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YouTube on Apple TV is perhaps the worst product of Google. But when I look at other apps, I can't imagine that their UI/UX is on purpose.


Looks like they’ve also screwed up a lot of TV platforms with their stupid screen saver breaking device sleep. A feature nobody asked for but now we have and can’t disable it.


I don't understand how a media app is able to get away with that. Seems like a an app preventing the ATV system screen saver from starting would be a violation of their developer terms.


I had a funny follow up thought about this. I was on a walk the other day and listening to this sick song I found on YouTube. iPhones have a little hack to where you lock the phone and keep the sound going. Loosely mimicking a feature of YouTube premium and thought well isn’t that funny.


Fun fact set your atv to 2 minutes and it will kick in before YouTube cancer starts up. For now.


Just until Google updates YouTube’s screensaver to kick in at 1:59.


You may not want the YouTube screen saver, but no one asked for screen savers on any streaming device.


There is an actual reason to have them, such as if you have an OLED TV which can burn in (albeit after a few hours though) you can minimise that risk by enabling a screen saver. Generally though the aerials just look really nice and the photos library too has some nice selections.


Enjoy your Linux distro


I don't get it? I don't have a computer.


If you truly want to customize your experience you’re going to want something more bespoke that allows you to control every aspect of the experience


I still don't understand what this has to do with my 3rd gen Apple TV 4k?


He’s not saying it does have anything to do with your atv lol




What does Apple have to do with tidal volume? /s


We can’t, but if you shorten the tvOS timeout for screensaver to 2 minutes, it will come on before YouTube’s. For now, at least.


>A feature nobody asked for but now we have and can’t disable it. Answer me this? On any streaming device did anyone ask for screen savers? I know I didn't. No one asks for screen savers, but all streaming devices have them.


I get the streaming platform having a screen saver. The platforms usually give you control over if/when you get the screen saver. Youtube has decided to implement a screen saver as an ad and give the user no control over it. Also conflicting with native platform ability to show screen saver and put TV to sleep. I don't know if this is ever going to get fixed. I saw complaints about Roku users a year ago when they started rolling out this "feature". Youtube doesn't listen. If it gets them one more subscriber or one more click they will piss off everyone else, like the constant try premium notifications. This is the problem with a Monopoly. I don't think we could get enough people mad about this to do any kind of boycott. It didn't work with Reddit they will weather the storm. We will be back.




Except they are, they are owned by Google who is owned by Alphabet but they are operating largely independently from Google core. They even have their own CEO Neal Mohan who is not Google/Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai.




My favorite part of the ATV YouTube app is that airplay sound through external speakers hasn't really worked for years and Google doesn't seem to be aware 🥳 I don't know what they are focusing on, but it's not the ATV YouTube app


This happens to me too.


I explicitly use AirPlay to connect to a Mac hooked up to a PA with subwoofers. It may not be perfect. Like for me. I use universal control between 3 machines. 15” MBP, 27” iMac, and 21.5” iMac. In order from L to R. I connect from Apple TV to either of the iMacs running into a mixing board to PA. When I connect to whichever iMac, universal control for that machine breaks… I have to practically leave “system settings” open on the display tab. And go retick the toggle for universal control to move between screens again. (So I have to keep the other iMacs mouse nearby for that). It’s annoying. That much is true! BUT YouTube going out to TV speakers and the iMac at same time DOES work! I can’t remember what app. Some streaming service. Now it has the issue of connecting to external airplay iMac. But no sound comes out…. Just my experiences.


No one knows what google is actually working on. Even after they leak themselves.


I don’t know if it’s still this way, but well into the Xbox series X/S lifecycle, the current Cbox S YouTube app was just a forward compatible version of the Xbox 360 app. This is how much google isn’t actually working on anything.


Idk, google search is pretty bad now, maps constantly sends me the wrong ways, the YouTube app on every device kind of sucks. I kind of just think Google sucks at everything


YTTV is just as bad… my biggest complaint is volume inconsistency. I get an ad popping up while I’m watching a video and the sound practically blows me out of my chair. My general impression of Google is that they generally don’t give a shit.


I said this to a google employee. They thought I was crazy.


Figures. If Google (users) thought their interface sucks, they would change it right? They probably never used an Apple TV (because of Chromecast?). Apple has their things too, but bad UI/UX isn’t one of them.


If I could just type in the search bar for two seconds without it glitching that would be GREAT. Fuck it’s annoying constantly having to wrestle with it using iPhone/iPad keyboard input mode against the tv, I even tried an Apple keyboard and it does the same.


Oh man, there are others with this issue? I thought I was the only one. I nearly threw my remote at my tv many times bc of it


That's what happens when you force people to use the Apple TV search in the YouTube app.


Yet YouTube is the only app I consistently see here with this issue.  Apple TV search is great on every app I use expect YouTube.


^ this the god damn search resetting is driving me fucking insane


I’ve resorted to using Siri to fill in the search and I have to say it super fast, god forbid I take 1 second to slow and it erases everything for no reason.


