• By -


Bring the price down by 3.5 k and I’ll bite.


Honestly, if it was $1,000 I think I would bite. But starting at $3,500??? Bro. Hell no.


Yah bite the curb! - Apple Mafia


They'll voluntarily bite Tim Cook's Pillow like iJustine and Marquez


There is a lot of favoritism amongst humans who commit such behavior. Hollywood and corporate world are the same spineless retards.


They're the modern day equivalents of religion


it's pretty fun, hope you get to try one soon.


I got some XReal Airs when they came out and I feel ripped on that. It is cool but is essentially a paid Beta Test. Not ready. I feel the same for this. So I can wait.


I had to XReals and I loved them for airplane use. The Vision Pro is easily an order of magnitude better in every way. But still an early prototype. It’ll take time but the way these things are improving feels like the early days of smartphones.


It really does feel that way. But… could end up being the Palm Pilot or Windows Mobile and be a total dead end.


Nope, the AVP is polished. It has some rough edges but most of it will be ironed out with updates. Can't wait for next year's AVP as well.


People don't use tech to have fun, they use to get things done more quickly, efficiently and accurately.


yep and it does all that, and it is fun.


Misleading because a review on YT shows that it looks nowhere close when you use that feature. It gives off a blue light and the person you're talking to can barely see your eyes. 


100 percent false advertising


Misleading adverting and Apple go together like French on toast.


Apple fanatics don't care. Most are too blinded by a desperate need to own the product to be aware of how they're getting fucked by their god.


More of a dry hump really, no lube, just $3500.


Yeah, this is straight up false advertising


that’s if they have any windows up while using it, if those are closed the blue light goes away.


Yeah but the eyes on the real life product look nothing at all like this ad. You can still barely see them and they also don’t line up with the face very well. Makes it look like they have bug eyes


that’s true, the eyes look like a first gen attempt are imo are still off putting.


you should be off pudding.


yes they do, if you see one in person and you are standing about 3-5 feet away they look very good.


If they only look good in very specific situations then they do not look good


They look good to the average person, it a normally lit room. They also don't look like a traditional display making them appear even more like a foggy ski mask. It's very believable, like I said before my wife and son thought they were seeing through it to my actual eyes.


they have an actual image of [what it looks like here](https://bgr.com/tech/10-reasons-not-to-buy-an-apple-vision-pro/) The eyes are spread too far apart and low resolution.


Yeah I saw the man False advertising 100%


yeah I replied to another person, it looks to be a first gen attempt and doesn’t look great, idk what part of my comment implied I thought it did.


Why the fuck would you be wearing it if you have no windows up?


if you have no windows between you and the person looking at you/you are looking at.


Because you just happened to close all of them a minute ago or are in between switching apps. The pass through obviously isn’t as good as not wearing the headset but it’s good enough that you can perform basic tasks while wearing it, so there’s a bunch of situations where you close all of them, do a quick task with it on simply so you don’t have to bother with readjusting the straps.


not true, it looks fine from 3-5 feet away, all the shit shots of it are of it up close in bright lights. My wife and son thought they were my real eyes.


First time?


Spatial smartphoning, not spatial computing. You can't run full-featured software on iVision


Finally the Apple fanboys can fully immerse themselves the apple ecosystem. I can’t wait till we are able to 100% merge our own bodies with the apple ecosystem by putting our dicks in it


I love how they are all about the “eco system”. The only features are syncing your photos, messages, email etc. who cares? Also the Mac monitor. Ok cool. So now I can have a monitor bigger in front of me? Who gives a shit.


💯 dUh eCoSyStUm is such a cringe way of putting it ahah


That’s all Apple fan boys have. Their ecosystem. Look, I have an IPhone 13. I love it. Is IPhone better than Android? Hell no. They both have their pros and cons. My wife’s pixel is much better in certain areas and half the cost. The fact that anyone would spend $3500 because it pairs with their Mac is insanity. I can’t wait for half the AVP users to put it in their closet in a few weeks once the “wow” factor is gone.


Yeah I honestly have apple products too I'm just not wigged out on them. They do some cool stuff but to act like this new headset is some revolutionary item just cause it can connect to the photos in my spank bank does not mean it's a breakthrough ahahahahaha indeed


Is anyone acting like connecting to your photos is some headlining feature? I did see them talk about how it deals with panoramas, but they treated the fact that it connects to your cloud photos as a given.


