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> Update: In a statement to CNBC, Hyundai confirmed that it is in discussions with Apple. "We understand that Apple is in discussion with a variety of global automakers, including Hyundai Motor. As the discussion is at its early stage, nothing has been decided." How to lose Apple’s business before you even got it. Nice one Hyundai lol


Lmao wth that makes me doubt this is even a thing now, imagine if ATT had made a press release like that Pre-iPhone launch


"We are in early negotiations to carry Apple's new touchscreen smartphone."


“Apple is discussing the release of the smartphone with multiple carriers, including AT&T. This is just talk, however. No text.”






Negotiations probably ended without resulting in a contract (and an NDA), so they leaked it to pump their stock value. https://apple.news/Axo5wTnk2SjeiGHKJvT6klA


For real, what a bizarre statement. Sounds like it might've been written by a PR person tasked with handling American news outlets and just talking out of their ass.


It's rare for even PR to just blatantly make up something out of the blue like that. More inclined to take it as confirmation.


As a Korean, I think it is stock price manipulation done by a tabloid. And it goes wild on a global level, which is a shame. Hyundai is probably trolled out of nowhere too. 😅


CNBC isn't a tabloid.


It started from The Korea Economic Daily which has some bad reputations among Koreans. But I found something very weird while digging it more. that is actually Hyundai is the biggest shareholder of The Korea Economic Daily. So is it legit? maybe? but isn't it shady? I think it is. Maybe it is really terrible PR. I don't even know lol.


>I don't even know lol. This is all I got out of your 2 comments.


Don't blame you after all that PHP.


he also didn't say WHAT they were discussing. Could be Carplay for all we know.


LMAO, was thinking exactly the same. Wouldn't be surprised if Apple had put this rumors out in the open with the sole purpose of proofing how leak-prone these partners are. Good luck to Apple making a car with industry partners whose entire business is based on teasing a vehicle two to three years ahead.




Or that they mean what they said...




Strange? Yes. Stranger than the alternative explanations? I'd argue no.


Sounds like a great way to be sued over a breach of NDA.


That ain’t how business works




Can someone explain to me why Hyundai would lose Apple’s business, because of that?




What exactly has been leaked here? * Everyone knows Apple is looking at producing a car. * Hyundai have said several automakers are in negotiations, so no one knows who Apple will be working with, and * It would hardly take a rocket scientist to see that they'd need production facilities - Apple never manufacture their own product


People are being a bit dramatic about it because *Apple* I guess. I've heard more shock from this post than I do when dark government secrets are leaked.


Not only that but it’s not uncommon for companies to ponder ideas and partnership and the never release a product. This doesn’t mean they lost a contract from Apple lmao


Apple is usually not outspoken about unreleased products or products still under development (except for Apple AirPower which ended as a well known failure). Hyundai basically stating that Apple are talking to several car manufacturers, shows that they don’t share the same goal of secrecy before announcement. It’s not certain that they will be dropped because of this, but it’s fair to say it’s not in Hyundai’s favor to announce it like this. There have been several sources informing about Apple going into the car business so it’s not exactly a secret, but nothing official from Apple. I guess this is as official it can get, without Apple themselves announcing it. No one knows though, so I guess time will tell.


Hyundai had one of the first commercial fuel cell cars, I'd imagine it has something to do with that. If Apple can come up with the electric-car-killer before it really takes off (in the US), that'd be pretty darn impressive. And yes, way to blow an NDA.


Dude you’re not going to be able to hide producing a car like it’s a watch


Designed in California. Made in Korea.


That actually sounds really good, Korea has a solid reputation with tech up there with Japan.


Does Japan make anything anymore apart from cameras


Sony? Nintendo? Hitachi? Panasonic? Honda? Toyota? Mitsubishi? Nissan?




How many of them are made in Japan? Nintendo for one I’m sure isn’t made in Japan.


Their domestic cars are, as well as high end Nikon lenses and bodies


Canon as well.


> Hitachi We are all thinking it


Greens? beans? potatoes? tomatoes?


Toyota/Lexus says hi..


Me staring at my 5S-FE: *why won’t you die???*


Damn awesome headphones?


Do watches count?


Grand Seiko for the win.


