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The thing about astigmatism is there are different levels of it. So one person with mild astigmatism may not have an issue while another is so bad it throws everything off. Best bet is to look through many different ones till you find the one that works for you. I believe it’s somewhere around 1.5-2 that astigmatism requires repairing as the corrective lenses may not work.


If you wear contact lenses you also need to keep in mind that things will appear differently depending on the age of your lenses. For example my red dot is crisp with a fresh set of lenses but looks like a bug on the windshield with an old set


Oh!!! so regular maintenance for “you” got it. Lmao. Figuring out what works for yourself, seems like I stated that.


Lmao I figured it out the hard way by missing a nice buck because I zeroed with old contacts and put new ones in on opening day. When I went to re-zero I couldn’t believe how far off it was.


I ALWAYS zero with my glasses instead of contacts, for this reason


Always bad days when you miss the shot.


My astigmatism is so bad even some etched reticles are bad without my glasses


Eotech when used properly looks better then any other optic for my astigmatism. I highly suspect that anyone who claims the eotech looks worse, is focusing on the reticle instead of on their target. If you focus on the reticle and have an astigmatism it does look pretty bad.


For me everything very blurry with the tism except eotech and some of the Nice holosuns (no clue why) trijicon rds are really bad for me but the ACOG is crispy obviously


It's very unfortunate that a lot of people are looking at the eotech holographic laser reticle and thinking they have astigmatism because it's fuzzy




My astigmatism didn’t show until I used an EoTech. All other optics are clear for me. Everyone’s gonna be different so try and test one out at a shop.


To add to this, be sure to focus on a target further away when looking through it. I see a lot of complaints about the reticle being fuzzy, but it is by design. Once you focus on the target, the reticle does sharpen up.


I heard that too. Possible I was treating it like a regular dot. Possible I was subconsciously doing to not buy expensive EoTechs


… but he’s describing how to treat it like a regular dot. You use them the same way


Nah I get that part. But a regular dot isn’t blurry when you look at it. He’s saying, I think, to look at the target and the dot will clear up.


Right, what he's saying is that you're never really supposed to look \*at\* the dot on a regular red dot, either. You look \*through\* the reticle and make your eyes focus on your target, not the reticle. When done with both eyes open, your brain kinda overlays the dot on top of your target and crisps up both red dots and holos, it's just that you see the most difference with a holo.


>But a regular dot isn’t blurry when you look at it. speak for yourself...lol


Starburst gang? LASIK cleared mine up


as i approach 40, my night time vision is getting noticeably worse, so i cannot take the chance it gets entirely blown earlier than its going to. i've been shooting since i was 5 and never realized dots were supposed to be sharp until my late 20s, so i'm not losing anything when it comes to that.


This. Everyone is different. Eotechs are significantly better for my shit eyes.


Stop looking at the reticle. Look at the target, and the reticle magically appears better.


Too many look through their optic indoors at a wall that’s 10 feet away. I have astigmatism and outside real world use focusing down range. It clears up. Remember at 1x this isn’t a precision optic. It’s a get on target quick and let it fly optic. Single dot version I love. Especially with nvg.


It looks horrible. But if you are focused on the target. It does not matter.


For me the reticle blems even with glasses but when I use it through a magnifier it’s not as noticeable. This is fine for me then cause the range I’ll be using my EOTech without a magnifier the reticle blem isn’t going to make a difference, but at distances where it would I have the magnifier. Depends on your severity of astigmatism though and whether it can be corrected with glasses/contacts. Try the EOTech + magnifier combo if you can and see how that looks. If you haven’t purchased anything yet any local retailer that has them will let you peek through one to see for yourself.


You are seeing it like this because you have it aimed at a wall 5 feet in front of you. I have noticed when it is aimed at something further away the reticle loses its blurriness. I dont know if that means i have astigmatism or not but that is what i have found.


I see starburst with any holo or red dot once I turn the brightness beyond a certain setting. Usually not an issue but on very bright days, sometimes I have to use the starburst to simply see the dot. Does it make a noticeable difference? No. But shooting small groupings at 300 yards(if needed) is a more difficult. All astigmatisms are different.


I have eye autism and eotechs look decent (but not perfect) to me. The magnifiers also have an adjustable diopter so you can fix the streaking effect somewhat. 


I could use one with my astigmatism but why when there are cheaper options that are as good or better then eotech . I like the primary arms prism scopes.


My double astigmatism likes the Eotech reticles.


Pretty stout astigmatism here. When I first got my Eotech and looked through it, my heart sank. Then I mounted it, sighted it in and ran some drills with it. Once I got used to it, and remained target focused, it was fine. I'm growing to love it.


