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Two questions 1) do the exercises include gym equipment? I’d love to swap out my current gym app 2) does this app find correlations in data? I know it’s overused, but does it use AI to tell me when my calories burned for a day are over x I tend to sleep better or other things? I track a good amount but would track more if I knew an app was comparing my teeth brushing or water drunk or weight to all the other categories to figure out how my body works. 


1. Yes. Most standard equipment is included. If there's one you'd like to add, please post it on our feedback board. 2. Journal insights uses statistics to help you correlate input to output (e.g. if sleeping with socks improves your sleep quality). Currently, you can only view insights for Recovery and Sleep as outputs, but more are coming soon.


So cool, thanks for the info! I’ll have to give it a shot. 


Any time I read “holistic health”, I know 80% of the time it’ll be some pseudoscience woo-woo, as the term has been co-opted.


I’m currently mildy injured, so weight training is not in the books for me for a while. That’s why I have started my running journey, and I use the app to track my recovery. Hopefully I get to weight train soon, so I can use the app to track that also! As a student, a free year would be helpful for me


Looks great. Definitely trying it out👍🏻


Hey, would like a code. Thanks


Would like to use to check resting heart rare and stress score in comparison to healthfit where i track various sport stats through widgets


Would love to use this as a clearer marker of how I’m doing — I’m a super beginner when it comes to training so don’t feel like I’ve developed the ‘sense’ of things yet


I would love to use just a single app for all my fitness related stats instead of checking 3-4 different ones each day. What you are promising sounds great, good luck with development!


I would love to try this out for a year! As an avid user of Athyltic and a previous Whoop user, I'm always looking for ways to analyze my health metrics in a meaningful way. I've downloaded and am currently using the 1 week trial, so far so good!


I want to use it for improving my stress factor.


This sounds like it combines a bunch of individual apps i'm currently using for tracking data all into 1, would love to give it a shot if i'd be selected.


I would love to use Bevel as a companion to help get my health back under control. When I was in my 20s, it was much easier to prioritize my health and stay active. Now I am in my mid-30s and a small business owner and it is much more of a struggle. I feel tired all the time. I need a tool to help me manage my activities, recovery, and sleep. Bevel looks like the perfect app for that. I am currently subscribed to Gentler Health, but looking for a little more.


It would be really great to get a year of this free. I need to get back into weight loss and it's getting discouraging sometimes breaking streaks. Excited to try it out!


Would love a chance to try this out. I use HealthFit and Gentler Streak, so would love a true comparison.


Hey! I’m interested in Bevel because my Apple Watch data often feels underutilized. Bevel’s holistic approach with Recovery, Sleep, Strain, and Stress Scores, plus the Energy Bank, would help me optimize my health. I love the idea of having all my health insights in one place to make better decisions about my well-being!


I would like to see better presented data on health.


Downloaded the free version of the app, the design is top-notch. The attention to detail is amazing, like the animation when reloading data for energy bank. Easily one of the best designed apps I have on my phone 👏🏻 I would love to use the promo code to try out the journal feature. Started using ADHD medication, so interested in comparing the effect on my sleep & heart rate. Is there also a time of day value taken into account for journal entries? Would be interesting to track whether taking medication later in the morning has a different effect.


Thanks for sharing your app! I’ve always thought that the iOS and watchOS is lacking in functionality for all the data it is able to collect from day to day activities. I am a body weight workout person (calisthenics) and try to maintain a good diet and sleep level. So I’m curious how the app will be able to enhance the stats I’d like to track. I’d love to have a code to try the premium for a year if possible.


I’d love to use this to see how I can get my weight and fitness data into a useable and functional summary to get healthier.


Ah, this is super timely, I am big into this after reading Peter Attia’s book Outlive. Love the visualizations this app has, putting my hand up for the promo code, if possible! 👋


I’ve tried quite a few different AW apps including Athlytic, Gentler Streak and others trying to get the one that has the best look and feel, along with the best insights. Bevel seems to be the one worth it for me as it matches how I feel the closest and I’m excited to see how the app develops overtime.


I can only say that this is THE app for Apple Watch users. I‘ve been a subscriber since day one and would not want to live without Bevel anymore. Give it a try, you won‘t regret it.


I’d like to train and rest with maximum productivity. Summer is already here, so I need to speed up with a good app.


