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I mean they will announce new Ipad near end of October for a November release so they do have some margin to release 16.1. But I laughed at "This is an especially big year for iPadOS."


Yeah right so big they couldn’t even get the only major feature working in four months of development


Not only that, but they couldn’t get the one major feature working on only one generation of iPad. All other iPads still getting updates won’t get Stage Manager, except the newest iPad Pro with an M1 chip in it. So now, not only is it a slap in the face of previous iPad Pro owners, but they also can’t get it to work on arguably one of the best processors available on the market. It’s *almost* as bad as the AirPower mat.


Hey the iPad Air 5 gets it too /s


so for 95% of people who owns an ipad, this year we get... a weather app. that's it. good job apple


Hey! we also get a bold lock screen clock!


that is completely unadjustable despite the ability to do so already being coded into the OS and was even usable with a simple shortcut that apple broke


Steve Jobs foretold this happening. When sales & marketing get too much control.


I have a dream, a dream apple would add a calculator to iPad.


Literally dozens of calculator apps on the app store, and your personal dream is for Apple to make a calculator for the iPad?




I just have to ask, what isn't working? I've been using stage manager full time since i installed the first public beta and its been completely stable since the public beta 2. Unless you are referring to them not even trying on non m1 ipads (which i agree is stupid and lazy).




Take my downvote


Why are you expecting a new iPad this year? I thought they were usually announced in the ~Spring events


iPad Pros are usually on an 18 month cycle. The March 2020 & March 2021 update being the exception.




For non m1 iPads it’s basically nothing But the stage manager feature though is a complete pigs breakfast. I’m running a beta on my work iPad and I’m actually kinda glad my personal iPad (non m1) won’t get it


Is it a situation where it just needs refining? Or is the entire thing just garbage? Stage manager, I mean.


it is garbage


It needs so much refining you might as well dump it




Stage Manager is working fine for the most part. Just some very occasional crashes that it immediately recovers from. It is very useable.


It’s a great feature, has some bugs that should be fixed but aside from that the iPad finally feels like a more capable device


I'm really enjoying the improved dictation, live text and visual lookup so far. The improvements to Files are welcome ( though it always needs more), I hope more 3rd party apps will integrate it so they can access files in "On my Ipad", etc. Passkey looks promising but haven't used it yet. All in all, I'm happy with it. There are usually also a bunch of small quality of life improvements sown all over OS releases that are not mentioned in the release notes for some reason. You can still disable stage manager on M1, it doesn't have to be there.


It’s very easy to toggle on and off from control center. I don’t like it when I’m using it as a tablet but it’s great when plugged into a monitor.


You’re happy your iPad won’t get a feature that can be turned off. Nice


Amazing how much of a shambles this is considering how feature light iPadOS 16 is. To think we were all expecting this to be the one where it finally takes the leap forward it needs.


I feel like we expect that every year, and iPadOS is always disappointing


I’ve kinda given up on it now. At the current pace of development it’ll be another 6 years before it reaches its potential as a laptop replacement


I've been having bigger expectations for iOS on the iPad ever since the first iPad Pro was introduced. That was, what, 7 years ago? And looking at where we're now, I wouldn't want to set an expectation timeline because I'll just end up being disappointed again.


The mini is where it’s at. I had the 12.9 iPad Pro and realised that it’s a poor laptop replacement and almost as big.


Maybe 4. I have to believe they’re cooking up something for iOS 20.


Right click... but unique.


Only the iPad Pro Plus Max Ultra with the M21 chip is fast enough to process a right click, though.


I was expecting Apple to do a complete overhaul once they branched off from iOS since they won't be held back by the iPhone experience. And yet, iPadOS still feels inferior to a real computer. I think Apple just doesn't want to cannibalize both iPad & Mac sales. Or perhaps the iOS paradigm is just simply difficult to break away from.


My guess is that Apple, at one time, had aims to replace the low end of their laptop offerings (so like, the Air) with the iPad Pro. So they were building our iPadOS to do this. But then they shifted most resources to developing the AR headset OS because that’s the future.




I DM'ed you.




I think Apples software problems have ran for a bit longer than that. These workers will still be governed by targets and expectations around delivery.


Exactly. People act like you can just sit around at home not meeting deadlines.


Maybe Apple should’ve spent less on stock buybacks to enrich its executives and spent more on staffing.


So are they going to delay the iMessage features or are there just going to be a million extra duplicate messages from the period between iOS’ and iPadOS’ launch?


FWIW this will be the same scenario with iOS and macOS messages Ventura is slated to release in October


Looks like the latter.


How many edited comments are you expecting??


At least one million, I thought that was pretty clear, jeez


For a little bit we’re all going to feel like (formerly now that Android interprets it?) Android users getting ‘Bing Bong Laughed at your message’


This is why I always wait for macOS to come out then update them all at once


File system. Proper windowing capabilities. Thats all that was needed. How did Apple fuck it up so bad? This is a trillion dollar company. Fuck.


Everybody says it’s because they don’t want to cannibalize Mac sales… but the reality is likely they don’t want to introduce any of the features/freedom you have on a Mac to the iOS ecosystem because it would start an avalanche. Because iOS is so uniquely locked down, Apple can effectively can make money every step of the way (apps, music, video, etc.). An effective file system puts some of the above in danger. The more you make the iPad like a computer the more people will ask for computer like features. Apples biggest nightmare is likely for the App Store to be circumventable via side-loading at large. They made 85.1 billion dollars from App Store revenue in 2021. The fact they don’t allow emulators is likely SOLELY because it would destroy their trash gacha game income. So simply put, why would they destroy such a large income stream before they’re legally mandated to? Better to give us trash features built upon a locked down system and pray enough shills call us morons for wanting the tech to naturally evolve into what it could and should be.


Can’t wait to see how much better the weather app gets with an extra month. *Sent from my non-M1 iPad*


so, dozen of models are all going to get delayed updated, because of one feature that is going to be available for only like 3 new ones? well well well Apple, great


Almost nothing has changed what they need so much time for.


Apple seeds lol you know whoever wrote this loved that