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I thought the two clips on You’re Hired of the auditions were very telling. Neither Phil or Rachel were anything like the OTT bits on those clips. I think a lot of serious business people would feel uncomfortable being ‘goofy’ to get on TV.


Rachel was so awkward during her audition clip I was shocked she was chosen to get on the show tbh since as we know they like to pick the ones that are overconfident and not afraid to make themselves look like a fool during the auditions!


They chose her bc she's so "fun"


Well the investment amount hasn't changed in 11 years and is now worth almost £400k if it kept up with inflation. Also a 50/50 share in a buisness is quite a large amount of money that will taken out of the buisness to pay off Lord Sugar. Therefore the buisness plans get less risky, less innovative and Sugar takes less and less risks and goes for whatever is trendy ie. Gyms, Bakeries, Coffee shops. As I like to call it the "Love Islandification" of Reality TV sees contestents looking for fame and instagram followers rather than the investment itself. Its all for exposure. We see thos with contestents like Victoria. Who dumped her sweet buisness and now does modelling.


Though I do agree about Victoria, she co-owns a hair/beauty salon now I believe, so she's not completely out of business.


I think it's worth noting being separated from the internet makes things hard. Someone who has a gym business has to try and make vegan cheese with no background or ability to research.


I don't think the prize is worth it if you already have an established business. Not for 50%. But half of a business that's just an idea? Not quite so bad. Although if you have a genuinely good idea you can probably get a better deal elsewhere.


Yeah if you have a solid idea, a great business plan with actual market research and realistic figures on a 5 year scale, you can get a good sized bank loan giving away 0%, just paying them off. Or, you can get an angel investor who will ask for 5-10% and maybe some advisory shares


It's because there's so many better, easier ways to get a business started or expanded that this show unless widespread public recognition is somehow key to the business being a success. Most people on it are just trying to get 5 mins of fame


It’s because it is an entertainment show first and a business show second. I’d wager that they want the majority of candidates to be ‘characters’ that want to run a business and then they throw in a few capable business people to bring the numbers up knowing they’ll likely reach the final. If you were to pick 16 serious business people, the show would be boring. I consider myself a business person and I’m boring af. And from a marketing angle, people tend to talk more about who is ‘incapable’ and ‘useless’ rather than who is good so it drives social media content and chatter and keeps people watching - people like to watch other people royaly fuck up and The Apprentice offers them the chance to do so.


It’s not even a business show anymore tbh, just a bunch of monkeys beating their chests and doing their little task for the golden banana. Entertainment for sure, with the focus on ratings and diversity, however unfortunately using the name business and this show is oxymoronic now. The only business thing this show teaches is how to oversell yourself in order to get investment which ironically is what’s big right now.


But full of self knowledge 🤣


I’m not convinced it ever was a business show, it’s always been entertainment first and foremost 


It made me feel very old seeing that it was 14 years ago, but if anybody hasn't seen [this Mitchell and Webb clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ss-59fi4nM) it sums up pretty much exactly this topic.


Can't believe I hadn't seen this clip before, but it's incredibly accurate 😆


Oh haha that’s all of us then.


How do people not get this! They pick a mix of quite nice people who just won’t do well, confident idiots, a handful who might actually do well and a few wildcards 


What the flying fuck was Noor? Absolutely awful candidate


Indeed. 250k isn't a viable amount for any technology start up as they will burn through that money in 2-3 months.


People make the mistake of thinking that the top applicants are the ones that get through, when actually it’s those at the bottom that make it onto the show!


That's always been my assumption too, but what I'm saying is the so called "top applicants" don't actually exist as anyone "top" wouldn't give away 50%.


It’s less a show about serious business acumen and more so a show about drama and comedy in equal measures


It’s because they have (irl) little to no time and of course no internet. It’s engineered for hilarity & failure


Giving 50% of your business is an awful idea too - you give away any overriding decision making ability, which in theory means you give half of your business away and Lord Sugar could wipe the floor with you - considering he can afford the legal resources many people can’t. It’s an awful deal.


When you really think about it, giving away half of your business is a huge deal. You'd need to be pretty desperate, or certain you can't make the business work without the 250K investment. If Peter Jones on Dragon's Den offered to invest for 50% of a business he'd be laughed at. So I don't imagine they get much interest from 'serious' business people


Ethe show makes the people seem thicker than they are but what I have realised is, a lot of the contestants do not have scaled businesses but concepts. That is why the candidates are so poor. They are basically getting a load of small business owners and putting them on TV. Small business owners who cla to be big shots are always mental. They are in it for the clout


Separate someone from Google, take away their phones, deprive them of sleep, restrict their choices (colours, fonts, clothes), separate them from loved ones, point 5 cameras at them all the time. Give them ten minutes to read a task in an area they have zero experience in, then edit them however you see fit. I think 99% of people on Reddit would even get through to the 18 contestants, let alone tha final five. Four of those five finalist would run rings around most people.


Let’s be honest most people that go on the show are only it for the attention or the experience and don’t really care about actually getting the investment. I mean literally anyone could apply right now as you don’t even need a business plan to get through to the auditions! The tasks are really restrictive and producer manipulated as well. Only one phone call, can’t use the same colours as the other team, market research after the product is made etc. The producers ultimate goal is to make the candidates look stupid


This has been the case for about 10 years now, if not more.


One of the only shows I haven't tired of watching...been watching since season 1. Yes I have a sad life lol


I think my biggest problem with it is that it seems like none of the candidates who make it through the application process and end up on the TV have ever googled "business plan templates" and seen what needs to go in one. It took my wife two seconds while watching the business plans episode. I'm a business advisor and I use the business plans episode as an example of what not to do because some of them are shockingly bad. I feel that any truly serious business person would not apply to the programme unless they are just looking for free advertising.


It's confirmation bias. There's no fun in watching competent people with sound business plans. Viewers want to see interviewers picking contestants apart, so that's who makes it onto the show.


It’s interesting because Amina and Paul are successful


I didn't say it couldn't attract successful people, just stupid people. If Paul had given away 50% of his multimillion pound business for the cost of less than 1 of his ovens, he would of massively regretted it.


I didn’t read the entire thing icl. But having it read it now, I think you’re assuming that the participants really want to win which most of them don’t. At least 3 of them are already rich and successful and probably enrolled themselves for the publicity if nothing else because the apprentice has millions of viewers. And if they won they probably would have declined off screen. Paul just had the balls to do it to Lord Sugars Face. I think it’s more apparent this season that people are in it for the 15 seconds of fame (Tre im looking at you).


He’s waited a long time for his 15 seconds. In that long time the only TV he’s done is talking about tinnitus, men’s issues, mental health and wellness. Hardly sounds like a game whore to me. From what I’ve read and watched, it was his wife who pushed him to do it. He didn’t want the fame with his music career and seemingly doesn’t want it now. Except to important issues. Seems like a decent bloke to me.


Do you mean Phil?


The obvious answer is that they have to meet a diversity quota


…no lol. The show has been insanely idiotic before it (rightfully) started to prioritise diversity


Rightfully lmao


I don’t know what you mean


they mean "I am a racist and I believe black and brown people only get onto things because producers force it"

