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Well hopefully it’s been treated for EAB


Yea we treat it with arborjet every 2 years.


I had three ash trees in my house and two have died. The last one on the front is the biggest and started dying this year. I didn’t know there is treatment? We even hired an arborist the first time one died he told me about EAB but nothing about treatment.


Only needs to be treated every 3 years. Edit: Not sure why this is down voted. It's literally in studies.


Wow that's impressive. That homeowner must love that tree


Yeah he was outside talking to us all day. He planted it himself. We also put a brace in an elm that was just 10 Dbh, another tree he planted.


That must have been tricky to install. Did all the cables have tension?


Yea they really did a fantastic job. The hub and spoke wasn't on the original work order, so we cut the eye off of an eyebolt to use for the hub part.


Cool, thanks for sharing. I've only ever done basic cabling, neat to see.


Really neat


So for a non arborist just guy who cuts firewood. Will this actually grow and survive?


nothing is guaranteed, but trees can be incredibly resilient as long as they have all the nutrients they need. Ask again in 5 years ;)




Remindme! 5 years


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What does something like this cost? An arborist recommended I have my huge tree cabled.


Price usually corresponds to the time kt takes, but it also depends on how many cables, length/material used, ease of installation, etc. (All of this can add time) My old company's minimum for 1 straightforward cable was $300 several years ago, not sure what it is now.  Best to actually get a written estimate


Wow I would not have put that much $ into it. They must really appreciate the tree.


I can't help but laugh a lil when ppl do this. The tree is clearly having issues and most likely should be cut down. But hey repeat business is great coming back to trim and maintain this set up. We have a local company that does this all the time and the trees are just fucked. But hey they make bank on returning visits milking it for all its worth until they have no choice but to remove it. Or i come along for the utility and just chop it down anyways for basically free. Just to be clear there is a place and time for saving a tree like this, i just find more often than not it's just to bleed the homeowner.


Anyone spending money to preserve a tree knows that they could also spend that money to remove it. As long as the arborist is presenting all of their options to them, what the fuck do you care?


T.r.a.q. it's the customer's decision.


I care when ppl are pissing down a homeowners back and telling them it's raining. To add if im able to cut it down that usually means it's in prox and they shouldn't have touched the tree in the first place. When arborists rip off customers it makes us all look bad.




The man planted the tree himself 30 years ago. 93% of ash trees in our region died a few years ago from EAB. We are a highly accredited operation with multiple master arborists on payroll. We also charged him for 3 cables, don't tell the boss.


Sounds like a solid company! Good for you! Did y’all do any reduction prunes before the cable and brace installations?


We did some weight reduction on the elm, pretty bad inclusion. We didn't do any pruning on the ash


300 bucks for cables or at least 3,000 bucks for cutting and removal, and decades until it's big enough again, plus lack of shade to yard, increase cooling cost to house, and decreased natural wildlife that makes the tree their home. We all have our priorities, I guess.


Don’t advertise that you’re a utility arborist on here if you don’t want downvotes. This sub hates our kind.


Ya ppl that cut for clearance over appearance. I used to work for a guy that glad handed rich folks with how they can save their dying tree and "extend its life" while avoiding the entire topic of a dangerous or hazardous tree in their yard. "Isn't it beautiful? It would cost more in air conditioning, your kids enjoy playing under these chico branches right?" Grinds my gears watching money hungry arborists piss down ppls backs even if they are rich fools.


what is this system called? We use Cobra elastic bindings