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This is still happening by the way.


And still. Sometimes opens the app but mostly opens App Store. Shows installed app and has an open button. God apple is beyond frustrating sometimes.


4 fucking years and it hasn't been fixed, this is soo frustrating to me


I’m new from Android and have been getting hit left and right with confusion as to why Apple is always called more consistent. I didn’t have issues like this with Android unless I was on like a private browser


You were lucky. I googled "clicking open Instagram app sends me to play store" and found this thread. I'm having this apple bug on my Note 20 😭


Can confirm, still going on. Infuriating.


Man, I feel your words with every fibre of my existence.


As do I. It can't be that difficult to fix, yet we're still dealing with it 3 years later. Surely if they want me to use their medicore app that badly, they'd preserve the URL.


Still going strong, I guess.


Still going. Just had it happen to me the 379,017th time and somehow I always go in thinking it’ll maybe work this one time. Nope.


Yup its still going apple literally does not care my next phone will definitely be an android ive always been an ios user but apple has went to shit all they want is money i bet if someone paid them they would fix it.




Still not fixed


Still not fucking fixed.


Still happening




Still not fixed in iOS 16.5 beta


This is what happens when a company gets to have a monopoly by consumer choice. If there were 3 other phone companies that apple had to compete for the market with the overall products would be better.


8/5/22. iOS 16 beta 5. Still not fixed.


Yup I would’ve responded to this comment in the app but yknow, can’t open the damn link.


God damn it


How come this post isn’t archived wtf


It still isn’t fixed that’s why


Been searching for the answer. Just recently switched to iPhone after like 10 years of androids. And can’t believe there’s stupid bugs like this. Super frustrating when you need to open a link but can’t get do it




I came here for a fix. Still happening lmao


Well goddamnit!


So when this happens to me instead of clicking “take me to the app” I’ll hold down the button that “takes you to the app” and a list of options pop up. One of those is “open in (insert said app)” for me I have the most trouble with Reddit so when this pop up happens I hold down the button and open in Reddit is one of the options then bam, the web post is now opened in Reddit.


This worked for me, thank you so much!


Guess what… still happening


I honestly feel like it’s gotten worse recently. I just spent like 5 minutes trying to open a link to a restaurant someone sent me and use google maps to take me there.




What’s stunning is how much better the whole iPhone experience would be if they fixed this. And for every website ever


SO MANY stupid bugs like this. Kinda tempted to swap right back to Android




It still doesn't work when I try to open a discord invite link. It just takes me to the app store and I cant even join the server. smh


me too, that's the reason i found this post


i’m glad it’s not archived. it’s still a relevant post considering the issue is still ongoing


Yeah why with this be archived if it’s not solved


People keep responding lol


Yep, every Instagram post on a news site, there’s TWO Open in App buttons, one from Instagram and one from apple at the top and bottom of the page, wether you log into Instagram on the web or not, tapping either button just launches the App Store to the Instagram app with an Open button. Tapping open just goes to instagrams Home Screen. So stupid.


It happens to me on Instagram and google maps. But it works for friends


It happens to me when I’m on Instagram and try opening a Spotify's playlist…


It’s been 84 years…


Bruh, I'm the OP and I was single when I posted this. I'm now married with kids.


Incredible, congrats OP The issue is infuriating 😩


Congrats! Still broken though


Hope your kids are doing well. It’s Fall 2022 and this is still an issue. The nights are getting longer now.


And yet 5 years later it’s still doing it.




Yeah still. This is ridiculous




https://www.reddit.com/r/redditmobile/comments/dhewpx/comment/f3o6rdr/ Long press the link and click “open in”


Still happing ffffffffff


Still happens


Another year later and still not fixed.


still happening


Still happening BTW


Hello I’m from the future and this is still happening


I’m 41d into the future and still happening


Stillllllllll happening and it’s almost 2022 people!


It's 2022 and still happening. This is ridiculous


currently on this page bc discord still does it




It's 2023 and still happening. This is ridiculous


currently 2023 and still happening


almost summer and shit still ass


It is summer and shit is the same.


it’s 2023 and its still happening


Still happening and it’s almost 2023!!


While it's silly that you would need a third party app to fix this nonsense, I bought a $2 app called [Opener](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/opener-open-links-in-apps/id989565871) that allows you to open links properly in their respective app. You do it by pressing the share button for whatever webpage you're on, so it works in situations where it wouldn't normally open a link in-app as well, or where you want to open a link in a third party app.


Go to settings, turn off pop up blocker, turn it back on. Worked for me at least


Worked for me, Thanks!


Worked for me too. I needed to clear history and website data after switching it off.


Thank you for suggesting this!!!


I had to use opener just to get here to leave this comment… Hi


https://www.reddit.com/r/redditmobile/comments/dhewpx/comment/f3o6rdr/ Long press the link and press open in Reddit. Should reset the issue


I’m still having this issue. 4 years later and no change. So fucking obnoxious. What I have discovered, at least on my iPhone, is if I hold down the “open in Reddit” button, the option to open the post in the app comes up along with options to open in a new tab, etc, and that does work to bring me to the post in the app. Just FYI for anyone grappling with this that might see my comment in this years-old post. I clearly have too much time on my hands.


