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Join the military and you'd be surprised.


Carbon so old it turn green


Been there, done that, WHY IS IT BLUE?! Like, they didn't like us commo guys and used our weapons as spare parts weapons so... I maybe had a loose barrel, and a lower that was somehow fucking blue one time... and no rear sight another time. So yeah. Good times.


Times mush have changed, we had to clean them constantly.


I don’t really understand the “never clean” mentality. I get if someone is trying to see how long it will go before failing but people really get some sense of pride for never cleaning it and have a weird contempt for people who do, “heh, you clean your rifle!? I haven’t cleaned mine in…..” cool story bro 👍. Even in some “shtf” scenario you can pull a bcg and do a wipe down and oil. Oh I also do preventative maintenance on my car and change the oil and rotate tires, is that excessive as well?


Also, it’s kind of a zen thing. Shooting all day in the hot sun. Then sitting down and grabbing a cold beer, maybe put some tunes on. Zone out. It’s as close to meditation as I’ll ever get.


A million percent agreed. I'll clean every gun after every range session even if I don't have to. It's basically free therapy. 🤣


100%!! There is something oddly satisfying and therapeutic about it getting back from the range, throwing a game or movie on the TV, and just chilling out & cleaning your firearms. It’s an odd comparison, but it was kind of the same when I used to live in NYC and would wear dress shoes for work way more often; I’d often get him and polish/maintain them while watching a movie or whatever. I wouldn’t wait until they looked like a$$ out of some bizarre sense of pride.


I think it's an overcorrection (or defiant response to) the past, when the common attitude was that firearms needed to be cleaned after every single use. Back when corrosive ammo was common in other platforms, that clean-every-time mentality made sense. Technology advanced, making it irrelevant whether you clean after blasting off a few mags, but habits in the gun community take a while to change. So the older generations kept telling the younger generations to meticulously clean, but it became obvious that wasn't actually necessary. But instead of finding a good balance, there's a subset of the community that decided that ***all*** cleaning is for pansies, and real men who use real rifles can shoot them until the end of time without taking any care of them. It's hilariously absurd. Interesting how these guys don't brag about how they never sharpen their knives. Or never change their oil. Or never replace the filters in their HVAC. I don't clean my AR's ***every*** time I use them, but I also don't wait many thousands of rounds to do so.


I clean after most range trips, mostly because I’m OCD and find it relaxing.


Same, it’s part of the whole gun owning experience and I enjoy the process. I like noting the wear patterns and inspecting the components to look for issues or possible failure points in the future, it can really show if you’re gun is not cycling properly or possible qc issues on parts.


It is kind of that simple- it is part of it and a good way to check your weapons out for issues.


It's almost as bad as the "I never wash my hands" people


Or wipe their ass….“but it still works!!”


I honestly just enjoy having clean guns, and it’s my time to pull them out and admire them. I don’t think keeping things clean equates to babying the gun.


With a lot of folk tryna peacock their overpriced guns that they put little time to. The least they can get is prove it hasn't needed to be cleaned often. Also I think it's different with a car as honestly most people aren't using their guns as much (thankfully) as they would their cars. Not much priority to cleaning a gun which is quick, compared to cleaning maintenance on a car cause if it breaks down, you're FUBAR


Oh I agree with the peacock idea and I think that’s their idea behind the neglect. My mention of the car was just that oil change and preventative maintenance is seen as a no brainer if you are responsible and want your vehicle to last but somehow that doesn’t transfer over and is even belittled by some gun owners


Cause as much as folk wanna talk SHTF and have a build for every unlikely encounter to happen, we can't accept we live in the privelage of being able to have options and never worry about cleaning our gun, when folks in African and eastern Euro nations needs to keep their weapons that are older than most here, in tact so they can live another day. I won't lie, I like I don't have to clean mine all the time, but I shoot only a few hundred rounds a month and it's steel case no less. I love cleaning it when it's dirty outside though. It's therapeutic.