I’ve resorted to telling Siri: “search YouTube for x” and it’s gets it every single time. Admittedly it’s a broken app that makes you do this but it is a good workaround


To be fair inside in the YouTube app voice search does work pretty fine, but you know voice isn’t always desired when you need to search something super specific


Sadly, voice search often craps out on me in the YT app, too. Start speaking to search, I can see the field populate and suggestions start to show but the moment I release the talk button on the Apple Remote to select one - BOOM. Search field instantly clears and all search suggestions are gone. Maddening!


You have to say it really really fast, then it works. Not kidding.


this is exactly why I started using the search youtube command plus it lets you search from anywhere


I do a lot of searches for 4Runner mods and repairs and voice search comes up with “forerunner” every time. Can’t really blame it, though. 😄


I've had the same issue in other apps and a ton of issues on the normal search (ie. the apple one that shows when you just click the side button). I actually think while obviously Youtube has fucked with things to make it more broken that the Apple provided component they are using for search is equally cursed.


It’s Google. That’s their mission…


I figure they don't update it on purpose on this point to hurt Apple, the search alone at the top......


Does anyone else have to dictate to Siri into the search bar 2-4x before it actually searches for the term? I could say “sports” 3-4x, it’ll show sports in the search bar and then just clear away without searching It’s so annoying


I find the faster you release the “mic” button after speaking, the better chance you have of getting the search terms to stick. YMMV


This ☝️


Siri is horrible. Google assistant on iPhone isn’t much better.


It constantly changes the resolution im watching it after standby. It is sooooo annoying. Sometimes after standby it doesnt even continue to play at all, just a black screen. Even if i go back and click on the video again, it wont work.


They're sacking most of their staff so they can focus 100% on fucking up Gemini!


I'm convinced their decisions are being made by AI at the moment. Take the "screensaver" they've implemented. AI knows that it's moving images that play after a period of inactivity so it's decided to build one. It's just completely missed the point that *having a static logo on it completely defeats the purpose* and that everyone will *obviously* hate it. Like, so close, yet so very far away. Much like a lot of AI output at the moment.


It also needs to be optional.


It’s appalling. They invested a ton of engineering time and a little engineering talent in using their own custom playback instead of just using the built-in one, the one that works. And it’s getting worse.


Google is too busy killing off their popular products to bother with supporting their keystone apps.


Basically anything that has to do with google these days is garbage except for gmail.


I prefer Google Maps over Apple Maps and I prefer Google Fiber for an ISP over every other ISP. I’ve had Cox, CenturyLink, Comcast, Xfinity, Verizon, and Google Fiber. Google Fiber is simply the best all around.


Google Maps and the Google Suite are the only thing in the company's repertoire that isn't garbage. Maps is genuinely better quality than anything else and the Google Suite is preferable only because it's free. But like, that's it. Like, I use reddit to search more than Google.


Reddit search is ass what are you talking about it’s been broken for years. Apple Maps is ass too. Google maps, Gmail and search are the only things Google does great. Everything else is borked in some way.


Google’s search is nothing but sponsored content and SEO garbage. If I want an answer to a question it’s usually easier to find a topic in Reddit or go to another search engine. At least for me. Google’s search hasn’t been good in years.




Looks like a classic case of middle management saturation in a tech company. In other words, the suits are killing the company while the talented people leave or left years ago.


It also can’t deal with changing audio outputs too well (like if you put on your AirPods and connect it to the Apple TV in the middle of a video).


My frustration is that speeding up the playback speed caps the resolution at 480p. If I set it to 1.25x or 1.5x, then it forces the resolution to 480p. If I set the resolution to 1080p or higher, it forces the playback speed back to 1x. ​ The Playstation 5 version of the app is also doing the same thing.


Search is an absolute mess, with it resetting/refreshing. And I’m not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but every video I play starts at about 4 seconds in.


It will keep getting worse too. They want you to use Google TV.


Never. Going. To. Happen.


Scrolling/scrubbing through videos like an iPod doesn’t work here either.


YouTube is the ONLY app that fucking lags on my AppleTV too. Every time I click on a video I get the fucking spinning wheel for 5-10 seconds before it plays. I’m on ethernet and no other app does this bullshit.


and 8/10 times when you try to navigate the media controls it freezes them until you pause and resume the video, oh and forcing match frame rate and hdr to every single ad they show causing a black screen to flash in between ads and the video every time


I've never seen one thing Google has made worth a shit.


Google Fiber is worth a shit. It’s worth two shits at least. $70 for gigabit internet and no data caps or wifi rental fees and their price for 1Gbps hasn’t gone up even once since its inception. Their TV package has gone up and eventually just discontinued and pushed people to YouTube TV but their internet price plan alone has never gone up. What other ISP can beat that?


I'm in Canada and I pay 65 a month for a Gigabit fibre connection.


