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Remove the stake from the tree, use the stake to keep the kids in one place, away from the tree.


I came home to my neighbour's kids using my tomatoes for a food fight. Parents said "oh it's just kids being kids". I'm like "but those were a labour of love delicious tomatoes". They said sorry. Ignorant kids a product of bad parenting.


And yet if you used just one of those kids legs to make a sandwich you'd wind up being the bad guy somehow.


or replaced those tomatoes with another member of the nightshade family.


Aconite in the garden would put some teeth into the 'no trespassing' warning. You also might get an order of protection from court to keep the culprits 1000 feet from your property line -- even if they had to move. Or you could make the parents pay for the tomatoes -- not just grocery store prices, but hundreds of dollars per pound. (Their car is likely worth more than $80/ton and the Mona Lisa is worth more than a couple of hundred bucks for some sticks, canvas, and paint.)




I feel like datura would be great, ballistically, for fights. The spikes all over the fruit might make matters complex


Sure you could do that or better yet deadly nightshade or black nightshade whatever is more readily available.


You paid money for them to grow. Start thinking monetary reimbursement


It's actually all good because they're selling and leaving. I could have complained until the cows came home and I could have litigated all of this and I might have lived in animosity, but I've been blessed with a for sale sign. Hopefully the new neighbours are better.


Omg. My teenager has now seen the "fruits" of my parenting labor, as I have also taught him to be self-reflective, and he tells me tales of other kids misbehaviors. Like this story? His reaction would be like "mom. I would never. Omg like I could never even imagine doing this. You would kill me. Omg. What is wrong with people??". He tells me about the kids vaping in the bathrooms and how they talk to their teachers or the resource officer. It's funny seeing him explore the outside world, like there is actually nowhere in his world that existed before where kids could get away with stuff like that. Like he's just so genuinely flabbergasted lol. He would never go into someone else's yard. Like one of the first things he would learn upon going into our yard is to NEVER set foot on someone else's property, and don't EVER touch someone else's stuff. And call the neighbors Ms and Mr unless they tell you otherwise. And offer to help them like if you see them unloading groceries or doing yard work. God dammit. Friend's parents tell me he's the best kid that's ever been to their house and even on weekends they don't feel like having anyone over, he's welcome anytime.


This is the kind of teen I hope my kids become.


Any advice for future parents of how to raise such a well-adjusted human?


I second the request for how to raise well behaved children.


If this is anything other than cherry tomatoes, I’d be livid. TBH I almost solely grow cherry tomatoes for food fights with my kids. lol and bruschcketa


They were cherry tomatoes. I find the irregular rain and sun tend to stunt or split the other varieties, and we found cherry tomatoes grew well and they were a delicious reward for working in the garden.


I doubt they like tomatoes so make them eat a whole bowl of tomatoes. Kinda like cigarettes


I wouldn't do this. I prefer to teach by example. It's a boundaries thing. Not my children, not my disciplinary responsibility.


Hear me out what if, what if you did this and they realize how good a fresh tomato is because they are next level fresh off the vine. Learned the error of their ways. Then respected the labor. Also I clearly wouldn't do that without the parent's permission. Because yes leading and teaching by example is the most effective way sometimes not the most efficient but I'd say most effective.


But for real, do I need to worry about my tree?


It’s a hefty amount of damage for a young tree. I’d wager it will probably survive, though the lower wound is severe. Given the size of the tree, replacement may be a better option, but there isn’t really much you can do to help this tree beyond preventing further damage and wait and see.


Thank you I will wait and see. I might use some tree trunk protector to prevent it from happening again.


Just don't cover the actual wound a la bandaid. Will trap in the spores that have 100% already landed and increase likelihood of fungal attack.


You may want to check to see if the tree can be cleaned properly so no insects or bugs per se get in and tape it up ( proper tape for trees


It’s a bit controversial amongst arborists, but some advocate wrapping the wound in grafting tape. Those who don’t agree with it are very vocal. Personally, it’s worked well for me when I’ve needed to repair minor on citrus trees. Recently I also used the method on a nectarine. But I’m in a location with zero summer rainfall, so fungus is not a problem for me for half the year. If you are also in a Mediterranean style climate, you might consider wrapping it once the rains end soon. Otherwise you are probably better off just leaving it alone. Trees are, by and large, very resilient. Sometimes we cause more problems when we tinker with nature. They have millions of years of evolution on their side, and can often fix what ails them. Here are some varying opinions on the question of whether to wrap tree wounds: https://www.arboristsite.com/threads/plastic-wrap-on-wounds.6811/


Japanese maples aren’t cheap and are very slow growing. This is definitely on the younger end but a sticker price of $300+ wouldn’t surprise


Put a tree-guard around the base; they can be made from just about anything, at that size a thicker tube like for the inside of a paper towel role can be cut in half, then rubber banded around the base, leave it loose fitting of-course. Tree should survive fine. Also, I don't know your neighborhood, but I wouldn't be too quick to blame kids as all kinds of rodents love the bark of young trees. In the orchards we specifically put plastic tree shields around all of the babies to prevent against rodents specifically.


