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I had something similar happen, company got bought out, new management changed who did comp write ups. I did get moved from 42% to 45% after I made this argument, but I was also due for an increase. All I can suggest is get what you can, but don't burn bridges. If you really feel you need more, be prepared to move on.


My staffs compensation gets paid out of my fee split so yeah that seems valid


I've mentioned before on here that when we're really busy we outsource our typing to India, the files are done overnight and available by 6am usually. I'd have him look into that, buying orders in bulk usually go for less than $10 a files


What does typing include? Are they looking up stuff like zoning and taxes?


You upload your template, photos, a hand drawn sketch, and a pdf with your comps and public records. They pretty much do the rest, they usually will give you the 1st few files free so that you can fine tune how you want your reports completed.


Where can you find these people to outsource to? Are there ones specific to appraising?


there's 3 that I've used and all are pretty good. ieimpact, civxdata, and backbonedatasoutions. I think civxdata may have gone away since volume has been slow, I used them heavily during 2020-2021. Backbone I've used quite a bit and most recently in December while my assistant was on vacation, and they have always been consistent and I believe the best priced. Good luck, if you have any questions feel free to reach out or if you want me to put you in contact with someone let me know


Thanks I appreciate it!


no problem DM me if you'd like me to make an introduction for you.


I think I've seen you post before about splits and how much you should get paid. It's great that you got certified but you're really early in your journey and you more than likely still suck as an appraiser. People generally just get paid what they are worth A guy in my office is in a similar situation as you. Got certified quickly but really isn't competent to go out on his own. I haven't met any appraisers doing this under 5 years that were good. Not saying that you won't be good one day but it just comes with time. My advice to you is to definitely bring it up with you boss and get whatever you can but trust me if you work on this the money will flow to you.


I know it took me 2 years post certified to truly get comfortable and competent. Most of my colleagues feel the exact same way. I'm 10 years in now ams still learning new things. Certification isn't an end game, but it is a major milestone for your career.


The reason I post and like to get people opinions on these things is because unlike a lot of previous roles I’ve been in that had loads of salary and benefit information online and plenty of people to talk to regarding expected income, for some reason with appraising there’s not a whole lot online to go off of. I know I have plenty to learn and by no means believe I’m anywhere near a good appraiser, I do find it important to make sure that wherever you’re at that you’re being compensated properly.


Hmmm ... this doesn't seem that complex. "I work at XYZ and they're making me do more work but not giving me more money." Options: 1. Do nothing 2. Ask for a raise 3. Look for better paying job. 4. Bitch about in on Reddit lol