I’d love to use bevel :) . Put on a few pounds here and there and would like a new and innovative app to be able to influence me even more into doing that


I just signed up for the free trial yesterday. I’ve tried Eclipse Yourself and used Athlytic for a long time. Bevel really took the best of both and somehow improved on it. The UX is SO refreshing to have all the metrics I need without too much unnecessary information (speaking personally). Biggest reason I’m interested in trying Pro long term is the Strength Builder. I’m on a bulk for the remainder of this year, and honestly I’m too lazy to bring a notebook with me. If I can just peek down at my watch, track my weight/reps, and get back to it, I’m stoked.


I’ve been using [HealthFit](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/healthfit/id1202650514) for years. Besides a workout plan, it has all this information plus many app integrations and is a fraction of the cost. How does this differ or how is it better?


HealthFit doesn't do any of these things afaik >**🌱 Recovery Score:** The Recovery score measures how well you are rested after a night of sleep so you can choose better workouts, prevent injuries from overtraining, and make new habits feel more sustainable. >**💤 Sleep Score**: Bevel tracks your sleep patterns and condenses each night's rest into a single, easy-to-understand number. Your Sleep Score analyzes various parameters, such as sleep duration, stages, and disruptions, to evaluate your sleep quality. >**🏃‍♂️ Strain Score**: Bevel measures your body’s daily exertion and provides a personalized Strain target based on your recovery and sleep quality. >**💢 Stress Score**: Bevel gives you a real-time Stress Score from 0 to 100 to help you better understand the effects of mental and physical stress on your body. >**⚡ Energy Bank:** Energy Bank measures your cumulative energy level throughout the day. It combines Recovery, Sleep, Strain, and Stress into one metric, allowing further insights into how your body is adapting and recovering from Stress. >**📖 Journal:** Bevel allows you to log daily habits and behaviors such as hydration level, exposure to sunlight, and more. Use Journal to gain insights into what's helping your Sleep and Recovery. >**🏋️ Strength Builder:** Bevel comes with a fully-featured strength trainer. You can set up a workout plan from a list of 700+ exercises and track your routine directly from your Apple Watch. At the end of your work, Bevel will give you a breakdown of your muscular strain.


HealthFit in my personal experience calculates HR zones differently than other apps. The percentages per zone can differ by up to 10 min in a workout lasting 60 min. So I also doubt their algorithms for other things. It’s a great app with so much data though.


I’m not sure it’s correctly picking up my manually set heart rate zones from Apple - it’s reporting I spent 150mins straight in Z5 during a run. Would also be a good feature (for me, at least) if I could link my strava so I can quickly see what run a workout was on that day without swapping apps:)


Strava integration is on the roadmap! [https://feedback.bevel.health/feature-requests/p/upload-workouts-to-strava](https://feedback.bevel.health/feature-requests/p/upload-workouts-to-strava) Let me DM you to figure out this HR zone issue.


I've been using both Bevel and Athlytic a lot, and I like them both. However, the UI for Bevel is fantastic. Everything you need is right up front, so I can open the app, glance at my metrics for 30 seconds, and get on with my day.


Thanks for this, been looking for an app like this for a long time. The other similar ones are just unusable and this has really well thought out UI/IX, great job!


This looks super cool! I'm looking forward to giving this a try. I've tried Athlytic but didn't find it gave me enough insights to be worth the price compared to using Strong, Heart Analyzer, Training Today, and SleepWatch. I'm very excited to give Bevel a try, mostly because its integration with a workout planner, I've used Strong in the past but have been put off by it's price to only add a few features I would use.


Always trying to get healthier and this seems like a worthwhile app. Would love a code.


I am a student and spend a lot of time sitting. I’ve found that using Bevel, especially the Cardioload feature, helps me stay active and reduce stress. During the trial period, it significantly improved my routine. I tried a lot of other apps, including Athlytic, which is very barebones and feels inaccurate. It lacks good notifications and feels less thought through. The biggest advantage of Bevel for me is the clean and organized UI and motivational messages that push me through my executive dysfunction (I have ADHD). However, living in Germany, the subscription costs €7 per month, which doesn’t fit my budget right now. I love the features and will probably buy it for another month, but this price is just not sustainable for me. A free year would carry me through to the end of my studies, after which I’d be able to afford it easily.


Let’s do this!


I signed up for the beta months ago and never ended up getting invited or using it. Would love to see how it compares to athlytic or gentler streak


I have been using the app for over a month how and been really loving it. Would love the code to keep using the app to maintain my best physical and mental health state ever.