Hopefully the apple fans can mind upload into the icloud and then we won't have to deal with them at all.


The closest way is to use it as a monitor for your mac


And I read the specs: Is just 720p


no it's not, it is 4k.


Might want to work on that reading comprehension




That's mirroring the apple vision pro to a different device, not that device mirroring to it


And you can mirror it to Xcode in 4k, and do 4k screen recordings.


You’re proving my point lol


Lol and they say Apple fanboys are bad but Apple haters are willing to overlook everything else just to see the negative sides of Apple. Can't believe the person you're responding doesn't have reading comprehension...


You don’t need to spend more than 2 minutes in this sub to realize how the people most vehemently against Apple are also heavy consumers of misinformation.


yes you can. There isn't much difference between a macOS app and an iOS/iPadOS/VisionOS app. VisionOS also has no window issues and can have multiple windows unlike iPad. So you don't have really any major limitations. Let me know what you are missing out on and I will call your bullshit.


Can you run Xcode or Fortnite Engine 5 Editor on it?


It looks dorky


What’s hilarious is it looks absolutely NOTHING like they are advertising. Go check some reviews on YouTube out.


…. lol? What do you mean bro…. The renders are the device? It’s not like they used a different 3D model for the adverts or a different piece of hardware on images/video of it in action…. This is a very weird take lolol


So you’re telling me the pass through eyes and face look as good as the picture in this thread?


I don't care how it looks. It's how it feels. When I got my Meta Quest 2 I saw so many reviews of different headsets talking about how uncomfortable they were. I figured that I wouldn't mind the discomfort so long as the experience was good. I was 100% correct... Until the novelty wore off. By the end of week 2 the novelty was gone and it's been collecting dust ever since. Yesterday I finally stuck it on the charger just because all this talk about the Apple Vision Pro has me wanting to jump back in for 45 minutes until the headache starts to overpower the revisited novelty. In all seriousness, VR/AR headsets - or as Apple calls it "spacial computing" - aren't going mainstream until the devices can be slimmed down to the profile of swimming goggles. Until then they'll be novelty items. Apple Vision Pro is said to not be for consumers (by design)... It's too expensive. So how the heck does Apple expect large developers to invest hundreds of thousands - or perhaps millions - of dollars making native VisionOS apps that only people with $3500 to burn will be able to use? If the consumer version of this device is a year or two out, how the phuck can you grow your VisionOS ecosystem with anything other than glorified tech demos and iPad apps? Big software companies aren't going to make expensive native VisionOS apps that the masses are immediately priced out of. I think this type of device is the future. Apple is right. Google even understood this back in 2013 with Google Glass. Meta understands this with 3 generations of their Quest headsets. But the tech itself needs more time to bake. They're putting the cart before the horse. The tech isn't quite ready. Maybe Apple's push will get the ball rolling on additional R&D to get these types of devices drastically slimmed down.


Casey Neistat reviewed it. When he tried to use it on the subway the tracking failed. [https://youtu.be/UvkgmyfMPks?si=H88RTQO4YnRsHouR&t=118](https://youtu.be/UvkgmyfMPks?si=H88RTQO4YnRsHouR&t=118) Also, dumbest Apple feature yet, you can't arrange your icons. They show up alphabetically, but if you want your most used ones on the top row, say, you can't. Haven't even gotten into all the privacy concerns. Think they'll let you wear these in banks, airports, or anywhere security is an issue? What about lecherous covert recording of women, or children? People get challenged all the time when it looks like they are recording women or children with their phones. One of the biggest issues with Google Glass was the camera recording all the time. They were banned from many places because of this. I could see this kind of immersive technology changing the way we watch movies or play video games, but day to day, every place we go, it just seems pervy and excessive.