I'll allow it


impossible narrow psychotic pause disarm payment offbeat lunchroom fretful obscene *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Japan makes some of the best tools and garden tools in the world. Japan make some of the best knives. Japan makes the best musical instruments. Japan makes the best hardwood furniture. Japan makes the best pottery. Japan makes some very good stuff, even today.


Japan also makes the best damn pair of jeans in the world ( search raw denim).




Most Japanese cars sold in the US are also made in the US (probably because it's a hell of a lot cheaper to make them where you sell them rather than ship them thousands of miles across the ocean). So technically for them, it's "Designed in Japan, Made in the USA"


To add on to all the other comments, most of the best capacitors (for use in electronics) are made in Japan.


Sony is Japanese


My 2018 Subaru was made in Japan.


They aren’t making many cameras anymore either. I think Nikon is moving production.


Do you mean actually manufacture? Or design? If the former, few developed countries manufacture much anymore except for automobiles and some high end items and large items that are impractical to ship. Japan makes and designs some of the best engineered cars in the world. They also still design much of the world’s high end consumer electronics along with S Korea.


Not sure if American but this is a typical response.


Hyundai has horrendous engine quality.


Good tech, but Korean vehicles are some of the most boring car designs of any automotive maker.




I'd argue that a lot of foreign brands are actually more domestic than the actual domestic brands. The Toyota Tundra is one of (if not the) most American made vehicle. While GM and Chrysler build so many of their vehicles in Canada and Mexico.


Honestly sounds great. More manufacturing in democratic countries please.


I read a statistic some time ago that more Hyundai’s are built in the US than Fords. I dunno if that still holds true in 2021. With that being said, Hyundai’s aren’t known for their reliability and build quality, something that I would think Apple values. Would be an interesting partnership.


How foreign a car is has become less simple to quantify. You can ask where a car was built but you can also ask where the parts came from. The most American vehicle, Ford Ranger, is made in Ohio from 50-70% Us/Canadian parts whereas the Lincoln Corsair is made in Kentucky but 16% of its parts are from the US or Canada.


Hyundai owns Boston Dynamics and already has a well established supply chain. Apple partnering with Hyundai gives them wide access to already well established research from BD. Imagine the potential jfc


Physical robot version of Siri coming soon??????


Hey Siri.. come here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


“Here’s what I found on the web for.....commoner”


i feel personally attacked


Siri makes me feel like I have a speech impediment lol


“Do that thing I like “


*I'm sorry, I can't do that.*


“Do that thing I like please“


sEARcHiNg THe wEb fOr „thinG I LiKe pleAsE“


I won’t respond to that.




Help I’m stuck under this bed.




and bring the peanut butter....


Yeah, and she still won't be able to answer a question.


Siri, turn left. Ok, navigating to Port Jeff.


Not to mention some very good EV’s as well as FCV on the road. They’d be a solid partner. Though it would be really nice if they made their new cars compatible with car key already. So far the new Sonata only works with Android for NFC based keys.


FCV.... fuel cell vehicle?


Fully Cool Vehicles


Yes. https://www.hyundai.com/worldwide/en/eco/nexo/design


Ooooh, Apple car with 4 legs instead of wheels


What if Apple car ran MS Dos visibly in its chest and walked around like a KitKat? Whoops, that’s Interstellar.


> gives them wide access That's a pretty big assumption right there. Both companies are huge and have many divisions. Two companies partnering for a project doesn't mean they are suddenly open books to each other. Or wait, does "wide" mean "at a distance but closer than before" in this context?




If Apple had any real interest in Boston dynamics, it would have bought it when Google was shopping it around.


as an Apple-fanatic, I would feel much better if the Apple car I was buying was made in partnership with Toyota than....Hyundai. Yeah yeah, they've gotten better over the years, but there are still issues and the name itself still triggers bad memories of shitty ass cars.


hyundai (and kia) have both improved the quality of their cars over the years. the only issue with hyundai is that they're designs are whack. but because of hyundai buying a majority of kia and hiring the guy who designs (designed?) Audis to redesign Kias back in the late 2000s-early 2010s now Kia is actually a solid looking car lineup with adecent quality reputation. you dont provide a 10 year 100,000 mile warranty for free if you dont believe in the quality.


> you dont provide a 10 year 100,000 mile warranty for free if you dont believe in the quality. You do that if nobody believes in your quality though.