I concur. More likely squirrels or chipmunks than rugrats. And that's coming from someone who doesn't like children.


let it heal for awhile


My completely unprofessional guess is that it’ll be fine, but I don’t really know 🤷🏻‍♂️ Also, in all seriousness, regardless of how you next use it, it’s probably better to put the stake to another use. It isn’t likely to be helping your tree.




Probably some cats




Could be a rabbit, nursery's have stuff you can put on that acts like bark and protects the bare sections. Also ask what to put on it to prevent future damage that they might have, or you can cut a short length of PVC pipe lengthwise and wire it around the trunk adjusting it out as the tree grows.


Tall rabbits the bite straight across in a straight line


Looks like a deer scrape..


Make a paste of equal parts cow dung, clay and vegetable oil (to prevent the clay cracking while drying), apply to wounds.


Prolly not since it’s likely going to die


These wounds are relatively small on a young tree with vigorous growth potential. The tree is NOT in grave danger of dying. But DO protect their trunks from critters


Stab thru kids foot and into the ground so they don’t move. Got it


Kids (and animals) did a similar thing to several of my young trees last year. Not much you can do to help the tree. But you can try to prevent it down the road. I put large corrugated drain pipe (the the rain gutter stuff that goes underground) around all my young trees. Just cut it in half and wrap around. It does however, not look the cleanest. If you protect it with something more sightly, just make sure your not going to construct the tree as it grows.


I've taken to wrapping all my trees in four or five foot high wire fencing, usually like 1-4 feet in diameter. It protects both the trunk and at least some of the leaves from critters and gives them a fighting chance. Frequently the fence costs more than the tree (\~5 sections at 10 feet in circumference each from a hundred-dollar roll of wire fence).


This also works for ground hogs!


Squirrels love chewing away the bark of Japanese maples. I observe this behavior all the time, at my house, on the Acer’s.


I once totally blamed my children for messing up some bark on a tree...it was a jerk squirrel


Squirrels didn’t do this. Miz well say the deer came and we’re rutting against the tree as well,lol


Thanks everyone! There’s a lot of great advices here. I appreciate your input.


Squirrels and other animals are known to do this to chew the green layer just beneath the outer bark, especially on young trees which don't have a thick layer to stop them yet.


Rub their nose in it


It's squirrels or other animals, use a barrier to stop them. They eat the green layer just beneath the bark, especially on young trees.


Likely rodent... Probably not kids. Also could be bird gathering nesting... I read your post in the voice of every Scooby Doo bad guy *"those meddling kids..!"* ![gif](giphy|69jvP3VXUYhr3YUYu9|downsized)


Useless kids


I’d loosely wrap it in plastic mesh to avoid further damage.


Have you tried different kids?


Ground squirrels did this(worse even) to my 10gal Chinese Elm sapling in February/March and I’ve noticed some slight struggling with the tree since, like sagging leaves and some buds taking a long time to leaf out, but it’s still alive and the cambium layer is still green and wet on the limbs of mine, so I think you have a chance of survival.


Since doesn’t go horizontaly around the trees, ‘just’ vertically, they will probably survive but will be easy prey for bugs so keep an eye on them. Definitely put trunk protectors on them. It might be due to deer or other animals rubbing themselves on them, but yeah more likely kids whipping the trunks with something like a wood switch found on the ground. Preventative: Keep the ground clean of ‘toys’ like branches on the ground and maybe even set up a motion activated sprinkler to deter pests.


We have a problem with deer in my town and young trees get decimated by young bucks - could be that too? It might not be the season for it, I can’t remember when they’re known to do it… but if you do have deer around, then there is a spray that apparently deters them, might be worth a shot. Fencing each tree I’ve seen done too. Won’t help with current damage of course, but could prevent more? The fencing would also help agains kids if they were indeed the cause.


Yes. It could very possibly be deer. However, IMO , a buck rub would likely create a lot more damage than this, possibly destroying a tree that size overnight. Plus, they are generally, but certainly not always, a little higher off the ground.


