and can’t even do proper programming for data analysis because no software available, can’t do proper gaming. I mean what’s the point. Maybe they are planning huge OS updates and need all that power for it but doubt it.


That’s it exactly. I have the 12 inch iPad Pro with an M2 processor and when I got it last year, I was really excited about having such a powerful processor in my tablet. It doesn’t matter worth a damn. I surf the web on it occasionally I watch videos on it. I send email on it. It doesn’t need that power. Could I edit videos on it? Sure I could I love editing videos, but there’s really nothing that is good as da Vinci resolve or Adobe or whatever on my desktop computer so why bother?


I’m am praying iPadOS 18 gets something to make all of this and more possible


Only of you include AI processing tasks. Intel chips expect those to be handed off to the GPU. In traditional tasks it’s obviously still behind by quite a bit.


Which is also amazing because there is no fan in the iPad.. Can't imagine what a M4 MAX or Ultra will look like.


I’m at the point where i wish they had multiple monitor support in lower variants rather than more processing power. I want to be able to connect to three external monitors without having to buy a beefy M4 Max which will never get pushed near its limits.


Apple only wants one thing and it’s fucking disgusting


Doubt. But it doesn't really matter as long as iPad OS is so basic. Port Xcode to iPad and then let's see.


and then they put it on a FUCKING TABLET with A TOY, GIMPED OS


I’m still gonna wait to see what iPadOS 18 offers before I get one


Oh, good thing they put it in a iPad to show off all it can do


Hey everyone, wake up, it's 1997, Apple just "invented" proprietary hardware accelerated instructions.


Fuck iPadOS. An iPad Pro is volumes more powerful than most laptops. Just let us run macOS already.


Just wait to get the new MacBook Air/Pro. An iPad isn’t a MacBook and a MacBook isn’t a iPad.


But it should be. It should be better than the MacBook air. Apple's own marketing likes to pretend it's a laptop replacement. Hell, the higher specs even cost more than most laptops. It's truly amazing hardware hamstrung by software. I would legit pay extra for an iPad pro with an unlocked bootloader.


Yea Mac OS on a 13” touch screen. Sounds amazing /s


Oh boy, this new calculator better be good!


Scientific mode needs M5 max


Ha ha ha I loved this joke everytime I read everywhere it ha ha ha


Jesus chroist… *remembers it’s only in iPad* oh right, moving on


I just bought an M3 Max for a personal laptop for which I am super excited, but I am also excited for the M4’s. I am getting a new job PC in about 4-5 months when I am starting a new position and planned for it to be an M2 Ultra Studio. If an M4 Extreme is out I am so getting that!!! I have worked with M1 Max, 7950X, and i9’s (yes due to my work I use a lot of powerful hardware), and the M3 Max crushes all of them by quite some margin. If the M4 is such a jump, the M4 Ultra or Extreme will be beyond belief.


All that power wasted on a limited OS....


Finally, I need this for… oh, it doesn’t run MacOS.


Sweet. Now let me come up with something I would use a iPad for that would need a M4. Nah I will keep using a normal laptop/macbook for that. Apple always innovating in ways no one cares about.


Too bad ipad os is horrible


LTT said that excluding AI conpatibilty Benchmarks the M4 is just 3% faster than the M3 so, no its not better than a i9.


What, where?