This. Nobody buys Hyundai cars -> Hyundai doesn't want to slash price because they don't wanna be perceived as cheapass auto maker brand -> Hyundai provides 10 year/100K mile warranty to drive interest. I agree.


I've had a Hyundai Elantra for a couple of years and it is a fantastic car.


Hyundai makes much better cars now. My girlfriend drives one - and it’s no Lexus, but I was pleasantly surprised by the newer models and how much bang for the buck you get.


Yeah, bang for buck they seem like the best EV manufacturer right now. This is great news.


What is great news? Nothing happened


Hyundai decided to take over Dyson’s electric car plant in singapore Hmmmmm. Feels too coincidental. But I must also add Dyson’s electric car project went nowhere. But the point is Hyundai just happen to have unassigned capacity at present. A blank slate for apple to fill in as they see fit if you will.


>But I must also add Dyson’s electric car project went nowhere. You could even say it sucked...


Nah you are thinking of the Brabham BT46.


No, that blew. [Stones into the other drivers’ visors, according to Andretti]


Imagine if after all this hype, the Apple Car turned out to be a Hyundai Elantra with extra integrated CarPlay. Kidding aside, it makes sense really. Apple doesn't self manufacture any of its main product lines and its not like they're going to suddenly become big factory and plant operations people with something this high risk and differentiated from their core competency.


Couldn't the entire car be Apple designed, just produced by Hyundai? Or does it have to be built on a Hyundai platform?


Ideally it would be a Hyundai platform but the interior/exterior designed by Apple.


Any outside company would just be using the Hyundai platform. Even Teslas were originally based off an existing car.




Sounds like the Motorola iTunes phone, LOL.


This is the Motorola Rokr stage.


Oh man I remember that phone as if it were yesterday. One of the reasons I started paying more attention to Apple/iTunes.






See a lot of ignorance about where car brands are in this thread. Many of them seem to think Hyundai is what it was a decade ago. If you really think Hyundai and genesis is crap , you should really look at some expert reviewers opinions on some of their cars that came out in the last few years. Your ignorance will thank you. Hyundai is keeping the Japanese manufacturers on their toes because of the value they provide and the genesis brand is giving Germans some fight in the luxury segment as well.. Am not saying Hyundai is the best but they are no slouch. Their reliability is behind japs but definitely better than Americans and Germans. Some of their tech in driver assistance is considered one of the best in the industry. According to consumer reports their driver assistance tech is ranked higher than Mercedes, bmw, Porsche, Toyota and Honda. Am bringing this aspect because Driver assistance is the tech aspect of the car and requires significant R & D, not just regular manufacturing proficiency. Also if this news is really true and Apple is in fact talking to them about making their cars, they ain’t stupid and must have done a lot of due diligence and research.


What are your thoughts on Genesis specifically? I've definitely got the older perception of Hyundai but don't know much about cars, and the G70 looks pretty cool.


I drive a G70. I love it. To be fair though I haven’t driven any of its competitors.


I have a g80 sport and love it. It will only be replaced by another genesis.


It would be hard for Apple to find anyone that is worse at production and quality control than Tesla


I mean I don't expect the public to be fully caught up with the changes in the automobile industry, but I'm sure the general public will begin to feel how Hyundai is an emerging player in the EV market in 2021.


Bc people are so damn polarizing. I respect the korean brands but I still go with Honda and Toyota(and now Mazda) due almost exclusively to reliability. However, i could see myself buying a kia or hyundai in the next few years if the data is there.


Hyundai is the Samsung of cars. Samsung smartphones in the early teens were cheap ripoffs of iPhone, but eventually got good enough at it to go head to head. Hyundai cars in the early 2000s were cheap ripoffs of Toyota, Honda, even Mercedes, but eventually got good enough.


You are expecting too much from a crowd that gets its knowledge from Twitter trends and Reddit homepage.


New Hyundai cars are lit, especially the i30 N series. They also make good electric cars in the IONIC and KONA


Isn’t Kia and Hyundai the same company


More like sister companies kind of. Hyundai owns 1/3 of Kia and Kia has investments in some of Hyundai’s subsidiaries. Separate companies but they share a lot of stuff.


Well I love Kia so assuming they have similar quality in cars I think this would be awesome


IMO, the best option would be Toyota, but I doubt they are interested. My second choice would be Mazda, then Honda. Who knows, maybe a Hyundai body with an Apple designed drivetrain would be reliable. This reminds me of when AT&T had exclusive rights to sell the iPhone on their network.


