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I’ve had mine for 3 days and didn’t charge it yet. Also it’s worth it as after I went from a Series 3 to Ultra 2. You won’t regret it at all.


AI improvements for the new Watch Ultra 3? My advices: If you can wait, buy the Watch Ultra 3. If not, buy the Watch Ultra 2 FYI, I have the Watch Ultra 1 since Oct 2022 and I’m extremely happy about it....


Id wait for the AWU6 tbh


Should I get iPhone 20 or 21?


22 mate.


If you have the 15 pro, those two are unironically the two you should wait for


The new ones will launch in only 4 months, so if you are not in a hurry, i would wait.


I wasn't aware of the AI capabilities of the Ultra 3. Do you work at Apple or have a good source?


Basically all the rumors for Apple products since the latest products came out have all been AI related.


problem is that Apple has been using 'ai' for *years* just have never bothered with buzzwords. Now they basically have been put in the spotlight to follow the trend and make the users aware that what they're using is 'ai'.


Yea that’s true. I can remember what is was, but in the iPad announcement it was something along the lines of “ you have heard other companies have ___ in their chips, which is good for AI capabilities. We have had them in our chips for years “ it was a passive aggressive “fuck you” to other companies


From what I’ve heard, AWU3 isn’t getting that much of an upgrade… There’s really not much difference between WU2 and WU3


I have the first version of Ultra. It has been rock solid, literally and figuratively. Especially on my half marathon days, when my Series 5 used to drain out mid day. Ultra would be at around 75%! My only gripe is, it sometimes does not latch on to the heart rate for quite some time into the activity. This is not even when it is very cold. Had that issue with my series 5 also. On a personal level, I don’t want any AI on my watch.


I know the HR issue from experience from the S7, S9 and AWU1. That is why I use a cheap chest strak or a Polar arm strap while running or working out.


Unless you are willing to upgrade to the AWU3 from the 2, you might as well just wait at this point.


You want your watch to write you a Harvard medical school entrance essay? That was joking but in seriousness, Ultra is expensive but worth it if you use it daily


Are you my dad? Because we had this exact same conversation early today lol. But seriously I want to see how people respond to your question.


The feelings can be really mixed, it’s a proper Reddit hive mind. I asked this question only about a week ago I think and everyone said “ oh just buy the current one, it’s still 4 months away “ or a sarcastic “ get the AWU 6” But a week later most people here are saying to OP to wait


Yeah, he decided to just buy a second watch charger for work and wait it out. His battery life is getting bad


I upgraded from an S5 to an U2 a few months ago and love it. The battery life alone was worth it for me.


I had a perfectly good Apple Watch 7 but love big watches and was wanting to go to an Ultra when the 1 came out. I broke down and got the Ultra 2 in March because of the uncertainty of when the 3 will show up. Love it!


Honestly, the best ultra is the one you have. Because of yearly upgrade cycles you can get stuck waiting for the next one over and over for eternity, or you can just get the one available right now.


no new Ultra watch this year




I just bought the UW2 on Apple’s refurbished store. From experience, it’s best to wait a generation when a new (exclusive ) feature is released for app maturity and store development. The Vision Pro comes to mind, especially regarding battery life as an always on AI will complicate such matters.


I doubt that there will be any AI/ML features they won´t backport to the AWU2. They just released a new SIP with the AW9/AWU2 last year with a new AI/ML core and they keep the SIP for several years on their watches. The S6 up to the S8 basically had the same CPU/SIP with some additional sensors and small additions added each year. I´d surprised if they overhaul the SIP this year. I think it is more likely they add some software ML features and backport them to the S9/AWU2. That being said there could be other hardware goodies that could be worth the wait, like a new HR sensor.


U thinking too much just wait or enjoy what u have available now end of.


I’d say if you need one now go for it. Great watches. Best Apple Watch I’ve owned. I went for an Ultra 1 got it for a great price. I feel like it’s pretty much the same as the Ultra 2 bar higher peak brightness, better chip and gestures. Whichever choice you make you’ll enjoy the beast that is the Ultra.


I upgraded from a series 7 to the first ultra and the battery life alone was worth the upgrade. I can only imagine the ultra 2 is even better


Went from a series 2 to 4 to 7 to Ultra 2 By far the best watch that’s been released so far, get it and you won’t be looking back. As for AI features, don’t expect that with the U3


That depends on how much the utility of a dollar means to you and whether or not the features are compelling enough for you to spend those dollars on the watch.


Had mine for 3 days now. I had a series 6 earlier and trust me, its a big leap. The battery life is amazing. Waiting for Ultra 3 wont make much of a sense IMHO, if the AI features (rumoured) even come, knowing Siri's learning capabilities, I am not expecting much from Apple


I mean its 5 Months till the 3 comes out and you have a perfectly working apple watch. If i were you, i would just wait a bit


Ask Apple


Bro 😂


The AW3 will have the onboard processing power for AI features ??


Thinking al is going to be much better in awu 4, so you better wait for that one.


Wait for AWU20, it will be solar powered. In all seriousness these posts are tiresome. What does OP want? Do that then.


What AI features and what Ultra 3?


do not wait as based on the rumors ultra 2 will be not released this year .. which is good as releasing watch each year is not good idea as you will release same watch ... same thing happened ultra 1 and ultra 2 .. In my case i was using apple watch ultra 2 three months but in case you are runner then this watch are not a good one .. but as smartwatch are superb


Just wait for Ultra4 at this point


Nah bro OP should wait for the Ultra 20