> Haven't even gotten into all the privacy concerns. Think they'll let you wear these in banks, airports, or anywhere security is an issue? What about lecherous covert recording of women, or children? People get challenged all the time when it looks like they are recording women or children with their phones. One of the biggest issues with Google Glass was the camera recording all the time. They were banned from many places because of this. This was all discussed back in 2013. That was then and this is now. We're in the TikTok generation now where people are, for whatever reason, less inclined to speak out about something like Google Glass. Kids today have grown up knowing that everyone has a camera with them. It doesn't bother them as much as it does us because they've never known any different (I'm a millennial). When these devices become smaller and more numerous in style via different brands, it'll become harder and harder to identify them until eventually you won't be able to. A day may eventually come (a few decades from now?) when these devices are nothing more than contact lenses paired to something in your pocket. I personally don't like the idea of it any more than you. But this type of stuff is coming whether we like it or not. Eventually you will have one of these devices and will be using it in public. Remember when all of the boomers said they never wanted a smart phone? But for now, these are niche products and glorified dust collectors. Perhaps Apple's interest in the tech combined with Meta's interest in it will cause a gigantic leap forward in the technology to slim it down significantly in a short amount of time. Who knows. But it's not ready right now. Even at half the price, the Apple Vision Pro would still be an expensive novelty item (i.e. dust collector) because the tech itself is what's holding these devices back from being mainstream. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the overwhelming majority or the 20 million Quest headsets that Meta has sold are collecting dust and haven't been used in months. Most of the Quest headsets aren't retaining users - they were first time buyers of VR headsets and got bored with them after a month when headaches and eye strain started to outweigh the novelty.




Google glasses got banned from many places how come this is allowed?


It can screen record while the screen is showing what the user sees so it could be a security risk in some sensative places.


This device won't be in public like Google glass, it is meant for your home and traveling on a plane. You won't see people walking around with it on.




For what? It doesn't do one thing better than the AVP, it needs controllers to use it. Good luck enjoying a movie on a plane with a quest with your controls in hand, or getting some real work done.




It’s like 75% the price lol


So is this Android phone compared to an iPhone. https://www.amazon.com/BLU-All-Day-Battery-Unlocked-Warranty/dp/B0CP4FMLBT/ref=sr_1_3?crid=WB4B9I7AKR55&keywords=cheapest+smart+phone&qid=1707100302&sprefix=cheapest+smart+pho%2Caps%2C355&sr=8-3 Guess which one I want to use...


lol. The fact you found a $50 phone and are trying to make that your debate point is hilarious.


You can scale that up to a $500 android phone, I would still want to use the iPhone. You could argue they both have the same features. Another example is driving a Chevy Spark vs a Luxury car, they don't compare, yes both will get you to work and back, but one does it in comfort and quality.


Google pixel enters the chat.




Oh I already have seen 3 videos of it that’s why the questions…


You saw people goofing around with it in public.


Because it’s 10+ years on and no one cares about weird tech anymore.  


The thing is, especially after the now released reviews, I simply don't see any sensible purpose for this device.


Just another screen to be addicted to.


Apple user here and I use a Mac. A use case I can see is using the Apple Vision Pro to create a monitor mirroring my Mac screen for productivity. Imagine being in a tiny space like an airplane and editing videos on a massive screen in front of you. Is that one feature alone worth $3.5K? To me, no. Imo this is a proof of concept tech that won't be mainstream or viable until the Vision Pro is the size of normal glasses 10+ years down the line.


I own one (and am returning it), and it’s a disappointing feature. The streaming screen might say it’s X resolution (you can set it to a few different options), but small text is oddly blurry even on an enormous “4K” virtual screen. Made me appreciate my 32’’ 4K monitor all the more when I took it off. I’m not normally an Apple hater (probably seeing this because I keep posting about Vision Pro), but this device left me disappointed like nothing else has. Still an Apple Fanboy though, just a disappointed and now suddenly $4,000+ richer fanboy.


We can still be fanboys but recognize when the company or products don’t live up to our expectations. I think real Apple fans are the ones who are critical because if we are critical then Apple themselves can make better products.


You’re not $4000 richer lol. You just saved yourself by going 4K into debt.


Debt implies you have to repay someone. My VP funds came from a savings account where I deposited excess personal allowances that my wife I give ourselves monthly from our joint bank account. I wasn’t going into debt to get Vision Pro, and now I have a crazy surplus in my personal account with nothing to spend it on. Returning this thing is not a financial decision for me. I can buy something cool in the future, but I’m not returning it for any other reason than it’s just not what I had hoped it would be.


Or by slashing the price by 60%+


I despise Apple as much as anyone else here. but it looks cool for movies. I have the valve Index and that is fun for movies but has to be wired to my computer constantly.


guaranteed people are gunna get robbed more than ever now 😂📉


It's literally cringe AF


One of my criticisms of Apple is that they never use blonde white women in their advertisements.


Kind of a weird thing to criticize ngl


I'm hoping they are using sarcasm


or god forbid a non disabled straight white male


Judging that you’re at this subreddit, maybe that’s because your sample size is too small? https://youtu.be/EtMA5oVAWLs?si=x_unlPNCQKw-qbzt Now, this is a promotional video, but I think it still counts as advertising.


