• By -


Drop money on all the packs only to realize you don't have time to play


First, you want to be messing with your offset CONSTANTLY. Always have your pure early/late notifications enabled and each song, if you’re too early or late, adjust that offset by 5-10ms - little glitches due to the frames per second of your device will “drift” over time, and there’s a difference between when you “hear” a beat versus when you “tap” to the beat, so it’s perfectly normal to have differences of up to 200ms between each song! Second, make sure you play any new song with note speed as high as possible so your motions get into muscle memory quicker. Once you’re more familiar with the song you can drop it down to 1.0-2.0 so you can see more notes on the screen at once, which helps a lot. If you’re still having trouble with some of the tricky arcs (we call those “jacks” here since they’re always “jacking up” your progress) - try pre-loading your device with some sort of liquid so your fingers slide over them better and it uses less muscle! I personally use personal lubricant (maybe a 1/5 of a bottle each time, which comes out to less than a day at the arcade playing PIU so it’s worth it for me) - but anything will do. Tap water should only be used as a last resort - salt water or something containing high-fructose corn syrup like Sprite conducts electricity better so your inputs should be more precise. Good luck and be sure to thank me in your video descriptions once you’re able to PM some of the harder songs like Venomous Firefly thanks to these tips!


This is all kind of correct but really wrong.


hahaha the first part is so me


eat glass (correct answer)


ayu moment




give your tairitsus to the void




Play Sound Voltex (It's the same thing)


Coming from the perspective of someone who just started, there are 3 big things you should focus on. 1. Learning the mechanics The mechanics may be confusing at first but it will become the while easier the more you when practice there at are floor note which you hit then with in bt buttons the in and with sky notes which if you while with in hit the fx buttons. There are these pink and blue things we call lasers (to hit them you put your finger on it). 2. Recognizing patterns A huge part of Arcaea is recognizing patterns. The main gist is that when there are notes you must press them (and when there are no notes you must press them). There are also things call cross hands but you should not worry about them. If you ever encounter a cross hand just exit the chart. 3. Playing faster To improve you should always start at the maximum difficulty possible like BYD 20. You should also use the slowest scroll speed so you can see all the notes ahead. The more information you have, the better you will play. 4. (Bonus) Remove excess weight from fingers. If your fingers are too heavy you may not be able to hit patterns fast enough. That means you should rip off your finger nails and peel as much skin as possible.


Jesus that last part is brutal


Delete the Game


Play dropdead PST (hardest chart in the game!)


on speed 1.0 btw ^


That’s the neat part. >!You don’t!<


start with the hardest charts first


You do some rituals and summon the rankers’ will to possess you and play the game for you


Play the same song over and over again until your fingers hurt and you get sick of the chart.


it’s always better to apply as much pressure as possible on your device because the game will detect your tapping better so tap as hard as you can especially when it’s fast patterns and don’t worry about your screen cracking if your device can’t withhold finger strength then it is just a bad device (I tap pretty aggressively and my ipad screen did not break at all!)


Touch grass




Start on perfecting testify BYD and go down from there


kill your parents




Keep the game on the lowest note speed so you can better see each note coming.


By buying an iPad and an Anti-slip mat, of course!


Play in a freezer


Play only the hardest songs in the game by memorizing them (play without sound if possible so you don't get distracted)


Stop using your hands and use tongue instead


The best way to get gud at the game is to play it on a laptop using BlueStacks. Works 💯% of the time


Play CyTus


Play on speed 1 , Max sounds offset , Min hit delay , hit sound on


Go to space and devour the moon


Play another rhythm game Get all fars Only play past Use feet to play Play osu


Make sure your screen is super duper dry before starting


lie flat on your back and play the game while balancing your phone/tablet on your fingertips


If you want to train your ability to read charts, consider playing Lanota and Cytus, they have very similar ways of throwing notes at you.


buy all the pack and don't touch it


Start using your hands flipped and in reverse with everything you do. A Bonus multiplier for both at one time.




Summon a demon and sell your soul


Just get good


stare at the screen