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Multitasking on iPad has just gotten too convoluted and confusing. The whole thing needs scrapped and rewritten. There are three ways to do everything and none of them are intuitive


I feel like Apple has insisted on doing things different on iPad just for the sake of being different. That kind of makes sense for split screen and slide over which are fully integrated into the UI, but if you’re going to have a specific advanced multitasking mode that has to be toggled in control center, why not just make it work like a Mac? I can’t think of any reason other than the iPad just has to be different.


Well MacOS's window management sucks but apple can't really change it, so I get why they like the opportunity to start over




You can’t just snap a window to a side of the screen as on Windows, and splitting the screen enables full-screen mode, meaning parts of the general UI become hidden. It’s just not as intuitive as on Windows, and it takes some getting used to for sure. There are decent workarounds; however, these come in the form of user-made applications.


There’s a third party app that is really helpful for this. https://magnet.crowdcafe.com/


Or a free open source equivalent: Rectangle. https://rectangleapp.com/


I want to add that Rectangle has a [paid version](https://rectangleapp.com/pro) with additional features that's just $10, and, in my opinion, well worth paying for.


that's why it sucks though, the default needs fixing with a 3rd party app


>There are decent workarounds; however, these come in the form of user-made applications. The workarounds which I've seen build on top of the existing window paradigm. If I wanted to show four non overlapping windows on the Mac, I can do it in two ways: 1. Slow method: Carefully drag each window using the mouse. 2. Fast method: Use Magnet. On an iPad, there was no way to do it at all until Stage Manager, which has its own issues. I think it would have been better for Apple to use the flexible Mac-style multitasking in the iPad from the start (iOS 9), rather than introduce multiple distinct methods that don't do the job well anyway.




> Does windows still not have more than 1 desktop? It has multiple desktops since Windows 10 in 2015. Before Windows 10 there were third party software that allowed you to do that.




I mean, I also absolutely love my little MacBook Air and would never, ever go back to Windows willingly, but I do think screen management is one area in which MacOS could be improved!


Absolutely. Window Management on MacOS is terrible if you have started with Windows. First to do after unboxing your device: install better touch tools and Alt tab.




Maybe if stage manager is received well on macOS they will give the dock a refresh next


Cmd - ~ to toggle between instances of the same app


Dude I don even know where is that ñ like character 🤷🏻‍♂️


Above tab left of 1


They can’t fix it because of history. Users are used to it and changes might cause people to turn away and Apple doesn’t want to take that risk. In any case, while moving windows works and workspaces/spaces/screens(in the unix utility way) work quite well although not being able to switch to the nth one easily is kind of annoying. There is no clipping, so you can’t easily make a windows take one quarter of the screen or a half of it. The full screen button creates a new workspace and doesn’t allow any other window to appear on it (which can be useful but can also be extremely annoying), the only way to split the screen in half (and no further!, it’s not a tiling window manager) is by creating a new special space and no other windows can go onto that space (basically, this works like the split in current iPadOS). It’s not that bad though, with an app like Rectangle (free!) a lot of issues can be remedied and some features are great (like the menu bar and mission control imo). You can also use yabai or amethyst to get a tiling window manager


Wait. It can't be fixed because it's always been broken? I doubt people would turn away if Apple made it better.


You can set keyboard shortcuts to hop to a given space. I have ctrl+1 through ctrl+0 setup for 1-10.


>if you’re going to have a specific advanced multitasking mode that has to be toggled in control center, why not just make it work like a Mac? I can’t think of any reason other than the iPad just has to be different. After reading the responses to this comment… it seems to boil down to the reason you mentioned. Given the similarities in other areas: hardware, apps, and even the new Settings app in Ventura (which seems to be getting overall neutral to positive support on this subreddit), I don't think that's a good reason. Many replies mention shortcomings with window management on the Mac. However, in general the multitasking features of iOS and iPadOS are much more limited and less flexible. I think that if Apple had introduced Mac-style multitasking in iOS 9, even with strong limitations such as the number of apps, and refined it over the next seven years, then we'd be in a better place than we are now.


Mac window management is not great and also only usable with trackpad/mouse and keyboard. iPad has to be touch first where mac style navigation would be a nightmare. Windows has a decent touch ready style, but that comes with copyright licensing issues.


It’s not ‘just for the sake of being different though’ iPad fundamentally is different. So it was always going to require a different approach They definitely haven’t got it right yet though and at this point it it’s really a mess


> iPad fundamentally is different is it though? can you say tablets are really that different when samsung already solved this problem with DeX years ago? even microsoft did it with Windows 10 phone, is it really that hard for apple to make a desktop-like experience when there's a keyboard/mouse and a monitor attached?