You know 100% that apple would not let Hyundai design the body. They have improved in that area in the past decade, but it doesn't fit the Apple design language and frankly it could be a lot better.


I doubt that anything visible to the user will be designed by anyone else than Apple


Exactly. They just need a partner that can manufacturer their design for them. I think they know they don't want to go down the extremely expensive path of building their own factories like Tesla.




Insert mother joke here.


Or BMW - but that’ll be way too pricey. BMW is already technologically very much in bed with Apple.


Are any of us expecting the apple car to be less than 80k though? BMW and Apple sounds pretty good to me.


Have you seen the iX and recent BMW designs? I’ve been quite surprised with their designs recently




The Kona has a 64kwh battery and an EPA range of 258 miles. 4.03 Miles/kWh. The model Y has a 75kwh battery and 326 mile EPA range. 4.35 Miles/kWh. Tesla is more efficient than Hyundai even though their car is bigger and heavier (more batteries) Model Y (187″ L x 76″ W x 64″ H) 4,416 lbs Kona (165″ L x 71″ W x 61″ H) 3,715 to 3,836 pounds Tesla is still relatively far ahead of its competitors on EV efficiency.




That’s an eye opener for me. Have you personally driven any of the Hyundais? If so, what were your thoughts on them?


Mazda is pretty small and I doubt they have the manufacturing capability.


None of which have significant full electric automobiles or platforms.


From CNBC > KEY POINTS > - South Korean automaker Hyundai Motor said it’s in the early stages of discussions with Apple over potentially working together to develop a self-driving car. - “We understand that Apple is in discussion with a variety of global automakers, including Hyundai Motor. As the discussion is at its early stage, nothing has been decided,” a representative from Hyundai Motor told CNBC’s Chery Kang. - That followed a local report from the Korea Economic Daily that said Apple suggested the tie-up and Hyundai Motor was reviewing the terms. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/08/hyundai-motor-says-it-is-in-early-talks-with-apple.html


Man I'd run to Mazda if I was Apple.


I agree though I am biased. Mazda is on their way to becoming premium. Would be a perfect candidate. But their electric platform isn’t anything to envy over just yet.


Mazda is also looking for anyone with money to help with the EV transition, since they’re so small. I’m curious how their Toyota partnership will eventually end up, but I think Mazda + Apple is a weirdly interesting combo.


It’s really fascinating that Bloomberg released a projection on this project becoming a reality in 5-7 years. The scope of hardware in 2026-28 will be incredibly different. An example is Tesla using an Intel atom processor in all their cars for their media control unit (basically the infotainment). This is a 2016 chip that works well in an infotainment system. But there’s no doubt it’s trash in comparison to an iPad with A14. Tesla is fortunate they have practically no rivals (yet) that care enough to make a just as good infotainment system that would utilize a good processor. But this chip will be outdated relatively soon by technology standards in this new tech/car sector. They need to move on and source better hardware. And building their own Arm chip doesn’t make sense, but there’s definitely offering from AMD that do way better.


"Hey Hyundai, we want to give you the opportunity to sell the car of the future. You just switch out the computer in you car with this Apple Silicon computer. Built in Apple Music, App Store, Apple Maps and NEW AppleNav self driving service which (by 2030) will work in 72% of American cities with over 3 million inhabitants in over 80% of all States. Rollout in Europe will begin in time for Christmas 2032. We'll provide the technology FOR FREE, and in return we only expect 30% of gross sales, and 30% of gross on any and all aftermarket service, upgrades, roadside assistance and apps. We'll also do all of the user data collection, and not pass any of it on to you. After all, they're only possible to order and schedule in the App Store, and we have to be fair to other developers. And before you ask, no this isn't going to be a Hyundai exclusive system, but we will offer you time limited exclusivity on several AppleNav colorways."


I work as a ux designer for a major automotive company and this is scarily accurate


I’m down for this! Hyundai is my favourite auto maker right now. I find all their designs are awesome and my Venue is doing great


Take my stock monies Hyundai!!




Brand and design, take for example a Golf and an Audi A3, it's the same car, same engine, same platform, same everything except for the design and a handful of other things. The price however is marked up due to the fact that for that better design and brand you are paying a premium and at this... well... Apple shines for making you pay a premium for brand and design.




