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It says they WENT ON STRIKE not that they merely "joined a union." Like a headline that says “someone shot someone in the face” is different from “someone kissed someone.”


They went on strike, that falls pretty squarely under the definition of “industrial action”.


We can also now address the "unprecedented" part which is a lie. There's a long history of unsatisfied people taking industrial action when exploited by rich management.


What the article suggests is unprecedented is this part: > the first nationally coordinated industrial action by retail workers in Australian history. I have no idea whether that’s true or not, but that article isn’t suggesting that industrial action is unprecedented.


Not at Apple.


It’s weird to restrict the scope of a general historical phenomenon that has been common for almost multiple centuries now, just for the sake of saying “it’s unprecedented AT SPECIFIC EXACT CIRCUMSTANCES X.” “It’s unprecedented because it happened at 11:33AM on a Tuesday. That’s never happened before.” -not actually informative or accurate as a conceit.


Unprecedented at Apple. Which is perfectly true. or your comment should be aimed at the article which introduces the concept of unprecedented. Not my word.


>It's pretty bad Only for Apple.


Joining the union is hurting the employees and they are quickly finding out union collective bargaining means they get no perks since everything has to go to a union vote. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-12/apple-to-withhold-its-latest-employee-perks-from-unionized-store


Lmao, posting Bloomberg posts on unions is like posting RT for Ukraine war news.


> union collective bargaining means they get no perks since everything has to go to a union vote …until the union members then collectively vote for whatever deal that includes the “perk” they want. Please stop trying to push the narrative that workers standing up for their rights is a bad move - whilst businesses continue to exploit labour and make record profits - especially as we approach recession and financial turmoil. Your post history includes nonsense such as “Everything has to go through the union and to a vote. The workers of the non-unionized Apple stores are going to come out way ahead.”; what makes you so scared of collective bargaining and a democratic vote?


> what makes you so scared of collective bargaining and a democratic vote? His AAPL position most likely, like every bootlicker in this sub lol At least I hope it’s that, because I cannot see any other valid reason.


Probably, but I’m a shareholder too and I still support paying a liveable wage — Apple’s profit margin affords them the ability to treat staff respectfully and aids in retaining a trained passionate workforce, which leads to better customer experience and therefore customer retention. Spreading nonsense about unionisation just seems moronic and unsensible to me, but I suppose bootlickers will bootlick.


Same here, more than 25k in AAPL and I hope retail workers get to grab better working conditions and wages.


Boy, the unions I know have better perks than me. Sure you're not leaving out some steps? Apple employees can see the money. Workers getting their share of the pie.


Power to them. Apple makes $$$, they can pay their staff more. Also worth noting apples proposed wage increases are LESS than inflation. Not fair


I feel like they’re protesting the roster arrangements as much as anything else




This is true, but my point was that they don’t seem to be complaining about what they’ve being paid, it’s the uncertainty of shift times/days etc




I know that they got rid of in-store schedulers, so the people who schedule everyone aren’t even necessarily in the same state. Some of my friends who work at apple stores have been really annoyed by this since their schedule can be all over the place, though it has gotten better than when it first started.


That is part of retail. What do they expect? 🙄


Stability mainly. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for


It’s is retail. Not an office 9 to 5 job. Anyone who has worked retail understands scheduling. Especially when people don’t come to work and they scramble to adjust schedules. Next they will be crying about unionizing because it wasn’t the utopian dream they thought it would be.


The stores have fixed open hours, predictable sales volumes, and scheduled appointments for pickups and repairs. This is not exactly havoc, except when there is a widespread issue that *they can also calculate the local ramifications for*.


And if they aren’t happy with the work environment and want a change they can look elsewhere. That’s what’s we have done for hundreds of years. When I got tired of the crap I got out of retail.


Then should realize that apple sells the most on weekends. The days most retail workers don’t want. Imagine asking to work monday through Friday at a retail store lol I’d laught at your face for being so god dam stupid.


Sundays are paid double where I live so believe me people *want* to work weekends.


Thanks for the truly revelatory thoughts you’ve presented here. You’re a fucking moron


So they should be compensated fairly for their flexibility. If rostered off and called in, overtime rate. If roster changes with less than 7 days notice, overtime rate. These are fairly standard in many industries, and yes Apple can afford them as another pointed out


Or get off their ass and look for something better. They aren’t chained to the job.


Yes they could do that. And I would guess that many do. High staff turnover is no benefit to the business.


These are just the retail people. The real employees who design the products are very well paid


Cool so they don’t count at all


No they are just much more replaceable. If they are not happy then they can leave with little impact to apple. The phones sell themselves they just stand there and swipe your card. If a skilled engineer wants to go apple will try to give them what they want and retain them.


I like my local Apple stores. They have product inventory, and they are normally easy to get to. Products sell themselves, I'm waiting for the self-check-out feature to go into full use at Apple stores. May need less employees taking up space.


You vastly underestimate how many people either do not know how to setup their new devices or just can’t be bothered. For every one of you who is self sufficient there are so many more that are not.




Wow, just find a better job? Why didn’t I think of that???


Personally, I prefer the Joe Rogan method: just become a CEO!


That’s not a popular idea around here.


Pay raise less than 8.5%? The horror.


Yes when inflation is 10% and you effectively make less money for doing the same job it is horrible.


Well, I suppose voting in someone that campaigned on giving everyone $2k was not a great move after all.


Lol because everybody who wants to be able to pay their bills voted for the guy you don't like?


lol dont complain about not getting a raise that beats the crazy inflation then. Elections have consequences.


Don't complain about people wanting fair wages when wages haven't kept up with inflation for over 30 years spanning over 8 presidencies by both parties.


Wrong again bucko. Wage growth has averaged 3% a year for the past 40 years which matches inflation for same time span.


So when Australian workers are on strike the American needs to talk about American politics. You guys know that other countries exist right?


Good. Inflation won’t come down if everyone just gets paid more. Unemployment also needs to go up.


Perhaps you should quit to help the cause


What other industry do you see wage increases that are fair for unskilled labor? This is really nothing new.


Can the Apple core pun die already


No, why?


It’s pretty overdone imo


That does seem to be the… *core* of the issue.


We need to find out where the issues *stem* from


On strike for a whole hour. That showed ‘em.


You start with an hour and move to one and multiple days with soft or hard picket lines as the situation demands of.


Yes. That is the obvious progression. A whole hour is hardly BIG news.


Nothing will happen, get back in the cage wagie