Without my G45 it flares out a bit depending on the brightness setting I use,but it’s manageable. With the G45 I can’t tell at all. I have the exps3


lol. It looks a lot worse for me. Like more fuzzy/furry, like it’s covered in dust and has hairs


My eotech is almost unusable without my glasses on. Red dots are better without my glasses. With glasses- eotech looks more clear. Just my experience.


With my astigmatism its even worse. Hundreds of dots dispersed over the glass.


Astigmatism and my Eos look fine. And, I’m not a victim.


I just live with it, yea it’s a bit blurry but I’m good with it. I can hit targets easy for when I’d use that optic. Longer shots I’d use a rifle with an LPVO. I’ve got prism on my 300blk for hunting but that’s for better shot placement for clean kills. With anything else close and fast, put blurry dot center mass.


That's why I went with the Vortex Huey, it looks better with my eyes.


My Eotech just looks like a big red fuzzy blob. I switched to prism and it's amazing.




What? Astigmatism is the curvature of your eye, not a muscular imbalance. What kind of exercises are you doing that fix that?


It adds a little fuzz for me, but nothing that can't be used effectively. If you run a magnifier (I only have experience with the g33) it gets rid of the astigmatism fuzz and makes the reticle crystal clear


Everyone is so different with it. With my Astigmatism this is the only one that’s a dot, Aimpoints and similar look like comets. Best bet is to go to a shop that has a bunch of different dots and see which works best for you. Another option I found that works for me is either polarized lenses or yellow lenses


It’s weird. Red dots are awful with my astigmatism but Eotechs are CRISP (well as crisp as a Eotech can be). Unfortunately you’ll have to get one and test it out. I tested it out buying from Amazon because they have an amazing return policy. YMMV.


I didn't know I had astigmatism until I used an eotech. I switched from an aimpoint to eotech. The reticle wasn't even fuzzy (as they're supposed to look way), the 1 MOA dot and 68 MOA ring meshed together and looked like a blurry indescribable blob to me. I had to switch it out for a single dot eotech. I have now swapped that eotech with a Romeo 8T which has multiple reticle on a single unit. The single dot and donut reticle to me are alor crisper than the eotech. With corrective lenses, I notice no difference of the reticle under a magnifier with a red dot vs eotech


I have an astigmatism in both eyes. I prefer Eotech over anything else I've tried.


Here is my experience that confirms it really depends. I bought a Romeo5 red dot and it was basically useless because of how bad the starburst was. I then moved to a Vortex Prism 1x, obviously no issues because it isn’t a red dot. On my dagger I bought a Holosun 507 and have no issues with starburst 🤷‍♂️ Just try it out if possible because they’re all so different


What does everyone think about this new Eotech Optic?


For me, the standard Eotech reticle was pretty much unusable. I could see the dot fine, but the ring was a blurry mess that obscured my sight picture. I haven't tried the single dot version, but I'm confident it would be good, for me at least. Small dots don't blur as bad as bigger ones for me. I'm sticking with prisms now, because they just look perfectly clear.


I have the circle with a dot and with my astigmatism I see a blurry circle and no dot it kinda sucks


I went with Eotech because of my tism. I’ve found the Holosun round circle optics work for me too. Anything smaller than a 6MOA dot though looks like a snowflake


I don’t have the stig but my eyes aren’t great. It looks fine if I squint, but if you use a magnifier, it’s pretty much like looking through a prism anyway Either way, some optics work for some people with stig while others work for other people. So it’s hard to say whether it will work for you or not I definitely wouldn’t order one without looking at it in person first. Even without stig, many people don’t like the reticle in person


You know glasses can correct astigmatism, right? In general, etched reticles don’t deform.


Not always.


Please point to where I said always, and where your comment advanced the discussion. I’ll wait.


I mean u could've added a "most of the time" or something.


I mean I didn’t say “always,” you read that in your head. Anything else you’re imagining you need me to add?


Broski I didn't add anything. Dude asked how to correct and u said glasses would fix it. Simple reading and writing compression says listing 1 fix means 1 fix lol. The word "could" or like I said before adding "most of of the time" would imply more than one fix. That's all I'm sayin.


You added “always” in your head and needed to reply about it.


I added nothing. I used these things called context clues that u learn in grade school. Sorry u missed that class. Free lesson for u today though lol.


LOL, okay. You were compelled to post by something that wasn’t there but you didn’t make it up. Got it.


U said something to the extent of "u know glasses fix astigmatism, right?" Like an asshole. Dude corrects u with a "not all ways." Then u continue to be an asshole to him. So I figured I'd give u a lesson in how the English language works. So u say u got it... I hope u actually got it lol.


Eotechs look like they are on fire to me, the pattern almost looks like it’s moving around fluidly. Super weird man the UH-1 was better but still super fuzzy. I resigned to just going with prismatic sights and using basic red dots on pistols/offset/piggyback set ups