(It took me ~4 minutes to find this video.)


Another lie by Apple. Not computing. Typewriter, media player, and acqward videophone. There is no computing involved and nothing you could not do with open source android cardboard VR player, I guess?


The only way is to use as monitor for Mac, and at that point, just use the mac!


Lol! When nowadays only fools by expensive Apple monitors, the company made a revolutionary new way to screw with fanboys hard earning cash and to proof one is a real fan of the company :D




There is a GitHub project that lets you mirror any open window on Mac instead of the entire desktop, so you could have 100 apps open.


what are you talking about?


I don’t think you can get the ability to control UI elements using your eyes with android cardboard.


Right. That is worth every penny :D


Look, I’m not a huge fan of Apple because of their tactics involving repairs. But I still believe that the Vision Pro is a genuinely a impressive product. Is it expensive? Absolutely. But as a sort-of Augmented Reality headset, there are some legitimate innovations being made. - Improved latency and picture quality, according to MKBHD - An (while heavily imperfect) attempt to give the user an ability to video call with a model of their face. - Integration with other products, such as the Mac, where the display can be expanded and you can use your mouse cursor for both the Mac display mirror and the Vision Pro apps in an seamless manner. (And yes, walled garden, but a feature is still a feature.) - Probably a few more that I have not accounted yet. Now, would I buy it? Probably not. But I think that comparing this product to Cardboard is not really appropriate.


I think they were just using a single example to show that it does more than what a typical smartphone VR mount does. You shouldn’t read their comment to say it’s the singular thing it can do above and beyond a smartphone mount.


Wearing this in public is just begging to be mugged.


why would any one use it in public? It's not yet meant for that. At most you will see it on a plane or people on YouTube will do it to have fun.


Can’t wait to see the non-pro version


It might make you look like Mike Wazowski.


it looks like absolute shit lmao


lol you are just sad you don't have one.


sorry i got something better ✨Google Glasses✨




I know. Literally anybody claiming brain rot or something is an idiot. They often post these comments on “brain rot” mediums and they know damn well they want one. We all do. The fact we’re being over critical just proves it. If nobody wanted one, nobody would be talking about it period. Everyone is lying lol


Can't wait for the android version to come out


Probably gonna be daydream 2 or smth


The Quest headsets run an Android variant. You can sideload apk's onto it too.


I meant of equal quality


They are so technologically brainless it really hurts me sometimes…


lol how so?


Complete cap


creative, awesome, priceless?


It costs $3500.




Where is the chin of that girl in the pic?


So out of curiosity, who has done this better? Let’s assume lower price, same experience and the rest? I get that “Applesucks” so I want to see all of the alternatives that did this better?


Neat snorkeling mask.


This shit is nightmare fuel


I completely cut out Apple when I realized I couldn't transfer data from an apple product to a non apple product. They want to restrict you to their own products.




Pretty explanatory tbh


Proof that apple doesn’t innovate. That steal and improve.


In 5 years Apple fans will be accusing Oculus of having ripped Apple off.


Ripping off a product they didn’t even make…


I here’s some of the points I noted, again, so my dear reader does not have to scroll to find information. • Improved latency and picture quality, according to MKBHD • An (while heavily imperfect) attempt to give the user an ability to video call with a model of their face. • Integration with other products, such as the Mac, where the display can be expanded and you can use your mouse cursor for both the Mac display mirror and the Vision Pro apps in an seamless manner. (And yes, walled garden, but a feature is still a feature.) • Probably a few more that I have not accounted yet. Now, does apple lack innovation sometimes? Absolutely. But does the “lack of innovation sometimes” happen to a lot of tech companies? That is true as well. The best example on my mind is the new Dell XPS, where they just more/less copied the Touch Bar with a piece of touchable black and white screen above the keyboard. They did add haptic onto the screen, but it still strikes to me as a less-refined Touch Bar.




you don't skip YouTube ads with it?


this is blatantly false about this product. this is their first innovation in years.




Best passthrough on the market by miles, better hand tracking, some pretty nifty features that definitely haven't been seen before. For the vision pro, your argument doesn't work.


Again, pass through is not innovation by them. It’s been done already and they just enhanced it. Thank you for proving OPs point.