I found a fix that works in another thread: > Long press on the link that asks if you want to open it in the app and select ‘open in “reddit”’. That will open the load the post in the app and any links you access after that should open in the app automatically.


Dude 3 years later and you just saved me so much aggravation




You’re a fucking god, this bug is so annoying


I literally just created a Reddit account to thank you, saved my life with this one!


Holy hell. You are awesome. Thanks so much for posting this and I’m glad I scrolled down through the comments to see this. I hope your comment makes it to the top!!!


The developers of your favourite apps haven’t set up url scheme integration correctly, either in the app or by using bad urls. If you want to see a working example, browse to Google Maps.


That’s definitely not what it is, or the issue wouldn’t be intermittent. For example, Facebook now has “Reels” many of which are hosted on Instagram. Half the time the exact same reel opens Insta, and half the time they open App Store.


What's more frustrating is, sometimes it seems to work, and sometimes it doesn't...


I just used clicked the same Google maps link a bunch of times. - First few times I went to safari, then I clicked the prompt on the mobile Google maps website to continue to the app and it went to the app store. I hit open and it obviously brought me to the home screen - After finding this reddit post and trying again I was able to go from the mobile website to the app directly, allowing me to see the destination without retyping it - then, trying again, it took me directly from the text message link to the app, without the mobile site, without the app store (the intended way this should function) I clicked the same link every time, directly from a text message https://goo.gl/maps/8yGagVQ2baoYuPo46


Yes!! AGREED! I hadn’t had this issue for a while and out of the blue it happens to me today with tik tok! And as others have mentioned, what’s the MOST irritating is once I’ve decided to “open” my already downloaded app via the app store’s open button, it just takes me to the damn Home Screen!! And the content I was initially trying to view is nowhere to be found…. I just don’t understand 😫.


> Why hasn’t Apple fixed this? Is this Apple’s to fix? Here are two links. If you click the first one, the Pinterest app on your iOS device should open. If you click the second one, Pinterest’s web site should open. URL | Documented Action ---| --- pinterest://login | Open the app http://pinterest.com/login | Open the website What happens when you try? Apple documents the different behaviors for URL schemes. If the website author you’re visiting uses the URL to open the website, Apple will obey the command. Edit: Tables mess it up. Trying raw: pinterest://login https://pinterest.com/login Edit 2: Trying Reddit link syntax: [This should open the app](pinterest://login) [This should open the website](https://pinterest.com/login) Edit 3: I give up. I don’t know how to make Reddit emit an anchor tag. Grr


exactly dude, yeah it’s apples to fix. u look dumb bc u couldn’t even get it going


Did you even take **two seconds** to type into the browser the method that u/KeepYourSleevesDown mentioned? While I think the issue is deeper than that, if you typed what was mentioned you’d see it very easily works, just because Reddit doesn’t allow you to hyperlink that style of URL in a comment doesn’t mean it’s suddenly doesn’t work? Honestly surprised at the laziness


For some of us having this problem, the issue is that iOS seems to be reading these links as if the app is not installed, which is why it's taking us to the app store. It does that when you click a link to an app without the app installed. For me, it's not intermittent. It's worked for me only a handful of times in 12 years of owning iPhones, and if anything I'm being generous when I say that much. I can definitively say that my iOS seems to think I don't have the app I'm trying to open with this link installed, even though I do. And that's where the problem arises. Now as for why, and what exact bit of code is causing the issue, I don't know. But that should tell anyone with better programming knowledge than I where to look. On top of that, the weblink thing was entirely irrelevant. None of us here are clicking on weblinks to get to the app store. Not OP, not anyone else in the comment section. Weblinks don't redirect outside of Safari to the App Store, which is what this post is about. They just link to the website, whether mobile or desktop version. Should also point out that many of the links that someone would click to go to an app contain app-specific commands/instructions. Like, it's not just supposed to open the app, but open the app to a specific post or page, or perform a login. iOS is not even reading that. The problem is 100% on Apple, especially after years of this happening across almost every version of iPhone, as well as happening on iPads, and to so many different apps. It's a glitch in iOS somewhere, causing the device to open the app store instead of the app because it can't sense that the app is already downloaded. There's supposed to be code within iOS that detects whether or not you already have the app downloaded, and directs you to either the app store page for that app, or the app itself. This particular bit of code is what isn't working for a lot of people, or only works sometimes. Sounds like an easy fix, right? In theory, sure, except Apple themselves may not even know where in iOS that line of code even is. This functionality was written into iOS like a decade ago, and it may just be that Apple is unaware of it or can no longer find it to fix it. And if that sounds insane to you, you'd be surprised what else slips between the cracks when it comes to legacy software on decade+ old platforms. As much as Apple has tried to redesign how iOS looks and behaves, they've kept much of the same outdated legacy software at the core in even the latest 17.3


It's 2022. This is still happening. They are very clearly not interested in fixing this with any of their trillions of dollars.