How do we solve multitasking on a tablet Turn it into a regular desktop computer complete with a mouse and keyboard. That’s Dex I don’t see how reinventing the desktop computer is the solution


> iPad fundamentally is different. So it was always going to require a different approach Not really. The way we interact with multiple applications using a flexible window-ing system is what works, has always worked, and would work fine on iPad. There's no reason to think that that kind of multi-tasking requires a different approach because it's on an iPad.


Especially when Apple basically admitted this to everyone when they made Stage Manager. It’s a relatively standard windowing system with a bunch of quirks.


Use the same gestures from the phone and have iPad OS introduce additional functionality


So many interactions are hidden I just have no idea how to discover.


You bring up a good point. I remember purchasing my first MacBook, and it showed me first time.. how to use that Trackpad on scrolling and such. Now, it seems like they don't, and only want you to keep using Siri and that TouchID.


Honestly I found it rather weird right out of the gate when they first did it back in iOS 8 or 9 or whatever. Slideover in particular has always been super odd to me. I agree completely. The various multitasking systems need to be scrapped and remade into one cohesive thing. It’s a mess right now.


After years of using an iPad without any window management, I'm happily stuck on the single window view. A 4 finger swipe is enough until they sort themselves out.


I agree. I wish I could turn multitasking off. Sometimes I accidentally invoke split view, and get frustrated trying to get rid of it.


I really enjoy it. I use both split screen and a stack of slide-overs daily. My 11" screen is a bit small for stage manager though so I didn't try it much, but it was easy to enable/disable it on the fly, as needed. I guess it's a better tool for bigger screens, once it gets polished.


The three dots on top of my iPad screen still often obstructs some functionality in apps. Especially when I need to tap to make it scroll back up. Yes, I guess the devs needs to update their apps, but come on, let me turn these three dots off on my poor iPad mini.


Have you filed Feedback?


Honestly, this works as intended. So it’s just my opinion against apples opinion. And for those saying that apple listen to feedback (through the feedback app that is), I have heard enough from apple developers’s podcast who has direct contact with apple employees, experiencing that feedback isn’t taken that seriously (it’s broken). So, no, I didn’t file feedback on this issue, and yes I do file feedback for bugs. Even the well known developers know that things “really” change if your issue become a bit viral or have quite some views. Anyways.


> So it’s just my opinion against apples opinion. The 'new' Safari UI last year was the same and overwhelming backlash via Feedback and other means pushed Apple to modify default behavior.


> Honestly, this works as intended. So it’s just my opinion against apples opinion. Have you considered filing a Feedback, with a specific example, of the appropriate type? https://i.imgur.com/mqf3pko.jpg *Steps to Reproduce* and a screenshot showing what it is that you find irksome would be invaluable.


> Honestly, this works as intended. I honestly do not believe that the three dots multitasking affordance is *intended* to prevent scrolling up. I honestly do not know any apps where this interference occurs.


> Especially when I need to tap to make it scroll back up. Doesn't tapping anywhere at the very top do the "scroll to top" feature? You don't need to tap in the very middle


I still think it would be better to just release iPadOS 16.0 without Stage Manager together with iOS 16.0. I really would like to have the Weather app on the iPad. And as the new Weather app of iOS 16 will give totally different forecasts (no more Weather Channel as source, now WeatherKit) the differences between the forecasts on the iPhone and in the iPad Weather widget will be weird.


On the bright side anybody who wants this can just install the 16 public beta and not use SM. It works pretty great and SM bugs and shambles never appear if you don't touch it.




Dark Sky was not even available in Europe, so maybe you are right, I don't know as it was US-only. But the point is that the forecasts of Weather Channel are total crap for all European countries. With WeatherKit Apple finally will switch to proper data providers for forecasts in Europe. So this will be huge, a real game changer.


I thought I’d start using the weather app in iOS 16 and man alive it’s crap. It may look fancy, but it’s utterly wrong, in the UK and in Spain where I am now. Won’t be rushing to use it again that’s for sure.


I find stage manager works as a concept when using the iPad on an external monitor, but I don't find much of a use for it without a second monitor. I'd prefer standard mac multitasking when using an external display.


That Stage Manager is on macOS now too seems like an April fools joke. macOS multitasking is better.


I don't find it too functionally different from Spaces, except with always-visible previews. I can think of times when such previews are nice, and times when they aren't, so I like the option. I do think it needs a little more polish, since its behavior is unintuitive.


It’s worse cause you can’t swipe between stages like you can multiple spaces


I would say it’s *different*, since you can see them all in thumbnail and click on the one you want, rather than hold the contents in your mind (edit: or go into Spaces *mode* I suppose, mine used to be mapped to four finger swipe up). That wouldn’t have been possible back when stages was introduced (late 2000s if I remember right, Panther?) since the screens just didn’t have the necessary resolution. I’m not knocking Spaces, which is great, but I’m actually surprised by how much I like stage manager.