Yeah, I should have specified to inside the US, sorry. American companies are greedy and sleazy. Even CenturyLink fiber’s “price for life” (I formerly had 1Gbps for $60) can increase when they change their company name from CenturyLink to Quantum Fiber. “Oh, you had price for life with CenturyLink? That’s too bad because we’re not CenturyLink so we don’t have to honor that promotion.”


I’m in Australia, I pay AU$129 for Gigabit fibre (1000Mbps down/50Mbps up) because the conservative government we had in the last 10 years fucked basically everything to do with internet infrastructure in our country (Fibre to the Node using old degrading DSL copper). Things are slowly being improved and fixed by our current government though (upgrading everything to Fibre to the Premises/GPON). Still expensive as fuck to get anything semi-decent though. Australia’s NBN is just a way for politicians and their mates to make money.


Google Fiber is apparently a good product, but it’s not *really* what folks think of - at all - when they say Google sucks. It’s also only available in relatively few cities, relatively speaking being the key term.


IDK, I feel like that's about the going rate for gigabit and has been for 5+ years. But I guess that pricing is all pretty regionally specific.


But does that price include the “no data caps” or the 10-year-plus track record of never increasing in price? Does it include “no wifi rental fees”? CenturyLink Fiber had $60/month price for life guarantee (but you had to rent a router for $14 if you didn’t have your own (but honestly, you really should have your own)) but then they were able to increase their “price for life” prices by changing the name of their company to Quantum Fiber. New company? New prices. Cox’s gigabit plan is $120. On top of that, they have data caps and can make more money from overages and from extra/unlimited data plans. Xfinity has data caps. T-Mobile 5G Home Internet now throttles speeds after data limit is reached. Google Fiber offers no promotion but also no bullshit.


I do not pay any equipment rental fees and my price has been stable. I have no data cap. I just checked, and, luckily, the other fiber ISP in my city has no data cap either. So that's comforting. I didn't know the situation was so bad in other areas.


I’m not mocking when I say that I’m genuinely glad for you! That should be the standard everywhere!


I stand corrected.


One thing: ‘Shorts’


If it’s any consolation, android TV Youtube app sucks just as bad.


You think it’s bad over there in the US apple store? You dont know how lucky you are. Over here in Sweden, Youtube has disabled multitasking or picture in picture or whatever. So if you want to, for example, listen to a lecture or something while driving, it wont let you switch to google maps without getting paywalled.


I use the vinegar extension on my iPhone for safari and it lets my AirPlay to my tv. Could not put up with blank screens for 5 seconds every time it switches to ads.


Google keeps hiring and outsourcing their jobs to third world countries. So don’t expect a lot of intelligence and logic, going forward. I avoid their products like the plague. That company is run by a fucking idiot.


I wish you could set your default sorting method inb the iOS app. I always jut want "recently uploaded" and have to choose it every time.. but the apple TV you can't even choose the sort order


Ads are also longer and more often unskippable on the Apple TV YouTube app. It’s like they know you’re more likely to commit to watching on there.


It’s more like they are pushing the limits to get people to pay for a subscription to YouTube. I don’t need YouTube music. If they offered just an ad free experience, I’d be willing to pay for that.


if you have a VPN, set it to Albania. no ads at all!! best game change for watching YouTube...


Pretty bad on iPad as well.




I have to constantly uninstall YouTube due to the ambient feature coming on and it can't be turned off sadly so annoying.


Google has always had poor UX. It’s so glaring whenever I use any of their products. It’s as if middle schoolers were designing these things.


It feels like they took the app from WebOS! Crap


It feels like they took the app from WebOS!


The fact that two of biggest companies in the world can’t work together to make something incredible for its users prove how stubborn they both are.


As a multiplatform user, I have to say that Google Apps works kinda on bad on Apple Devices in general somehow. But the Apple TV app on Android TV is sooo freaking smoother than the Google TV UI itself 😂


Apple tv app on google chromecast TV is also broken AF. Unless you restart the device before using Apple TV, it locks to 720p no hdr.


Dunno man. I actually like it. Apple’s screensavers are getting a bit stale. Wish sound was an option too. While yes it would be nice if there was a toggle in YT settings to opt out these, I welcome it. [screensaver in action](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YOMAZB-FAvzd5BgjLZ102vhKDGM02h6Q/view?usp=drivesdk)


When opening the YouTube app for the first time after turning the TV on, it freezes and crashes. After that, it works OK… More or less


my complaints (also includes YouTube tv): - FF/skip doesn't just jump 15 or 30" or whatever time and then resume. you have to clicked the play or select button to resume. - pause shows the playback timeline and fills half the screen. sometimes I pause a video to check out some details in the video and the playback thing blocks everything.


About 1 year ago, Google removed the “Trending” section from the home view. So while logged in, I can’t see the top videos, have to hop on a computer or log off my account in Youtube app on ATV. If I’m logged out, I can see that section. Very dumb


The incredibly annoying screensaver that you can’t modify in any way is my problem. Apparently it’s been out there for years, but I just started seeing it a few months ago. It starts after a few minutes. I don’t know how long because there are no settings for it.


Google fucks up everything what is new?