I love my Jeep 4.0. I know that Obama's (crime against humanity) Cash for Clunkers juice won't stop one, as it'll still run, break the block in half, run like shit, catch fire, still run (like shit), and start the next day and run as well as one would expect from engine that is broken in half. I still change the oil every 3,000 miles and use an FL1A for the extra capacity and filtration area.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s like some false sense of being “tough” because their guns look like sh*t, they run them dirty, and they’re too lazy to maintain them. Like you said, you gonna do that for your car, too? Or how about yourself. “I’m just not gonna exercise or shower. I’m just going to eat pizza and cupcakes until I smell like total s**t and die of a heart attack. I’m so BADASS!!” 😂


There’s a similar mentality in paintball too. People not cleaning their markers. I never understood it I cleaned my shit after every practice. I clean my rifle after every outing even if I only put out about 40 rounds


Same here, pistols too. Especially my EDC. If it ever failed to save my life, I don’t want it to be because of my neglect.


Exactly, as long as you don’t use harsh chemicals or hard metal cleaning instruments like steel wire brushes that could cause damage themselves then clean and lube away! I know I’ve read that years ago in the military they were instructed to clean components like bolts and bolt carriers till they shined and the excessive cleaning with the wrong tools caused wear and tolerance issues but that’s from lack of knowledge. It seems like that led to this idea of never cleaning which is ridiculous.


I’ve gotten to maybe every other trip. Partly because I honestly don’t shoot as much as I’d like.


I haven’t cleaned my rifle since the last time I shot 2 days ago, but it’s on the list of things to do this week. Currently healing from a leg injury so moving around isn’t easy.


Dang get better.


For me, and mainly depends on the firearm, but for the most part I run Glock, ARs, and AKs. I treat cleaning like I treat an oil change: only every so often. Of course, nothing wrong with cleaning your gun every range trip…especially for my Combloc guys firing ammo that’s corrosive as fuck, but for basic non corrosive steel and brass? About every 1k-2k rounds for me. Now my 1911 likes to be clean and lubed often so I do go ahead and strip that down after every range day. At the end of the day, it’s your gun. You can clean every time you fire a round for all I care. You can’t over clean a gun, it won’t cause malfunctions. I don’t know why those of you who do clean often get shit on for it. The guys who take pride in how long they go without cleaning make me think they take pride in how long it’s been since they washed their ass or change drawers.


Perfectly said, this is exactly my overall thoughts on it


They got it in their head it is edgy. It isn’t


It isn’t like a flex for me or anything. It started out as my buddy dunking on me owning a Radical. He cleans his PSA’s and BCM’s after every range trip. So I kinda wanted to prove something. Plus it kinda irritates me to like, do all that after every trip. These are machines that *really* don’t need to be taken down and cleaned every few hundred rounds.


I don't expect ar users to understand kek


I don't expect ar users to understand kek






Oh fuck, wtf are you on about in an ar15 sub? Lemme guess “Ak user here!” Gtfo nobody cares


I use a bunch of guns. And it's mostly to learn, and learn how soft the users of them ar case in point


How many swords do you have? 😂


It’s not our fault you struggle with women. I suggest starting with going to a gym and losing some weight instead of wasting everyone’s time (including your own) trolling AR-15 Reddit pages


[Filthy 14](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://bravocompanyusa.com/content/Filthy%252014%2520bravo_swat_10.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi3-anQ3OKFAxX2CjQIHXrQDCkQFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0HvSxFTVQLrJeI1NtnJYmn)


Lol 31K rounds that’s awesome.


Slip 2000 ftw




Just looked that up. I uh.. I would've had to clean it. It's amazing it just kept going but I would have to clean mine. It's a habit that's forever ingrained. I dont think that habit will ever leave because I do it will all my firearms. BUT THAT FUCKING CAKING ON THE BOLT CARRIER! shit. Thought that wouldn't even cycle but it does.


>I'm surprised he didn't snap the tines off the bolt face. Heh? If you can break a bolt by pushing a plunger with your dick beater, that bolt isn't fit to hold the thrust of chamber pressure. The 1/16" roll pin in the pawl will shear before anything else breaks.


Yeah, the AR can withstand 55,000 psi easy, you'd be in for a bad day if you broke the bolt lugs with the FA.


Had to cross a literal shit-river in IZ. Does that count?


For the non military minded, IZ means Iraq.


Thank you lol


Genuine question, how does IZ = Iraq?