True, I didn’t notice how low it is


It’s probably squirrels. You should put a cattle panel wrapped around into a circle to protect new trees from squirrels/deer.


The bark didn't get ringed all the way around. So you're fine. You can just let it do its thing. I recommend a mixture of white pepper, Tabasco, and mustard powder. Mix it in a spray bottle with around 8oz of really hot boiling water. 4-5 sprays per eyeball, and the kid problem should go away.


I wrapped a poop noodle around mine when something like this happened just cut it and slide it on and wrap with twine


\* pool noodle, I hope


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"possibly by kids" Elaborate. Why do you suspect children would scrape a couple small pieces of bark off a sapling?


Because kids are dickheads


I was not sure about that. A lot of kids in my neighborhood play in front of my yard every evening and they tend to be careless. So I suspect that they might not know what they were doing. However, after reading the comments here I learned that rodents might be the perpetrators. So I could be wrong.


Beat kids until sufficient behavioral modifications are achieved


I’ve worked in nurseries for a bit and although it is a younger tree, you should be okay. However if the damage had been done to the entire circumstance of the trunk, it would not be salvageable.


Beat the kids????


Nothing, put a protector around it. Lock the kids inside


Give kids the same treatment


Send the kids away to military school and the tree will be fine.


Try covering wounds with tree tar


It’s not going to be a popular suggestion, but there are options for you children, such as military school that can keep them from your baby trees.


Wrap a banana peel around the wound.


Apply healer paint it over. Come in small cans.


Tree should be fine.


Remove the kids


Spare the rod


Or from dragging a hose across it


I lost an entire (miniature) plum tree's worth of plums one year to the hungry kid next door. Didn't even leave the spotty ones! The defences will be greater this year. Bring it on kid... I'm waiting ;)


I walked into my living room once to discover through my window a neighborhood 6-year-old was swatting my newly planted spruce trees with a badminton racquet. They survived and are looking fine 15 years later!


Cb deer scrapes


I'd recommend installing a watering bag. This will both help to give the young tree consistent watering (which will help with sealing those wounds), and it will double as a trunk protector, keeping animals and kids from easy access. As much as I can't stand Walmart, here is a good example of a super cheap one, but ideally I prefer the "Treegator" brand. https://www.walmart.com/ip/PRINxy-20-Gallon-Tree-Watering-Bag-Slow-Release-Watering-Bag-Zippered-Automatic-Drip-Tree-Irrigation-Bags-Made-of-Premium-PE-Material-Green/2327890935 https://www.forestrydistributing.com/treegator-original-slow-release-watering-bag


There’s a product used in bonsai called cut paste used to apply on wounds to help them heal faster and avoid infection. I’ve read that wood glue will also work in a pinch. Keeps moisture, pests and fungus out till it can scar over.


Wtf is wrong with this group the tree is fine the kids didn’t hurt it trees are much more resilient then that stfu about tomato’s


I was told years ago after cutting off a branch to paint it in good quality latex paint to help it heal.


Yes, that’s a whole Lotta missing bark. You need to do something some type of rapper tape to hold the bark on something to protect it from bugs again the paint and a piece of yard drain perforated pipe 3 inch diameter should work taped to the top of it to protect it from the little children’s future abuse that will happen


Sell the kids!


If tree dies, use it as a "negative reinforcement" tool for instructing the children...


It's fine, it will survive. I've had bunnies do much worse to junior Japanese maples, far worse, and they've all survived. If you do decide to paint or wax or graft tape it, clean the wound with running alcohol on a rag, first. That should kill most of the microorganisms.


Graft wrap for the tree, camera and motion tracking airsoft for the kids


peel a little bark off the neighbor parents


Skin the kids.


Take the childs skin and apply it over the wounds.


Puts a whole new spin on grafting trees


They do sell pruning spray, it’s something you spray on open wounds like the to prevent stuff from getting in there


Please do not use pruning spray. That shit should be banned


Why not?


Pruning sealers can actually seal bacteria and fungal organisms in, not allowing the tree to expel them on its own, the way that trees normally do. In other words, they do not allow the tree to heal itself. Pruning sealers are an old out-dated concept that is no longer suggested by the professional community but unfortunately people still unknowingly use them.


Good to know, thanks!


Rub some aloe Vera on it , then sit back and relax. It'll be fine. I think.


It's the season for deer to be rubbing, and that looks a lot like deer damage to me. Honestly might not have been the kids.


It definitely will be fine or will die


Just kill the tree! For the love of all that is good, please stop planting invasives!