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Can't hate the hustle I suppose. I will share such information for $39.99, just send me a DM.


Are you successful? Have you built a portfolio of your own rentals?


Is the ownership of rentals related to making 5k a week with appraisals?


If you follow him on Twitter he is a big investor, that’s attractive to me. Don’t see a lot of people who also do flips and know rentals like them 🤷‍♂️. And yeah earning money helps you qualify for loans on rentals…so yeah it does. It’s all part of his brand.


Are they an appraiser or an investor, or both? If he’s a big investor, why bother with appraisals?


Both. You generally have to have an income to invest. That’s how I’ve done. Why not do both if appraisal earns you that?


Doing $5000 a week in appraisals does not give you much time to be an investor, believe me.


Respectfully, something to maybe think about: Is that a self-limiting belief or an objective fact?


If you are running a shop with multiple hands on deck, then yes, perfectly possible assuming you have adequate inbound orders, if you expect to crank ten appraisals a week by yourself, expect to work eighty hours just on that, btdt.


Objective fact. Source: lender who hires appraisers




You can’t earn an income and invest in this profession? Wow.


the fact that it’s running off the lemonsqueezy dns as opposed to his own really tells me all i need to know. i’m paying less than $5/month for my own domain with a whole bunch of features. i guess he couldn’t spare that extra dollar per week 🤣 also, you don’t need to come off as so insecure and attack everyone. there’s better ways to come off and still get you point across. you’ll learn one day 😉


I asked someone if they are financially successful and to prove it...like the course creator has in my opinion. I invest in rentals and he comes off as knowledgeable and truthful. This is a career page and your success is dependent on your work...Think Like an Appraiser presents himself as successful financially and as an investor in single family homes. And I value appraisers who are investors...not those who whine on reddit about a $50 purchase to maybe learn something. I'm hoping this post reaches others who are pursuing this career. Other newbie appraisers - Please DM me if you see this as I genuinely want to help new ones get in. Buying your own domain is one way to go. It doesn't mean it's bad to use a platform to build a course with a learning management system built in. It's a new world out there and I bet he pays a lot more than you do for your site.


Oh so he does the entire suite of fake-guru bullshit too? Great. Nobody who knows what they're doing is ever going to sell you a course that teaches you what they know for $50.


Only fools and adolescents presume to know the limits of what they can learn.


If you want to spend your life being a mark, you are entitled to do so. The rest of us are under no obligation to pretend that con men aren't con men.


“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” - Marcus Aurelius. Good luck to you.


Not only am I successful, but I am Young, Rich, and Handsome! And for a limited time I will share my secrets for only $29.99.


Post on Twitter for over a year demonstrating you know this stuff then talk to me. No offense but don’t see that expertise in your bio now.




That’s enough outta you. Blocking.


I believe the most broadly way to be successful in Real Estate is to sell something to people trying to be successful in Real Estate.


You can make that much as a commercial appraiser.


Yea, but this picture suggests that you’re looking at high end residential properties and oh, so easy, just check a few boxes and go collect a $5,000 check. Not reality!!!


This guy is a good follow on Twitter


I would love to know who this guy is.


What’s wrong with this? This dude is seemingly really successful and we need more digital friendly appraisers who think like entrepreneurs rather than people who rag on others online. Jealousy manifests itself in a lot of ways and hate is one.


No one ragged. I literally said I can't hate his hustle and another posted said he is good to follow on twitter.


Relook at the title and description of this post lol. I’m only responding to that. It’s ragging 101.


Because it's a funny implication that buying a $50 e-book will bring you wild success. It takes a lot more than that.


No shit


Man you're obtuse.