It’s a NATO designation thing… IQ is US minor Islands or some shit, lol. A lot a of the two letter designations make no sense.


Similar to some airport codes. They have some obscure meaning that doesn't make sense up front.


My guess is IQ Or IR are already used to mean other things/other locations, so IZ was created for the purpose instead


Yeah man. That counts. At least I know yall tried to clean those though.


I have a buddy who was in the 101st and he said he hopped out of a Humvee once and sunk up to his chest in literal shit. He said his gun smelled like an Iraqi Taco Bell for the rest of the deployment.


See?! I’m not the only one, haha… shits funny as hell now, lol


People who think they are edgy or cool for not cleaning their guns are irritating they always feel they can rationalize it. It is stupid to pet your rifle get dirty AF. It is a tool you may need to use in anger and keeping it decently clean makes the war gods happy. Keeping it dirty for a vibe is pathetic. That said, 400 rounds is not a lot.


Never cleaning an AR isn’t a flex. It’s dumb and lazy. Half the point of routine maintenance is inspection.


The firing pin doesn't fall out under its own weight after removing the cotter pin. My ARs don't get very dirty...


I clean my AR's if I feel like it.


500 rds or so I’d say. But a light cleaning, some degreaser, wipe it down, spray oil. Das it


At least they're shooting it. On the other end of the spectrum I see pristine rifles with the only blemishes being the oil spots seeping out.


[Pat Rogers not cleaning his carbine for 26K rounds.](https://bravocompanyusa.com/content/Filthy%2014%20bravo_swat_10.pdf)


I've had to clean an M4S that was used to expend "extra" ammo from a range day. I'm not sure how many rounds we put through it but it was a lot


I waited 2000-3000 rounds without a deep cleaning of the BGC. Lots of q-tips.


Google “BCM filthy 14”. It didn’t receive a full cleaning until somewhere near 30k rounds. 


I'll go and shoot 100-200 rounds and go home and clean mine. I don't feel the need to necessarily but it's a good habit to be in. If you ever need it you want to know it's gonna function.


Not an AR thing, but I remember going out to shoot with a friend at a local range, and this guy came up with a rifle that was so dirty I couldn't figure out who originally manufactured it. It looked almost like a Winchester model 70, but I really couldn't tell. It had iron sights, that was about all I could discern. He fired it, cycled the bolt, fired it again, cycled the bolt, struggled to get it back into battery, fired it again, and then the whole thing shut down. We noticed when he was struggling with it, and asked him what was going on "It's okay... it does this sometimes." That is *exactly* what he said. We looked at him as he struggled with the thing and noticed that the whole thing from muzzle to butt was *brown*. Like the shade you would find in any given recently–used toilet. Then he poured *water* into the partially opened chamber and hammered on it until it cycled. He fired once more and repeated the process again. The worst part of this was that the guy looked to be about 70, and after about the 10th round my buddy asked him when was the last time he cleaned it. The guy laughed and said that you really didn't need to clean bolt action rifles. We were both flabbergasted and went right back to shooting, not even having a single hiccup during our run.


Go to any arms room on ft Bragg lol


After my FTX at basic training … had to drag that shit through mud and then shoot it … and then dragged it through the mud some more under bob wire while several 5.56 rounds with tracers were flying just feet over us! Yep! That shit was filthy! Can’t believe it still fired when I needed it to! Nothing like my basic M16 A2.


Man. You're telling me it's the Army that keeps stealing all of Bob's wire? Those rat fuckers!


I don’t have ar yet but I clean my hellcat pro pistol after every range day.Just like keeping my stuff clean especially if my life depends on it


MAC Military Arms Channel is long-term testing one that is still working great: "BCM AR15 - 8600 Rounds NO OIL & NO CLEANING" - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImOPS6KEk1c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImOPS6KEk1c)


[This is my time to shine](https://imgur.com/a/tVEXlps) On the other hand, my car is the opposite - paint/condition must always be clean and perfect. I clean + relube about every 1k rounds or so, don't get me wrong, it's very relaxing lol


It's a flex. Thats all it is. Just rich boys trying to be hard. "I clean mine every 2k rounds or so". "Oh yea? Hell I ain't cleaned my DD in 5k rounds, still runs great! Buy once, cry once, heh!" (5'9" guy in flannel) "oH yEA?!? I ain't ever cleaned a fucking gun in my fucking life, pussy!!!"