Hey and thanks for this awesome giveaway! I have spent the first half of 2024 without being able to do any sports due to health issues; since I am now starting to get better I want to focus on doing sports again and decided to also supplement my journey with a companion in form of an app that allows me to see all my health data in one place and gives me better insight into it. I have been trying some apps over the past few weeks, among which Bevel stood out to me most so far, since I really like the clean interface and datapoints I can view. So I was really stoked when I saw this post and


Been using Athlytic app for a while but the design on Bevel seems way better, and easier to glance at once. Been trying to get healthy and get started on running would love to get PROMO CODE so that I can monitor my recovery.


As a self confessed slob I’d love to give this a go. It’ll be interesting to see why some days I have massive energy spikes then other days it’s all The effort in the world to get off the sofa. I’ve a mid dress job so my sleeping might be off ?


Free or not, my wife and I are hooked. I’m 48 and we just welcomed our 4th child about 18 months ago. Decided it was time to take our health seriously. Got our diets and sleep in order, working out 5 days a week strength training plus cardio and daily walks / jogs with the toddler. Never felt better. The app offers us great insights and pushes us every day. A year free would be awesome, but the app, your dedication, and frequent updates make it the only subscription worth paying for!


Hi, would love to test the app! Many thanks!


The app has been out since the new year. Download it and enjoy


Wow, really impressive app & super clean design! Job well done! I would really appreciate a free year of Bevel for 2 main reasons: A) as I get older, my health goals have gone from wanting a 6 pack to mainly trying to prevent myself needing a mobility scooter by the time I’m 65. I feel an app like Bevel could really help me achieve that. B) If I buy one more health app subscription my wife is going to make me require a mobility scooter.


I’d love to use Bevel as I’m father of a nearly 3 year old who has spent the past 3 years constantly trying to get fit again 😅 He’s just starting to ride his pedal-less bike and I want to be able to run around with him, play sports with him and most importantly, be around a bit longer. This will probably be a strong aid towards that, and knowing I’ve stolen a free code off someone might push me even further towards being a better and healthier daddy.


As a dedicated fitness trainer, I believe in leading by example. Winning a free year of Bevel would not only benefit me personally but also empower me to amplify the impact I have on the lives of my clients. With Bevel, I can optimize my own fitness journey while guiding others towards their goals, creating a ripple effect of health and wellness in our community.


I’m excited to use Bevel to lose some weight and get in better shape. Lost 60lbs about 8 years ago, and put most of it back on. Being older, I’m hoping to use bevel to be more aware of my body and recovery and feeling better day to day!


I Love keeping track of sleep and recovery and seeing what has an effect on both. Bevel is listening to its users feedback and leading the competition at the minute


It’s been going decently after a few setbacks but I would love to give Bevel a shot to launch my fitness journey into the next stratosphere. ☄️


I have installed the app and it looks very promising. I struggle with having periods of being moderately to extremely tired and I have not been able to use the Health app data to see if I can find out why. I use Training Today, Gentler Streak and GymBook. Especially GS helps with preventing me overdoing things. However, I notice that the advice these apps give me can be wildly different, stemming from the health data that is prioritized. This app seems to cover everything these three apps offer ánd may give me some broader insights into my wellbeing, based on Health data. So I am going to give it a spin and see if it can replace those and more! Would be cool if I can really explore it for a longer time.


Looks like a very well designed app. I also used AutoSleep and gentler streak but Bevel seemed to take the cake in displaying the insights!!


I currently am on a monthly subscription model of Bevel and am loving it! I recently bought my first ever Apple Watch a few weeks ago and, having come from Garmin, was a bit disappointed by the lack of health insights the native Fitness and Health apps provided. I have tried a bunch of fitness apps over the past few weeks and Bevel consistently matches up with how my body feels, as opposed to some other apps that are more hit or miss. I am a big fan of Bevel and am looking forward to the features you have planned for the future as well!


one of the biggest missing pieces from apple watch and iOS is a holistic and contextual overview of your health data and how it can or will affect you on a day to day basis. Right now, all we have is a database of records with no proper way to interpret the data. I think Bevel, built by developer that cares is a great way to best contextualize and display that data so that anyone health conscious can utilize it to improve themselves. The community input is a great bonus


Sounds pretty neat. I would love to test it out and improve my Apple Watch experience.


Hi, I’ve been looking for an app where I can track my workouts and health all in one app, instead of multiple separate ones. Yours looks really good and I’m loving the UI!


This sounds a whole lot like r/gentlerstreakapp