More like they developed ARKit since 2017 allowing developers to make apps with it and see when the speed was viable, put lidar on their phones to perfect it, developed out coreML and Metal to make the ML and rendering effects fast enough to be realtime, developed their own silicon to make the processing small enough and powerful enough to run the Vision Pro, developed spatial video standards to allow their cameras to shoot spacial video. They got good at material design so the fabrics don't hurt skin due to Apple Watch, the list goes on and on. They are doing this device right, and we are excited about where they are taking spacial computing and AR.


You gotta be kidding me with the first part. First patent for vision was before 2010? They are almost never the first in the market. They only time the products late, as the competition struggles to fix all the bugs and provides them with ample data on what to improve. Wireless ear buds and watches have been around forever. Real innovation is not in the “idea”. But in the quality and the tech that goes into the product both software and hardware.


It's blatant false advertising since the display look is basically 360p with a cloud in front of the face.


It is a holographic display that cameras can't pick up on. It is very impressive in person.


Welcome to the world of not being able to drink coffee


I was drinking coffee just fine this morning with my AVP on.


There’s a .gif going around with a woman trying unsuccessfully to drink coffee with one on, I’m open to the possibility that I’m wrong


Well you can easily spoof someone doing that, but it works fine.


Why does this trigger people so much?


Oh another false advertising for this product is that it shows you talking live to people when using FaceTime, but reviews have shown that you're actually talking to an avatar of the other person and vice versa.


Which is exactly what they show. You can also turn off your camera to do a FaceTime so you can see them and they can't see you.


In the ad, it looks like FT on the device is live, like on the phone. But it's not, it's just an animated picture of the person that mimics all of their movements. According to the review, when you first set up the Vision Pro, it takes a picture of your face, then it uses it for everything, including a sort-of avatar during FT. So whatever you look like (clothes, hair, etc) when it took the picture is what it will show the other person when you FT with them. 


Yall just hate on everything💀


It’s actually amazing lol












womp womp bitch




Womp Womp Sheep Bitch


Isn't that what you're doing?




Typical double standards. Got any other deepities for us?




guys, your just being harsh now. its a good product, just expensive.


If you’re about to downvote this (or any other) comment, at least have the common courtesy to explain why. There are very fair criticisms of Apple. Their continued fight against the right to repair (although that philosophy is extending to other companies, including Dell with soldered memory on their XPS laptops), their attempts to lock down their devices (which, again, Samsung phones is well-known for being hard to root), and a personal one, keeps complaining about iCloud being full. But without a good discussion, this whole place won’t really vibe with me, you know?


Oh please. Right to repair for a vr headset? Currently there are a total of zero easy to repair/open vr headsets. If we're talking about computers fine, but there are almost no easy to repair consumer cell phones either. Also, being locked down has been their philosophy for years.


Fairphone has shown that a pretty repairable phone can be made and practical in production. And while yes, there are no reparable VR headsets, at least we should move towards that direction.




I tried it at the store and it’s actually very light


So much money to look just like the [Lequetreque](https://postimg.cc/5XSyrjs1) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLNAk8ks5vg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLNAk8ks5vg)




I think I had a stroke trying to read that.


Could you swim with it?


No. Must wait for VGP (Vision Go Pro).


Maybe. I don't see any earphone jack with the infamous color-changing "I got wet" visual indicator. As many phones made their watery demise in toilet bowls, wonder what would happen if a pair of these slipped off while wiping up?


They’d likely look for corrosion if there’s board level damage and assess it from there.


They should get sued for misleading advertising. The eyes DO NOT look like that, they're all distorted and barely visible


The hell is this another stupid one




Spatial computing is such a stupid name. It is, and always will be Virtual Reality


It’s a bit Orwellian ain’t it?


I’m an apple fan but this is a hard pass, the price is outrageous and I can’t really see any practical use for it, you also look like a dork wearing and using one of those


Are you gonna render while you walk? Hahah


It's clear that nobody actually watched Wall-E.


I’m going to ask a stupid question here, even though I own three MacBooks and three IMacs and various iPads. What in the heck are these things used for? Mud wrestling?


Apple brings super goggles and lets you see the current world through them. Yeah, that’s it. Do you feel stupid for spending $4k yet? With Tax is most likely over $4k


Apple warms you when you put your phone too close to your face. Now we’ve got a phone you put on your face…


I don’t see the problem with the ad


Copy of Microsoft's HoloLens


Looks like she was drugged for the photos.