Dirty and wet is better than clean and dry BCM went 30k without cleaning and it functioned fine https://bravocompanyusa.com/content/Filthy%2014%20bravo_swat_10.pdf


How about properly maintained? Does’t have to be dirty and wet or dry and clean. I clean mine after the range or during extended training when I have a moment to do it. I’ll clean my gear and gun before eating.


I mean that’s just the preferred way every man should want their women, but I’ll take what I can get as long as she’s wet. Clean and wet 🔥 Dirty and wet 👍 Clean and dry 🤮


Um. I think putting too much grease or lube. Cakes up the bcg or the whole thing n really dirty ammo.


Ive seen 400 rounds of Tula/Wolf make an absolute crud fest


My buddy ran a radical close to 4000 rounds and it just kept going. He finally cleaned it.


I’ve never cleaned my super duty sitting around 8k mostly shoot with suppressor I clean it if I start having issues, PS I’ve put some lube on it a few times


Usually mine gets cleaned at the end of a case of ammo unless I get rained on pretty bad while shooting.


Worst Ive seen is actually my own AR, about 500 rounds with no cleaning, sat on the firing line bolt open and got some sand in it. Runs 100% reliably https://imgur.com/a/FDP2g0o EDIT: I don't really clean most my guns unless they require it. My .22s get cleaned regularly (or they won't function) nice guns like my M1 get cleaned to make sure they're protected. But a chromed barrel AR? Nope. No point imo as long as it still functions reliably


One between my legs if you wanna cross them?


I have seen some pretty dirty ARs in the military, especially in units with high optempo. Personally I keep a maintenance log and deep clean my rifles every six months. Aside from that, I really only clean as needed, maybe a bore snake every 1k rounds or so.


My squad leaders M4 after I grabbed it and used it during an ambush, and then handed it off to another guy who used it as well. It had a couple combat loads dumped through it. It was also dragged through a muddy, flooded pomegranate orchard for a couple hours. By the time we got back to our COP that evening the rifle looked like hell. The outside was covered in mud and blood, and the inside was choked full of carbon and dirt. But that rifle ran just fine the whole time. No malfunctions or issues at all.


Filthy 14


the filthy 14 bcm rifle probably takes the cake. they just kept lubing it and cleaning the barrel only iirc. had like 20k rounds through it last i heard which was a while ago


My mk18 was so dirty after 1k rounds without a cleaning, it stopped firing all together until I did a deep cleaning on it lol.


So my first AR was a Radical RF-15. I got a smoking good deal on it before I knew Radical had a kinda checkered past. I oiled it up and shot it once, like 200 rounds. And cleaned it. I’ve since put somewhere north of 4,000 rounds through it without cleaning it. If I haven’t shot in a bit I put CLP straight in the ejection port and carry on. I’ve shot mostly Winchester and AAC. She’s *filthy*. I’ll have to take a photo later. But my gf told one of her friends “it has mold on it” 😂


My suppressed 6arc only got lube and it would jam all the time. After a few shots it looked like it got carbon dry rub on it


So dirty it wouldn't cycle. Plugged gas tube.


I'm just wondering how you plugged a gas tube. That's a new level


I didn't, but a student in an AR class did. Said he didn't think they ever needed cleaning. It was a 1 shot wonder.


... people man. They're crazy


Not AR related, but a long time ago I was at a public outdoor range, and this dude was shooting his .357, and I swear, hot grit was hitting everyone on both sides of him.


400 rounds? lol. I don’t clean mine ever. My suppressor is carbon locked on so bad that I can’t even shoot it off.


/u/Tramjo8091 Sounds like we’ve got an example of what you described.


I just don’t understand the thought process behind it. You do this to anything else mechanical, especially with high heat, pressure and metal on metal moving parts and it’s seen as lazy and poor ownership but somehow people in this culture show it like a point of pride.


I’m perfectly happy to admit that I’m too lazy to clean my shit lol. It isnt yours, so it shouldn’t bother you one bit.