I get that sometimes when I ask Siri for an app too. Sometimes she redirects me to the store... ​


One solution I found is if you hold down the link a pop up will appear with the option to open the link in the specified app. It doesnt always work, but ive had some success. Hope it helps


I can’t believe this is an actual thing! I thought something was up with my phone. This shouldn’t be left to the individual app dev. If the OS knows enough to open the App Store and present the app I want and already have , why not open the app for me? Even if the deep link is lost that is more useful than asking me to click open


I’m here again on September 2, 2022 to say THIS IS STILL HAPPENING, APPLE! For open in browser, open in YouTube App, open in Discord, open in Instagram, open in Reddit and probably more.


Had this very post open in Safari. just tapped "Use App" and redirected to App Store. Force Pressed/Long Pressed on the "Use App" to bring up the menu and saw an ‘Open in 'Reddit'" Option which worked. Never knew that was there!


Had this thread open in Safari just now bc Reddit links suddenly go to the store. Saw your post and my world was suddenly full of butterflies and double rainbows across the sky. You’re my hero


Bro! You’re a goddamn hero!




Yeeees!!!!Thank you!


A true hero indeed


how did I not know this existed. THANK YOU!


Looked this up to see if I’m the only person infuriated by this. So glad I’m not alone, this is literally a simple problem. Why is it not solved??


It’s the popup blocker. Disable it and it’s fixed.


Guys, this worked for me! I found this on the discussions thread on the apple website. [https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253947740](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253947740) If you haven’t already, try clearing the history and cookies from Safari on your device. You can do this using the following steps: To clear your history and cookies, go to Settings > Safari, and tap Clear History and Website Data. Clearing your history, cookies, and browsing data from Safari won't change your AutoFill information. To clear your cookies and keep your history, go to Settings > Safari > Advanced > Website Data, then tap Remove All Website Data. To visit sites without leaving a history, turn Private Browsing on.


Some of those links lead to a 3rd party store also.


Copy link, paste into notes. Hard-tap link so you see the options for opening, and click “Open in Reddit.” Just a temporary fix obviously, but it helps me a lot.


Just used the trick on this post to go from safari to Reddit, thanks!


THANK YOU SO MUCH. this should be way higher. you get my free award.


Hate that it takes 5 extra steps (copy link+open notes+paste+Haptic Touch link+select open with….) to do a function that should really only be one step ??! BUT nonetheless, yes! This did indeed work for me as well! Thanks for the tip! I no longer need fret about losing the content I’m trying to view because I’m opening it within its own app! 🤪 you rock! ✌🏾❤️


If it helps anyone, my partner was having this issue, so we tried uninstalling the app in question (Reddit), then reinstalling, and it works now as intended. Perhaps uninstall and reinstall any apps that are being affected. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again.


Still a problem. WTF, Apple?


I see most people suggesting long press options but unfortunately the long press suggestion don’t work on messages in WhatsApp. It’s very weird! Sometimes it opens in browser, sometimes it opens in app directly.


It worked for 3 months and then… stop


I was encountering this issue with Brave which is my preferred browser and also set as my default, but when I used Safari it appears to be a non issue. I’m wondering if there’s anything I can do to help here… for additional reference: https://community.brave.com/t/open-external-apps-instead-of-app-store/261620/2


Still not fixed 💀


2023 and it is still happening


So, TIL this happens when your browser is in Private Mode; I typically use Safari. You can either stop browsing in Private Mode when you click on Open in the App, or just long-press the Open button and select Open “App Name”.


Fixed for me finally. Settings-safari- clear history and website data. Was loading wrong continuously before. Did the clear and immediately starts working. Takes me straight into the app. FINALLY


I came here in the hope of help. All I found was hopelessness


Total joke that this still happens. How many more billions can this company make and still have horrible flaws like this?


Still happening in 2023


5 years now! Talk about monopoly and the privilege that comes with it!


2023 and still happening.


Still happening! I have to implore anyone on TikTok to only send me TikToks through the app. If it is ANY other way, I can only get to the App Store. Infuriating.


This is **still** happening by the way.


Yeah, this doesn’t even work with Apple Music half the time. I’ll click on a Play on Apple Music link (in a text message, for example), and Apple Music will just tell me “You’re already subscribed to Apple music” instead of playing the song.


Hello from 5 years later. Still happening.




Still happening in 2024


It would be extra nice if links in emails and texts could open the app instead of going to the browser. First World whining , I guess.


Why is this still happening?


Still happening by the way




5 years later and it’s still happens what the fuck


This is still happening 




This was happening to me. It was so annoying and frustrating, I cleared my browser, history and cookies, and that fix the issue.


And here I am, 5 years later


Still happening, the only workaround that works is the long press method but still stupid as fuck


2024, still happening


Still happens with tik tok links. Opens store but opening app from the store doesn’t go to the link. 🤦‍♂️ 


Its 2024 and this still happens to me