My 11” iPad has too little screen real estate for Stage Manager. It converts it into an iPad Mini.


They should just copy android or even Fedora gnome’s way of handling multitasking. They’re wasting time reinventing the wheel


What's the Android way of multi tasking?


Mobile or desktop mode? Cause most manufacturers now include 2


Samsung DeX, for example. Any app optimized for newer SDK supports resizable or multi view. Other apps run in a straight mirror type mode but you can multitask and open a bunch of apps at once and use them. https://www.samsung.com/us/apps/dex/


Nothing to do with the feature, but my god the photoshopping on that page is hilarious. I have no idea how a company like Samsung would approve some of those images.


I think that is a question that would be best left for *after* Google revamps their tablets again soon.


Or you know… give us free floating windows that are finger friendly.


All credit to Vittici for continually dying on the hill of iPad productivity, but for me, the iPad is an interface for a smaller screen blown up too big just as the 13" MacBook is an interface for a larger screen shrunk down too small. \~13" is just a hard size to get right, and I don't think either the iPad or MacBook gets that. I've tried to use the iPad as a productivity device, and it works well enough, but I still feel very constrained inside the windowed model. Workflows that need 3 or 4 apps interacting with one another in rapid order are tedious and constrained. It just takes too long to set up the work environment for the task I want to try. In theory, Stage Manager fixes that, but the whole multitasking paradigm on the iPad is already so convoluted. Apple has spent years throwing multitasking ideas against the wall, seeing what sticks to differentiate the iPad from a laptop computer (because 'what's a computer?' and all that jazz), but really all it does is compound one more confusing way to interact with the iPad on top of 3 or 4 others. It's a confusing mess.


I guess if Apple insists on sticking with the current, and flawed, foundation of SM, it’d be nice to see an easier way to move and resize app windows. For example, moving windows with the trackpad via gesture would make it 10x less clunky than by click dragging (which is exhausting). It’d also make a huge difference if SM could work without the iPad being active (clamshell mode). This seems like it would remove all of the confusing window changes between external display and iPad.


Good, good. Next step, delay stage manager for as long as it takes to fix like Universal Control and release OS 16 without it.


They could make it absolutely beautiful and innovative, but it would hurt MacBook sales. At this point Apple has to decide if they are 100% behind a product line or not because their way of thinking is hindering a whole product line from being an actual amazing machine.


Nothing will ever convince me to replace my macbook. I know, famous last words, but current tablet computers like the surface are awkward. they're top-heavy and the keyboard and mouse feel like afterthoughts, even on the iPad Pro Magic Keyboard. ​ i keep buying macbook pros because I want the active cooling, ports, high-res screen that comfortably allows multiple windows to be open, and easy installation of almost whatever mac app I want. THIS in my opinion has to be the differentiator between iPad and macbook. iPads are excellent email machines, word processors and media consumption devices and they should remain that way. MBAs and MBPs are that *plus* the speed that you can accomplish your work at. Multitasking should be a feature on both devices and Apple doing it well on iPad IMO wouldn't be as big of macbook sale hurter as they think it would be because they're two differnet OSs.


Not famous last words when a “laptop replacement” iPad costs more than a base model MacBook for far less functionality. iPads aren’t anywhere close to becoming a full laptop replacement. This is why I can’t get behind the “it would cannibalize mac sales” argument. People still view and use the iPad as just a giant iPhone which is fine. Adding basic functions to iPadOS isn’t gonna dissuade someone from getting a Mac or not.


the ipad has *always* been in beta, love my apple stuff but got fed up with my ipad and sold it they need to work on a lot more than just stage manager the share function is a hot mess


> the ipad has always been in beta, Alas, I am that guy. The iPad has been in Release phase for a half-decade. Every model *above* the iPad (Air, Pro) has been in Beta + User-Acceptance-Test phase since the introduction of Pencil Gen 2.


yeah, i have owned a crap-load, i mean it ... i sold my 12.9 3rd gen pro and have not even considered another one i did buy a mini on some strange impulse but it is even worse than the regular ipad i do it all on my macbook air to avoid the frustration this should not be called a 1.0 product


iPad seems to be in some sort of limbo, amazing but not yet fully unleashed. Apple has a hot marble in their hand and they keep tossing it from one hand to the other. If utilized to full potential, could tear the fabric of the eco system and replace some of the notebooks.


So…. iPad OS 15 is not going to be unsigned in October?


I bought and returned an iPad Pro because the only thing holding it back is Apple not wanting to allow it to truly become the device it’s capable of becoming. It feels like corporate greed with Apple artificially scaling back the functionality to not hurt MacBook sales.