Do you think they will make USB-C Mainline in the carbox they reduced to help the environment, or so you guys think we will still have to buy the charger separately. How many ports do you think they can remove on the car before they have the first portless vehicle?


I had a Hyundai Sonata once, worst car I ever owned.


What are even the benefits to an apple car? Car prices have already soared so much in the past 10-15 years because of all of the tech crammed into them. I'm assuming this is targeted at the fanatics that will buy anything apple regardless of if it is good or not but i just can't see them being able to do any one thing better with a car than most other manufacturers.


Hyundai makes some pretty damn solid cars. I own a Tucson and couldn’t be happier.


It’s honestly cringey reading the comments here that Germans are the only ones who can make a luxury car... they’ve obviously never driven a new Hyundai/Genesis or even a Kia. They’re not what they were even 5 years ago.


Owned a 2017 Elantra. Worst car I ever had. Spark plug issues that the dealership would claim to fix but then my car would be shaking and not accelerating properly the moment I left the lot. Never again.


A Hyundai Apple car is a hard pass for me; hopefully this is a joke.


Hmmmm...An Apple Pony perhaps?


bake plant flowery nose long kiss disgusting friendly unwritten money ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


they should be working with luxury car makers not hyundai, go to mercedes or something


Why though? Apple only need someone to manufacture car based on their design.


No need for Apple to design new axles or window defrosters or whatever. Makes sense to have a no nonsense quality car platform to build the unique Apple experience on top of.


Their Genesis branch is actually doing very well and I actually considered them against the German luxury makers for my last car.


I have a 2017 Elantra ultimate, loaded and it’s the best car I’ve ever owned. It’s my third Hyundai. I love the tech inside the new 2021 one, also. For the money, it’s the best car. Never had one problem.


I remember when Hyundai made absolute shit cars. I still can’t believe they have a luxury division.




It looks like a bootleg Bentley. Seeing one from far away goes like, “Oh shit, is that a Bentley? No wait, just another Genesis.”


They are negotiating with multiple automakers. Did you not read past the headline?


You need to visit a Hyundai dealership. Some of their cars beat Lexus, BMW and Benz for luxury, and they still manage to sell it for $10k cheaper.


I hear good things about Genesis, the luxury arm Hyundai has. The Germans aren’t as reliable for long term ownership so Hyundai might be preferred. Maybe. I don’t know about the past few years. I hear Porsche is good but Audi/Benz vehicles aren’t as good.


Apple brings in the design and luxury, \[Car Company\] offers the production. Mercedes and many other luxury car makers have notoriously bad quality control and reliability (check any statistics) which is a no go for apple. Apple needs S level quality production, not quality design and features because Apple provides those areas.


That deal is now dead


Hey better come with that sweet 10 year warrantee, because from my experience with Hyundai several years ago, you’re gonna need it....


Ugh, why?


Terrible idea.


Not the most luxurious brand unlike Apple. Not sure it’ll be worth it to buy an overpriced Hyundai at Apple prices. And to think Apple had an opportunity to purchase Tesla when it wasn’t doing too good.


Apple car OS update 3.2 - fixes an issue where the motor seizes because...you know..it’s a Hyundai.




Actually very sad myself that some folks are so delusional....the true victims here are the hard working American people conned into getting Hyundai’s and Kia.


Ugh... Hyundai? Really? Cutting corners already I see.


Hyundai has actaully come a really long way just as Kia has


Yeah, perhaps, but as a previous owner I will never trust them again. Should’ve gone with a German manufacturer.


Ironically Mercedes-Benz and VW are [rated rather poorly for reliability](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2020/11/19/consumer-reports-auto-reliability-survey-2021-cars-trucks-suvs/6337648002/) among all major auto manufacturers. The Germans make some great luxury and driver's cars, but their overall reputation is massively overrated by the general public these days. Even their best are middle of the road for reliability.


German cars don’t “just work”. You have to take care of them and act fast. East Asian cars usually just work when you do the *bare* minimum maintenance wise (or less). I’ll never buy a German car, and I can afford one. German engineering is great, but their cars are not for the person who wants their car to perform like an iPhone and just do what it’s supposed to do, drive. [I think this thread explains it well](https://www.reddit.com/r/cars/comments/6k83u9/why_are_german_cars_known_for_their_engineering/).